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What happens if a tSA crashes while executing a contract ID in the LIST record?

<=51%...100%=> Each contract ID(s) being processed in the LIST file is wrapped
around a transaction block, therefore any failure in tSA will result in a rollback.
The contract ID will not be removed from the LIST record. Any other agent that
picks up the record will process the ID.
<=51%...100%=> Each contract ID(s) being processed in the LIST file is wrapped
around a transaction block, therefore any failure in tSA will result in a rollback.
The contract ID will be removed from the LIST record. Other agents will continue
processing the LIST file
<=51%...100%=> COB will be halted
<=51%...100%=> Each contract ID(s) being processed in the LIST file is not wrapped
around a transaction block, therefore any failure in tSA will result in a halt of
that particular job.
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What is the order of execution of jobs in COB

<=51%...100%=> Application wide, System Wide, Reporting, Start of Day, Online
<=51%...100%=> Offline, System wide, Start of Day, Reporting, Online
<=51%...100%=> System wide, Application wide, Reporting, Offline and Online
<=51%...100%=> System wide, Application wide, Reporting, Start of day, Online
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COB is being executed in a bank that has the NS module installed. While COB is
being executed, online transactions are pouring in. Name the record in the DATES
application that these online transactions will use? Assume that the company code
is US0010001
<=51%...100%=> US0010001
<=51%...100%=> US0010001-COB
<=51%...100%=> US0010001-NS
<=51%...100%=> US0010001-ONLINE
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After the completion of COB, what happens to the records in the TSA.STATUS?
<=51%...100%=> Removed from F.TSA.STATUS
<=51%...100%=> AGENT.STATUS field marked as STOPPED and written
<=51%...100%=> AGENT.STATUS field marked as STOP and written
<=51%...100%=> LAST.MESSAGE field is updated as Finished
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While running multi server, what will be format of the key of TSA.STATUS record
that runs COB?
<=51%...100%=> Agent number
<=51%...100%=> Agent number:ServerName
<=51%...100%=> Agent number:"MS"
<=51%...100%=> "MS":Agent.number
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Which of the following is true about transaction management done by

BATCH.JOB.CONTROL? A. Every ID that is processed by the RECORD routine of a multi
threaded job is enclosed within a transaction block B. The .LOAD routine of a job
is enclosed within a transaction block C. If the job is a single threaded routine,
the entire routine is within a transaction block D. The .SELECT routine of a job is
enclosed within a transaction block
<=51%...100%=> A,B,C and D
<=51%...100%=> B,C and D
<=51%...100%=> A,B and C
<=51%...100%=> A,C and D
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The current T24 date is 14th July 2005. The COB operator initiates COB. After a
while, the operator realizes that COB is performing the System Wide job
MM.END.OF.DAY.1 that belongs to the BATCH record BNK/AC.CASH.POOL.MM. What will be
the T24 date(The value of the field TODAY in the DATES application) in the record
with ID set to company code alone (US0010001) at this point in time? 14th July 2005
is a Monday and there are no holidays defined for the week in the HOLIDAY table.
<=51%...100%=> 14th July 2005
<=51%...100%=> 15th July 2005
<=51%...100%=> Will not contain any value
<=51%...100%=> Depends on whether the NS product is installed or not
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What is the significance of any error marked as critical in EB.EOD.ERROR?

<=51%...100%=> Next COB cannot be initiated unless this critical error is fixed and
a fix date is supplied in EB.EOD.ERROR
<=51%...100%=> Next COB cannot be initiated unless Temenos supplies a new
maintenance code
<=51%...100%=> All agents running COB as well as other online services will stop
<=51%...100%=> Does not have any significance while running COB
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A value 3 in the field PROCESS.STATUS in the BATCH application denotes

