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The Partridge and the Crow

o Alighted- came down
o Strutted- walked
o Gait- manner of walking
o Absurd- foolish
o Envy- jealous
o Partridge- small bodied game bird of the grouse family

Sunlight-- A Miracle!
o Demand- to ask or claim
o Add- opposite of subtract
o War- antonym of peace
o Skyscraper- a tall building
o Gather- harvest
o Kneel- to bend both knees on the floor or ground
o Ban- forbid
o Sidewalk- a walk for pedestrian at the side of the street
o Tear- to pull apart by force
o Head light- front light of a car
o Sad- opposite of happy
o Enemy- antonym of friend
o Breakfast- first meal of the day
o Real- true, genuine
o Tee- the letter T
o Red- the color of blood
o Road- an open way for vehicles, persons, and animals.
o Leather- animal skin treated to use in making shoes, bags, or clothes.
o Newspaper- a paper containing news, opinion, features, and advertisement
published daily
o Lighthouse- a tower with a powerful light located or near the shore to guide ships
and warn danger

Pepe and the Oil Lamp

o Dim- dark
o Hovering- hanging
o Attracted- charmed
o Desire- wish, want
o Awaken- wake
o Dawn- daybreak
o Bade- called
o Grieving- mourning
o Moth- four-winged chiefly night-flying insect related to the butterfly
o Spluttering- uttering words confusedly and hurriedly
My Mother is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World
o Pace- steps
o Astray- off the right path; into error
o Peered- looked
o Wheat- cereal grain usually ground into flour for bread
o Strides- walks with long steps
o Braided- interwove three or more strands
o Stacked- arranged in a pile.
o Cautioned- warned
o Tickle- amuse
o Moist- wet
o Nourishing- feeding
o Chuckles- laughs
o Petticoat- underskirt of a woman
o Smothered- suffocated
o Kerchief- a piece of square cloth worn on the head.
o Strayed- wandered
o Slowpoke- a person who moves, works, or thinks slowly.
o Scythe- a two- handed implement with large, curved blade for cutting grass.
o Sheaves- bundles of reaped corn bound together; a collection of papers tied in
a bundle
o Wagon- four wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse or tractor for carrying heavy
o Threshing- beat out grain from husks (dry coverings)
o Barn- a farm building used for storing grain, hay, etc. and for sheltering animals.
o Dough- mixture of flour and water, milk used to make bread, pastry, or cake.
o Accordion- a portable keyboard instrument with manually operated folding
bellows that force air through metal reeds.

The Virtue to Beseech

o Virtue- goodness, purity
o Beseech- ask, beg
o Preacher- a protestant clergyman
o Charming- lovely
o Orchard- area of land planted with fruit trees.
o Chore- a piece of housework, a regular task
o Purchase- buy
o Chap- a man
o Chat- conversation
o Commenced- began, started
o Accomplished- completed, done
o Misfortune- bad luck
o Gang- troop
o Mischievous- naughty
o Venture- try
o Congregation- meeting
Why the Old Man Planted Trees
o Digging- hollowing out
o Sapling – a young tree
o Brow- forehead; eyebrows
o Astonished- surprised
o Leaned- rested
o Hesitated- paused
o Repay- return
o Shovel- a broad tool like a scoop with a long handle for moving loose material

Beatitudes of Our Time

o Beatitudes- special blessings particularly in the books of the Psalms and Proverbs
o Available- useful
o Weep- cry
o Devise- invent
o Detect- discover
o Attain- get, achieve
o Simplicity- naturalness
o Opt- to chose
o Gems- jewels, treasures
o Strive- exert

Stronger than Death is Love

o Prestigious- important
o Conceal- cover
o Hindrance- stop
o Risks- danger
o Deteriorated- worsen
o Strange- unusual
o Remote- far
o Tremendous- huge
o Illness- sickness
o Motivated- encouraged

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