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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022 / Colder, 40°/ Weather: P. 14 H H LATE CITY FINAL • • • • $2.00

n Putin declares
war on Ukraine
at 5:50 a.m.
n Explosions
rock Kyiv
n Warns NATO
to stay out

Russian President
Vladimir Putin declared
war on Ukraine early this
morning in what he called a
“special military operation”
to demilitarize the nation.
Shortly after his
declaration, explosions
were heard in several
major Ukrainian cities,
including the capital Kyiv.
President Biden blasted
Putin for “an unprovoked
and unjustified attack.”




Vlad seeing old

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Joe as weakling Biden version of a court struck this

KYLE SMITH laying down the
law: He handed Pu-
down, froze (again)
new drilling on fed-
tin a list of 16 kinds eral lands.
AST June, ahead of a Russia– of cyberattacks that Imagine what all

L US meeting, Time magazine

conjured up a piece of em-
barrassing cover-art propaganda
he considered to be
off-limits. Did that
mean all other
of this self-sabotag-
ing looks like to Pu-
tin. Here we have a
featuring Joe Biden’s aviator kinds were OK? man whose contin-
glasses reflecting Vladimir Putin. Putin may have ued relevance, hence
At last, a US president had Putin been forgiven if he his worldview, is de-
in his sights! Finally we’d get back went back to his pendent on under-
to putting Russia in its place. dacha and spent standing that fossil
“How Biden Plans to Get the following 24 fuel is king. The idea
Tough on Putin During Their Ge- hours giggling. of Putin weakening his own hand
neva Summit,” promised a “What ever [sic] happens in on the geopolitical stage is ab-
breathless story by Brian Ben- Ukraine we shouldn’t underesti- surd. But then again, Putin, unlike
nett. A senior administration offi- mate the fact the United States the average Swarthmore climate-
cial suggested Biden, despite the has retaken the adult chair in the justice obsessive or senior White
“chaos” that President Donald world,” claimed former Bill Clin- House official, lives in a world in By SaM ChaMBerLain, Aviation Safety Agency issued an
Trump had supposedly un- ton White House spokesman Joe which hard power determines CaLLie PatteSon alert saying there is a risk of “both
leashed in the world, would use a Lockhart on Twitter. “Biden has outcomes. Putin has gas and oil, and Mark LungarieLLo intentional targeting and misi-
combination of unity talk — ev- restored American leadership so and these become more valuable dentification” of civilian craft.
eryone in Europe was on the damaged by Trump. The world every day Biden schemes to Russian President Vladimir Ukraine also imposed martial
same page about Russia, suppos- needs us and we have a President handicap US gas and oil. Putin is Putin declared war on Ukraine law Wednesday night. Citizens
edly — and thinly veiled threats who can and does lead.” like the playground bully man- early Thursday, ending weeks of sheltered in basements and the
about retaliatory cyberattacks to handling a little kid who keeps diplomatic stalemate and plung- underground transit system as
show Putin who’s boss. asking, “Why do you keep hitting ing Eastern Europe into a night- air raid sirens rang.
“The whole goal is to have [Pu-
Woke administration yourself?” Except Biden’s Amer- mare of violence and bloodshed Footage showed Russian tanks
tin] come away saying, ‘The The grown-ups are back in ica keeps hitting itself even when not seen since the darkest days crossing into Ukraine from Bela-
Americans are onto us and have charge? Granted that Trump be- Putin is far away. of World War II. rus early Thursday amid the aer-
us encircled,’ ” the official told haved, and behaves, like a tod- Putin has an image of Biden’s The Russian leader delivered ial assault. The Ukraine military
Bennett. The writer editorialized dler. But is a woke undergraduate capabilities that goes back a long a televised speech before 6 a.m. said five Russian planes and one
that “Biden is qualified to lead a grown-up? way. In 2011, Biden was the leader local time Thursday and helicopter were shot down in the
the approach. He’s spent decades Biden and whoever is giving of Barack Obama’s Great Reset, claimed Russia was undertaking city of Luhansk.
in debates on US-Russian rela- him orders about what he’s al- polishing Putin’s boots with his a “special military operation” to Putin said the Kremlin has no
tions as a member of the Senate lowed to do are running the ad- tongue in order to troll Republi- demilitarize Ukraine. intention of occupying the coun-
Foreign Relations Committee.” ministration like a woke blog. cans in a summit during which Immediately following the ad- try, placing blame for any poten-
Whew, then. After gathering half a century of the then–vice president “got dress, sounds of explosions were tial bloodshed on the Ukrainian
So how’d everything work out? experience, supposedly master- punk’d,” says a White House ste- heard in Kramatorsk, followed “regime.”
Well, according to Bennett him- ing the intricacies of Washington nographer, when Putin turned the by reports of sounds of explo- He threatened that countries
self, in a follow-up piece that DC and using that expertise to be sound and lights off when Biden sions or artillery firing in who attempt to interfere would
sounded a bit less like a fangirl wrong on more or less every big was in the middle of a sentence. Kharkiv, Odessa, Mariupol and suffer “consequences they have
transcribing a press release and foreign-policy question over that Time’s Bennett painted this pa- the capital city never seen.”
more like someone who had ac- period, Biden’s focus is primarily thetic picture after the Geneva Kyiv. Putin also addressed Ukraine
tually observed Biden up close, on issuing dumb young-adult summit last June, noting that Ukrainian forces in his remarks, urging
noted that Putin seemed some- taunts to his detractors by, for in- when Biden spoke, “holding a airspace them to lay down their armsarms.
how to have been the one who stance, appointing Merrick Gar- note card in his hands,” he de- was closed President Biden released a
came out on top. land attorney general (then scribed Russia and the United to civilian statement shortly after military
“The stagecraft,” Bennett noted watching Garland treat angry States as “two great powers.” aircraft as action began, calling the aggres-
glumly, “played to Putin’s per- parents at school-board meetings Weak, inept, confused, tired, the region sion “an unprovoked and unjus-
sonal vanity and his long-stand- like al Qaeda), nominating for clutching a note card like an un- was con- tified attack” by Russia.
ing desire for Russia to be taken comptroller of the currency a prepared student: That’s how sidered an “Putin has chosen a premedi-
seriously as a major rival to the woman who expressly argued for Biden is, and that’s certainly how active con- tated war that will bring a cata-
US . . . Putin seemed to relish the driving fossil-fuel companies out Putin sees him. Long before our flict zone. strophic loss of life and human
platform in Geneva” because it of business, and nominating to president invited a Ukrainian in- The Euro- suffering,” he said in a statement
placed the two countries on an the Fed another woman who said vasion by suggesting a “minor in- pean Union late Wednesday.
equal footing. much the same thing. cursion” would be fine, Vladimir “Russia alone is responsible for
Oh, and the “White House said Biden tried to use executive ac- Putin had his number. If anything the death and destruction this at-
it did not expect any deliverables tion to hamstring fossil fuels by stops him, it won’t be fear of the tack will bring, and the United
to come out of the meeting,” de- imposing a “social cost” calcula- wrath of Joe Biden. States and its allies and part-
spite Biden doing a very Joe tion on their actions, then, when From National Review


New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Hammered: Explosions (left) rock Mariupol, Ukraine, early Thurs-
day. Others shook the capital of Kyiv. Earlier, Russian tanks
arrived at the border. Vladimir Putin (bottom) used the pretext of defend-
ing the breakaway regions of Luhansk and Donetsk for his war.
Cities Under Attack



