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Mesenchymal stem cells for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

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2006 Biomed. Mater. 1 63


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Biomed. Mater. 1 (2006) 63–71 doi:10.1088/1748-6041/1/2/003

Mesenchymal stem cells for tissue

engineering and regenerative medicine
Suk-Kee Tae, Seok-Hyn Lee, Jae-Sik Park and Gun-Il Im
Department of Orthopaedics, Dongguk University International Hospital, Goyang, Korea

Received 30 March 2006

Accepted for publication 6 April 2006
Published 26 April 2006
Online at

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exist in bone marrow and other musculoskeletal tissues.
These cells contribute to the homeostasis of musculoskeletal tissue as well as support for the
growth and differentiation of primitive hemopoietic cells. Recent advancements in tissue
engineering and regenerative medicine have highlighted MSCs as a potential source of cells
which would differentiate to a variety of tissue tailored to individual needs. This paper briefly
outlines the current status of MSCs, focusing on their biological characteristics and potential
for clinical applications.

1. Introduction cartilage, fat and muscle [4, 5]. In addition, to meet the
high demand for precursors during tissue growth and repair,
Bone marrow contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which uncommitted progenitors can be recruited from other tissue
support hematopoietic stem cells and provide progenitors sources [6].
for several mesenchymal tissues, including bone, cartilage, The multipotential of MSCs, their easy isolation and
tendon, fat and muscle [1]. Comparable adult stem cells culture, and their high ex vivo expansive potential make
have also been isolated from a wide variety of tissues. These these cells an attractive therapeutic tool for potential use in
cells can differentiate into specialized cells with a phenotype regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.
distinct from that of the precursor under the influence of
appropriate signals. 2. In vitro characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells
MSCs were first identified in the pioneering studies of
Friedenstein, who isolated bone-forming progenitor cells from Even though MSCs can be easily isolated and expanded in
rat marrow [2]. MSCs represent a very small fraction, 0.001– culture through many generations while retaining the capacity
0.01%, of the total population of nucleated cells in marrow to differentiate, little information is currently available about
[3]. However, they can be isolated and expanded with high the biology of stem cells in vivo and their precise role in tissue
efficiency, and induced to differentiate to multiple lineages repair or regeneration. This may be due in part to the lack of
under defined culture conditions. Along with their extensive useful cell-specific markers. MSCs can differentiate in vitro
capacity for self-renewal, stem cells display a broad potential into cells of connective tissue lineages, including bone, fat,
for generating diverse differentiated progenies. and cartilage under appropriate culture conditions.
Adult stem cells had been considered to be
developmentally committed so that a kind of stem cell 2.1. Isolation and characterization of MSCs
generates specific cell lineages. This concept has been
radically challenged by several uncanny and unanticipated MSCs are generally isolated from bone marrow aspirates
discoveries. Recent studies have demonstrated that particular harvested from the superior iliac crest of the pelvis in humans
stem cells, besides producing an expected set of cell [3, 7] although other sources such as the tibial and femoral
characteristics of the tissue they reside in, also give rise marrow compartments [8, 9] and the thoracic and lumbar
to a set of totally different cells. MSCs can give rise to spine are also available [10]. Although they represent a
nonmesenchymal cells such as neural cells or epithelial cells minor fraction of the total nucleated cell population in marrow,
as well as a variety of mesenchymal phenotypes such as bone, MSCs can be plated and enriched using standard cell culture

