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In this final unit of the course, consider all of the topics you have learned about.

concepts and practices do you think are the most important for your future career and why?
How has this course helped you prepare for the future?

Two of the most fundamental concepts and fields of study in the biological sciences are anatomy
and physiology. Physiology is the study of how those structures work, whereas anatomy deals with
the interior and external structures of the body and their physical interactions (Blanchard, 2005).
Human anatomy and physiology provide us with a foundational understanding of our bodies and
assist us to understand the basic principles underlying how our bodies work. I’ve learned plenty in
the last 8 weeks on this course, from fluids and transport to energy and environmental exchange to
human development and continuity of life, all these topics cover several sub-topics that have helped
me get in-depth information and knowledge on anatomy and physiology of the human body. I
personally, gained knowledge of the body's systems, organs, muscles, bones, tissue types, nerves,
immune system, and cells. Although anatomy and physiology focus on different facets of human
biology, when taken together, they provide a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of
the human body and how it functions. The topic of physiology and anatomy is very important for my
career, I have been a personal trainer for over 5 years, and I deal with human body-related matters,
gaining more knowledge about the human body functions on a deeper level will only help me help
more individuals with their health and fitness goals.

My goal in studies is to eventually become a physical therapist, hence why I started to study health
sciences and chose to study physiology and anatomy because it will help me get a better
understanding of assessments, and diagnosis and eventually help me create a better treatment to
assist with musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal conditions are related to human anatomy,
but I believe having knowledge of physiology will allow me to understand the conditions of
individuals from a deeper perspective like their environmental factors, habits and diets, not limited
to how the body works and moves from the outside. This is important because I believe that if
someone is looking to live a healthy life, they need to understand that external and internal changes
are required in order to achieve the goal of healthy life.

To be able to help an individual with their health-related queries, I need to have knowledge on the
subject in the first place to be able to assist them and I believe this subject has helped me get a step
closer to acquiring knowledge on relevant subjects related to my ultimate educational goal. Having
learning material to go through week in week out has made it easier to understand the subject and
showcase the knowledge on my weekly assignments. I will be starting a blog related to health and
fitness in the near future because exercise and everything related to it, is my passion and I would like
to help people understand their bodies through all the knowledge I acquired and continue to acquire
from different sources. The instructor has been extremely helpful with their feedback, even though I
don’t know how to reply to the feedback provided on learning journals, I do take it in and learn from
it so I would like to thank Sidra Shafique for all the help she provided me with throughout the past 8

Blanchard. (2005). Anatomy and Physiology. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (Second Edition).
Retrieved from:

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