<=51%...100%=> All the jobs in the BATCH record resulted in an error
<=51%...100%=> All jobs in the BATCH record have been completed successfully
<=51%...100%=> All jobs in the BATCH record are ready to be executed
<=51%...100%=> One of the jobs in the BATCH record have resulted in an error
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When we define an activation service with service control as 'START', when will
this service get stopped?
<=51%...100%=> This performs one iteration and after processing the current
iteration , the service will be marked as STOP.
<=51%...100%=> Once the activation file becomes empty ,the service will
automatically be marked as stop.
<=51%...100%=> It waits for two iteration for any entries to process and then if
the activation file is still empty, then this will be marked as stop.
<=51%...100%=> This will continue to have START until the user marks it as stop.
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The COB operator of a bank that is using T24, sets up the required files to start
COB and commences COB by typing the command START.TSM -DEBUG. Once done, he sees
the following message tSA 1 -DEBUG COMO tSA_1_1297271750.89 established 19:55:50 07
JUL 2005 Agent 1 started 07 JUL 05 19:55:50 Running on server local tSM DEBUG
Service Profile TSM�COB�1�2 Manually launch tSA 2 Manually launch tSA 3 He is
puzzled now, as he started the TSM but he sees a line 'tSA 1 -DEBUG' which denotes
that agent 1 has been started. What could be the possible reason for this?
<=51%...100%=> Not always tSA 1 is started when we start TSM. It can be tSA 2 or 3
or any number depending on TSA.STATUS
<=51%...100%=> Erroneous definition
<=51%...100%=> TSM is also an agent and is always the first to be started
<=51%...100%=> It is just data that is displayed. Internally tSA 1 is not started
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Pick the false statement with respect to multi threaded routines in T24
<=51%...100%=> The record routine can contain a filtering logic that decides which
ID to process and what not to
<=51%...100%=> The .SELECT routine is not required if an activation file is used
<=51%...100%=> REC.VERIFY field in the PGM.FILE is set to Y if there is a .FILTER
<=51%...100%=> A .FILTER routine contains logic that decides if an ID must be
processed or not
<=51%...100%=> The field BYPASS.SEL in PGM.FILE always causes a simple SELECT to be
executed instead of a SELECT with conditions
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When agents wish to perform a job during COB, as the first step, they lock the
record in the F.BATCH file where the job to be executed is defined. What could be
the possible reason for this kind of behavior?
<=51%...100%=> To execute the LOAD routine
<=51%...100%=> To prevent other agents from executing other jobs defined in the
BATCH application
<=51%...100%=> To change the PROCESS.STATUS from 0 to 1 (If it is the first job to
be executed in that BATCH record) and to change the JOB.STATUS from 0 to 1 for the
job that is to be executed
<=51%...100%=> During COB, the records in the F.BATCH file are not locked
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MEMORY field in F.TSA.STATUS is represented as

<=51%...100%=> bytes
<=51%...100%=> Kilo bytes
<=51%...100%=> Mega bytes
<=51%...100%=> Giga bytes
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Name the enquiry that can be used to find the status of the various agents running
<=51%...100%=> AGENT.STATUS
<=51%...100%=> COB.STATUS
<=51%...100%=> TSA.STATUS
<=51%...100%=> TSA.SERVICE
<=51%...100%=> COB.MONITOR
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A user has attached a job(NEW.JOB) as a part of BATCH application. Then, executes

COB. At the end of COB, he realizes that the job neither executed nor crashed. What
could be the reason?
<=51%...100%=> The field 'FREQUENCY' for the job was left blank in the BATCH record
<=51%...100%=> The field 'FREQUENCY' for the job was set to 'A'
<=51%...100%=> Routine didn't have an entry in PGM.FILE
<=51%...100%=> Routine didn't have an entry in EB.API
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Where can you check to see if COB is being executed for a particular company?
<=51%...100%=> SPF
<=51%...100%=> COMPANY
<=51%...100%=> COMPANY.CHECK
<=51%...100%=> TSA.SERVICE
<=51%...100%=> DATES
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When does a batch job not require a PGM.FILE entry?

<=51%...100%=> When it is a Single threaded job
<=51%...100%=> If it is part of Online stage of COB
<=51%...100%=> Always requires a PGM.FILE entry
<=51%...100%=> If it is one of the Reporting jobs
<=51%...100%=> If it is a Date Change job
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Pick the one true statement from the list

<=51%...100%=> The DATE.TIME audit field is updated automatically depending on the
physical location of the branch when GP is installed
<=51%...100%=> The COMPANY record has a field RELATIVE.TIME that contains the time
that needs to be updated in the DATE.TIME audit field
<=51%...100%=> The COMPANY record has a field RELATIVE.TIME that contains the time
in relation to the central server time which is displayed as an enrichment in the
DATE.TIME field. The central server time is what is updated in the field
<=51%...100%=> The DATE.TIME audit field is not updated when GP is installed as T24
cannot keep track of multiple time zones the branches are situated in
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What happens if a tSA crashes while processing the SELECT routine?

