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Set A


ICSE X Marks : 80
Exam No. : MT/ICSE/PRELIM-I SET A -007 Time : 2 hrs.

Model Answer Paper

SECTION – I (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this section.
(a) (i) Cerebro-spinal fluid 1
(ii) Phytohormones 1
(iii) Thyroxine 1
(iv) Ramapithecus. 1
(v) Radiation 1

(b) (i) (a) Change in turgor pressure 1

(ii) (b) Population explosion 1
(iii) (b) Cytokinins 1
(iv) (b) Age of the plant 1
(v) (a) Interphase 1

(c) (i) Active transport 1

(ii) Adrenaline 1
(iii) Vagina 1
(iv) Stroma 1
(v) Bleeding 1

(d) Column I Column II

1) Pinna f) collection of sound waves
2) Ear Ossicles d) are three in number
3) Eustachian tube a) air pressure both sides
4) Labyrinth b) inner ear
5) Auditory nerve c) Temporal lobe of the brain 5

(e) (i) Region surrounding cetrioles located near the nucleus. 1

(ii) Just at the base of the brain and under the cerebrum. 1
(iii) In the abdomen, behind the stomach and above the left kidney. 1
(iv) Larger cavity behind the eye lens and cornea. 1
(v) Surrounding the urethra close to its origin from the urinary bladder. 1

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(i) The radial and circular muscles of the iris contract or relax and thereby
the size of the pupil is adjusted. 1
(ii) Controls body temperature, anger, hunger, thirst and the pituitary. 1
(iii) Secrets Gonadotropins, other tropic hormones, Oxytocin, ADH. 1
(iv) Serves for passing out of semen and urine. 1
(v) Prevents back flow oxygenated blood from the aorta into the left
ventricle. 1

(i) False : Low humidity increase the rate of transpiration. 1
(ii) False : The cranial capacity of Cro-Magnon man was 1450 - 1500cc. 1
(iii) False : During phototropic curvature movement shown by plants, auxin
accumulates on the non-illuminated or darker side so that cells on the
darker side divide more rapidly. 1
(iv) True 1
(v) True 1

(h) (i) The structure given in the diagram is present in the cortex region
of the kidney. 1
(ii) Part 1: Afferent arteriole Part 2: Glomerulus
Part 3: Bowman's Capsule Part 4: Efferent arteriole 1
(iii) Steps involved in urine formation:
(a) Ultrafiltration
(b) Selective reabsorption
(c) Tubular secretion 1
(iv) The process occurring in 2 and 3 is Ultrafiltration. The filtration of
blood brought about under pressure in the kidney to remove
nitrogenous waste in the form of urine, is known as ultrafiltration. 2

SECTION – II (40 Marks)

Attempt any four questions from this section.
(A) (a) Ear drum receives sound waves from pinna through auditory canal,
convert them into mechanical vibrations and transfers them to ear
ossicles for the purpose of transmission and amplification of
vibrations. 1
(b) The common term given to the parts labelled A, B and E is ear
ossicles. 1
(c) The big ossicle would not be able to produce effective amplification
because, it would require a greater force of vibration than supplied
by the ear drum normally. Moreover, three smaller ossicles with
proper distance between them produces multiple amplification and
effective transmission. 1
(d) Parts C and D are biologically termed as semicircular canals and
cochlea respectively. 1
(e) Endolymph 1

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(B) (i) Pancreatic cells which produce -

(1) Glucagon: Alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans.
(2) Insulin: Beta cells of Islets of Langerhans. 1
(ii) Functions of -
(1) Glucagon: Glucagon increases the blood sugar by breaking
glycogen into glucose.
(2) Insulin: Maintains proper sugar level in the blood. 1
(iii) Pancreas is referred to as an exo-endocrine gland because: It
secretes pancreatic juice enzymes for digestion as an exocrine part
and it secretes hormone insulin and glucagon as endocrine part. 1
(iv) Insulin is chemically a protein. Thus if administered orally it would
be digested like a dietary protein and not reach the target cells.
Thus insulin is given by injections. 1
(v) Islets of Langerhans. 1

(A) (i) Osmosis 1
(ii) Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from their region of
higher concentration (dilute solution) to their region of lower
concentration (concentrated solution) through a semi permeable
membrane. 1
(iii) Water from the beaker has entered inside the this thistle funnel
due to endomosis. 1
(iv) Same experimental setup with water in both funnel and beaker. 1
(v) 1. It helps in opening and closing of stomata.
2. It helps in absorption of water from soil by the root hair. 1

(i) Australopithecus walked nearly straight.
(ii) The vertebral column had a distinct lumbar curve with broad pelvis.
(iii) The teeth were strikingly man-like because the dental arch was a
smoothly rounded parabola, canines did not project beyond the level
of other teeth, and a simian gap (a gap present in apes between
incisors and canines on each side of jaw) was absent.
(iv) All these body features prove that Australopithecus was a human
ancestor. 2

