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To the Point CURRENT AFFAIRS for CSS, PMS & Other Competitive Exams Waseem Riaz Khan (PSP) yi wo aa AHA A WwAaay JAHANGIR'S Revised & Updated EDITION ated ue i iss CONTENTS 9ebe 00 FD Ooogaog PAKISTAN’S DOMESTIC AFFAIRS ae So cok COP26, Key Points and Why Pakistan Should Follow it Corruption... onal pati Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Pakistan and Mitigation Measures . China-Pakistan Economic Corridor 7%. x Crisis of Education in Pakistan ......- Democracy and Political Instability in Pakistan..... Economic Survey of Pakistan FY2020-21.. Economic Profile of Pakistan.. Foreign Policy of Pakistan and Present Challenges... Geo-strategic Significance of Pakistan . Global Warming and its Impacts on Water Resource of Pakistan ... ~ Solutions to the Troubled Industrial Sector of Pakistan. ououocgcocmUcnUmUOCUcUOCcUOOC oO ooo ao g Modem Challenges to the National Security of Pakistan... Moder Socio-econamic Challenges to Pakistan. Modem Wars of Pakistan...... National Cyber Security Policy of Pakistan 2021 nw National Development in Pakistan Lies in Gender Equal ity’. Naticnal Digital Policy of Pakistan ... New Political Map of Pakistan and What does it Indicate?....... Iortel. Promoting Tourism in Pakistan... Over-population .. Reforming Institutions in Pakistan... Religious Intolerance in Pakistan. Single National Curriculum (SNC) #. Solutions to the Troubled Agricultural Sector of Pakistan Water Crisis in Pakistan. uae wih Ne hb 4 PAKISTAN’S EXTERNAL AFFAIRS “ hg Palet FATE eooood Changing Regional Dynamics and Pakistan's Response To It Afghanistan: Rise of Taliban and Implications for Pakistan Future of Kashmir Cause and Options Left for Pakistan . sigan etary tO India, Pakistan: An ‘Antagonistic’ Relationship .. sete. a s Indie-US Relations in the age of Modi and Biden ..... Pak-Alghan Relations........ China-Pakistan Relations, GcGeonccacoonso o bbBoewooooooo Ge & Feminism., + Global Challenges in 2022: Changing Global Dynamics, Pak-lran Rel, lations... 2B, the OIC: site and Strengthening Pokistan and the Ora isation of Islamic Cooperation: Relations WD 2 Russia, China & Pakistan: An Emerging New Axis 2s Pakistan and Shanghai Coope; Fation Organisation... Pakistan-Turkey Retay PB Pakistan at the United Nations Pakistan-US Relationship under President Biden South Asian As, sociation for Regional Cooperation (SARAE (UN ECO OK, WTo, Gec) GLOBAL ISSUES ss A New Cold War? Causes and Future of the &, “merging US-China Rivalry... CAEHOM ao, Pmebl Political Econ St Global Gateway and Open Skies Treaty x caren At BSW vs, BRI QU an rho Pap ae hs eg Burning Issues: China Taiwan Conflict and Russia-Ukraine Arabrlsrael Deals: Implications & Re. AUKUS Pa; MMS, a5 258 Tensi Emerging China-Iran Ties and Implications for' Pakistin ana dk Emerging South China Sea Dispute... 2 2 Future Lies in Maxiewatn Appliation of Attica Intelligence... Global Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic...... Global Power Dynamies and Pakistan's Foreign Policy Globalization ... “ Cl Growing Threat of Global Warming ©. Kft dDoba ooooao Oo Information Technology ss Intemational Security Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations and Middle Bast Kashmir Conflict... Conflicts in Middle E: Nev Fronts in Strategic Competition in the Indian Oce: Belt and Road Initi: Nuclear South Asi Palestine Issue ... Post-pandemic World Order, Regional Consequences of Taliban Takeover .. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Challenges in Achieving Them... Ocean Region. Syria: From Uprising to Civil War... United Nations on Global Issues ,, Terrorism § Coumkr tervevism Global Prugy politics */ cis Madlear prefi bration f Meclear Security Prt Tide “(Doha devel pmert kound § Boule’ Dacinyt) Coo peragin fé carga tn Arabian Sea, Gnade Ts lamophobia € pacefie cea Tranion Nuclear issue *COP26, KEY POINTS AND HY PAKISTAN SHOULD FOLLOW IT INTRODUCTION ‘ more commonly seein cont held at the SEC Centre in 1015 November 2021. The president of the a ' For nearly thirty years, the United Nations annual climate change conference has brought together government representatives, leaders and citizens to try to mitigate climate change. This hhas been described as (thiwiworld’s 1. COP26 HAs FOUR REVITREMES *, Sot AEE on beep To _ accomplish this, countries will need to phase out coal, curtail deforestration, ich to electric vehicles and encourage investments in renewables, This can only be achieved by decisive immediate action. Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats by protecting and restoring ecosystems, Mobilize finance. Developed nations must follow up on their promise to mobilise US$100billion per year. Work together to deliver — by finalizing the Paris rulebook and accelerating action between governments, business and civil society. This has been quite tricky, especially regarding, onille 6, which aims to incentivize international cooperation and allow for flexibility in meeting country-level climate goals through a potential emissions trading system, which can hopefully lead to a ‘global, coherant price system for carbon emissions. To limit em would hope for price increases, but we currently only have a few markets and (ax systems, and no coherent system ~a global system is key 2, COP26 WILL BALANCE PUBLIGAND PRIVATE COP26 is organized into WWOWONeS: the flier BKIE ZEKE and | The inner Blue Zone is beyond the security cordon and ministers, accredited fovernment officials, plus other ecially accredited individuals and Organizations get inte this area The main ‘he intomational negotiations ove climate 14 intries, organizations and busing. Within the Blue Zone, there a re countri showcase what they are doing to combat climate change. There'll Bute coe 7“ i ui fringe events that takes place within the Blue Zoos 1S ee sale ict y Y ted, with only one in three ie places have been hotly contes ed, ly re cpganeatind ACSC y Beyond the Blue Zone is the Green Zone. This is W niza have their own pavilion, exhibition, or event, [0 show what they're doing about clir,), the official COP programme, and will be open for the public i th, ict lots of attention from those who can’t get into t) re pavilions whe will change. None of this is in have ordered a ticket. This zone will attra Blue Zone, particularly from the media. ; IT WILL BEA GRUCIAUMOMENT IN LIGHT OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT) jeaders met in Paris and made history. The Paris Aj it Was adoptes by Pd Re 12, 2015 and camesinto force’ on November 4, 2016: The Pan, ‘Agreement, for the first time, binded all nations into a cammonicause to combat global warmin, ‘and mitigateiclimate change while also, unfortunately, having to adapt to it. Within the agreement there is a goallkeilimit global warming to wellibelow 2 degrees - preferably 1.5-degrees = ‘Celsiusycompared to pre-industrial levels. But already today, it has been seena rise in mean global temy ‘above 1.2 degrees according ta NASA. Scientists estimate that emissiane must be reduced by 50 percent by 2030, and from there we must go to net-zerc ssmissions by 2080, if the world is to have a good chanee of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Tc Sehince this, we must focus on moving further towards zero less net, meaning we need to reduc emissions first, and at large, while only a small part can be counteracted by permanent carber removals and nature based solutions. ‘According to the Paris Agreement, évanpiifiveyjyedtsieountriesgstould update their greementiambitionsy which are called the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDS). Righi ‘now, these existing ambitions aré ot enough to meet the Paris Agreement goals. But unfortunately, the engagements are not enough. Based on the NDCs ambition, they would use up 89 percent of the remaining carbon budget by 2030, This means that the rest of the carbon allowed to be emitted post 2030 is only the size of the current annual emissions emittec globally. That's why, COP26 is such’a crucial in the climate action calendar: We must:get mor: countries to set more-ambitious short-and long-term goals now! 4. (CGNNECTIVITYICAN’SUPPORT CLIMATE ACTION Connectivity can accelerate climate action, Digital’ teéhnologies’ have the Potential tc reduceinet global greenhouse gas'emissions by upito 15 percent by 2030, which represents a thitc of the 50 percent reduction targets needed by 2030 alone to at least have a chance, according t: seionce. With other technologies like 5G, Al, and loT) We can maybe do more and faster. This 15 percent reduction means the global ICT sector can have a 10-fold impact wher compared to the global ICT sector's carbon footprint of 1.4 percent of global greenhouse § emissions. Digitalization can be a driving force for countries to accelerate their climate ambition but they need to invest and recognize this opportunity. For example, as an openjinnovation platform, 5G could have a direct impact‘on reducin: #89 emissions in 4 range of industries’'- from smart agriculture and public transpor systems, to smart power grids supporting accelerated take-up of EVs and more renewable energy’ coming onstream supported by low latency 5G, and more efficient logistics. 3. —_ SS 15 ‘Most countries thi tmmmenetiarl lost countries that pl s | Their 2020 targets ce Ret 2270 targets have yet to put forward their implementation aa ‘eet Co not always suggest nearterm transformative actions. 0 but to anambitious 50 sot in its emissions by” valyCOP26 offers Pakistan akeaways.