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S-K Tae et al

Figure 2. Human mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow are

strongly positive for STRO-1 antibody (left) and negative for CD-34
Figure 1. Human mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow
growing in vitro on the floor of a plastic dish.
with non-hematopoietic progenitor bone marrow stromal cells
(figure 2) [22]. The SB-10 antibody was shown to be reactive
techniques. The marrow sample is fractionated on a density with an antigen present on undifferentiated MSCs, which
gradient solution. Then the cells are plated at densities ranging disappeared after the cells began the osteogenic differentiation
from 1 × 104 cells cm−2 to 0.4 × 106 cells cm−2 [3, 11, and express cell surface alkaline phosphatase [23]. The
12]. Cells are generally cultured in a basal medium such as specific SB-10 antigen was later identified as CD166 (activated
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (high glucose) in the leukocyte-cell adhesion molecule, ALCAM) [23], which may
presence of 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) [3]. MSCs have play a role in the progression of osteogenic differentiation.
a fibroblastic morphology in a monolayer culture and adhere The SH-2 antibody reacts with an epitope present on the
to the tissue culture substrate. Primary cultures are usually transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) receptor endoglin
maintained for 12–16 days, during which time the nonadherent (CD105) [21]. Both the SH-3 and SH-4 antibodies [24]
hematopoietic cells are removed with the exchange of the apparently recognize distinct epitopes on the membrane-bound
medium. The addition of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) ecto-5-nucleotidase (CD73) [21]. SH-2, 3, 4 antibodies do
to primary cultures of human MSCs leads to an enhanced not react with hematopoietic cells or with osteocytes [24].
proliferation and osteogenic potential [13]. Although plastic Regrettably, all of the antigens are also expressed on a host
adherence remains the principal method to isolate MSCs, of other cell types and do not provide the specificity needed
immunodepletion methods involving CD34/CD45/CD11b to extend these studies to in vivo evaluation of tissue-specific
may be used to generate purified MSC preparations [14]. stem cells.
By light or phase contrast microscopy, MSC cultures MSCs express a large spectrum of cell adhesion molecules
display a rather homogenous population of fibroblast-like cells that have potential importance in cell binding and homing
(figure 1). While a small fraction of MSCs actively proliferate interactions. CD44, a receptor for various ligands such as
(approximately 10% at S + G2 + M), the vast majority of hyaluronan and osteopontin, is also expressed and particularly
cells are standing at the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle [15]. [15] plays a central role in the organization of the extracellular
After multiple passages, MSCs show a large but exceedingly matrix in the marrow or in the bone [25, 26]. Expression of
erratic expansive potential. MSCs cannot be expanded over specific integrins also plays a role in homing to sites of injury
30–40 doublings [16, 17]. This is determined by several and binding to specific matrix molecules [27].
factors: the procedures for harvesting the marrow [16–18];
the frequency of MPC in marrow harvests (2–5 MPC per
1 × 106 mononuclear cells) [19]; the age or condition of the 2.3. Differentiation of MSCs
donor [20]. After extensive subcultivation impairs, cells show
Osteogenic activation requires β-glycerol-phosphate, ascorbic
evident signs of senescence and apoptosis [15].
acid-2-phosphate, dexamethasone and fetal bovine serum.
When cultured in a monolayer in the presence of these
2.2. Surface markers of MSCs
supplements, the cells acquire an osteoblastic morphology
In order to characterize MSCs, the antigenic phenotypes with upregulation of the alkaline phosphatase activity and
of MSCs have been studied. The antigenic types are not deposition of a calcium-rich mineralized extracellular matrix.
unique, and also vary with subcultures. It shows features Chondrogenic differentiation occurs when MSCs are
of mesenchymal, endothelial, epithelial and muscle cells. grown in a three-dimensional culture format, a serum-free
In general, MSCs do not express the typical hematopoietic nutrient medium and the addition of a member of the TGF-
antigens such as CD45, CD34 and CD14 [15, 21]. There are β super-family such as TGF-β1, β2, β3 or BMPs. When
several antibodies that were extensively investigated by several these conditions are met the cells initiate an expression of a
groups. STRO-1 was identified as an antibody that reacted number of cartilage-specific extracellular matrix components

