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Article 8:

Extensive reading in an EFL classroom: Impact and learners’ perceptions.

Quantitative and Qualitative
Study & Problems:
1. Does ER increase Jordanian EFL learners’ reading fluency?
2. Does ER increase Jordanian EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge?
3. How do Jordanian EFL learners perceive the impact of ER on their reading fluency
and vocabulary knowledge?
The impact of a positive extensive reading approach on students' reading fluency and
vocabulary knowledge.

Article 9:
Extensive Reading for University EFL Learners: Its Effects and Both Teachers' and Learners'
Qualitative and Quantitative
Study & Problems:
What is the relationship of extensive reading and English language proficiency, in particular,
writing ability?
How do student participants perceive extensive reading as a component of their reading
programs before and after the ER implementation? Do their perceptions change after the ER
implementation for one year?
How do the reading teachers perceive extensive reading and its implementation in their
reading class?
The findings of the study indicate that the effectiveness of ER for the student participants is
partially supported and, hence, have implications for English teaching and learning in EFL

Article 10:
Text Difficulty in Extensive Reading: Reading Comprehension and Reading Motivation
Quantitative and Qualitative
Study & Problems:
1. What are the respective effects of the ‘i-1’ and ‘i+1’ ER materials on EFL vocational
high school students’ reading comprehension?
2. What are the comparative effects of the ‘i-1’ and ‘i+1’ ER materials on EFL
vocational high school students’ reading comprehension?
The findings show that the 'i+1' group improved their overall understanding and a subset of
literal comprehension.

All articles use quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Article 8 and 9 used university students as the sample.
Article 10 uses third grade high school students as a sample.
1. Article 8:
10 Jordanian EFL learners, seven females and three males at a private language centre
in Amman, Jordan.
2. Article 9:
190 freshman English majors at a northern university in Taiwan.
3. Article 10:
A total of 120 second graders, ranging in age from 17 to 19, from three classes at a
vocational high school in Taiwan (equivalent to 11th graders in the regular high
school) participated in this study.
1. Article 8: Pre-test, post- test and interviews.
2. Article 9: The reading and listening tests developed by English Learning Testing
Service (ELTS) in Taiwan were conducted in the beginning of the first semester and a
post-test in the end of the second semester.
3. Article 10: Pre-test.
1. The focus of this research is to investigate the impact of an extensive reading
2. The focus of this study is to investigate the effect of reading on general
communicative competence in second language acquisition.
3. This study investigates the effects of the text difficulty of extensive reading materials
on the reading comprehension and reading motivation of English as a foreign
language (EFL) vocational high school students in Taiwan
1. Article 8: For 12 weeks.
2. Article 9: For 2 semesters.
3. Article 7: For 6 weeks.

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