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Hello friends. My name is Quy. I'm 19 years old. I'm from Hanoi.

I am currently studying at FPT

Polytechnic College. Today I will talk about Vietnamese greetings and customs.
I think Vietnamese greetings and customs are quite polite. Normally, Vietnamese people greet
each other very friendly and sociable. It can be greeting each other with a small smile, or it can
also be a handshake to create sympathy. I often greet adults by bowing to develop obedience and
politeness. When I see children, I usually wave at them. Or when we meet friends, we all wave to
each other. I rarely shake hands with others. I find that the customs of Vietnam are somewhat
different from abroad. Usually, in a foreign country, they will be somewhat more natural and
greet more informally. They can give each other hugs to create intimacy and closeness. I find
that Vietnamese people rarely exchange business cards with each other. But to get business cards
from other people, you have to give them trust and closeness. Vietnamese people have many
topics in small talk. In small talk sessions, I often exchange knowledge with people around me.
And you should avoid talking about sensitive topics that make others feel embarrassed, because
doing so will not be very polite.

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