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What is history?

History is the study of past events. People know what happened in the past by looking at
things from the past including sources (like books, newspapers, scripts and letters), buildings
and artifacts (like pottery, tools, coins and human or animal remains.)

Type of History

 Political history
what is political history?
Political history is the narrative and survey of political events, ideas, movements, organs of
government, voters, parties and leaders. It is closely related to other fields of history, including
diplomatic history, constitutional history, social history, people's history, and public history.

What is the importance of political history?

Global and social problems are primarily resolved in the sphere of politics, and the tension
between the past and the future is crucial for contemporary changes. Political history provides
the tools to understand and critically assess many contemporary problems and changes.

Major type of Political System

 Democracies-The type of government with which we are most familiar is democracy, or

a political system in which citizens govern themselves either directly or indirectly. The
term democracy comes from Greek and means “rule of the people.”
Monarchies- Monarchy is a political system in which power resides in a single family that rules
from one generation to the next generation. The power the family enjoys is traditional authority,
and many monarchs command respect because their subjects bestow this type of authority on

 Oligarchies-The power in an oligarchy is held by a small, elite group. Unlike in a

monarchy, members of an oligarchy do not necessarily achieve their statuses based on
ties to noble ancestry. Rather, they may ascend to positions of power because of military
might, economic power, or similar circumstances.

 Authoritarian-An authoritarian regime has "a concentration of power in a leader or an

elite not constitutionally responsible to the people". Unlike totalitarian states, they will
allow social and economic institutions not under governmental control, and tend to rely
on passive mass acceptance rather than active popular support.
 Totalitarian regimes-is a form of government that attempts to assert total control
over the lives of its citizens. It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to
control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. It does
not permit individual freedom.
Social History
Historical Demography- Historical demography is the study of population history and
demographic processes, usually using census or similar statistical data. It became an important
specialty inside social history, with strong connections with the larger field of demography, as in
the study of the Demographic Transition.
African- American History-Black history or African-American history studies African Americans
and Africans in American history.  African Americans are largely the descendants of enslaved
people who were brought from their African homelands by force to work in the New by
Ethnic History-It covers the history of ethnic groups (usually not including Black or Native
Americans). Typical approaches include critical ethnic studies; comparative ethnic studies;
critical race studies; Asian-American, and Latino/a or Chicano/a studies. In recent years
Chicano/Chicana studies has become important as the Hispanic population has become the
largest minority in the US.
Labor History- labor history has been mostly pragmatic, eclectic and empirical; it has played an
important role in historiographical debates, such as those revolving around history from below,
institutionalism versus the social history of labor, class, populism, gender, language,
postmodernism and the turn to politics. Kirk rejects suggestions that the field is declining, and
stresses its innovation, modification and renewal.
Woman history-Women's history exploded into prominence in the 1970s,[27] and is now well
represented in every geographical topic; increasingly it includes gender history.[28] Social history
uses the approach of women's history to understand the experiences of ordinary women, as
opposed to "Great Women," in the past. Feminist women's historians have critiqued early
studies of social history for being too focused on the male experience.
Gender History-Gender history focuses on the categories, discourses and experiences of
femininity and masculinity as they develop over time. Gender history gained prominence after it
was conceptualized in 1986 by Joan W. Scott in her article "Gender: A Useful Category of
Historical Analysis."[29] Many social historians use Scott's concept of "perceived differences" to
study how gender relations in the past have unfolded and continue to unfold. In keeping with
the cultural turn, many social historians are also gender historians who study how discourses
interact with everyday experiences
History Of the Family-The History of the family emerged as a separate field in the 1970s, with
close ties to anthropology and sociology.[31] The trend was especially pronounced in the US and
Canada.[32] It emphasizes demographic patterns and public policy, but is quite separate
from genealogy, though often drawing on the same primary sources, such as censuses and
family records.[33]  The study considered the interaction of production, or traditional labor, and
reproduction, the work of caring for children and families, in its analysis of women's wage labor
and thus helped to bring together labor and family history

History of Education- histories of education deal with institutions or focus on the ideas histories
of major reformers,[44] but a new social history has recently emerged, focused on who were the
students in terms of social background and social mobility. Historians have recently looked at
the relationship between schooling and urban growth by studying educational institutions as
agents in class formation, relating urban schooling to changes in the shape of cities, linking
urbanization with social reform movements, and examining the material conditions affecting
child life and the relationship between schools and other agencies that socialize the young.

