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From my judgment, a top-notch and accomplished school possesses a variety of

characteristics. Firstly, one of the most important components, as well as the key to
a superb school, is the teacher. The teachers who teach in those schools need to be
qualified, competent, and passionate about teaching so that students can develop
comprehensively and gain in-depth knowledge. For instance, the teachers at RMIT
university are always supportive, and friendly with fascinating lectures that can
make students enthusiastic about learning. They also have a significant influence
on the perceptions, and dispositions of students. Secondly, if students study in an
equal and equality environment, they definitely study in the optimal school.
Students can be affable and agreeable with one another in that environment
because there will never be conflicts, discrimination, or bad behavior in a lousy
environment of the school. Finally, a good curriculum also plays an important part
in creating an ideal school. This is because a great curriculum provides sufficient
instruction in all aspects for pupils, including ethics, learning, and life skills. In
conclusion, although competitive admission to an ideal school is very high, such
schools have a favorable impact on students.

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