UKRAINE Kramatorsk




Black Sea
ners will respond in a united and The invasion follows frantic at that. They’re ready.” Russia — more pre-
decisive way. The world will hold diplomatic efforts by the US and US officials estimated that Rus- cisely, Bolshevik,
Russia accountable.” its Western allies to find a middle sia had massed between 150,000 Communist Russia”
Biden was briefed on the Rus- ground with Moscow after reject- and 190,000 troops along and lamented that
sian attack in a secure call late ing the Kremlin’s insistence that Ukraine’s border in recent months, Soviet leaders going TURKEY
Wednesday, White House press Ukraine be kept out of NATO, as which one diplomat described last back to Lenin had
secretary Jen Psaki said. well as that the alliance draw back week as “the most significant mili- erred by “giving in
The president planned to meet its forces from Eastern Europe tary mobilization in Europe since to nationalists.”
with G-7 counterparts Thursday and not deploy missile systems in- the Second World War.” “Why did we have
morning to announce further side Ukraine. to be so generous, and then give ishments, would affect two Krem-
sanctions for “this needless act of On Wednesday, a US defense of- these republics the right to leave?” lin-backed banks and restrict the
aggression.” ficial told reporters that Russian
‘Part of Russia’ Putin asked at one point, making a trading of Russian government
Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s min- forces “could go at any hour now” The situation began deteriorat- clear reference to the breakup of debt on Western finance markets.
ister of foreign affairs, said in a and added that Putin has “near ing on Monday after Putin deliv- the Soviet Union in 1991. “Mad- Biden also announced that the
statement that Putin had 100 percent of all the forces [in ered an astonishing speech in ness.” US would shift an additional 1,000
launched “a full-scale war.” place] that we anticipated that he which he ranted and raved that On Tuesday, Biden denounced military personnel to Poland and
“Strikes continue on peaceful would move in.” Ukraine was not a stand-alone na- Putin’s actions as the “beginning” the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia
Ukrainian cities,” Kuleba said. Pentagon press secretary John tion but rather “an integral part” of an invasion of Ukraine and an- and Lithuania from elsewhere in
“This is a war of aggression. Kirby backed that assessment, of Russia. nounced new economic sanctions Europe. That move follows an
Ukraine will defend and win. The telling reporters that “we believe Delivering a distorted history targeting Russia. earlier deployment of 5,000
world can and must stop Putin. that they are, they are, they are lesson, he insisted that “modern The sanctions, which Biden troops to Poland and Germany
It’s time to act — just now.” ready. I’ll just put it — just leave it Ukraine was entirely created by called the “first tranche” of pun- from the US.

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Brooklyn-born Vladislav David-
zon (above), author of “From Od-
essa with Love,” is in Kyiv and
writes that the residents of
Ukraine’s capital are starting to

hILE many Ukrainians

W have spent the previous

months preparing for a
possible full-scale Rus-
sian escalation of the war, others
have blissfully ignored the obvi-
ous. The number of times I have
been told that “nothing is going
to happen” and “this war has
been dragging on for eight years
and were have learned to live
with it” beggars belief. Perhaps
this is a self-defense mechanism
and the only really rational way
to live in the face of this sort of
existential danger.
I have on a few occasions not
been able to resist the temptation
to respond and ask why they are
more sure of their judgments
than the generals, intelligence
chiefs, journalists, diplomats and
think-tank professionals who
think about this issue all day
ddp/Ukrinform/Sipa USA

In the last few days, Moscow

has recognized the so-called Rus-
sian proxy republics of Donetsk
and Luhansk and sent in “peace-
keepers” to reinforce the troops
it already had stationed there.
This followed a noxious speech
that Russian President Vladimir
Putin delivered to the world.
On Wednesday, the Ukrainian will last for the next month. The night was full of frenetic and un- happened: Vladimir Putin de- phere in the Ukrainian capital as
parliament did what it has Pentagon has signaled that it be- hinged programming about the clared war on Ukraine. Large- the evening fell was one of sinis-
avoided doing over the previous lieves that ever more Russian “impending Ukrainian attack on scale targeting of Ukrainian cit- ter foreboding.
months of Western warnings military forces are moving into the LNR and DNR.” Anchors ies, which had not felt possible The high-end bars and restau-
about a potential Russian mili- the Donetsk and Luhansk re- claim Ukrainian saboteur teams before, was suddenly real. rants in Kyiv have seen only a
tary incursion and voted to im- gions. are operating in Crimea. While Wednesday had begun very small drop-off in business
pose a State of Emergency. This Russian television Wednesday Then Thursday morning, it ordinarily enough, the atmos- over the last few weeks. Some


New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Chris McGrath/Getty Images
Living in
terror War
and their
are living
amid the
in the

News Group Newspapers Ltd.

region of
Ukraine that
has been
invaded by

on guard:
specialist Alisa
poses with her
One family’s nightmare
shotgun in Kyiv By Lee Brown at times even that does not seem
(anti-war protest, safe enough.
opposite page), A terrified family in eastern “When the shelling gets heavy,
as Ukrainian Ukraine is in a “living nightmare” we run to our neighbor’s base-
President and forced to cower from gunfire ment,” Natalia told The Sun, say-
Volodymr and shellings in their “dream ing that “at night it’s very loud.”
Zelensky’s home” as Russian troops flood “The children have somehow
government has their rebel-held region of the learned to sleep through the
moved to expand country. noise . . . but I stay awake because
gun sales (far left) The family of four, including I’m afraid for them. It’s so scary,”
in the country. girls ages 13 and 8, told The Sun she said. “We want to live like
they have no electricity and are normal people. We have done
forced to sleep in a blacked-out, nothing to deserve being used as
windowless corridor of the home human shields.”

Poll scores Joe low on Ukraine in Donetsk that they started

building in 2011.
“We thought we’d found our
dream home, but now it’s a living
Natalia said they regularly see
uniformed troops in the street,
but do not know if they are sepa-
ratists or Russians. Her husband
Barely one-third of Ameri- while 55% disapproved. prove of Biden’s actions, while nightmare,” said coal miner “Al- also fears being enlisted by Don-
cans approve of the way Presi- Just under two-thirds of Dem- 53% of independents and 31% of exei,” 38, whose real name was etsk’s rebel leaders to fight on
dent Biden is handling the ocrats (64%) support Biden’s Democrats felt similarly. withheld by the UK paper to pro- behalf of the Kremlin.
Ukraine crisis, according to a handling of the matter, as do The survey of 1,008 adults was tect him and his family. They have so far shunned the
poll released Wednesday. 35% of independents. Only 11% conducted from Feb. 1 to 17, be- “Much of Donetsk now has no offer to evacuate to Russia. “Why
The Gallup survey found that of Republicans offered the same fore Russia invaded Ukraine, electricity or water,” he said of would we go there? There is
only 36% of Americans support support. and has a margin of error of 4 the region, one of two that Russia nothing for us there and we are
the president’s response to The survey found that 86% of percentage points. has declared independent from Ukrainian, not Russian,” Alexei
the “situation with Russia” Republican respondents disap- Callie Patteson Ukraine to justify sending in so- said.
called “peacekeeping” troops. They now “dread” the inevita-
“We have now gone two days ble escalation of terror in the re-
Ukrainians continued to go out as has returned to Kyiv for work, I It is hard to say if the alarmism without electricity and can only gion if Ukraine decides to fight
if it was a patriotic duty. Now began receiving phone calls from of the American intelligence stay in touch with the outside back, Natalia said.
they’re all nervously looking well-placed friends urging me to agencies of the last several weeks world by charging the phone in “I’m very afraid this will turn
around wondering if we should consider leaving the city. A well- has finally burst through the dam our car.” into a big war,” she said.
leave. known television journalist at of Ukrainian stoicism, bravery His wife, “Natalia,” 36, said they “This is not our war. We did not
As I sat at dinner with a source, one of the biggest networks and sheer capacity for sleep in the corridor because start it and we do not want to
an American expat banker who wrote me, “Be careful tonight.” disassociation. they do not have a basement. But participate in it.”
Police big
‘Malevolent $arge’ running for