~ The Glasgow Climate Pact (GEP) on phasi pakistan an opportunity for an orderly trons down, instead of phasing out coal, provides ) s s smallibut growing, 2 re increasing to support r gy generation but ft and oth pare incr ippart not only energy ge paler ay re industries, b) Sindh’s ambition to exploit domestic coal 2 t Plans, and je}jPakistan has still to develop a business case ‘or concessional finance for phasing out coal, ris ninth South Africa has clinched a $8 billion deal to phase out coal for a just anh neichboue’ Meee, ce? i its minuscule size, campared to India and China, two crabbooked mee saat Meanwhile, coal use by small businesses in Kot Lakhpat in Lahore and ml 'P contributing to dangerous air pollution that has become a national health emergency. A iijoeaccomplishmenf of Glasgow is the Sa ation of Ae 6 of he ars Agree reviving the much-awaited carbon market. While it is still led with challenges of non- ‘transparent transactions and football emissions instead of actually reducing them, it also allows emissions trading between the countries, on carbon trades will be ring-fenced to be engaged in discussions that the levy should be applied more broadly and it should seek a share of the proceeds from carbon market transactions. Since countries will pay an extra premium for these offsets and the funds could assist developing countries, there’s an opportunity for climate policy entrepreneurs to pre- position themselves for these transactions which can potentially help protect biodiversity; forest, coastal and mountain ecosystems; and remove carbon from the air in order to count against some of their emissions, Pakistan had failed miserably with less than a dozen projects under the Climate Development Mechanisms in the early phase of carbon trading during Gen Musharraf's rule. China and India became the envy of the world by registering over 1,000 projects each — more than 80 percent of the total global projects. Glasgow has presented Pakistan an opportunity to design Projects for the latter’s thus far ignored National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, urban mass ome one energy solutions, or to use: mangroves to serve as carbon sinks, GCP was thin on specific financial commitments to developing countries, It assured them. hat the earlier commitment! of $100 billion per year would be honoured, climate finance Pejments would “at least double” by 2025, and technical assistance would be furnished to help tations minimise loss and damage — though without creating a separate L&D fund — elearly ‘Sctepting historical responsibility or the principle of retribution. The issue is.not fully resolved, battle lines are being drawn for the next round in Fgypt, Pakistan needs to keep abreast of ‘Sd exgage with global trends on L&D and other specialised climate finance windows, 16 ies have not augm, ed countries have eme, developed ¢ ¢ not that the ecade — to sy, ing this decisive deca PP on i increase during ts Oe inability to have qi. ¢ — which certainly need to ine be trefolds the i have din Se climate finance on the one hand, 2 cessional climate finance ne hers: . = raat the finances that are secured in ae a cor Climate Fund-supported oA, ee pal mele, ured three Ste nt sons Of Operatio, i e, thus far secured t ara Pakistan has, i temple They alt have romaiged oper alone te Seat Se NE oe tive capacity. Given Pakistan's extremely ce gutad of Urabe challenges and thin absorptiv sapech seco to interatonal finance, ns seek acereditation and secure ee adding to the public debt from multilateral land. ey Pakistan's fundamental problem i Determined Con ime! mined Contribution the present commitn : : bution (NDC) by next year because t omin ren aiee | stabilise lobal pee at less than two degrees Celsius. The abisont a poe is my but are Dermal important to keep the downward momentum, It is in Pakistan's interest to a 2 lary = Pl NDC revisions. The first order of business is to develop an NDC implementation plan, complete with budget and timelines. it their Nationally nitcis i its and resubmit tt iy The GCP has requested countries to revisit the 2030 targeis an ; This will require consultation with sectoral ministries and departments on the respective roles and responsibilities, speci ‘ck for implementation. This intemal process will help Pakistan retain its y in climate and other glabal forums, » 30 implementation of Shari reductions, given the 4S Signed a pledge to eds satellite tracking and systems for ation a i These cr reitntions are urgent to strengihes, ccospomed apps ea he eee of Pakistan's decarbonisation plans, = arene teithhe Urgency posed by worsening ai Trae deforestation by the end of the decade, third-party valid: ikewise, Pakistan hy . This ne or centrepiece CORRUPTION Bild ficheol» #93 1. INTRODUCTION oo fe jn pefiaition (Transparency International)? 2°) anieation 1 > Berth "The abuse of entrusted power for private gain", Corruption can be jpalty and politcal depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector wher _ Stand corruption consists of acts committed at a high level of government that distort polices or the central Functioning of the state, enabling leaders to benefit at the expense of the public good. Pelty corruption refers to everyday abuse of entrusted power by low- and mid-level public officials in their interactions with ordinary citizens, who often are trying to access basic goods or services in places like hospitals, schools, police departments and other samties ane al aides 1o the first Constituent Assembly of Pakis st 11, 1947, the Quaid-e-Azam identified the first priority of his povernment as maintenance of law and order. He defined the second duty in the following words: (Quaid-e-Azam, 11th August, 1947) Institutions and Organizations, ‘The West Pakistan Anti-corruption Establishment Ordinance, 1961 created the provincial, Anti-Corruption Establishments (ACEs). The Ehtesab Bureau was created in 1997. The Bureau was entrusted with investigation of corruption. In 1999, the Nati \ccountability Ordinance was promulgated which created the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) as the supreme anti corruption agency of the federal government. The NAB had the defunct Ehtesab Bureau as its predecessor and inherited from it some of the major and high profile cases that it investigated and prosecuted in subsequent years. By far the NAB's track akin, into Corruption is not impressive. 3. CORRUPTION IN’ PAKISTAN) ‘ ve in its desire to eradicate corruption both internationally and e has occasional been translated into actions, Hov Pakistan's lisation of UN Convention against Corruption ainst Corruption was organized Active participation in the negotiations for Consequently, an international conference on UN 18 pril 2004, This was aryimportant initiative by Pakistan ch achievement is that Paki fex in 2016, ~ in Islamabad in Tittle gains have been made ct ot eption ind witnessed improvement in the orld corruption perception “Transparency International Report The Pakistan chapter of Transparency International (TIP) identified corruption case ¢ Pakistan chapter of Tra y a rh s in previous years alone, ‘T), 2 different federal government departments in p' ‘ai of Rs. 300 billion in different federal gi P gottchines hil eee gainst corruption. One su Wont 7 ¢ are several other were the only cases that came to limelight. There are sever: ; eae corrupt nations out of 180 countries, according to the pq Transparency International. Corruption Rank iy ‘hing an all-time high of 144 in 2005 ang , Pakistan is the 124 lea: Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Pakistan averaged 109,68 from 1995 until 2019, re: (39 1m 1995 Following chart is showing Pakistan's rank in CPI Averogedl = 1094-487 144S 215 = (4y-> 200s! Ga 14as ww Ta] 2 os a : 2010 212 2014 2016 2018, 2020 'SQURCE:Taab nMatcONORAES COM | TRANSEARENEY INTERNATIONAL “CAUSES OF CORRUPTION” ‘The major factors responsible for the pervasive corruption in the country include poor Bovernance and the dismal performance on the part of institutions, It is a fact of matter that the very founciation of any institution lays in the Process of appointment. If such process is carried Qut transparently, the institution becomes the model of efficiency and performance, However, in Pakistan the appointments are bei ‘on the basis of favouritism and nepotism at a great extent, Therefore, the development and innovation P: in these institutions remain stagnant; rather these become the hub of polities. Consequently, the institutions become the burden on the country’s exchequer. fa) ‘The Nat nal Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) notes that need id greed, th Cor at need and greed, combined wit cbbottunity when there is little fear of detection and/or punish e iment are the basic factors that facilitate corruption, Today, Pakistan ha is six anti-corruption agencies, two at the fore 19 fopr at the provincial level, In addition to these courts related 10 anti-corruption, The ay “agency (FIA) and the National Accountabilit Anti-Corruption Establishments (CEs), Ans Code (PPC) 1860 (Sections 160-165), Proven Srdinanee, 1999 are the three jaws, prov nial special courts, (0) Ineffective performance of the anti-corruption agenitled? Sauk ae eu mm institutions like NAB and FLA have been rendered ineffective, FIA hes oy is to many reasons like il is a corrupt agency with a strong element of harassment, it has a status of an attached department that comes under the interior ministry, it fas many political appointees and it has multiple mandates. Since