<=51%...100%=> The SELECT routine is executed only by one tSA and is wrapped around
jBASE transaction management. So, if the tSA crashes while doing the select,
another tSA waiting for the lock to be released on F.LOCKING will continue with the
<=51%...100%=> The SELECT routine is executed only by one tSA and is wrapped around
jBASE transaction management. So, if the tSA crashes while doing the select any
partial updates will be rolled back. The other tSA waiting for the lock to be
released on F.BATCH.STATUS will perform the select
<=51%...100%=> COB will be halted
<=51%...100%=> The SELECT routine is executed by all tSAs. So, if the tSA crashes
while doing the select, the rest of the tSAs will take over
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In which situation would I require the GP product to be installed?

<=51%...100%=> When each company in the T24 installation has a different local
<=51%...100%=> When there are more than one lead company in the T24 installation
<=51%...100%=> When the branches span time zones and have different region settings
<=51%...100%=> When COB needs to be executed without human intervention
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Suddenly the number of records in the JOB.LIST has grown from 4 to 385 while the
job is running. What could be the reason
<=51%...100%=> This is not possible
<=51%...100%=> Another session has done a select and added the records
<=51%...100%=> Distribution of the job list record has happened towards the end of
the job
<=51%...100%=> The next CONTROL.LIST has got executed
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Which one of the following statements is true with respect to a T24 installation
that does not use GP
<=51%...100%=> COB cannot be run in this installation
<=51%...100%=> COB, if started, runs for the Lead Company only
<=51%...100%=> COB, if started, runs for all companies
<=51%...100%=> COB can be started for each company separately
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The select statement executed by a Close Of Business job can be found in

<=51%...100%=> &HOLD&
<=51%...100%=> F.BATCH.STATUS
<=51%...100%=> F.LOCKING
<=51%...100%=> F.JOB.TIMES
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What is the purpose of the field DATE.CHANGE.COB.LINK?

<=51%...100%=> Reserved for future release.
<=51%...100%=> This is to indicate whether client needs to run COB or
<=51%...100%=> This field indicates DATE.CHANGE has occurred during the cob or not.
<=51%...100%=> None of the above
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What is the reason for a batch record not being picked up during cob processing?
<=51%...100%=> The frequency of the job in the batch is set to Ad- hoc with a run
<=51%...100%=> The frequency of the job in the batch is not set to D
<=51%...100%=> The BATCH.STAGE stage is null in the batch record
<=51%...100%=> The BATCH.STAGE has been set to Online
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What happens if a tSM session is killed abruptly

<=51%...100%=> tSM has to be started again
<=51%...100%=> All agents running services should be stopped and tSM has to be
started again
<=51%...100%=> A tSA running in the same server will restart the tSM
<=51%...100%=> TSA.STATUS has to be cleared and tSM has to be started again
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For AUTO services, pick the right answer in relation to the &COMO& created by the
agents running it
<=51%...100%=> One record is created per iteration
<=51%...100%=> One record is created till the agent stops the service
<=51%...100%=> Only the first iteration is recorded in &COMO&
<=51%...100%=> &COMO& is not written for such services
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What is the common variable that is used to check if COB is executing or not?
<=51%...100%=> RUNNING.UNDER.BATCH
<=51%...100%=> RUNNING.COB
<=51%...100%=> COB.RUNNING
<=51%...100%=> SYSTEM.OFFLINE
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Which of the following is true about date change during COB? Assume company code is
<=51%...100%=> The job B.DATE.CHANGE cycles the date in the record US0010001-COB in
the DATES application to match the date in the record US0010001 in the DATES
<=51%...100%=> The job B.DATE.CHANGE cycles the date in the record US0010001 in the
DATES application to match the date in the record US0010001-COB in the DATES
<=51%...100%=> The job B.DATE.CHANGE sets the next run date for all jobs run during
COB based on their frequency as defined in the BATCH application
<=51%...100%=> The job B.DATE.CHANGE deletes the record US0010001-COB as it is
executed as part of start of day process of COB. From start of day, we do not
require a separate record in the DATES application.
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Crashes happening in the below phases of a COB job will result in the service being
<=51%...100%=> For every fatal error
<=51%...100%=> .LOAD/.SELECT/.FILTER
<=51%...100%=> Record routine
<=51%...100%=> Will not stop the service at all time
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NEXT.SERVICE is set to STOP in a TSA.STATUS record. What does this mean?
<=51%...100%=> The job is nearing completion
<=51%...100%=> tSM has signalled the agent to stop
<=51%...100%=> The job has crashed
<=51%...100%=> NEXT.SERVICE can never be STOP
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What will happen if a job that is marked as .CRITICAL in PGM.FILE encounters an

