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Short answer type questions.
1. What is measurement?
A: The comparison of an unknown quantity with a known
fixed quantity of the same kind is called measurement.
2. Define length. Name three instruments used to measure
A: Length is the distance between any two points or places.
The instruments are measuring tape, ruler and metre scale.
3. Name multiples and submultiples of metre and their
relation with metre.
A: Submultiples of metre is centimetre.
1 cm=1/100 m.
A multiple of metre is kilometre.
1km=1000 m.
4. What is parallax error? How can it be avoided?
A: The error caused due to the incorrect positioning of eye is
called as parallax error. It can be avoided by keeping one eye
shut while taking measurement.

5. What do you understand by area? Give its standard unit in

SI system.
A: The amount of surface covered by an object or a place is called
its area.
Its S.I unit is square metre or metre square (m2).

6. Name the instruments used to measure mass.

A: Electronic balance and beam balance.
7. Define SI unit.
A: These are the standard units used to measure by the scientists
all over the world.
II long answer type questions
1. What are the precautions that are needed to be taken while
measuring the length of wooden block using a metre scale?
A:a)Placement of the object: The wooden block should be placed
on a flat measuring surface. Placing the object on an uneven
surface gives incorrect measurement.
b)Placement of the metre scale: Always place the ruler or metre
scale along with the length of the object to be measured. The
measurement will not be accurate if the ruler or the metre scale is
kept at an angle to the length that is to be measured. Keep the
ruler or any other measuring instrument as close as possible to
the object. Ensure that the zero mark of the ruler is placed at the
beginning end of the object.
c)Position of the eye:
Eye should be kept vertically above the point from where
Measurement is to be done and to avoid parallax error we should
keep our one eye shut.

d)Condition of the scale: The metre scale should not be broken or

with worn out edges if it is then the zero mark is not clearly
visible. In that case we should start taking reading from any mark
of the scale and after measurement we should subtract the
particular reading from the length of the block.

2.Write a short note on beam balance.

A: The beam balance has horizontal beam supported at its centre.
Two identical pans of equal weight are suspended at equal
distance from the centre of the beam. The beam should be
horizontal when the pans are empty and balanced. The object to
be weighed is placed in the left pan and standard weights are
placed in the right pan till the beam becomes horizontal. The total
standard weights placed gives the mass of the object.

3. Explain how the department of weights and measures,
Government of India, is helping people so that they would not
get cheated by the shopkeepers.
A: The department of weights and measures, Government of India,
is helping people so that they would not get cheated by the
shopkeepers by ensuring that proper weights are used by
shopkeepers. Each weight has a hole in the centre. This hole is
filled with lead and the stamp of the Weights and Measurement
Department is placed on this lead seal.

Challenge question

1. Suppose a ruler is broken and its zero mark is not visible.

The first visible mark on it is 3 cm. Find the length of a piece
of cardboard if the marking on the ruler at the other end of
the object is 10 cm. Give suitable reasons for your answer.

A: The length of a piece of cardboard is 7cm. The cardboard is

measured from the 3cm mark and since the other end of the
object is 10 cm, the actual measurement is obtained by
subtracting 10-3=7 cm.


1. 4KM TO M
2. 6500M TO KM
=6.5 KM
3. 550CM TO M
4. 9.2 M TO CM
9.2 M=9.2X100
5. 33CM TO MM
6. 46MM TO CM
1MM=1/10 CM
= 4.6 CM
7. 74KG TO G
8. 1100 G TO KG

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