its existence in 1974, FIA has a poor record as an anti-corruption agency. However, due to the recent change, the new heads to these agencies are playing proactive role in eradication of corruption, ——— (©) Lack of accountability y : In the absence of efficient accountability institutions, government departments tur into dens of corruption. Public office holders in general, face a crisis of ethics, easily accept bribes and ‘embezzle public funds. Accountability in Pakistan becomes a farce when big fish escape justice. (® Waw/Salaries of Civil Servants Another reason for corruption is low salaries as everyone is finding a way to better their living standard as much as they can; it is alsa a human nature that he has everything more and more. $0 mostly corruption is to be seen where there are people having low salaries they use corrupt ways to achieve the goal. Underpaid civil servants are forced to develop individual coping strategies to compensate for their declining purchasing power. It is generally agreed that low wages provide incentives fer corruption, Low salaries, insecure tenure, and obsolete accountability mechanisms have spawned widespread corruption and impunity. Research- based report of the International Crisis Group suggests: agencies there are three la es al the federal leve) are the Fe y Bureau (NAB) and at the provincial level we have il Ehtasab Commisions like in KPK, Pakistan Penal Mion of Corruption Act (PCA), 1947 and the NAB exercised by accountability courts and_the federal and of another majer cause of corruption. Transparency meang that redone ina manner that follows rules and regulations, Lt failable and qlireclly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisiony and their nL. IE also means that enough information és Provided and that il is provided incasily: understandable forms and media, Howe Hae in. aes there aye many departments, which not transparent in their dealings. People ie . ute ‘ot Bteetraint power without expla it is very comples to find the account A spending of political leaders, In such a situation, pt pra Basically, “corruption i» authority plus monopoly iy ého tneans that info nford anything, Moreove it is very easy to indulge ine transparency ibery - in a .d-tapism has become-a norm in F mon. 4 i ic almost every government office, a Sma me money to the intoms.h corruption, In ae aasily do that by giving some money fo the interme. * wants to speed up the process, ——- he can e Fhe and government officials. Pakistan, Redstapism is one of the major ca, zen has to wait for servic, oO (g) “Acceptability in © is nc to corruption is its acceptability in our society, ga one eee by the wealth even if illegally amassed. Instead of hating in antag The corrupt person, we fend to-cherish the company of such people. Moreover, in general have convinced themselves that if they want any fevers service they have lon {or in the form of bribe only then they would be able to secure their right. ; Whatever the causes or the rationale behind this massive trend of corruption is the fa remains that it has deeply impacted the economy, the society, and the country. Ina nutshell, the basic causes of corruption are: + Inept and cormupt leadership + Weakening of state institutions (ie, legislature, executive, judiciary, ang bureaucracy). © Political instability + Political interference and abuse of power. * Weakand inefficient governments, lack of transparency. + Disregard of the rule of law 5. MAJORIMPACTS OF CORRUPTION ® + Corruption is widespread, especially in the developing and transition countries: there are, however, significant differences between and within regions. Corruption increases transaction costs and creates insecurity in the economy. Corruption usually leads to ineffecti ic results, in the long term impedes foreign and domestic investments, reallocates talents due to income and distorts Sectorial priorities and technology choices (for example, it creates incentives for contracting major defence projects or “unnecessary infrastructure projects, but daes not ca, aGe investments in rural specialist health clinics or in preventive health care). . Corruption is unfair, as it imposes a Tegressive tax, which heavily burdens in Particular commercial ice activities performed by small businesses. Corruption destroys the legitimacy of the state, ® Corruption hinders Foreign Direct Investment, The World Economic Forum's Global Competit Report identifies corruption as ‘the third_greatest_problem for companies doing busin: : inkuoucure iB ess in Pakistan after 8overnment bureaucracy and poo! 22 ©8 © a «Still worse is its ing Ooi impunity, show fake ious eles Who sell fake degrees to the needy politicians edicts on need basis SOE Students ta get more Zakat mongy and sell religion + Rampant trend: . country which vie have also badly affected the business ethics in the piling, hoarding, and ee any egalitarianism. Hoodwinking the regulators, stock Potter, ee ck she ing, are the order of the day and individual ‘ rms, business i, i ‘ Sus pot thee male ee ee ol industry is @ . Caen eereseae the volume of pubic investments (at the expense of private moielalen on we taey many options that allow for public expenditure edicts ied out by high-level officials so as to get bribes (which at More general government expenditures or a large budget offer more opportunities for corruption) Corruption redirects the composition of public expenditure from the expenditure necessary for basic functioning and maintenance to expenditure on new equipment. Corruption tends to pull away the composition of public expenditure from the necessary fixed assets for health and education, as there is less chance of getting commissions than from other, perhaps unnecessary projects @ + Corruption reduces the effectiveness of public investments and the infrastructure of @ acountry. + Corruption can reduce tax revenues by compromising the ability of the state administration to collect taxes and fees, although the net effect depends on how the nominal tax and other regulatory burdens were selected by the officials, exposed to corruption, ‘Raieof the State 7 If the system is to be prevented from sinking into greater chaos and ultimate collapse, corective actions must be taken forthwith, the starting point being a.clear recognition of the role of the state ~ especially its chief organs, legislature, judiciary_and_executive-to work pro-actively ‘Across the board application of rule o spointments and easy access to justice is the only solution to save-Pakistan from ct responsible for poverty, inflation, terrorism, illiteracy, lack of electricity and hording of essential foac. commodities. The state will have to vehemently direct its entire cnergies lo enforcing the laws that protect the public from cheats and destitutions rather than reinforcing, a system, which protects and encourages them. (G. Edward Griffin) 5, (ISTEPS/NecoED 7 Q * To-cradicate corruption one nocd te axles replace a money-oriented outlook will a value Persuade people that m al mindset. One needs to ode of life. One needs to pate goal 22 bilily in procurement, independent monitoring ang 4s paramount fo ensure anti-corruption strategies lead ig ing and the use_of new technologies are promising developments to counter corruption at the local level formation provisions, capacity building for public sector and civil society, iendly processing of data.are needed to ensure civil society is able to nti-correption efforts. (Transparency International) appropriately compensated or grossly underpaid will clearly (public sector wages are too low, employees may find wir incomes in “unofficial” ways. 8, wnt of goods and services, soft credits, extra- budgetary funds under he control of politicians—all are elements of the various ways in which governments manage public resources. Covernments collect taxes, tap the capital markets to raise money, receive foreign aid and develop mechanisms to allocate these resources to satisly a multiplicity of needs, a the incidence of corruption and the extent of _bureaucratic red tape as eaptured, for instance, by the Doing Business indicators suggests the desirability o! Giminating 2s many needless regulations while safeguarding the essential regulatory functions of the stat (d) Subsidies are another example of how government policy can distort incentives and create opportunities for corruption. ‘According to an IMF study (2013), consumer subsidies for energy products amount to same $1.9 trillion perycar, equivalent to about 2.5 percent of global GDP or. 8 percent of government revenues. (6) Deploying smart technslogy? Just as government-induced distortions provide many opportunities for corruption, it is algo the case that frequent, dire ct between government officials and citizens can oj the way for illielt transactions. One way to address this problem is lo use readily available technologies to eneourage more af an arms-length relationship between officials a a a ie E society: in this respect the Internet has been proved to be an effective tool to reduce corruption 0 The : zien eal of law so that “thieves” are caught. ‘The people should have fear of the strong. severe punishment to be given to those found guilty of corruption (e) As for govern: i iction. government officials and functionaries, meritocracy must be implemented ‘The is eme! " 2a ssional standards for th ll on mE, Vig eanits Jaw enforcement agencies should be improved, thelr induction Zaining, they have service secubity, ana Paid, there are improvement in the conduct of their higher and lower level should be ater ey om political interference. The judiciary both at nncy and effective a dependent, honest and corruption Fansparency svtive accountability should be ensured, so that there ie cay x people to police stations, judicial co os Be pe ieee — Courts and other public service departments, Miss Fatima Jinnah hay id once said that E exe! should not be corrupt and should not permit others te @ Iso the duty 7 Be sco the dr bof ulema ‘0 tell the people that what Islam says about corruption and id the punishments for a corrupt person. There a p ictly 2 une SA eantema Cowan ar sve ayaat and ahaditt which strict! + The Apostle of Allah Almighty has also said: “Allah will call us to account how we” indulge in corruption ablic a ae te Sots lems et be engaged in the drive to sensitize students about the causes and ill effects of corruption on national, dévelopment and on the life af an individual. a s-Mechanisms “should. be” developed’ that céuld’ ensure public participation toy fight, corruption at different Jevels. There is need to allow for,the development of a civil saciely that demands cleah governrhent, the government has to endeavour to create a vigorous civil society" by welcoming it as a partner in the fight against corruption. * . 