Urban History- The "new urban history" emerged in the 1950s in Britain and in the 1960s in the
US. It looked at the "city as process" and, often using quantitative methods, to learn more about
the inarticulate masses in the cities, as opposed to the mayors and elites
There were no overarching social history theories that emerged developed to explain urban
development. Inspiration from urban geography and sociology, as well as a concern with
workers (as opposed to labor union leaders), families, ethnic groups, racial segregation, and
women's roles have proven useful. Historians now view the contending groups within the city as
"agents" who shape the direction of urbanization.

 Rural history- Rural history handles the social dimension. Burchardt (2007) evaluates the
state of modern English rural history and identifies an "orthodox" school, focused on the
economic history of agriculture.
 . Recently, a new school, associated with the journal Rural History, has broken away
from this narrative of agricultural change, elaborating a wider social history. 
 Rural areas maintained population stability; kinship ties determined rural immigrant
settlement and community structures; and the defeminization of farm work encouraged
the rural version of the "women's sphere." These findings strongly contrast with those in
the old frontier history as well as those found in the new urban history.[57]
Religion-The historiography of religion focuses mostly on theology and church organization and
development. Recently the study of the social history or religious behavior and belief has
become important.
Economic History

 Economic history is the academic study of economies or economic events of the

past. Research is conducted using a combination of historical methods, statistical
methods and the application of economic theory to historical situations and institutions.

When did the Economic history Start?

 Economics in its basic form began during the Bronze Age (4000-2500 BCE) with written
documents in four areas of the world.
Who is the father of economic history?

 Adam Smith Called the Father of Economics? Adam Smith is called the "father of
economics" because of his theories on capitalism, free markets, and supply and
Why is economic history significant?

 Economic History provides one way to test theory; it forms essential materials to
making good economic theory.
3 major theories of economics:
Keynesian Economics-
Keynesian economics focus on using active government policy to manage aggregate
demand to address or prevent economic recessions. Keynes developed his theories in
response to the Great Depression and was highly critical of previous economic theories,
which he referred to as classical economics.

 Neoclassical Economics- Neoclassical economics is a broad theory that focuses on

supply and demand as the driving forces behind the production, pricing, and
consumption of goods and services. It emerged in around 1900 to compete with the
earlier theories of classical economics.

Marxian Economics- What is the Marxian economic theory?

Marxian economics is a rejection of the classical view of economics developed by

economists such as Adam Smith. Smith and his peers believed that the free market,
an economic system powered by supply and demand with little or no government
control, and an onus on maximizing profit, automatically benefits society.

Art history- the study of art from across the world, and from the ancient to the present
day – covers virtually every aspect of human history and experience. This is because it looks at
works of art not just as objects, but as a way of understanding the world, and the societies in
which they were created.

What is art history called?

 art history, also called art historiography, historical study of the visual arts,
being concerned with identifying, classifying, describing, evaluating, interpreting,
and understanding the art products and historic development of the fields of
painting, sculpture, architecture, the decorative arts, drawing, and printmaking.

What are some examples of art history?

 Renaissance Art (1400–1600) Raffaello Sanzio da Urbin, The School of Athens,

1511. ...
 Baroque (1600–1750) Caravaggio, The Calling of Saint Matthew, circa 1599-
1600. ...
 Neoclassicism (1750–1850) ...
 Realism (1848–1900) ...
 Impressionism (1865–1885) ...
 Fauvism (1900–1935) ...
 Cubism (1907–1914)

Who is the father of art?