By Tina Moore,
GOP lt. gov
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Ben Feuerherd Presumptive GOP gubernatorial

and Craig McCarThy front-runner Rep. Lee Zeldin se-
lected an NYPD inspector as his
The ex-head of the NYPD Ser- running mate for lieutenant gov-
geants Benevolent Association ernor — elevating public safety as
allegedly embezzled hundreds of a campaign issue.
thousands of dollars from the un- Zeldin tapped Alison Esposito,
ion to fund his “lavish lifestyle,” deputy inspec-
officials said Wednesday. tor at Brooklyn’s
Ed Mullins, 60, is accused of 70th Precinct, as
charging hundreds of personal he seeks the
high-end meals to the union nomination to
since 2017 and using members’ take on Demo-
dues to pay for jewelry, clothing cratic Gov. Ho-
and home appliances, according chul.
to federal officials. Esposito (in-
Mullins even used the funds to set) is retiring
pay for a relative’s college, the from the NYPD to make the run.
feds allege. She joined the force in 1997, and
“As alleged, Edward Mullins, last year considered running for
the former president of the SBA, mayor.
abused his position of trust and “Time and again we’ve heard
authority to fund a lavish life- politicians talk about what they’re
style that was paid for by the CHARGED: Ex-NYPD Sergeants going to do to fight crime. Well,
monthly dues of the thousands of I’ve actually done it,” Esposito

Alec Tabak
Benevolent Association boss Ed
hardworking sergeants of the Mullins leaves court Wednesday. said Wednesday at a press confer-
NYPD,” Manhattan US Attorney ence at 1 Police Plaza.
Damian Williams said. “My job was to protect the inno-
In total since 2017, Mullins sub- cent, and keep the people in the
mitted more than $1 million in lins submitted phony expense re- ment says, citing text messages. also allegedly change the vendor city of New York safe. My job now
expense reports, with the bulk of ports — often without receipts In addition to making the on his expense reports to appear is to keep the people of the state
money illegally obtained, the — to get reimbursements from union foot the bill for his per- business-related, the indictment safe.”
feds claim. union members’ dues through sonal meals, he also inflated the reads. Zeldin, who represents Long Is-
Mullins turned himself in the SBA’s expense account. cost of bills and pocketed the re- In April 2021, Mullins submit- land, said “[Esposito] has instilled
Wednesday morning to FBI offi- In late 2019, he dropped more mainder, the feds allege. ted an expense reimbursement fear in the hearts of criminals ev-
cials, nearly five months after than $3,000 on two e dinners at In one case, he changed a from a $658.88 bill at an Italian erywhere.”
agents raided his home and an unnamed “high-end” restau- $152.42 charge at a Long Island restaurant in Manhattan, when in The record of Esposito, the
union offices. rant in Greenwich Village with deli to $352.42 in August 2020, actuality he was charged $185.88 daughter of a former NYPD chief,
He pleaded not guilty in Man- family and friends, according to according to the indictment. at a supermarket, according to is not without blemish. She was
hattan federal court in the after- the indictment. Examples of the expense sheets the indictment. docked 20 vacation days in 2017
noon and was silent as he left the He also bought a pair of $300 provided in court papers and Mullins resigned from his un- when she was a captain for failing
courthouse on $250,000 bond in gift cards to the same eatery, ex- submitted to the union show the ion post and filed for retirement to safeguard her firearm, badge
a blue-gray suit, his travel limited pensed the purchases to the SBA, lower figure typed in one column in the days following the raids and ID, according to police
by the court to the lower New and gave them to family and and the higher amount handwrit- last October. The SBA then hired records.
York state area. friends, who used them for din- ten beside it. an independent accounting firm Carl Campanile, Maggie Hicks
Federal authorities allege Mul- ner in November 2019, the indict- The former sergeant would to review its finances. and Craig McCarthy

Heat on Republican AG candidate for repping a killer

A Republican candidate Carlucci to death with a slaughter charge with a 5- murderer or a serial killer.” NY, said Sarcone’s repre- opening. It’s a big red flag,”
for state attorney general is baseball bat at their Croton- to-25-year sentence. He said Sepe had “snapped, sentation of Sepe makes Harrison said.
under fire for serving as at- on-Hudson home in 2008. After the win, Sarcone for which he is paying,” him unfit to be AG. “Sar- Sarcone, through a cam-
torney for a brutal killer. Sarcone’s appeal got told that his cli- adding that “justice was cone tried to justify this paign rep, defended his rep-
Lawyer John Sarcone rep- Sepe’s murder charge and ent was not “some member served.” horrific murder. It’s OK to resentation of Sepe, saying
resented Robert Sepe, who 25-years-to-life sentence of a street gang, or a mur- But Jennifer Harrison, beat a woman to death with he did it for a family
beat his girlfriend Janette reduced to a lesser man- der-for-hire guy, or a mass founder of Victims Rights a baseball bat?! This is eye- friend. Carl Campanile


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Life &

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Big-screen Catwoman Zoë
Kravitz takes a style cue
from the caped crusader at
Wednesday’s London pre-
miere of “The Batman,” as
the actress, 33,
rocks a gown with
shaped cut-
outs. As for
Brain-study twist
the Dark By andrew court examine what happened to
Knight, Rob- the organ in the moments
ert Pattinson, A groundbreaking study before and after his death.
35, swapped suggests that a person’s life “We measured 900 sec-
out his bat- may indeed flash before onds of brain activity
suit for a tur- them just before death. around the time of death,”
tleneck (left). Brain activity similar to Zemmar said. “We set a spe-
meditation, dreaming or cific focus to investigate
memory recall passes over what happened in the 30
the brain in its final mo- seconds before and after the
ments, the study found, sug- heart stopped beating.”

J-Law’s a gesting there may be a final

feeling of serenity as hu-
mans pass away.
“Something we may learn
A study of the EEG re-
cording reveals that there
was an increase in gamma
oscillations, which involve

from this research is: Al- dreaming and information
though our loved ones have processing involving ex-
their eyes closed and are treme concentration, in the
ready to leave us . . . their final seconds before death.

brains may be replaying The oscillations are also
some of the nicest moments associated with memory re-
they experienced in their trieval and flashbacks, sup-
lives,” said study co-author porting the idea that “your
Jennifer Lawrence is a new mom! Dr. Ajmal Zemmar. life flashes before your eyes”
The Oscar-winning actress wel- The study, published Tues- in the moments before death.
comed her first child in Los Angeles day in the journal Frontiers in “Through generating os-
County, according to public records Aging Neuroscience, is based cillations involved in mem-
obtained by TMZ on Wednesday. on one of the first recordings ory retrieval, the brain may
The exact date she gave birth — and of a dying brain, which oc- be playing a last recall of im-
the sex of the baby — are unknown. curred accidentally at a hos- portant life events just be-
Page Six has reached out to Law- pital in Vancouver, Canada. fore we die, similar to the
rence’s rep for confirmation. An 87-year-old man, who ones reported in near-death
This is Lawrence’s first child with had been admitted following experiences,” Zemmar said.
her husband, art-gallery owner a fall, was hooked up to elec- The recording suggests
Cooke Maroney, whom she married troencephalography tech- that our brains remain ac-
at the famed Belcourt of Newport nology to detect seizures. tive for a short period after
mansion in Rhode Island in October EEG involves the place- our hearts have stopped
2019. Page Six broke the news of Law- ment of electrodes along a beating.
rence and Maroney’s relationship in patient’s scalp in a bid to “These findings challenge
June 2018; a source explained that the measure activity in differ- our understanding of when
“Hunger Games” star’s BFF, Laura ent parts of the brain. exactly life ends, and gener-
Simpson, had introduced them. While the man’s brain ate important subsequent
Lawrence, 31 has referred to her was being recorded, he suf- questions, such as . . . the
hubby as “the greatest person I’ve fered a heart attack and timing of organ donation,”
Eamonn M. McCormack/Getty Images