0 Vibrant role of Meuiany raised While the government should provide an enabli me 1¢ media to grow and ig more responsible and by creation © perform.its functions, the media must respond by becor selfacccuntability mechanisms, The main objective should be to, play an effective role in | presenting the people in demanding a clean government. jety and bad for business, po i financial, operational and mpanies are taking action to implement serious and hin their sirategies‘and operations: : Corruption ii putational risks, Now more than ever; compan ive anti-corfuptioi measures and policies will je tenth a andl accountability if eur company ways you can promote tansy arene ay evanypany: cullen adel operations, 64 1. Commit Make anti-vormuption part of y anny: han at Your employees, customens and suppliers that your Comps policy on bribery ks and prepare for them, Recaghlze apportiinitien to impr, complianes your business by imp 3. Define? Define what success means tor your wny policies and get buy-in front colle: by clearly showing, the impor polici 4. Implement? Nake anti-corruption progranines rr company, including your value chain ets done. Monitor and ameasure the s workings arte what still needs 1 and. policies: Integral throvishou, pact Of Your work, What gets measure anti-corruption policies to identify. wh 6. ts ently com e yan pry stakeholders, always eet: ene casi te your pre akehalders, alway (Quotes ) Hypocrisy is He abdauly fe pre integrity - a (Max Hey woed J Bonet IMPACT OF COVID-i9 AND MITIg e ANDEMIC ON PAKISTAN GATION MEASURES The COVID-I9 pandemic in Pakist gisesse 2019 (COVID9) caused by CoV-2), The virus was confirmed te h, recorded (a student in Karachi a Faaon in the Islamabad Capital Territory). On Movinoss. the hwo autonomous territories, and Ishimabed pm scamhad neon lamabad Territory, anu by district in Rakistan had recorded at least one confirmed! case af COVID-19. "i Asof January. 2022pPakistan has the following statisties related to Covid-19 Coronavirus Cases: 1,300,959 Deaths: 29,134 Recovered: 1,288,562 The pandemic have following significant impacts Pakistan's already fragile economy had only just been moving towards stability when the besth crisis struck. Experts fear that the pandemic’s économie fallout will considerably: derail the oaniry's recovery process. It has been reported that Pakistan has lost one-thind of its revenue 22d exparts dropped by 50% due to COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown. onomies like Pi te demand, owing to the The COVID-19 virus can be expected to in elopi ‘tough three transmission channels. Firstly, it will affect the agg meiSures taken to contain the spread of the virus. Already wit ng a slowdowe in the 26 ending unemployment (rise to 6 economy, the situation will worsen given the impend as an aftermath of a lockdown, ‘These million to 1853 million expected layoffs), @ Ww certainly decrease the disposable income of these households thereby sending, a cemand shy throughout the economy, This is then augmented by the expected decre: Une rer that is expected to take a hit of 10 to 50%, depending on the spread of the virus. and the meas. income are expected (o decrease the appr taken to contain it, These hits to the disposable endilure of 4 to 8%, thereby HOE duly demand, with an expected fall in private consumption exp ‘ok of the country but also changing the lifesty! of ils masses, changing the economic outlo 2. Socio-economic disruptions? ‘The social and economic disruptions while threaten the realily aS we know it, they als bring significant opportunities. In response, companies in multiple sectors are already transforming their products, processes, and business models, While FDI is expected to) « major decline in-Physical Tourism, Entertainment, Retail, Luxury joods, Aviation, Real Coal, Oil & Gas, and_Aulomotive due to the social restrictions, price 7% | lockelowns Ghutdowns. However, there are growth opportun Ties that can be harnessed in food processin; consumer goods, logistics, entertainment and communications, financial services, e-Commerce Ed-Tech, Health-Tech, textile and tourism. 3. _Enbanced Poverty) over the last two. 24.3% in 2015, the IME ‘While the poverty rate declined by 40% last two decades to 24.3% in 201° projects a sharp reversal, with up to G0% of Pakistanis living below the poverty line in COVID 19's viral wake. . Real GDP_growth. slowed down by 3% in 2020, with downturns in services and manufacturing. ‘Agriculture sector will also be affected somehow if lockdowns continue and disrupt needed transportation, logistical support, labour, and access to inputs for the next planting season. Those most at-risk include pe people with disabilities, the elderly, and other margin o basic services are nutrition, and acc 4, Increased unemployment and inflation! =. ‘As far as social safety programmes, this government has initiated various protection programmes to mitigate the vulnerability, reducing poverty, and providing affordable healthcare aed ingurance to low-income farilics. However, angoing COVID-19 pandemic underscores the government's efforts to:strengthen social protection in Pakis COVID-19 has become a_majur economic crisis that shut down almost { international flights, publ Je already living below poverty line, women, children, alized groups whose lives, livelihoods, uring the ongoing goods and services; disruption i" ef confidence; substantial reduetio" front, the challenges in aggregate. deviand assive fall in investors and const production activi ar e both de in trade volume mestic and external: lew and lightening of financial conditions leading is compen, weaken external posi pr maturity refinand — complicated situation of ¢: en TT ets TTT NE , iin tion Pakistan's Higher Education Commission (HF ; Z ‘mission (HEC) asked universities t faculty and quickly devip online courses:and broadcast \Hose io tha students in view of tie corone ints situation In the country. Coronavirus pandemic has endangered all and online education is the solution for the safe See eee of the faculty and the stidente Bor ol ee etude es ‘ ee system in Pakistan, moat of the students don’t hey Wut there are some issues regarding online , Z ve Smart nternet facility which leads to failure. Before COVID-19 the education system not up 5 pandemic era i badly affected the students and "y giatem was not up to the mark, after this e. Many students Pause of pandemic era, afler the flights y students country and facing problems such as study; financiel cde ace hee Rome } financial and time research. Moreover, 300,000 schools were closed since March 2020 to the end of 2021 due to the coronavirus outbreak Pakistan has already faced university closure in the past due to the terrorist attacks and the political threats but that time universities did not adopt the online education system for students. A suddenly change to online learning is to create many challenges to the system as majority of students don’t have their smart phones and personal computer for online classes. 6. Disruptions in demand and supply chains» ‘Owing to nationwide lockdown, the industries and businesses also faced disruptions and to! @ lockdown, usinesses also faced disruptions anc closures. The closure of businesses and industries have led to the cause of disruptions in demand and supply chains, Enhanced demands with'respect decreased production have seriously hurt market through unavailability of goods. The closure have intimate link with the unemployment of people and enhanced inflation, 2 1. \Mindrances in regulation of money The lockdown has made people sit in their homes giving rise to deregulation and wealth concentration. This is also the reason behind the increase in poverty rate. The construction Sector ako faced negative growth during, pandemi “FO50% decrease remutlances during pantemi elo lstdoxnsin Arab od ® 4 Weereased Tourism» The pandemic had registered a serious blow 10 tourism sector of Pakistan, Pakistan was showing a whooping, positive growth in tourist traffic. In previous couple of years, Pakistan \ourism potential has been admired in couple of international magazines such as Conde Nast and Uriish Backpacker. The pandemic has significantly halted the tourist activities, it has also halted the ntry of Yatrees in Kartarpur Sahab Corridor, Pakistan's tourism industry, like ether the world, is alser bearing, the brunt of the crisis, Pakistan's holel industry has reportedly lost over %s.100 rallion in just the month of February, Hotel booking has also drupped from 95%% to 40" the period January-March 2020. ~ 9. Pollution-controly Amid all the depressing news and sad times we face globally, there are aspects to ro upon, especially on the environment and pollution. Air quality Jevels-across the South 4, region are the worst, with Bangladesh, Pakistan and India making ito the top five in tho ig most polluted countries as mentioned in 2019 World. Air Quality Report by IQAi - weeks the air quality improvements have come as a by-product of 1, lockdowns due to coronavirus outbreak across the globe, this sheds lights on some aspects on th, issue of environment and pollution which otherwise gets hardly any serious attention in i, larger scheme of things. Air_pollution levels a ies have reduced. considerably dy, to reduced fossil. fuel consumption in transportation, industries and power plants along wit, reduction in other sources of pollution. 