Mesenchymal stem cells for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

and a spectacular change in cell morphology. TGF- phenotypes with characteristics of adipocytes, osteoblasts,
β1, β2 and β3 have the ability to induce this response chondrocytes, smooth muscle cells, skeletal myotubes and
although TGF-β2 and 3 are more effective than β1 in cardiomyocytes when treated with dexamethasone [51]. It
promoting chondrogenesis [28]. During differentiation in has not been confirmed whether muscle- and bone marrow-
the presence of TGF-β, MSCs synthesize all components of resident mesenchymal stem cells represent the same kind of
the normal articular cartilage matrix (aggrecan, link protein, progenitor. However, the work by Ferrari et al [6] has provided
fibromodulin, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, decorin, strong evidence that the populations of muscle progenitors
type II collagen) [28]. present in skeletal muscle are derived from uncommitted
MSCs cultured in a monolayer in the presence of bone marrow mesenchymal progenitors and are different from
isobutylmethylxanthine become adipocytes with large lipid- muscle satellite cells.
filled vacuoles. Adipogenic differentiation of MSCs is induced
by the nuclear receptor and transcription factor, peroxisome 3.2. Bone-derived MSC
proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-γ ). Both IL-1
and TNF-α suppress adipogenesis, which is mediated through Four cellular subsets were sorted from primary cultures of
NF-κB activated by the TAK1/TAB1/NF-κB induction kinase human bone, depending on expression of the stromal precursor
cascade [29]. The effect of inhibition by these cytokines cell marker STRO-1 and the osteoblastic marker alkaline
leads to differentiation toward osteogenesis. Induction of phosphatase (ALP) [52]. The STRO-1+/ALP-subset showed
myogenesis by 5-azacytidine was reported for embryonic and a preosteoblastic phenotype with a reduced ability to form a
adult cells [30, 31]. mineralized bone matrix and the lack of expression of bone
Treatment of MSCs with isobutylmethylxanthine and sialoprotein, osteopontin and parathyroid hormone receptor.
dibutyryl cyclic AMP induced expression of early markers of Only these subpopulation cells gave rise to all of the four
neuronal differentiation [32]. Transdifferentiation of mouse subsets of STRO-1/ALP cells present in the primary culture.
marrow stromal-derived mature osteoblasts and the stromal Thus, these results have demonstrated that cultures of human
cells themselves to a neural phenotype was achieved by bone yield osteoprogenitors as well as end-stage differentiated
treatment with 5-azacytidine in the presence of nerve growth osteoblasts.
factor, BDNF and neurotrophin-3 [33]. Treatment of rat Studies with nonimmortalized clonal cell lines derived
cells with DMSO/butylated hydroxyanisole in the presence from human trabecular bone have shown that bipotent-
of bFGF and PDGF was also successful in inducing a neural (osteo/adipo) committed progenitors are also present. Thus,
phenotype [34]. uncommitted mesenchymal stem cells are also ubiquitously
positioned in bones which, under appropriate stimuli, may self-
3. Tissue-specific mesenchymal stem cells renew, commit and generate cells exhibiting the phenotypic
and functional characteristics of the bone or adipose
In addition to marrow, other sources of stem cells with tissue [53].
mesenchymal potential include periosteum [35, 36], trabecular
bone [37, 38], adipose tissue [39–41], synovium [42], skeletal 3.3. Adipose tissue-derived MSC
muscle [31], lung [43] and deciduous teeth [44].
Adipose tissue stromal cells contain adipocyte progenitors
at various stages of maturity, including the stromal-vascular
3.1. Muscle-derived MSC
(SV) cells, considered as the less differentiated tissue-
Work performed with adult human skeletal muscle has resident adipocyte progenitor. Those cells proliferate and
demonstrated the existence of cells with properties of early differentiate into mature adipocytes during cold acclimation
myogenic progenitors [45]. A mixture of stellate-shaped [54] and after caloric excess [55]. SV cells are a class of
cells and multinucleated myotubes was formed after tissue fat-resident-committed mesenchymal progenitors, exhibiting
enzymatic dissociation and cell cultivation. Cells showed at least a bipotent differentiation potential, since they can
signs of differentiation when dexamethasone was added differentiate into adipocytes or chondrocytes [56]. They can
[46]. The differentiated population included cells with the be induced to differentiate into adipocytes by glucocorticoids
phenotype of skeletal and smooth muscle, bone, cartilage and [57]. Stem cells from adipose tissue, variously referred
fat. In addition, there was a minor cellular subset that contains to as processed lipoaspirate (PLA) cells [40], have been
slowly dividing cells in culture but rapidly after grafting shown to have similar differentiation potentials [39]. There
was preset. The subset probably represents uncommitted is a little difference between cells from marrow and fat in
mesenchymal stem cells that persist in the environment of terms of yield, growth kinetics, cell senescence, multi-lineage
the recipient muscle. These cells [47–49] seem to be different differentiation capacity and gene transduction efficiency. The
from muscle satellite cells that are considered as the muscle utility of these cells in therapeutic applications may then
stem cell [50]. depend on the availability of tissue specimens and the ease of
Cells from myocardium also exhibit properties of in vitro expansion. However, recent works on the osteogenic
mesenchymal progenitors. It has been reported that and chondrogenic potentials of adipose-derived MSCs show
cultures of neonatal rat heart gives rise to a population inferior capacity for osteogenesis or chondrogenesis compared
of adherent cells which generate several mesenchymal with bone marrow-derived MSCs [58, 59].

S-K Tae et al

4. Mobilization of mesenchymal stem cells MSCs have also been shown to engraft at high levels
in lung tissue following exposure to bleomycin offering
Bone marrow stroma can feed progenitors into distant tissues protection against bleomycin-induced lung injury, including
[1]. Thus, the mesenchymal stem cell must leave the marrow inflammation and collagen deposition.
stroma for destinations in other tissues. Cell-to-cell or cell- These observations have broad implications in the area of
to-matrix interactions between mesenchymal progenitors and lung disease associated with environmental damage [14].
stromal components should loosen up in order to facilitate Stem cells with the ability to differentiate into neurons,
the entrance of the progenitor into the blood stream. Then astrocytes and oligodendrocytes have been isolated from rat
peripheral blood should provide a trail route for mesenchymal spinal cord [72], and implantation of neural stem cells in an
stem cells in the search of their final destinations where they adult rat model of spinal cord injury resulted in long-term
are supposed to home, expand and further differentiate. functional improvement [71]. The ability of bone marrow-
In addition to adult bone marrow and other mesenchymal derived MSCs to differentiate into neural lineages in vitro
tissues, umbilical cord blood is also a source of mesenchymal and after transplantation in both mice and rats provoked the
progenitors [60]. These ‘in motion’ mesenchymal cells expectation that they may be useful in the treatment of stroke,
display many common features with adult human bone traumatic injury and Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, it was
marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitors, such as adhesion recently verified that adult human bone marrow cells could
to plastic, morphology, expression of cell membrane and enter the brain and generate neurons after transplantation [73].
cytoplasmic antigens, and a potential to differentiate into In orthopedics, there are many applications involving
osteo/chondrogenic and adipogenic phenotypes. Moreover,
local delivery of MSCs, which include repair of focal defects
the identification in cultures of mesenchymal cells from cord
in articular cartilage [74, 75], tendon [76], ligament [77],
blood of a subset (5–10%) of quiescent cells suggests that
intervertebral disk [78], spine fusion [79], the repair of
an uncommitted mesenchymal progenitor circulates during
segmental bone defects [80] and craniotomy defects [81]. In
gestation. The inverse correlation between content of
an animal model of osteoarthritis, delivery of stem cells by
mesenchymal progenitors in cord blood and gestational age,
intraarticular injection resulted in engraftment of those cells
a trend also observed for hematopoietic progenitors [61],
on the meniscus, fat pad and synovium with regeneration of
suggests that mesenchymal cells travel from fetal sites into
meniscal tissue and protection of the cartilage.
other tissues early during development [60].