ever met,” saying on the “Naked with died, allowing scientists to Zemmar posited.
Catt Sadler” podcast in June 2019, “I
feel very honored to become a Ma-
roney.” The couple confirmed in Sep-
tember 2021 they were expecting.
Busiest airport’s travel taking off
During a December 2021 visit to The world’s busiest airport for international travel, with
“The Late Show,” a pregnant Law- around 29 million passengers last year, was . . . Dubai’s.
rence joked that she spent much of The 2021 passenger figures for Dubai International Air-
her three-year hiatus from acting be- port, or DXB, in the United Arab Emirates, were up 12%
tween the sheets. That same month, over 2020, which had recorded nearly 26 million travelers
she returned to the public eye, walk- — but nowhere near the pre-pandemic milestone of 86.4
ing the red carpet for the “Don’t million in annual traffic logged by the airport, a critical link
Look Up” premiere. Jessica Bennett between East and West, in 2019. AP

city in crisis

MTA tests
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Trial at 3 subway stops
By DaviD Meyer door upgrades on several occa-
sions in the past.
Subway platform barriers will A 2017 study found the cost for
be tested at three stations in Man- all 472 subway stations would
hattan and Queens, MTA Chair exceed $7 billion.
Janno Lieber said on Wednesday.
The new shove-stopping barri-
ers will be installed at Times
Potential drawbacks
Square on the 7 line, Third Ave- Kara Gurl of the MTA’s Perma-
nue on the L line and Sutphin nent Citizens Advisory Commit-
Boulevard/JFK Airport at the tee welcomed the three-station
end of the E line, Lieber said trial but questioned the rationale
during an appearance on NY1. of installing barriers everywhere.
Lieber and his team previously “While we’re glad platform
studied and ruled out platform doors are being tested, we don’t
doors as part of the MTA’s cur- believe this is the answer sys-
rent capital improvement plan. tem-wide, as it would mean plat-
That changed after the Jan. 15 form reconstruction, likely tem-
murder of Michelle Go, who was porary closing of stations and
pushed onto the tracks in the other issues including rolling
Times Square station by a men- stock alignment,” Gurl said.
tally ill homeless man. Go’s murder occurred during a
In addition to the trial plat- month that saw a slight bump in
form doors, MTA officials are felonies on the subways in Janu-
exploring using thermal and la- ary compared with December,
ser technology to detect track despite significantly lower rider-
intrusions, Lieber told NY1. ship because of the Omicron
“It’s going to take awhile. variant, according to the NYPD.
We’re going to put the money to- Mayor Adams has pledged to
gether, which is a little compli- send teams of outreach workers
cated,” he said. “But our goal is and NYPD to identify mentally
to try out these technologies, at ill and homeless people who
different places in the system, should be removed from the
including three stations, trying subway system. On Monday, the
out platform doors.” first night of the new initiative,
Lieber told NY1 the MTA outreach teams engaged just 100
would also collaborate with individuals in the subway sys-
Steven Hirsch

NYU Medical Center to deter tem. City Hall has not said how
suicide leaps onto the tracks. many people actually made it
Transit officials have consid- into shelters or were connected
ered, then ruled out platform to services.

SI couple attacked, robbed in driveway School

A Staten Island couple were three strangers approached, cops purse as the husband is attacked
The troubling surge in student weap-
ons busts is an “indictment” of the
state of crime in the Big Apple,
Mayor Adams said Wednesday in
mugged in their own driveway in
a startling attack caught on
video, police said Wednesday.
The couple — a 37-year-old
Two of them threw the hus-
band to the ground and repeat-
edly punched him before grab-
behind a white SUV.
The muggers then ran off and
hopped in a car down the street
with the man’s wallet and the
guns irk response to an exclusive Post re-
Weapons seizures in schools
are up by 80 percent this year,
man and his 34-year-old wife —
had just parked a car at their
house in Midland Beach just
after 4:30 a.m. Saturday, when
bing his wallet, police said.
Surveillance video released by
cops shows the third person
wrestling with the wife for her
woman’s purse with $2,000 in-
side, according to cops.
The husband suffered minor
injuries. Craig McCarthy
Adams compared with pre-pandemic levels
— including a marked rise in gun,
knife and Taser confiscations, accord-
ing to NYPD data.

city in crisis

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022
Flip-Flop: Weeks after denying bail to
Hunter Robinson (far left), 16, who’s been

Dan Brinzac
behind bars since, Justice Stephen Antig-
nani granted it Wednesday, set at $75,000.

Judge reverses self on jailed teen

By HannaH Ferrera on charges he took part in a asked Antignani to reconsider reviewing letters from Robin- grader: “It bothers me to my
and Tamar Lapin gunpoint robbery of a 15-year- another judge’s decision to send son’s principal and teachers at core, from someone who is as
old boy, was also assaulted in ju- the teen to a juvenile detention Success Academy showing his good as you, based on these pa-
The Manhattan judge who vie, the judge said. center at his Feb. 12 arraign- “tremendous recovery in terms pers . . . could’ve participated in
kept an alleged teen robber be- “It didn’t feel good, right?” the ment. of his academic success.” an act so cruel.”
hind bars — telling him New judge asked him. But the no-nonsense jurist Prosecutors allege that Robin-
York City was “sick” and tired Antignani made headlines for had said there was no new in- son was part of a violent group
of violent youths — had a his tough stance on Robinson formation at the time that
‘An act so cruel’ who lured a fellow student into
change of heart Wednesday and and other youngsters allegedly would make him walk back his One of the teen’s teachers de- a stairwell to rob him of his wal-
granted him $75,000 bail. involved in gun crimes. Last colleague’s ruling. scribed him as a “charismatic let, phone, coat and shoes.
Acting Supreme Court Justice week, he refused to spring the “There’s nothing good about leader” with a “big heart and a One of them pointed a gun in
Stephen Antignani told Hunter teen from lockup, while lectur- jail. It’s not nice in there,” An- lot of compassion for other the victim’s face, and another
Robinson, 16, that it wasn’t ing him. tignani had warned Robinson, peers who are struggling.” brandished a gun and struck
“fair” that he’d become the while noting the teen’s lack of Another teacher said Robin- him in the face with it.
“poster child” for the city’s freedom at the Crossroads Juve- son was an “academic super- His co-defendants include a
crime crisis.
Jail’s is ‘not nice’ nile Center. star.” pair of brothers also accused of
“This case has become the “We’re tired. New York City is At a hearing about Robinson’s Defense attorneys submitted firing gunshots that hit an
poster child for all the ills that tired” he said at the time in an indictment the next day, the the letters while requesting bail NYPD cop.
have come to our city, and that’s apparent reference to the trend judge again rebuffed requests to in the case. If Robinson makes the $75,000
not fair to you,” Antignani told in teen violence. set bail from both defense attor- They and prosecutors have cash bail, $75,000 insurance
the teen during the bail hearing “You want to allegedly partici- neys and prosecutors. previously noted Robinson’s company bond or $75,000 par-
in Manhattan Supreme Court. pate in incidents like this that “I make the determination,” lack of criminal history, good tially secured bond with 6 per-
“None of us should be judged dehumanize another human be- he had told Assistant District school record and that he isn’t cent, he will have a 6 p.m. cur-
on the worst moment of our ing? For what? If you did it, for Attorney Edward Smith. “Not accused of actually brandishing few. The teen has his arraign-
life,” he said. what?” Antignani railed. you. Not the DA’s office. I do.” one of the firearms used in the ment on the indictment set for
Robinson, who has been The tirade came after Robin- Antignani, however, struck a Jan. 6 robbery. March 11.
locked up for nearly two weeks son’s defense attorney had different tune Wednesday after Still, Antignani told the 10th-