10. Impact on psychology COVID-19 had significant adverse i coping strategy adopted by them was religious active coping. It is suggested that mental health epidemics. ley But over past tudents' alth. The most frequen, /spiritual coping, acceptance, self-cistraction ang of students should not be neglected during ation strategies in countries that are experiencing community The goals for using mitigation strategies in coun transmission of COVID-19 are to decrease COVID-19 transmission overall and, in particular, te protect Individuals at increased risk for severe illness. (a) Prioritized virus containment measures » Pakistan's government has identified F targeted in its “smart lockdown” strategy. In order to alleviate the devastating impacts of virus irus hotspots across the country to be the containment measures must be realized, Owing to this fact, the government: Banned all gatherings around the country. ‘The enforcement of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The wearing of mask was made compulsory. jvee The lockdowns of shopping malls and hot yee The decreased transportation. All these steps from government characte controlled the pandemic, (b) ed by nation’s response bore fruits ané Prime Minister Imran Khan launched the Ehsaas Emergency Cash financial_relic! amme on April 12020 in an attempt to help the most erable : ; eet elie cendenie. panels Ip the most vulnerable part af the population 1! A total of 144 billion rupees ($0.86 billion, €0,74 bil vs ; tose ss tach aesty eerie toa pt 4 billion) was handed out to some 12 millio’ 29 ollowing 10-point agend 8 : a nto Paige Pont agenda can act as a preliminary (a) Incentivizing promotional works in SEs, (b) Fast tracking of CPEC Projects, (c) 5G deployment be expedited to enable the industri trial ion i (d) Building and security capacity ‘ustrial cooperation in technology. (e) Revisiting priority sectors for investment, (0 Diaspora investment certificates to solicit funds into (g) Incentivizing and facilitating industrial (h) Devising an SME survival plan; and, @ Providing due diligence for mergers and acquisitions. @ _Theldbistudyirecnomnends a response comprising five worksceams (-+ Making essential healt! : Services available to those in need and protecting health systems. quality projects. transformation. fie « Helping people cope through social protections and ensuring basic services and food security. @ + Protecting jobs, supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises, and shoring up the most vulnerable workers through economic recovery programmes, w-* Guiding a badly needed surge in fiscal and financial stimuli and strengthening multilateral and regional responses. ¥-+ ‘Promoting social cohesion and investing in communi systems. : “THEMYSTERV OF THE FLATTENED CURVE (The strategy to contair ‘the spread has been lockdowns, testing, and cont > Bul it is nearly impossible to get a developing country where both Population relies on daily wages to stay at home. T cknowledgment that the virus’ spre: be slowed down through beh «in the society. It can be voluntary with the masses informed of the risk and how to save themselves or il can be administrati d resilience and response enforced, ng awareness, Which was backed by testing, mune, Government managed to increase (il) Media played an important role in cre . contact tracing, and quarantine prog wolkig ap pews ; And Shen = ee persiy and ttre ay, weeks Where cody x testing capacily in a very shart period and applied a sophisticated tracking sy5;,,_ that ran through the ground lo apex level. Gv) For the first three months, a significant change in behavior was sen. People ivo,, mas ved social distancing, This was followed by Eid-ul ag), iB hk id maint t i ich celebrations, which also fuelled local tourism with thousands fains during the holidays. The curve, however, continued on & downyra,y mot trajectory. ountries have an average age of 35-45 with a high mortality: rate in svirus’ spread in ad-age homes. In contrast, Pakistan that vetoes elderly placements in Ww) Thew geriatric population due to the has a young population and a social construct | group homes, (vi) It is not astounding, then, thal the study found seropositivity more common jn young adults and significantly tess in children and older adulls. It was also more prevalent in urban areas than rural, ? (vii) The youth steps out to work and the population in cities is dense, Pakistan’s soci circles aren’t as exp. as those in the West, An ordinary citizen’s social netwo:}, stays within the bounds of his neighbourhood. (viii) It was believed. the inigh temperature and humidity during summers also helped slow down the spread. } (i) One theory for Pakistan's luck suggests the majority of the country’s cases are mild () Recently, speculation around genome mutations increased when South Korea identified a genetically mutated coronavirus from a case imported from Pakistan Whether the COVID-19 antibodies can prevent reinfection is also a puzzle waiting to be solved, “The science is not clear on how long this immunity will last or effective it will be.” "Ste inchenlth Wak we cenh CHINA-PAKISTAN EC mac ONOMIC CORRIDOR China-Pakistan Economie Corridor ig a fy = benefit China and Pakistan but will have (eee 2 tegional connectivity. CPEC will not ave positive impag only pee and the reston ic, and the region. Ths ran, Afghanistan, India, C an Republic, and the teziOn. The enhancem . ss mn, inatia, Central jon Reel lent of geographical linkages having improved road, failanda i tem with frequent and fre — ‘i erst i 2 exchanges of grawth and ple ip ee aa, analng through academic, cultural and regional Ehewltees crc . aaivity of higher volume of flow of trade and busines: wiedge and culture, rors aa usinesses, producing and moving energy to have aes ahancement of e9-operation by win win mode} will result in well connected, integrated region of shared destiny, larmony and development, i The CPEC covers a cover tonom and the wi bn order to reflect the level, scope and layout of the construction and development of the Corridor, its co core zone and the radiation zone. The node cities that the corridor k 5 S fu, To improve the lives of people of Pakistan and China by building an economic corridor , construction, explore potential bilateral investment, economic trade, logistics and people to people contact for regional connectivity. It includes: + Infegrated Transport & IT systems including Road, Rail, Port, Air and Data ‘Communication Channels * Energy Cooperation * Spatial Layout, Functional Zones, Industries and Industrial Parks * Agricultural Development * Socio-Economic Development (Poverty Alleviation, Water Supply, Vocational Training) * Tourism Cooperation & People to People Communication * Cooperation in Livelihood Arcas * Financial Cooperation “* Human Resource Development Medical Treatment, Education, 32 bo routes cnn — Propoted read $1079) | Nruay eRaUECTS ae sans trent in Lahore 160 Gunter Port a6 Cun Pakostan fier seties O04 / TOTAL ane j ‘ = ; me 2 f Denar area rohabantion 2 education /tveal fo ‘aginea aa «i : iwoia ‘Transport infrastructure is the basic and prerequisite conditi fion of the CPEC. It is an important field that can be relied on to guide and drive the economic and social development of regions along the CPEC, besides promoting the interconnectivity and all-round cooperation between China and Pakistan for shared prosperity. « Construction and development of Kashgar-Islamabad, Peshawar-lslamabad Karachi, Sukkur-Gwadar Port and Dera Ismail Khan-Quetta-Sohrab-Gwadar road infrastructure, to-enhance road safety and service levels and expand traffic capacity * Capacity expansion of existing railway lines (specifically ML-1 that is of strategic nature under CPEC), and construction of new projects and ‘promoting the modemization of the railway and build an integrated transport corridor. * Construction and development of Gwadar city and port; build a consolidation and distribution transport system, continuously improve the infrastructure of the port, accelerate the construction of East Bay Expressway and the new international airport. * Cooperation for implementing Gwadar city Master Plan, 33 Information network infrastructure China and Pakistan should boost information ‘connec cooperation through construction and aperation of local cammunie & TW networks; besides strengthening information cquatries and synchronous construction of inform, * Promote