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Name : Ratu Ayu Arizky

NIM : 21060334

Asking for and giving suggestion

1. Y : I want to go to Pangandaran tomorrow but my teacher told me to finish the

assignmentand collect it tomorrow too.
X : Maybe you can to finish the assignment on the way to Pangandaran.

2. Y : I can't understand the teacher explanation, although I always pay attantion to her.
X : You need to write note and review it when the class is over.

3. Y : I haven’t been able to pay the school administration.

X : I think, you should ask dispensation to the school.

4. Y : My dad coughed all night long. He can’t go to work today.

X : He had better go to the doctor.

5. Y : I’ve just lost my wallet in class.

X : Let’s look around the classroom.

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