“It’s an indictment on our city when a partment of Education buildings so far this slope.” Adams also again referenced the weapons busts — is a “recipe for disaster,”
child must carry a Taser, a stun gun or a academic year. imminent use of a new “device” that would Floyd said. In its preliminary budget, City
gun,” Adams said at an unrelated press That compares with just one gun recov- help find weapons in schools in a “hu- Hall proposed the elimination of 500 cur-
conference. ery over that same stretch prior to the pan- mane” fashion but didn’t give further de- rently vacant safety-agent positions.
“That is not acceptable.” demic. tails. Adams said he could re-examine that
On Tuesday, The Post reported that Adams rejected the notion that students Hizzoner added that he is open to re- move if conditions deteriorate in the na-
NYPD data shows Taser seizures are up are theoretically justified in carrying plenishing the thinned ranks of city school tion’s largest school system.
600 percent and knife busts have increased weapons due to rising citywide crime safety agents. Greg Floyd, president of “Remember that was a preliminary bud-
by 25 percent this year, when compared rates. Teamsters Local 237, said their numbers get,” the mayor said, “and if we see the
with the 2019-2020 school year. “I’m not accepting anyone stating they’re are down by 25 percent over the course of need to make modifications, we’re open to
In addition, 14 guns — many of them going to carry a weapon because they the pandemic. doing that.”
loaded — have been recovered inside De- don’t feel safe,” he said. “That’s a slippery That erosion — coupled with rising Bernadette Hogan and Selim Algar

Eric eyes

vax rules
Mayor Adams said
Wednesday he supports
rolling back the city’s COV-
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

ID-19 vaccine-passport re-

quirements, but not until
his public-health team ad-
vises him that it is safe to do
“Yes. I can’t wait to get it
done,” he said during a
press conference at the
Brooklyn Navy Yard.
But Adams insisted the
Big Apple won’t be chang-
ing its policies requiring
customers to show proof
of vaccination upon entry
to businesses such as bars,
restaurants and gyms un-
til the science and data
add up.
A convoy of truckers opposed to COVID-19 mandates “I always stated I’m going
set off on a planned cross-country drive from Southern to follow the science. I’m
California to the Washington, DC, area Wednesday, as the not going to get ahead of
Pentagon approved a request to deploy approximately the science because I’m
700 unarmed National Guard troops ahead of the group’s ready to get ahead of all of
expected arrival on or about March 5. this and get back to a level
About two dozen trucks and a number of other vehicles of normalcy — but they’ve
hit the road from the Mojave Desert town of Adelanto as given us . . . benchmarks,
part of a self-proclaimed “People’s Convoy.” we’re to follow those
Callie Patteson, with Wires benchmarks,” he said.

Bernadette Hogan
 Sports / Page 54

Unmasking the truth

HeN the final history of the COV-
ID-19 pandemic is written, it will
likely conclude that most of the non-
pharmaceutical public-health meas-
Hands-off Fla. less probably worthless. Higher quality surgical
and N95 masks do have some impact although
likely more as source control than as protec-
tion for wearers. But even these masks are

COV deadly than NY

ures taken to combat the disease — that is, subject to limitations of compliance and
mask mandates and lockdowns — were proper usage. Masks work best in medical set-
largely ineffective. tings where genuine N95 masks are available,
The unimportance of public mitigation providers are properly fitted for them, and ob-
measures can be illustrated by comparing out- servance of masking requirements is high.
comes in states that imposed strict mitigation Illinois announced it will lift its long-standing and older (17.4%), Illinois is 35th (16.6%), and In elementary schools where a variety of in-
measures versus states, such as Florida, that mask mandate, with the exception of schools, California is 45th (15.2%). ferior masks are used and children rarely wear
adopted a minimalist approach. at the end of this month. Remarkably, despite its elderly population them properly (tightly covering the mouth and
Florida, New York, California and Illinois Any comparison of the and laissez-faire approach, nose) for very long, effectiveness declines.
are all large states with multiple urban areas. four states must account Florida has only the 33rd
But while Florida has been the poster child for for the different age distri- highest age-adjusted
DeSantis proved to be right
a hands-off approach by government, those
other three states imposed multiple intrusive
butions of their popula-
tions and especially the DR. JOEL COVID-19 death rate per
100,000 people (251) From early in the pandemic the media vili-
measures over long periods of time. percent of the population
that is 65 and older.
ZINBERG among the states. That
puts it in the same ballpark
fied DeSantis as irresponsible and dangerous.
Some labeled him “DeathSantis.” But his ap-
Far and away the most as mandate-heavy Illinois proach proved to be right. The mitigation
Masks not required important factor in determining the severity (ranked 32nd, with 255 deaths per 100,000) measures imposed in other, largely blue,
Florida, for example, recommended, but did of COVID-19 illness is age. There is an expo- and California (38th, at 234), and well below states did little to improve health outcomes.
not require face coverings. While several large nential relationship between age and COV- New York (ranked 7th highest, at 334). And Florida was better able to preserve its
counties imposed their own mandates, Gov. ID-19’s infection fatality rate. The estimated This result is not terribly surprising. Multiple economic health than most other states. As
Ron DeSantis issued an executive order last IFR is very low for children and younger studies have confirmed that lockdowns had lit- COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths
May barring governments and school districts adults (0.002% at age 10; 0.01% at age 25), in- tle to no impact on COVID-19 mortality. In part continue to plummet around the country,
from imposing them. creases to 0.4% by age 55, and then soars with this is because people react to the risk of infec- hold-out public-health officials and politicians
New York Gov. Hochul lifted the state’s gen- advanced age (1.4% at age 65; 4.6% at age 75; tious disease — by staying home and avoiding should strongly consider mimicking the
eral mask order Feb. 10, but masks are still re- and 15% at age 85). crowded indoor areas for example — before COVID policies of that “Florida Man.”
quired in schools, health-care facilities and on Florida has the second highest percentage and independent of government mandates. Dr. Joel Zinberg, MD, is a senior fellow at the
public transit. California lifted its universal in- of population 65 and older (21.3%) in the na- And the effectiveness of masks in curtailing Competitive Enterprise Institute and director of
door mask mandate Feb. 16, but the require- tion. In contrast, New York ranks 25th among the spread of COVID-19 has always been sus- public health and wellness at the Paragon
ment remains in effect for the unvaccinated. the states in the percentage of population 65 pect. Bandanas and most cloth masks are Health Institute.
Pol seeks 11


