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It is necessary to encourage children to do household chores because of many reasons.

The first reason

is that it will give families a chance to bond. When doing housework, children can actually create special
moments with their parents. Little one who always want to help will have a feeling of important
contribution to their family and receive a self-esteem boost. Furthermore, it will help them to learn
some life skills . Children are young now, but they won’t be kids forever . They have to learn how to live
independently because they will move out and begin a new life at university. Laundry, cooking and
budgeting are just some of the skills the kids will need once to take care of themselves better without
any help from their parents. Last but not least, assigning children chores helps teach them planning and
time management skills .There are a lot of things to do in the day,and it’s quite hard to fit them into
their diary. Thus, doing household chores can help kids build good habits earlier and help them set
priorities, manage their time in the working world. In conclusion, doing housework is definitely a
significant sector to develop themselves in the most effective way.

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