Giorgio Vasari has been variously called the father of art history, the inventor of artistic
biography, and the author of “the Bible of the Italian Renaissance”—a little book called
The Lives of the Artists.
What is the purpose of art history?
Art history provides a means by which we can understand our human past and its
relationship to our present, because the act of making art is one of humanity's most
ubiquitous activities. As an art historian you will learn about this rich and fundamental
strand of human culture.

Food history- Food history is an interdisciplinary field that examines the history and the
cultural, economic, environmental, and sociological impacts of food and human
nutrition. It is considered distinct from the more traditional field of culinary history, which
focuses on the origin and recreation of specific recipes.

What kind of food history are you writing?

1. Culinary history. The word “culinary” comes from culina, the Latin word for
kitchen. ...
2. Dietary history. This deals with what people actually ate in the past. ...
3. Nutritional history. ...
4. History of dining and manners. ...
5. History of theories of diet. ...
6. History of foodstuffs.

How is food related to history?

Food can tell us a lot about a society in the past and the present, including what
people lived on and how they managed to create a food supply, often in difficult
circumstances. A number of major historical events have been dictated by changing
tastes in food, like the “career” of sugar.

What was the first food?

Bread. Bread is one the very first foods made by mankind. It is believed that bread was
first made some 30000 years ago.

Science and Medicine History

 history of medicine, the development of the prevention and treatment of disease from
prehistoric and ancient times to the 21st century.

What is science and medicine history?

The History of Science and Medicine Library is a peer-reviewed book series in the
English language devoted to the history of science and medicine, both history of
scientific theory as well as the history of the role of science in society and culture from
early modern times to the present.

Who invented science and medicine?

 Hippocrates is considered to be the father of modern medicine because in his books, which are
more than 70. He described in a scientific manner, many diseases and their treatment after detailed

When did medical science start?

We do know that from ancient Egyptian times (from around 3000 BC) there were
'doctors' and in this context, the medical practitioner Imhotep (around 2600 BC)
produced a written work chronicling over 200 different medical conditions. Hippocrates
(born 460 BC) is widely credited as being the father of modern medicine.

When was medicine first used?

The first known mention of the practice of medicine is from the Old Kingdom of Ancient
Egypt, dating back to about 2600 BC.

What is the oldest medicine?

The Sumerian clay tablet (about 2100 BC) is considered to be the world's oldest
recorded list of medical prescriptions. It is believed by some scholars that the opium
poppy is referred to on the tablet. Some objects from the ancient Greek Minoan culture
may also suggest the knowledge of the poppy.

Who started medicine in the world?

The first modern, pharmaceutical medicine was invented in 1804 by Friedrich
Sertürner, a German scientist. He extracted the main active chemical from opium in his
laboratory and named it morphine, after the Greek god of sleep.

What is the relevance of history?

History Builds Empathy Through Studying the Lives and Struggles of Others. Studying the
diversity of human experience helps us appreciate cultures, ideas, and traditions that are not
our own – and to recognize them as meaningful products of specific times and places.


Primary Sources:  include documents or artifacts created by a witness to or participant in an event.  They can be
firsthand testimony or evidence created during the time period that you are studying.

 may include diaries, letters, interviews, oral histories, photographs, newspaper articles, government documents,
poems, novels, plays, and music.  The collection and analysis of primary sources is central to historical research.

What primary source means?

Primary sources are documents, images or artifacts that provide firsthand
testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research
investigation. Primary sources are original documents created or experienced
contemporaneously with the event being researched

What are examples of a primary source?

Examples of Primary Sources
 archives and manuscript material.
 photographs, audio recordings, video recordings, films.
 journals, letters and diaries.
 speeches.
 scrapbooks.
 published books, newspapers and magazine clippings published at the time.
 government publications.
 oral histories.

Secondary Source

Secondary sources are works that analyze, assess or interpret an historical event, era, or
phenomenon, generally utilizing primary sources to do so. Secondary sources often offer a
review or a critique. Secondary sources can include books, journal articles, speeches, reviews,
research reports, and more.

What are 5 examples of secondary sources?

Examples of secondary sources are scholarly or popular books and journal articles,
histories, criticisms, reviews, commentaries, encyclopedias, and textbooks.

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