New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

guards &
free rides
A Queens lawmaker
wants Gov. Hochul to give
groups that are targeted in
hate crimes free taxi rides
and walking buddies
trained in martial arts.
In a letter, Democratic
state Assemblyman Ron
Kim, asks Hochul to issue a
formal declaration of
emergency that would
fund the program in the
wake of the 343% surge in
hate crimes against Asian
Americans last year.
“This is a disaster of une-
quivocal proportions that
must be met with the total
mobilization of law-en-
forcement and social-ser-
vice funds,” Kim wrote.
He proposed the creation
of a series of programs for By Mark LungarieLLo sponsible for what happened
which any protected group and I can’t say who that is but I
would be eligible if hate The husband of the cinema- know it’s not me,” Baldwin said
crimes against them spike tographer fatally shot while at the time.
more than 200% in one filming the movie “Rust” said Hutchins had a harsh review
year. The programs in- he was “just so angry” over ac- of the interview, claiming it
clude a voucher system tor Alec Baldwin’s stance re- sounded like Baldwin “was the
that would fund 15 round- jecting blame for the tragic on- victim” in the situation.
trip taxis a month and a set accident. “Watching him, I just felt so
“security companion ser- Matt Hutchins said it was “ab- angry, just so angry to see him
vice” that would send surd” that Baldwin would take talk about her death so publicly
trained peace officers to no responsibility for the Oct. 21 in such a detailed way and then
accompany protected peo- tragedy on the New Mexico set to not accept any responsibility
ple while they’re out in when a gun the actor was han- after having just described kill-
public. dling fired a single shot that ing her,” Hutchins told Kotb.
Kim specifically wants killed Halyna Hutchins and who is suing Baldwin and oth- Baldwin had been seen hug-
the creation of a new wounded director Joel Souza. ers over Halyna’s death. ging Matt Hutchins at a hotel in
agency called the Security The widower opened up “But gun safety was not the the aftermath of the shooting
Companion Service for about his feelings in an inter- only problem on that set,” Hutch- that derailed the ill-fated West-
Protected Groups. Its offi- view with “Today” show ins added. “There were a number ern movie, on which the actor
cers would be trained in co-host Hoda Kotb set to air in of industry standards that were also was serving as a producer.
“basic martial arts,” “hand- its entirety Thursday. not practiced and there’s multi- Baldwin in a New Year’s mes-
to-hand combat,” de-esca- A preview clip of the inter- ple responsible parties.” sage on Instagram called the
lation techniques and baring his anguish: view shows Kotb ask the wid- Kotb also asked Hutchins shooting the “worst situation”
other tools. Matt Hutchins (top) tells NBC’s ower if he thinks Baldwin de- about Baldwin’s comments he has ever faced.
The program would cost “Today” of his anger toward serves “the majority of the during a tearful interview on The late cinematographer’s
between $30 million to $40 Alec Baldwin (above), who blame.” ABC last year saying responsi- family last month sued the
million, he estimated. was holding the gun that mis- “The idea that the person bility lay with whoever allowed makers of the movie, with at-
A spokesperson for Ho- fired on the set of the movie holding the gun and causing it a live round on set. Baldwin has torneys releasing a chilling ani-
chul said the governor will “Rust,” killing Hutchins’ cinema- to discharge is not responsible said he didn’t pull the trigger. mated video to reenact the fatal
“review” Kim’s recommen- tographer wife, Halyna (inset). is absurd to me,” said Hutchins, “I feel that someone is re- shooting.
dations. Bernadette Hogan
and Gabrielle Fonrouge

Too-hot-for-Texas elex flap

Trudeau KOs emergency powers This race is off the rails.
A woman running for rail-
Stogner told the Houston
Chronicle she released the
Canadian Prime Minister The move came two days of streets surrounding the “The situation is no road commissioner in Texas clip Feb. 13 because she was
Justin Trudeau revoked po- after lawmakers extended Canadian Parliament in Ot- longer an emergency, there- has raised eyebrows over a only a few points behind in
lice emergency powers au- measures that gave the gov- tawa and traffic flowing to fore the federal government racy campaign video in the polls against incumbent
thorized last week to clear ernment broad powers to and from the US on will be ending the use of the which she straddles an oil Wayne Christian. The elec-
truckers protesting COV- restore order, including Wednesday, Trudeau said emergencies act,” he said. pump wearing little more tion is not until Nov. 8.
ID-19 restrictions Wednes- freezing bank accounts of the acute emergency had On Friday, police arrested than a cowboy hat and boots. “I knew it would be contro-
day, after officials dispersed the protesters and barring ended, but warned the nearly 200 protesters and “They said I needed money. versial. I didn’t realize it
an occupation in the na- them from entering certain “threat continues,” as future towed dozens of trucks in I have other assets,” GOP would incite the rage and an-
tion’s capital that had lasted areas. blockades and occupations Ottawa. Jesse O’Neill lawyer Sarah Stogner, 37, said ger that it did from the press,”
since January. With convoys cleared out were being planned. With Post Wire Services in a tweet sharing the clip. she said. Yaron Steinbuch

Man. duo Day of reckoning coming

quits Don
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Irked with Bragg
By Tamar Lapin Trump’s tax records.
Pomerantz, a former fed-
Two prosecutors heading eral prosecutor in Manhat-
the Manhattan District At- tan and criminal defense at-
torney’s Office’s probe into torney, was brought on by
the Trump Organization Vance last year to join the
called it quits on Wednes- probe. Neither immediately
day — throwing the case returned messages.
into question. The Times, which first re-
The DA’s Office con- ported the move, said the
firmed the resignations of move came after Bragg sug-
Mark Pomerantz and Carey gested to the attorneys that
Dunne. he had doubts
A source told about moving
The Post that forward.
the prosecutors Without
jointly stepped Pomerantz and
down, stressing Dunne there to
that the coordi- steer the probe, mary
nated nature of
the departures
its future is un-
was a sign of Criminal de-
intense frustra- fense attorney he scandal of a child molester given a
tion with the
direction of the case.
“We are grateful for their
service,” DA spokeswoman
Danielle Filson said in a
Ron Fischetti,
who represents Trump and
his company, told The Post
he saw the resignations
coming and was “happy”
T soft sentence by Los Angeles District
Attorney George Gascón may finally
mark the beginning of the end of
America’s disastrous experiment with “pro-
gressive” justice.
statement. She declined to with the development, In 2014, at the age of 17, James Tubbs went
comment further, saying while maintaining his cli- into a ladies’ public bathroom, pushed into a
the probe is ongoing. ents’ innocence. stall and forced one hand down the pants of
The investigation into He said there was “no in- a 10-year-old girl in a violent sexual assault
former President Donald vestigation” without Pom- that was only halted by someone else com-
Trump (inset) was erantz and Dunne, adding ing into the bathroom.
launched in 2018 under that the resignations were a When Tubbs was identified as the attacker
then-DA Cyrus Vance, who sign that Bragg could soon some years later, following his arrest on an-
charged the Trump Organi- close the case. other offense, progressive Gascón insisted
zation and its longtime The DA’s Office didn’t on trying the case under juvenile rules — de-
chief financial officer Allen comment on whether the spite Tubbs being well into adulthood.
Weisselberg with tax fraud case was still moving for- Gascón was further induced to soften the
last June. Vance convened ward. sentence by the fact that Tubbs now identi-
another grand jury before Bragg hasn’t said much fies as a woman and goes by the name “Han-
new DA Alvin Bragg took about the investigation pub- nah.”
over in January. Prosecutors licly since taking office. Concerned for Tubbs’ supposed risk of
had been questioning wit- During a media availability victimization as a transgender woman in an
nesses before the grand jury in late January, he said he sick: Hannah Tubbs, adult prison, Gascón cited a probation re-
until about a month ago, es- was still “getting up to above right when she was port that had recommended home confine-
sentially stopping the inves- speed” and “following the booked as James Tubbs ment. Tubbs was eventually sent to a facility
tigation, according to The facts,” adding he was con- after a 2014 assault of a for violent juveniles, despite being 26 at the
New York Times. strained from saying more. 10-year-old girl (security time.
Dunne, who joined the of- The criminal probe coin- video above) is heard in “The things he did to me and made me do
fice in 1984 and served as cides with New York Attor- leaked audio laughing at that day was beyond horrible for a 10-year-
Vance’s general counsel, ney General Letitia James’ the light treatment she old girl to have to go through,” Tubbs’ victim
had overseen the investiga- investigation into the received from the LA DA. said in vain. “I want him tried as an adult for
tion from the outset, suc- Trump Organization’s busi- the crimes he committed against me.”
cessfully arguing before the ness dealings. Gascón’s choices here reflect progressive
US Supreme Court for