the construction of ero: Pakistan and the construction of th ty and promote pragmatic ‘tion netwarks and breadeast fon and communication industries in both ation, road and railw structure, border opt cables between China and of the backbone optical fiber networks in Pakistan, Upgrading of Pakistan's network facilities, including the n ational data center and the second submarine cable landing station ai “center andl the + Expedite Pakistan to adopt China's Digital Terrestrial Mu (DTMB) standard Mul timedia Broadeasting Promote the JCT-enabled development of Pakistan, inc! electronic_manit: ecommerce in Pakistan. + Enhance the develapment of the information industry in Pakistan; build [T industrial parks and fl * industry clusters in Pakistan to improve Pakistan's information technology and service outsourcing, China and Pakistan should strengthen cooperation in the fields of oll and gas, elcetrieity and power grids, and focus on promoting the construction of major projects of thermal power, hydropower, coal_gasification and renewable power generation, and supporting power transmission networks, in order to enhance its power transmission and supply reliability. . luding e-gavern ind safe city construction; promote the de Promote the cooperation in the development of oil and Gas resources, research on the integrated vision and demand of China and Pakistan oil and gas cooperation so as to improve the cooperation between the two countries and diversify oil supplies, ‘The opinions of establishing oil refineries and storages along the CPEC route will also be considered. Optimize the sourcing and use of coal, and research on development and utilization of Pakistan's own coal for power plant and developing technologies for si gasification, expansion and augmentation of coal mining sector. Actively promote river planning and preparatory work of major projects to accelerate the hydropower development process. > coal * Der nd and solar energy based on local conditions, and establish diversified energy supply channels. + Strengthen the construction of high volt rids and power transmission and di ution networks ta fulfil the electricity demand and ensure the reliability of electricity supply in Pakistan. 5. GURADEANDIINDUSTRIAL PARKS China and Pakistan should strengthen cooperation in trade and industrial areas, expand bilateral economic and trade relations, and enhance the level of bilateral t lization. They should cooperate in key areas, enhance the effectiveness of cooperation and strive to achieve the Synchronization, coordination and reciprocity of economic development. 34 value addition, competitiveness and efficiency improve + Promote the quality. ile industry, and > textile and g dustry, expand the si in id_garment in ry : 7s ar high value-added products; to adopt the means like export pro, to establish a regional cooperation and development model based on comple, advantages, and mutual benefits. a «Promote Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in all provinces and regions in Pakistan, + Expand the cooperation in industry, promote Pakistan's industries from as imported parts and components to localized production of parts, and ence; various forms of Chinese enterprises to enter the Pakistan market Promote _the industri y cooperation in sectors such asi chemi . : turing & pharmaceutical, engineering goods, agro, ir. : appliances and _construction—materials, and use efficient, energy-saving environmental friendly processes ; + Increase the exploration and development of resources, and introduce bilatera) enterprises to participate in the exploration and develoy ment of mineral resource; and setting up of mineral processing zanes and industries. * — Rely on industrial parks and the characteristics of bilateral economic and trady cooperation to expand cooperation in related industries and promote the development of industrial concentration. = Expand trade logistics and areas of business cooperation, improve _business-19 business (B2B) links and the investment environment, optimize the bilateral trade structure, and promote balanced trade development. + Rely on the advantages of the ports to expand logistics transportation. China and Pakistan should give full play to their own comparative advantages to Strengthen agricltura infrastructure construction within the CPEC coverage and play their own rofes in agricultural personnel training, technical exchanges and cooperation. They should cooperate in key construction arcas such as biological breeding, production, processing, storage and transportation, infrastructure construction, disease prevention and control, water resources utilization, conservation and_praduction, land_development_and_remediation, ICT-enabled ageiculture_and marketing of agricultural products to promote the systematic, large-scale standardized and intensified construction of the agricultural industry. * Strengthen the upgrading of agricultural infrastructure in the regions along the CPEC ~ Promote the gonstruction of water-saving modern agricultural zones, * Strengthen drip irrigation technology for water efficiency. * Strengthen cooperation in tho fields such as stop farming, live stock breeding, forest: and food growing and aquatic and fishery in the rogions along the CPEC. with the highlight on technical exchange and cooperation in the ficlds of development of Comprehensive agricultural production capacity, construction ‘of farmland water Conservancy fatty and agricultural products circulation facility Improve post-harvest handli e ransy 0 of ag roducts ‘st handling, storage and transportation of api n Be a a of agricultural i. and innovate in marketing and sales models, ' yi 35, + Improve water resourees operation and management, st pasisral il desert, and promote application of ranean + Strengthen production of agriculture inp _ machinery and support services including Collaborate in forestry, horticulture, fisherie: « — Strengthen production of horticulture then development_of cnsing technology, ils particularly pesticides, ferti griculture education and research, dl livestock medicines and vaccines. aducts, China and Pakistan should further exploit the i e t_the potential advanta; it resources in the regions along the CPEC, especially the China-Pakistan oan pate + Actively consider the potential advantages of the tourism resourees in the regions along the China-Pakistan Economic Corrid i lor, 4 ia 2 i a craihioraliavesedtae especially the China-Pakistan border . pene ee aa public se system in cross border areas, with particular attention to the serviees of public information, convenient transportation, securit protection and other services benefiting the public wee + Actively consider to building a tour route connecting coastal cities of Pakistan 6. P : HOODy ‘China and Pakistan should further strengthen couperation between local governments, strengthen_the communications among non-governmental ‘organizations, develop extensive project cooperation cantered on public opinions communication, people-to-people friendship and le's livelihood improvement, and enhance the comprehensive service capability of the cities along the CPEC. + Apply international and China's new urbanization concepts to the municipal construction of the node cities along the CPEC, such as the construction of the public transport system and water supply and drainage systems; utilize China's strength in technology, equipment, and solve some prominent livelihood issues via pilot projects. «Expand _the scale ‘of training programs in China for Pakistani central government officials, parties and local government officials from regions along the CPEC. * Strengthen social and economic development cooperation within the CPEC coverage; make efforts to carry ort vocational training in 1 Pakistan. © Proyide medical assist vices in more places within the CPEC coverage and upgrade existing medical fac od on actual needs dels af public social welfare cooperation and Pakistan. * Summarize experience and mechanism in Gwadar areas between ‘Chin * Cooperate C lanning of water re: ¥ rats lo mabe op en The capability of Pakistan to coordinate pt ii pve of waler resources and river basin, impre Heaney mater resources development and utilization, consery ation and 8 , food and drought prevention. and dis wuirces such as comprehensive planning 7. coordination. They Strengthen coopera! cooperation_between resea! monetal currency swap arrangements, explore to enrich th Cooperation between financial in: Cooperation between fins and development of the financing of Pakistan's cen institutions in China, 8. CPECPHASE2 OR 2.0" ‘After thrivi where industrialization, agriculture, science, transfer to Pakistan are the key goals. it shase, improving livelihood of people and technology 36 “FINANCIAL COOPERATION The two countries chou explore the establishnent of mulf-level cooperation mechan and strengthen policy Should also strengthen their own financial Telorm opening up, rate i iron fisancal products and Boars and control fina sss to crete good finan ensieonmen for the CPEC building, Following are the areas of, ion in financial regulation. The t the central banks, avo countries should pron, implement existing & ee rch to expand the amount of currency swap 2 ase scope of bilateral currency SWap- stitutions. China_supports Pakistan to coope, with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AID). ancial markets. The wo securities. markets; tral and local government Pe rate countries shall promote the open support the multi-currency di, ts, enterprises and. Financ Financial cooperation between Free Trade Zones (FTZs). CPEC has now entered into its second phase In this phase, China takes along collection of imaginative new windows of opportunities in K) which remained every_pr of Pakistan especially in_Khyber Cee Pt in the past due to number of reasons. As the main focus of the CPEC phase vas + Socio-economic development, + Pakistan has established SEZs to follow successful experience of China as thes brought sharp increases in its GDP which Helps eradicating poverty. «agriculture-centric growth, + Gwadar, ezial acai Sy, 2am © ML+, Rail network, # i oan ‘ + BRB businesses, entrepreneurship, Under CPEC |] + pharmaceutical industry, CPFTA-I1, (4) + de-carbonization, GR L gage Nateeplen + trade, & Ogres a ie seiyains, + Optic Fiber Cable, e Doe ob uf s " + Science & Technology, Np A thle * Eco-Tourism, Sindh 2. Gf 2/fR-4G + Culture, new media, Pus 243) 09 + skill development, o LOR NPE * employment generation, and dochistow 1. Oey lg hh High-tech infrastructure. CPEC Phase I in 12 SEZs. This reindustrialization will boost ccqrcnt Y new industries will be set up Zeaitant wealth creation and job ereation will not onty hase a4 bring_prosperty. The faprove the tax collection that will help in the provision of pron sees ee Capita but will also ia pe coon tk wll af basic services, Th qwstol he GPEC H by king steps in governance, education and thy aig ee a ak CPEC 2.0 is the revival of China-Pakistan Economi slong with newly signed projects, There have been infor fijpallion worth of projects were signed on june 25 and july 6,2020, They i jee generalion projets Sosting $3.9 billion in the Azad Kashmir region, and a plare revamp the South Asian nation’s coloniat-era railways for $72 billion the man cee Chinese project in Pakistan yet, eee 4, Geopolitical and security risky’ The geopolitical environment is inherently unstable in South adjustment of their policy towards this region might add to the us intemnational. regional, national and extremist factors Asia. World powers incertainty. The mix of might i Hive ‘ the security of the CPEC building. night cause disruptive activities, threat 2, ‘The restraints of natural and geographical factors, Souther Xinjiang of China suffers from_a_weak industrial base and limited economic scale. Because of the special natural and phicaL conditions in China-Pakistan border area, the construction, operation and management of major infrastructure projects is costly. 3 emnlagenamle tart renee Pakistan needs to address major bottlenecks to economic and social development to sustain economic growth momentum, The energy, infrastructure, administration and governance deficiencies, besides unbalanced regional economic and social development, and extemal sector vulnerabilities need to be monitored to avoid any possible challenges to CPEC. 4. India’s nefarious designs to sabotage CPEC India has started claiming Azad Kashmir after illegally occupying Jamas and Kashmir. tndia‘sclaims must be seen as threats to Pakiptar’s interest particularly the CPEC © Remmlatdatapistanialngquestion Peace in Afghanistan means peace In Pakistan, Pakistan have always supported the tan, Peace in Pakistan will not only improve socio-economic palitical conciliation for Afghanistan. Peace in Pakistan. will y ‘ Crditions of Alghans but also ensures prospects for Pakistan's wtt-bilion dollar project CRISIS OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN It is mandated in the Article 25A_ of Constitution of Pakistan to provide free »,. compulsory education to all children between the ages of 5-16 and enhance adult liter, With the 18th Constitutional Amendment the Concurrent List which comprised of 47 subjec, was abolished and these subjects, including education, were transferred to federating units a; , move towards provincial autonomy. Eduoation is the most; FY 2018-19 FY 2020-21 Rs.83.30 billion Rs. 140 billion, Education lays the foundation for political, social, and economic development of country. Ain effective education system enables the nation to achieve that national goals. Pal as.a developing country is 1 since its inception therefore education system has failed to customize. There are many types the factors that cause th condition. This paper examines some of the key issues problems that have plagued the edue system in Pakistan. Use an the basis of critical reviews of available documents, the paper outlines solutions existing problems of the education system in Pakistan, Today, Pakistan is faced with a host of s an, and terrorism. The equses of these pre Ms awareness and ilbiteracy are encouraged. Through an inefficient edu partant role of education is ignored in jan which has ted to it in low development is & spheres of life Education is treated as an adopted The lowest budget we have provides with education program since the establishment of Pakistan which has weakened the foundation of quality Jucation system, ‘The education system, therefore, has tai grow the nation economic, political, id social Al th expiration of 100 years and the acceptance of n hat 25 years education 5 however the education system has fath tuerably to rid the nation of this geowth Be al and soctal problems. Profle mecciated with the education system in Pakistan lack of adequate budget, lack of patics a9 _ jementation, inefficient testing system, ; imgleme LoL : us defective body structures, lack of quality of te ion, indirect e ation evel resignation, ect education, low enrollment, politics interference, outdated curriculum ; litics interference, curriculum, corruption, mi: soperssion. Jack of research, and lack of roblems mentioned hove an ete? seeping sound pplicis as well planning an See eeeey id ensuring the effective i fs i rishi effective imy cies. Education is 4 nourishing force. By constructive aspect of any uae ae . Education ables people to Work for their growth and development is eigen se ofitignan belnay sind dello ees pMent. Education therefore exposes the P ‘The educational system was thought of by i " y the founding fathors as the driving force bebii ial natant ee “se sega at the first 1974 national education conference eae that the edu em will operate in accordance with the national aspiration ikistan ions of Pakistan. ‘The education system woud soy are really related to the needs of the aie of Pakistan, The father of a ke Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah the main purpose of the education system in Pakistan_was to improve the morale of the country of Pakistan generation. Thi national character will contain a high sense of commitment, social integrit aatcvcstice rationalism and the morals of the people of Pakistan. _ Esleaming, or educational technology, in Pakistan (with its ICT Infrastructure) has developed mostly in the 21st century. Online universities and e-learning plaiforms in the count; have also opened in recent years. The introduction of 3G/4G technology has contributed to ts growth in-m-learping (mobile learning), allowing the incorporation of e-learning in classrooms as well as in informal education. Education in Paki the administration of Federal and provincial governments, allowing multiple e-learing eppactunities for individuals in Pakistan. E-learning in Pakistan has became more popularized in 2020, due to the onset of the covid- 19. pandemic, which resulted in the closure of public and private educational institutes ‘and the jmition to online modes of learning. Efforts are being taken to_trainfaculty members to improve the quality of their lectures and methods of virtual teaching, At the same time, the HEC ics to ensure_internet_connectivity through subsidised internet packages for students \VASAGISIS'OF THE PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION The education system in Pakistan despite major claims and programs faces the following.» problems which is analyzed by analysis below. The education system in Pakistan is pot based_on_the same principles. Different éducational programs operate simultaneously in the country: The curt ist oun i st thought. For example there is a different world among, the br ee soe ious, Deeni Madaris and a few specialized i i i el » pace of social isolation. In accordance with this is ‘stitutions. This practice has accelerated the pace 2 ee fe ‘ ‘ated education system, This Progr: Irion an even dec eo aes tion, The latest wave of terrorism and into fe proln reecheran systems are the logical results of this vided system of education 40 1 system there has beer a huge social divide Asa rysult of the current di for political, see important for all na ‘ i ining and education in social, Political, ec, stom because it has no direction ands, Asound education system its own generation on the basis of intensive trai and ideological reasons. Pa ation syste 8 d could evelon and ms nage its people for legitimate political and. social FeASONS. Thoye Tack ol unity intle systems and itis very common with regard to general education that do, ‘bring skilled workers to the market. The rgsull is there increased unemployment, This cong can promote feelings of deprivation among many people. the tool through whic! Curriculum » goals of education are achieved, The eurricuiun ‘of education in Pakistan does not meet the demands_of the current times. It is an old yo traditional curriculum which compels the leamers to memorize certain facts and figures yt), taking into consideration the reality that education is the holistic development of an individ “LACK OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS” ‘Training is essential