(ii) Growth Dependent Movements Growth Independent Movements

1. Movements realated to growth. 1.
Movements not related to the growth.
2. Slow 2.
Immidiate response
3. Directional 3.
4. Irreversible 4.
5. Caused by cell division 5.
Caused by change in turgor pressure
(amount of water)
6. Tropic movements 6. Turgor movements
Ex. Phototropism, Geotropism, Ex. Movements of touch me not plant
Chemotropism, Hydrotropism. leaves; opening and closing of stomala. 2

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(iii) This circulation is maintained by the left ventricle which sends the
blood into the aorta. Two of the several sub-division of the systemic
circulation are coronary (cardiac) circulation and hepatic portal
circulation. 1

(i) 1. Placenta 2. Amniotic Fluid 1
(ii) Placenta provides food and O2 to the foetus through diffusion. Amniotic
fluid acts as a cushion for the growing embryo. 1
(iii) The umbilical cord take the food, O2 hormones etc, from placenta and
give it to the growing foetus by the process of diffusion. 1
(iv) Placenta produces hormone called oestrogen and progesterone. 1
(v) Ans. The full term of the development of an embryo in the uterus is
called ‘Gestation’. 1

(i) Population density : It is the number of people per unit area at any
given time. 1

(ii) Ovulation : Release of an egg from the ovary, occurs around 14th day of
menstrual cycle. 1

(iii) Menarche : Onset of menstruation in a young female around the age of

10 - 12 yrs. 1

(iv) Demography : It is the statistical study of population to study

characteristics like ratio of male and female density, distribution etc. 1

(v) Stimulus : Change of external or internal environment that results in a

change in the activities of the organisms. e.g. blinking of the eye. 1

(i) Vestigial organs are examples of non-functional organs in present day
forms. Examples of vestigial organs found in humans are:
(a) Vermiform appendix is functional in herbivorous mammals where
it is needed for the digestion of cellulose. Because of changed food
habits of man, appendix is not functional and had gradually reduced.
(b) Third pair of molars found in ancestors are not needed in man and
erupt late at the age of 16 years or later. These are called wisdom
(c) External ear or pinna served the purpose of gathering sound waves
by mammals and ancestral man. But in modern civilised man, pinna
is of no use. Hence, it is reduced and its auricular muscles are non-
functional. 3

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(ii) 1. Cell elongation, stem elongation, elongation of internodes

2. Leaf expansion, cell division
3. Induce flowering in long-day plants
4. Break dormancy of seeds and buds
5. Induce parthenocarpy
6. Increase the fruit size 2

(B) (A) 1. White matter 2. Gray matter

3. Dorsal root 4. Ventral root
5. Dorsal ganglion 6. Sensory neuron
7. Spinal nerve / Motor Nerve 8. Synapse 3
(b) Arrows indicate the direction of the impulse, pathways indicated is
termed as nervous pathway / Reflex arc. 1
(c) Spinal nerve 1

(i) Leaf A. 1
(ii) Leaf D. 1
(iii) To find out which surface transpires more water in a dorsiventral leaf. 1
(iv) Leaf A has vaseline smeared on both the surfaces, do not allow any
transpirationand shows very little change. 2

(i) Leaves are modified to form spines is desert plants like cactus to reduce
the leaf lamina to reduce the surface area for loss of water by
transpiration and evaporation. 1

(ii) The salt forms a hypertonic solution with the water in the meat. The
bacteria that cause spoilage of food come to lie in this hyper tonic solution
and lose water by exosmosis and eventually get plasmolysed and killed.
Thus meat remains fresh for a long time. 1

(iii) A marine fish is adapted to live in salt water (hyper tonic) of the sea. It
accumulates salts in its body to equalize osmotic pressure of internal
and external medium. But when placed in tap water which is hypo
tonic, its cells gain water by endosmosis. Thus the fish burst when
placed under tap water. 1

(iv) Wood is highly hydrophilic i.e. has strong affinity for water. The cellulose
(wood) imbibes water from surroundings and swells up. Thus the doors
get jammed inside the frames. 1

(v) During the day time the stomata open for allowing carbon dioxide to
diffuse in for the process of photosynthesis. But the water vapours escapes
from the substomatal spaces through the stomata.
Thus transpiration is a price a plant plays for photosynthesis. 1
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Renal Cortex
Renal Medulla

Renal artery
Renal vein


Renal Pyramids
V.S. of human kidney showing internal structure

(i) The condition in which excess glucose passes out in urine is called
Glycosuria. It can be due to diabetes mellitus. 1

(ii) It is a substance present in the red blood cells of most people. Such
people are said to be rhesus positive (rh positive)
People who do not have this substance in their blood, are said to be
rhesus negative (rh negative) 1

(iii) The gyri and sulci increase surface area of the brain to accomodate
more nerve cells and hence more the convolutions, greater the
intelligence. 1

(iv) Outwardly differenting features for male and female are called Secondary
Sexual Characters. In human male the Secondary
Sexual Characters are :
i) Hair on the chest, arms and legs.
ii) Presence of facial hair
iii) Deeper voice.
iv) Hips are smaller
v) Muscular body. 1

(v) Chemotropism is the phenomenon of growth or movement of a plant

part towards the source of nutrients or chemicals. 1

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