5. Therapeutic applications of mesenchymal stem 5.2. Systemic infusion

cells in regenerative medicine A selective homing follows the infusion of mesenchymal
progenitors from bone marrow into marrow stromal sites [82].
As adult stem cells have presented several promising features
The homed MSCs facilitate engraftment and differentiation
for the development of new cell therapies, researchers have
of hematopoietic stem cells, which improves the function of
pursued a broad range of investigations for their therapeutic
hematopoietic-supporting stroma [83, 84].
utilization. MSCs can be locally applied for regeneration or
Although the issue of transplantation has been addressed
infused systematically depending on the purpose.
in several studies, results are rather contradictory in
establishing the origin (host or donor) of mesenchymal
5.1. Direct loading progenitors after allogeneic transplantation of marrow harvests
Direct loading is best suited to a clinical strategy oriented to [19, 20, 85–88]. In addition, it has been demonstrated that
augment local repair or regeneration of bone [62–64], cartilage stemness of the grafted cells determines repopulation of the
[65], tendon [66] and fat [67, 68]. Moreover, therapeutic damaged tissue [89, 90]. It is not certain whether the same
use of marrow-derived MSCs addresses a broad spectrum of occurs after transplantation of ex vivo expanded mesenchymal
indications, including cardiovascular repair, treatment of lung progenitors since progenitor stemness and function diverge as
fibrosis and spinal cord injury. cells are subcultivated [15].
Locally delivered bone marrow cells can generate de novo Systemic infusion of ex vivo expanded autologous
myocardium, indicating that stem cell therapy can be useful in mesenchymal progenitors is feasible and safe in the short
treating coronary artery disease [69]. The practical utility of term [82, 91]. On the other hand, the low immunogenic
this approach was tested in a study involving the delivery of nature of MSCs allows broad application in terms of allogeneic
bone marrow cells into the infarct zone in patients following therapy. There are several reports describing the clinical use
myocardial infarction [70]. A dramatic improvement in global of allogeneic donor-mismatched cells with little evidence of
heart function was achieved as a result of this treatment. host immune rejection or GVHD. Allogeneic bone marrow
Another study showed that engraftment of bone marrow- transplantation in children with osteogenesis imperfecta
derived cardiomyocytes in the adult heart following bone results in impressive histological changes in trabecular bone,
marrow transplantation demonstrated that MSCs are tolerated which are indicative of new dense bone formation [92].
in a xenogeneic environment while retaining their ability Engraftment of allogeneic MSCs has also been demonstrated
to be recruited to the injured myocardium and undergo in a patient with severe idiopathic aplastic anemia with
differentiation to a cardiac phenotype [71]. improvement of marrow stromal function [93].

