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NIM : 2020300056


A. Listening to Advertisement
1. Definition
The definition of advertisement is the means of communication in which a
product, brand or service is promoted to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement,
and sales. Advertisements (often shortened to ads or adverts) come in many forms, from copy
to interactive video, and have evolved to become a crucial feature of the app market place.
Advertisements are a guaranteed method of reaching an audience. By creating an engaging
ad, and spending enough to reach your target users, advertisements can have an immediate
impact on business. This effect could be seen in improved trade or boosted brand recognition,
among many different metrics. An advertising strategy typically includes a KPI to measure
this impact on business. This effect could be seen in improved trade or boosted brand
recognition, among many different metrics. An advertising strategy typically includes a KPI
to measure this impact. Announcement is written or spoken statement that tells people about
something : public or formal words that announce something.
2. Types of Listen Advertisement

1. Television Advertisement/ Music Advertisemen

Television Advertisement/ music in advertisement with rapid growth of
information technology and electronic media, television has topped the list among the media
of advertisement. TV has the most effective impact as it appeals to both the eye and the ear.
Certain forms of advertisement such as TV advertisements typically require a large budget.
2. Radio Advertisement
All of us are aware about a radio and must have heard advertisement for
various products in it. It is rare for a company to shift all of its marketing allocation into
promotions, however, because a radio advertisement, for example, may be need to inform the
consumer of the promotion.

B. Listening to Announcement
1. Definition
An Announcements is usually considered as any formal public statement to
convey a specific message. It is a short written or spoken message designed to deliver
information of relevant facts, events or intentions to a specific space. Listening to public
announcements enables the listener to get a practice in seeking specific information which is
considered as an important sub-skill of listening. We often hear different types of
announcement from place like railway stations, airports, bus terminal, hospitals, offices,
museums, shopping malls and educational institutions. Through attentive listening, the
listeners are able to gather and process information to suit their needs in daily life.

2. Benefit Of Listening To Announcement

a) Learn to extract specific information from poorly audible public announcements.
Example: railway situation, sport stadium, super markets, shopping malls, etc.
b) Decipher both complex and abstract messages said in any standard dialect at a normal
c) Comprehend simple technical information like operating an equipment.
d) Grasp the important points conveyed in simple, clear or short messages.
e) Easily understand instructions or directions to avail public transport system from any
3. Tips For Listening To Announcement
a) Listen attentively
b) Focus on the word used in the message and enlist them for a better
c) Focus on all the minute details in the announcement.

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