for treating child molester with kid gloves

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

is lAst kim foxx
strAw alvin braGG


lefty DAs
beliefs that date back to the dawn of the lib-
eral era, summed up by the 1762 claim of
French philosopher Rousseau, “Man is born
ual violence perpetrated by a mentally ill re-
peat offender on the cusp of adulthood,
against a defenseless 10-year-old girl.
chesa boudin
San Francisco

how he clearly didn’t act like one on January

1st of 2014.”
Gascón reportedly knew of Tubbs’ brag-
GeorGe Gascón
Los Angeles County

police have gone to federal prosecutors to go

after race-attack faker Jussie Smollett, when
District Attorney Kim Foxx wouldn’t.
free but everywhere he is in chains.” But faced with a criminal who’s less victim ging calls about soft treatment before sen- They’re also looking to tackle some gun- and
That is: People are naturally good, and we than manipulative predator, this just looks tencing took place. But he still opted to han- gang cases she’s ignored.
only do bad things because society hurts and like weakness. dle this violent pervert with kid gloves. In San Francisco, there’s a recall election of
distorts this natural virtue. In leaked audio from a prison phone call, The DA has since said he regrets the leni- radical DA Chesa Boudin set for June 7.
Tubbs mocks the DA’s leniency. ency, telling the Los Angeles Times, “It’s un- In New York, business leaders have com-
“I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty,” fortunate that [Tubbs] gamed the system” plained about Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s
Progressives vs. reality Tubbs says. “They’re gonna stick me on pro- and accepting the transgender claim may unwillingness to charge armed robbers as fel-
Progressives argue that if only we could bation. I won’t have to register, won’t have to have been to secure further concessions. ons. In a new poll, 65% of voters want the “no
meet crime with compassion, all of us will do nothing.” But in a statement following the Fox report, bail” law changed to allow judges to lock up
become the good person we naturally are Even Tubbs’ father sounds shocked. he doubled down on his rosy vision of human repeat offenders.
deep down. “You won’t have to register?” he asks, nature. He acknowledged the need to make Rehabilitating criminals is a noble goal. But
We see this belief behind every liberal at- meaning as a sex offender. “exceptions” but insisted, “People change and not everyone can be cured of lawlessness. Pro-
tack on boundaries, rules or limits. It’s espe- “I won’t have to do none of that,” Tubbs re- evolve — most often, for the better.” gressive DAs are hoping that somewhere along
cially evident, and especially dangerous, in plies. the way we’ll have made the world perfect
the push to replace drug prohibition with “So what are they going to do to you then?” enough that the violent criminals they treat so
“harm reduction,” to defund the police in fa- “Nothing,” Tubbs answers, then laughs.
The push to vote them out softly will no longer be tempted to offend.
vor of “community programs” and to swap It’s not even clear whether the gender Others are not so naive. Opponents are well They’re chasing this dream over the bodies
prison for therapy and rehabilitation, as if it switch was sincere. Tubbs seems to suggest on their way to getting enough signatures by of 10-year-old girls. Every time they get it
all will magically make crime go away. being transgender will make prison easier. July to force a recall vote of Gascón. Already, wrong, they endanger innocent citizens.
Across the country, progressive prosecu- “So now they’re going to put me with other the Association of Deputy District Attorneys The Tubbs case is turning into the last
tors have taken office in San Francisco, Chic- trannies that have seen their cases like mine,” for Los Angeles County voted Tuesday to re- straw for those who have a more realistic
ago, Philadelphia and Manhattan, promising Tubbs says, coaching his dad to use the right call Gascón — by 90% of the vote. grasp of human nature than Gascón, Boudin,
to transform society with empathy instead of pronouns in front of the judge: “So when you Additionally, more than 30 of the county’s Foxx and Bragg.
just locking up criminals. come to court, make sure you address me as city councils have issued votes of “no confi- Their pity seems all for the criminals. Who
And if you believe people only do bad her.” dence” in Gascón. will stand up for the 10-year-old girl?
things because society is broken, of course The unidentified victim was not impressed. Similar movements are happening across Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at
you’ll err on the side of the second chance. In an interview with Fox News, she called it the country, as the public recoils from the UnHerd and author of the forthcoming “Femi-
And you’ll do so even when the crime is sex- “unfair to try him as a woman as well, seeing policies of progressive DAs. In Chicago, the nism Against Progress.”
Sally Brompton Daily Horoscope

 piSceS
(Feb. 20-Mar. 20) DiScOver MOre ABOut yOurSelF AND whAt the Future hOlDS At
things easier for them, and for
yourself, by choosing your words
Neptune, your ruler, is linked to SAllyBrOMptON.cOM carefully and showing you have
love planet Venus today and the some empathy for their situation.
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

most likely outcome is that you Give the straight talk a rest.
will form deeper feelings for
someone you previously saw as  geMiNi
(May 22-June 21)
opportunities don't ignore it. The
planets suggest their motives  ScOrpiO
(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
 AquAriuS
just a friend. Will the Forget about getting on top of may not be entirely honest and As one of the zodiac's fixed signs (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
relationship last on this new your chores today and do there is no reason why you need you tend to see the world in black You may have all the facts and
level? It will if you want it to. something that challenges you to take the risk. and white but today's Venus- figures on your side but if
creatively. You are at your best Neptune link will make it easier someone doesn't want to agree
 ArieS
(March 21-April 20)
when your thoughts and feelings
are allowed to flow in a direction  virgO
(Aug. 24-Sept. 23)
for you to see things from the
other person's point of view.
with your conclusions no
amount of evidence will change
Don't worry too much about of their own choosing, so give up Don't sit around with the same What you discover will both their point of view. Is that a big
what you need to do at work a bit on the self-control. old people discussing the same surprise and delight you. enough issue to end your
today because the planets are old things today, get out into the relationship? It doesn't have to
directing you to have a good time
socially. If you enjoy yourself on  cANcer
(June 22-July 23)
world and visit a place you have
never been before. The new  SAgittAriuS
(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

a personal level it will have a Your feelings for a certain person friends you make when you get You may be regretting a course of BirthDAy thurSDAy
hugely positive knock-on effect are so intense that you won't be there will bring out the action you took just a while ago Something will happen over
on your career. able to hide them over the next adventurous side of your nature. but what's the point of dwelling the next few months that
few days. But why would you on it when you can't go back and expands your awareness of
 tAuruS
(April 21-May 21)
want to hide them when there is
every likelihood that their  liBrA
(Sept. 24-Oct. 23)
change the past? Learn from the
mistake, resolve not to make it
what life is about and your
outlook will never go back to
You may be tempted to back off feelings for you are every bit as The more you try to force your again, then move on mentally what it was before. Will you
from life and spend time with passionate? views on other people today the and emotionally. be a happier person because
your own thoughts today and more likely it is they will back of it? Happy is not a big
that's okay. But the issues you are
struggling with won't disappear  leO
(July 24-Aug. 23)
away from you, so be smart and
respect the fact that they have  cApricOrN
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
enough word - you'll be
just because you ignore them for If your sixth sense tells you to be opinions too. There is plenty of You need to tell a friend
a while - they will still be there wary of someone who offers you space in the world for everyone something they probably don't
when the real world returns. one of those "too good to be true" to have their say. want to hear but you can make