<=51%...100%=> TEC entry is created for the record and the job continues
<=51%...100%=> The job status is set to 0 in the BATCH record
<=51%...100%=> The crashed key will be removed from the JOB.LIST file and the
service will be marked as STOP
<=51%...100%=> The COB service is marked as STOP
<=51%...100%=> Batch status record is written as Error
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What shall be the ID of the TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE record for the service COB- for a
particular server?
<=51%...100%=> COB
<=51%...100%=> Not Required(Takes 2 as default)
<=51%...100%=> Same as Service Name
<=51%...100%=> Any Name
<=51%...100%=> COB-ServerName
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What does it signify when the field TXN.MANAGEMENT in a JOB.TIMES record is set to
<=51%...100%=> It means the multi threaded job did not update any financial
<=51%...100%=> The multi threaded job has .NTX set in the ADDITIONAL.INFO field of
PGM.FILE entry
<=51%...100%=> The multi threaded job has .NUC set in the ADDITIONAL.INFO field of
PGM.FILE entry
<=51%...100%=> The COB frame work will take care of the transaction management of
the current job
<=51%...100%=> No transaction management is used for all updates done by the
current multi threaded job
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The current T24 date is 14th July 2005. The COB operator initiates COB. After a
while, the operator realizes that COB is performing the Start Of Day job
BATCH record has the BATCH.STAGE field set to D110. What will be the value in the
field TODAY in the DATES application for the record US0010001-COB at this point in
time? 14th July 2005 is a Monday and there are no holidays defined for the week in
the HOLIDAY table. The company for which COB is run is US0010001 (Mnemonic BNK)
<=51%...100%=> 14th July 2005
<=51%...100%=> 15th July 2005
<=51%...100%=> Will not contain any value
<=51%...100%=> Depends on whether the NS product is installed or not
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If an application is enabled for unauth processing, then during COB, what happens
to the records in IHLD status?
<=51%...100%=> The records in IHLD status continue to remain in the same status
<=51%...100%=> All the records in IHLD status are deleted during COB if unauth
processing is enabled
<=51%...100%=> All the records in IHLD status will be moved to INAU status during
COB if unauth processing is enabled
<=51%...100%=> COB cannot be processed if it finds any records with status IHLD and
therefore will crash out
<=51%...100%=> During COB, the user will be prompted to edit the records in IHLD
status so that the record status changes to INAU
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Which of the following activities are performed by TSM until it is stopped? A.

Build service profile B. Check the status of the various agents running C. Assign
free agents D. Start agents as per the value in HIGHEST.AGENT in TSA.PARAMETER E.
Read values specified in TSA.PARAMETER
<=51%...100%=> A,B,C,D and E
<=51%...100%=> A,B,C and D
<=51%...100%=> A,B,C,and E
<=51%...100%=> B,C,D and E
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If an application is enabled for unauth processing, then during COB without NS

module, what happens to the records in INAU status?
<=51%...100%=> The records in INAU status continue to remain in the same status
<=51%...100%=> All the records in INAU status are moved to IHLD status during COB
if unauth processing is enabled
<=51%...100%=> All the records in INAU status will become live during COB if unauth
processing is enabled
<=51%...100%=> COB cannot be processed if it finds any records with status INAU and
therefore will crash out
<=51%...100%=> During COB, the user will be prompted to authorize the records that
are in INAU status so that no transactions are pending for that day
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COB is run with 6 agents. The resetting of the BATCH records happens at the end of
COB. How many agents will be performing this task simultaneously. Please note that
COB consists of 5 stages.
<=51%...100%=> 6
<=51%...100%=> 1
<=51%...100%=> 5
<=51%...100%=> 2
<=51%...100%=> Resetting the BATCH record happens at the end of every stage in COB
Found in : echamlong@syncordisconsulting.com2

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