Mesenchymal stem cells for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

6. Application of mesenchymal stem cells for of large quantity of cells for transplantation and ethical and
cartilage tissue engineering legal concerns. For example, committed chondrocytes isolated
from hyaline cartilage by enzymatic digestion have been
Damage to cartilage is of great clinical consequence because tested extensively as a cell source to be injected into the
it has a poor regenerative capacity and its replacement tissue, damaged articular cartilage site for repair. However, their wide
fibrocartilage, is mechanically inferior to normal hyaline. usage in clinical trials and tissue engineering applications has
Due to the lack of blood supply, the subsequent wound been held up because of the loss of redifferentiation capability
healing response and the lack of the intrinsic ability of native after relatively limited in vitro expansion. In contrast, ES cells
chondrocytes to participate in regeneration at the injury site derived from the inner cell mass of the embryonic blastocyst
damage to cartilage results in incomplete repair. have infinite proliferation potential and are able to generate
The current treatment options (e.g., surgical intervention) cell characteristics of all three germ layers under appropriate
to repair damaged articular cartilage are less than satisfactory, inductive conditions. However, the ethical and legal concerns
and rarely restore full function or return the damaged tissue to associated with ES cells and their tumorigenic potential make
its normal biologic state. them a less ideal cell source in basic research and clinical
The final treatment for articular cartilage reconstruction applications. On the other hand, adult stem cells (e.g., MSC)
is joint replacement arthroplasty [94, 95]. Although total derived from various tissues (e.g., BM, fat and trabecular
joint replacement has advanced during the last 40 years, it bone) demonstrate a promising future in regenerative medicine
is still fraught with a number of drawbacks such as infection, because of their ability of self-renewal and differentiation
loosening and periprosthetic osteolysis. along specific lineages upon stimulation.
On the other hand, the low degree of vascularization
in cartilage makes it an ideal target for tissue engineering.
6.2. Scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering
Tissue engineering combines the principles of engineering
and biology to design and fabricate constructs to expedite the In addition to selecting an appropriate source of cells for
repair and regeneration of damaged tissue. The underlying cartilage tissue engineering, the design of an engineered
principle of tissue engineering involves the utilization of cartilage construct, i.e. the scaffolding material in which
biocompatible and mechanically suitable scaffolds, combined the cells will reside, needs careful consideration. The
with an appropriate source of cells and bioactive molecules to physical properties (e.g., architecture, macro/microporosity,
promote the differentiation and maturation of the cell type interconnecting porosity and topography) of an engineered
of interest. These components, when combined, form a tissue substitute will play an integral role in altering its
tissue-engineered construct, which can function as the tissue biological performance. Therefore, an ideal tissue engineering
replacement material and, in principle, facilitate a faster rate scaffold should possess a number of key properties, including
of tissue repair. Tissue engineering may offer great promise being biocompatible, biodegradable, porous, mechanically
for the regeneration of cartilage. stable, cell permissive and conducive to extracellular
One of the great challenges facing cartilage tissue matrix production and deposition and biomolecular signal
engineering is designing constructs that mimic the unique transmission. Natural materials used to produce a bioactive
multiphasic cellular architecture and mechanical properties of scaffold for stem-cell-derived cartilage include agarose,
native cartilage tissue. As such, successful cell-based cartilage alginate, hyaluronic acid, gelatin, fibrin glue and collagen
tissue engineering will depend on not only the selection of derivatives. The principal disadvantage of these constructs is
an appropriate biocompatible scaffolding material, but also their mechanical fragility, which severely restricts their clinical
materials with suitable mechanical properties that will result usefulness. The mechanical and biochemical qualities and the
in a desirable clinical outcome when combined with cells and degradation of synthetic biomaterials are more easily modified
bioactive molecules. than those of natural polymers. They can be fabricated as
needed and can be manufactured with more uniform properties
6.1. Cells for cartilage tissue engineering and purity. Polyglycolic acid is a long-standing, well-studied
Selecting an ideal source of cells for cartilage tissue scaffold for engineering neocartilage, but degrades at a faster
engineering requires the achievement of a number of criteria, rate and is weaker than most synthetic scaffolds [96, 97]. The
which include easy access and availability of the source cells, polylactides are slow absorbing polymers. Polylactic acid
an extensive self-renewal or expansion capability of the source press-coated with human MSCs has been shown to support
cells, a capacity to differentiate readily into cell lineages of chondrogenesis in vitro [98, 99]. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)
interest upon instructive signal, and a lack of or minimal and poly(ethylene glycol) blended into a polymeric foam of
immunogenic or tumorigenic ability of the source cells. ratio 80/20, polydioxanone, and the copolymer poly(L-lactide-
Over the years, three major cell types have been examined E-caprolactone) prepared as a nanofibrous scaffold are also
for their potential application in cartilage repair and tissue reported to be useful scaffolds for the chondrogenic induction
engineering, namely committed chondrocytes, embryonic of human MSCs (figure 3) [100].
stem (ES) cells and adult stem cells. Each of these cell Hydrogels are developed with a view to being customized
types has demonstrated its limitations and advantages over for small, complex geometrical defects typically exhibited
the others due to their intrinsic biological properties, such as in facial structures. These can fill tissue defects using
their proliferative and differentiation potentials, availability minimally invasive procedures and be molded to the specific

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