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Topic 5

I assume I pay a lot of attention to my appearance. Because my skin is not strong and has many scars
caused by pimples; therefore, I look after my skin very carefully. I often wash my face twice a day with
skin cleansing cream. When I go out, I often apply suncream to protect my skin from UV rays which will
make my skin darker. Before going to bed, I often use serum to make my skin moisture and stronger.
From my viewpoint, inner beauty and outer beaty are both important. If one of the factors is missing, it
will double hard for someone to succeed especially in education or entertainment fields. Because they
must interact with a lot of audiences and the appearance can somehow influence their confidence and
their audiences’ affection. I think cometic surgeries such as changing faces, bleaching skin, stretching
bones, or inflating chest are dangerous and have many side effects in the long run. Not only it
deteriorates our health but also causes incredible pain to the body

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