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Nama : I Komang Gede Agus Diva Wiguna

NIM : 2105571008

Prodi : Teknik Industri

Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris


1. Please make 3 sentences each for Past, Present and Future Continuous Tense
• You were not cooking for me a noodle yesterday
• Were They visiting Australia last time?
• Were We not shooting a lion last month?


• Are you not talking?

• My Father is trying to fix the TV
• I’m going to the doctor right now
• They will be writing letter each other
• She will no be watching TV
• Will it be raining at this time tomorrow?

2. Please make 2-3 or more paragraphs describing your reason and motivation to study
in Industrial Engineering Udayana University
The reason I chose to major in industrial engineering at Udayana University is that it is
the only major available in Bali, and it is a department that is both flexible and non-direct,
which is ideal for my character, which quickly becomes bored with a single subject.
Regional aspects are also important because Udayana is still in Bali, so I don't have to leave
my home and parents, and I can continue to expand my business, which I've had since high
Actually, there is a hint from the government, seeing as the Udayana industrial
engineering department was established by ministerial decree, it is possible that there will
be a large industrial development in Bali, which is no longer a possibility, but it is still a
future that will happen, as there is already a cosmetic factory in Bali, and the entertainment
industry is growing rapidly every year.

3. Please make a short conversation between you and your friend, asking him/her what
did he/she do during their weekend
Diva: Hi melly! How are you?
Melly : Hiii Diva, I’m Fine
Diva : what did you do last weekend?
Melly: hmmm, last weekend i watched the latest movie from marvel
Diva : Oh really?! Which hero?
Melly : spiderman! You have to watch it because there are a lot of unexpected things in the
movie trailer!
Diva: thanks god you remind me, can the movie still be watched?
Melly: Yes of course tou can, your welcome..

4. Please make a short description how to make matches as following picture

The figure depicts the many steps of the matchmaking process. Overall, the matchsticks
are cut, prepped, dried, and transported through a storage area before being packed, where they
are treated with a chemical.
The log of wood is initially peeled using a peeler until a thin layer of sheet, known as
veneer, emerges. These thin layered sheets are sliced into small sticks by the chopper, which
are then immersed in an ammonium phosphate tank. In a circular dyer, the sticks are put and
rotated in a spinning drum. They're then dumped in a hopper and blown through a metal duct
by a blower.
The matchsticks are then gathered in a storage room and stacked in a funnel in the
following stage. A perforated steel belt is used to hold these matchsticks. The tips of the
matchsticks are dipped in a sequence of three tanks holding components such as paraffin wax,
based chemicals, and tip chemicals as the belts move along. The belts are then looped up and
down in a drying area. The matches are packed in the last phase of the procedure.

5. Please translate the following paragraph

Ahli paleontologi telah lama berargumen bahwa kematian dinosaurus disebabkan oleh
perubahan iklim yang terkait dengan perubahan lambat pada posisi benua dan laut dihasilkan
dari lempeng tektonik. Mati dan terus sepanjang Kapur (periode terakhir dari Era Mesozoikum,
di mana dinosaurus berkembang biak), laut dangkal yang luas menutupi wilayah yang luas dari
benua. Data dari berbagai sumber, termasuk bukti geokimia yang tersimpan di sedimen dasar
laut, menunjukkan bahwa iklim Kapur Akhir lebih ringan daripada saat ini. Itu siang tidak
terlalu panas, dan malam tidak terlalu dingin. Musim panasnya tidak terlalu hangat, begitu pula
musim dingin terlalu dingin. Laut dangkal di benua mungkin menyangga suhu udara di
dekatnya, menjaganya agar relatif konstan.

6. According those paragraph, which of the following is true of the Late Cretaceous
A. Summers were very warm and winters were very cold
B. Shallow seas on the continents caused frequent temperature changes
C. The climate was very similar to today’s climate
D. The climate did not change dramatically from season to season

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