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Extensive Reading Assignment

Nama : Erpin Hariandis

NIM : 221134011

Kelas : 1A – TPJJ

No. Notes What you do and write on your journal

1. Planing • Want to read Stranger On A Train (Chapter 1-11)
• Want to analyze the story
• Make summary of the story
2. Title Stranger On A Train (Chapter 1-11)
Total of words 7.000 words

3. What you know about the • He meet strangers on the train

title of the text
4. What question do you have • What changes happened after he met strangers?
in your mind ? • What is the conflict?

What prediction do you • Something happened after meeting a strangers.

have ?
5. Read -
6. What do you get from the • My question is answered
7. Revise • Something happened to the Guy Haines after meeting
strangers on the train. The conflict is more complicated
because of unwanted killings.
8. Reference
9. Write the summary of the Guy Haines is having a lot of problems in his life. His wife is
book pregnant but not his child. he wanted to divorce his wife, but she
didn't want to because of money problems. He is very precious to
his wife. Because of that, he has a girlfriend.
One day he met Charley Bruno on the train. He told his problem to
Charley Bruno. Charley Bruno tells about his life, he really doesn't
like his father. Bruno had an evil idea. What if Bruno kills Guy's
Wife and Guy kills Bruno's father
Guy rejects the idea and leaves Bruno. But Bruno would still kill
Guy's wife. Finally Bruno Kills Guy's Wife. Bruno ends up
charging Guy about killing his father. Guy won't commit murder.
But Bruno threatens Guy if he doesn't kill his father then he will
report to the police that Bruno killed Guy's Wife on Guy's orders.
Guy is terrorized every day until finally Guy is forced to accept
Bruno's orders to kill his father.
One night Guy ends up killing Bruno's father. At that time Guy's
life don't calm down. Bruno's father's murder case is being
10. Write the number of words 7.000 words
of the book

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