for quality performance. Teaching is.a challenging job. There is lack o: training opportunities for teachers in Pakistan. Although there various teacher training insti in the country. These institutes are ei vell resourced or being poor run due to lack of fund and trained human resource such trainers and administrators. There are no proper training standards in the available training institutes around the country. Most of the training instity have been closed down due to lack of funds, The courses being run in the thacher education intuitions are outdated and very traditional which does not enhance the skills, motivation and quality of teachers. Teacher is the backbone of education system, The quality of teachers in Pakistani schools is deplorable. According to 2 UNESCO report, the quality of the hers and instruction in schools is of Jow quality. This situation is grimmer in remote parts of Punjab, Sindh and Balochistar where even there art no teachers available in schools. Research has found that use new methods and strategies of teaching and learning, Majority of the teachers de not know abgut lesson planning which renders them incapable of sealing with various problems in the orecess of teaching and learning. ‘Teachers encourage cramming. of the materials by_studests Seudents do not know the use of libraries in educational institutions, Thus the reading habit Gecwrasing among the students, - Poor SuPeRvisony STANDARDS — Pole of supervision is 10 exploce-weakiwsses or faults frestmento form of transfers to remote a is the monitoring of cif teaches ard teachers and showing a harsh Navn from services [12], Superwiston colive supery utes the process ning could be improved. The system of school supervision is aimless. There & fot only lack of supervisory activities in achooly but the process of supervision itself does net ‘beng any positive results for teachers and students. ‘Supervision system is concemedt with a1 and harassing the teachers rather than providing help and guidance for improvement mn Tesources such as books, libraries and physical facilities are important for smooth running, of educational process, There are despairingly no facilites of books, libraries and reading materials in all educational institutions of the country. Besides, there ate overcrowded 5 inadequate teachers and _ ill-equipped laboratories. This entire grim dvation kes resulted ina despair an low standard education system. Since the inception of Pakistan a number of education policies were created. There has peen lack of political will on the part of suc cal t { successive government to implement the policies vigorously. The policies were highly ambitious but could not be implemented in true letter and spirit. There has been problem of corruption, 2 im d sistency in successive planning on the part of Various political regimes in Pakistan, Moreover, in the overall policy formulation teachers have been ignored. They are regarded as ‘unimportant element which has led to alienation between the teachers and the system of education, Finance is considered the engine of any system. The education system of Pakistan has been crippled mainly due to scarce finance. The successive governments have been giving less than 2.5 percent budget tu the education sector which is not sufficient for the growing educational needs of the nation in the present changing times. In many of the developing regiqnal countries such as Sri Lanka and Bangladesh the budgetary allacation for education has increased, But in Pakis fam it is declining day by day, According to International Crisis group, Pakistan is amongst the sountries in the world that spent less than 2 percent of their GDP_on education sector. With this insufficient budgetary allocation, the country is hardly going to mect the targets of universalization of primary education as a signatory to the Dakar Conference's MDG goals by 2015 and onward. — Among other causes, corruption the education system of Pakisl the main contributing {act ch has deeply There is a weak system of check and balances and “Sountability which hay encouraged 1m nal_ elements to misappropriate funds, use of authority legally and giving unnecessary favors in allocation of funds, (ransters, promotions “nd decision making. According ta Transparency International, Pakistan is included in the list of Ne mest corrupt countries of the world. Die to low salaries, teachers in search of decent life “andardy and to keep their body and soul together attempt to unfair meais in the examination “9 matters relating to certificates, degrees and so on affected 42 ficient budgetary allocation for education in the nationgy te a Ch, O + the should be suf ourees ta take fresh breath of life. There his will provide the s be quality institutions for the professional development of teachers form p, existing system of teacher education instity Ad Ul, higher levels. For this purpose the pny be provided with funds qualified human fesources to run programs of t for teachers on periodical basis Q «+ Tre stem with re: ty ining ened and all the profess, id be educeted to own met help in creating a sense) y_must_ be strength associated with the tem of cducation shou! individual and collective basis. This tem and its functions, responsibilities on i ownership of the Currie evaluated on annuaLbasis, In this regard a vast survey could conducted to seck opinions of teachers, parents and community regarding, tho, expectations and observations. In this light of this and the expert recommendations cy the educations researchers the cutriculum_goals_should_be_redefined_ and. ty curriculum should be prepared ich eaters to the psyche and needs of the soci snd the country without any discrimination of cast, color and creed. (® «There should be as less political interference as possible. This will allow the system t function smoothly and without any diserimination. Frequent political interventicy creates gaps in the system which has led fo corruption and other evils. Polices should be implemented without any delay of time and resources, 8 «There should be a strong political will on the part of the government to implement without any delay. Poor policy im) ‘plementation has led to creation of gaps sai the public and government agencies, Examination system the_mali i s, corruption and illegal For this purpose the system of supervision and inspection could te physically and theoretically. the salaries and the education professionals s0 tht Towards evil means of getting favors and supps! ‘od within educational institutions, For ths trust deficit on the part of should, gratifications. improved both ‘The government should enhance their tendencies are not diverted ‘The culture of research should be promot purpose the pace of research oriented programs in teaching and learning should accelerated in educational inst tions around the country esp ly at higher levels Government shiould increase the volume of funding le higher education commis» for this purpose. ‘The World Bank is upp! nd successfully across the edu to trounce the key chal ation sector. Pa a_part_of secondary... ‘Tech ation should be mat nN must be ineluded carpentry, electrical, and other technical” edu the curriculum, aa » Providing economic incentives to their children to school and may hel the students may 'y encourage the parents to send Ip in reducing th dropout ratio. « Local_government svstem is hel; @ ion_and literacy in the country. In local government system, the funds for education ‘would be spent on a need basis by the locality @ + Comuption in education departments is one of the factors for the poor literacy in the country. An effective monitoring system is needed in education departments. « For any system to work it is imperative that Legislation and structure should be framed to plan for the promotion of edueatien in the country. Afer the 18th Amendment the education has become a provincial subject, therefore, the provinces should form Ic islations and design educational Unemployment of educated men and women is a majar concer for Pakistan. There should be career counselling of the pupils in schools so that they have an understanding of ob market and they can develop their skills accordingly. @ + Counselling of parents js required, so that they can choose a career for their child which is market friendly. sjeedsniee hey v _ Bonnin Ta a Geet Eicken) The learnt @rent cabins wd day you die. orRmBUereicenliyt. (Allen Bem) a relevant structures are developed. ® * —T Fs Gy Mi bbe vistol E tow covnists moh (Avistoile) Edicods oe ie Tutaln) DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN PAKISTAN 1. PINTRODUCTION * Democratic governance implies a system of government in which all the peopl country can vote to elect their representatives, who in turn g govern the country in the light o: mandate given to their by the people. Democratic history of Pakistan is that of hopeful starts ng unhappy endings. Several experiments were done with the democracy in Pakistan, ~~ Democracy consists of four basic elements: 1. A political system for choosing, and replacing the government through free and fa elections. 2, The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life. Ls, _3.- Protection of the humanzights of all citizens. . 4, Acnule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens. vegatt «) Ine{508.we saw a eontrolled,democracy; in "60s, a basic democracy; in’ “Z0s.a socialist democracy; in ‘fils, guided democracy and in ’905, we had a sham democracy. A quick scan *

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