Post Weather Report

Thursday Friday New York Tides TODAY TOMORROW
Peekskill High Tide for 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
CONN. Coney Island 1:13a 1:41p 2:18a 2:52p
Stamford Bridgeport Fire Island 1:23a 1:37p 2:36a 2:56p
N.Y. White Plains 35/31 Hempstead 4:43a 5:24p 5:53a 6:48p
37/30 Montauk
Today: Mostly Tomorrow: Sussex 35/28 Huntington 4:50a 5:29p 5:56a 6:41p
36/31 Jones Inlet 12:57a 1:25p 2:02a 2:36p
cloudy and much Cloudy with rain 35/27 Riverhead
colder. High 34 tapering off. High Huntington 34/29 Southampton Montauk Point 2:31a 2:59p 3:41a 4:08p
to 40. 35 to 41. Paterson Garden 35/33 33/30 Port Washington 4:41a 5:20p 5:50a 6:50p
36/32 City Sandy Hook 1:17a 1:45p 2:22a 2:56p
Tonight: Ctg-1” Tomorrow 35/33 Forecasts and Regional cities TODAY TOMORROW
Newark graphics provided by
snow, sleet, rain. night: Clear to Albany 31/20/pc 28/10/sn
partly cloudy. Low 38/32 La G JFK
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022
Danbury 37/25/pc 37/15/i
Low 29 to 35. Deer Park
19 to 25. 37/3335/34 Sun and Moon Glens Falls 28/13/pc 25/4/sn
Gr Barrington 32/24/c 32/10/sn
Long Beach Sunrise today ......................... 6:37 a.m. Kingston 33/25/pc 35/9/sn
Saturday Sunday 35/34 Sunset tonight ........................ 5:41 p.m. Liberty 31/21/c 33/12/sn
Cold. High Partly Sandy Hook Moonrise today ...................... 1:40 a.m. Monticello 34/20/c 32/11/sn
31 to 37. sunny. High Moonset today ..................... 11:02 a.m. Newburgh 33/27/pc 36/12/i
39 to 45. 35/34 Forecast data is current as of 6
p.m. yesterday. Temperatures are New First Full Last Poughkeepsie 35/25/pc 35/11/sn
Asbury Park today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Saratoga Springs 31/18/pc 27/8/sn
Evening Evening
Clear. Low 25 to 31. Colder. Low 17 to 23. 35/33 Stroudsburg 34/27/c 38/15/i
Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, Torrington 34/25/pc 34/13/sn
c-cloudy, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunder-
Manasquan Syracuse 29/19/c 29/13/sn
Almanac 35/33
storms, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice Mar 2 Mar 10 Mar 18 Mar 25
YESTERDAY’S CONDITIONS AT CENTRAL PARK THROUGH 6PM Thursday, February 24, 2022 Athens 56/44/sh 59/44/pc
Temperature Toms River Baghdad 83/63/pc 78/52/pc
High: 68, Low: 59, Mean: 64 37/33 Beijing 49/16/s 52/30/s
T-storms Berlin 51/34/c 44/33/t
Departure from Normal
Yesterday: +26 degrees N.J. Rain Cairo 65/54/s 63/51/pc
Flurries Dublin 43/36/sh 48/43/pc
Precipitation Geneva 53/36/c 47/31/sh
Yesterday: 0.00”, Month: 2.49”, Year: 6.78”, Hong Kong 61/54/s 64/59/s
Normal year to date: 6.22” Long Beach Ice
Jerusalem 55/47/pc 48/47/r
Heating Degree days yesterday................1 37/34 Kabul 50/28/s 50/25/s
Total for the month (normal) ......594 (682) London 46/38/pc 50/32/s
Total since July 1 (normal) ......2996 (3248) Madrid 65/45/pc 54/42/sh
Last season to date ..............................3085 Fronts Mexico City 78/52/s 77/51/s
Wind Chill (at noon yest.) ...................... 62 Cold Montreal 15/5/s 13/4/sn
UV index (for Thu.) ........................ 1 (Low) Moscow 34/25/pc 36/27/pc
Humidity (at noon) ............................. 72% Warm
Atlantic City Shown are noon positions of Paris 54/36/r 51/31/sh
weather systems and precipitation.
SNOW 37/32 Temperature bands are highs for
Rio de Janeiro 84/75/s 85/74/pc
Yesterday ............................................... 0.0” Ocean City the day. Forecast high/low tempera- Rome 61/41/pc 59/44/pc
tures are given for selected cities.
Month to date (normal) ............. 1.6” (8.6”) Sydney 75/71/sh 75/71/sh
37/34 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Tokyo 47/32/pc 51/35/s
AQI rating: (for Thu.).................................Good

Miranda Devine

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022
HE walls are closing in on Hunter Cooper found the $30 billion asbestos-

T Biden.
The US attorney in Delaware inves-
tigating his business affairs has been
busy subpoenaing his bank records and
calling in his ex-girlfriends to testify in
compensation business to be lucrative, in
large part thanks to Joe, who used his
power to block asbestos-litigation reform
when a bill reached the Senate floor, as
Paul Sperry from RealClearInvestigations
front of a grand jury about his wild spend- has reported.
ing sprees. When Joe became VP, Cooper put
Devon Archer, his former business part- Hunter on the board of his venture capital
ner, best friend and fellow Yale alum, faces firm Eudora Global and gave him shares in
sentencing Monday, four years after being the business, worth around $80,000 a year,
convicted over a $60 million scheme to de- documents on Hunter’s laptop show.
fraud one of the poorest Indian tribes in Additionally, Hunter received a “one-
America. time payment” of $300,000 in 2015 from
Prosecutors from the Southern District Cooper’s firm Eudora, according to an
of New York have recommended to US email on the laptop from Hunter’s then
District Court Judge Ronnie Abrams that business partner Eric Schwerin.
Archer serve 30 months in prison, the same SimmonsCooper also put up $1 million in
as co-defendant Bevan Cooney. investment capital for Hunter and his Un-
But Wednesday, Archer’s lawyer, Matt- cle Jim’s abortive attempt in 2009 to ac-
hew Schwartz of Boies Schiller Flexner, quire a hedge fund.
asked Judge Abrams for a non-custodial To add to the incestuous nature of
sentence, arguing he has suffered enough. Archer’s ties with the Biden family, his cur-
He “has been subject to pretrial supervi- rent law firm Boies Schiller Flexner previ-
sion for nearly seven years during which ously paid Hunter $216,000 a year for the
he has a spotless record of compliance, has honorary role “of counsel,” and its chair-
lived an otherwise exemplary life, and has man is longtime Joe Biden donor David
already suffered greatly due to the collat- Boies.
eral consequences of his arrest, trial and Also causing Hunter sleepless nights is Zoe
conviction.” Kestan (near left, with Hunter), 28, a one-
No further punishment is warranted, be- time Pornhub “model” and “lingerie entre-
cause Archer, a former Abercrombie & Fitch preneur” who stayed with Hunter at Holly-
model, has “watched his reputation and ca- wood’s Chateau Marmont hotel in 2018 dur-
reer systemically crumble” and he “and his ing one of his extended crack benders.
family have been affected financially, and She testified for five hours on Feb. 15 be-
are currently severely cash-negative.” fore the Delaware grand jury that is inves-
Prosecutors gave short shrift to Archer tigating Hunter’s tax affairs, and reportedly
crying poor, arguing that he “is living in a provided details of his lavish spending
multimillion-dollar Brooklyn townhouse, sprees. Also testifying last week was
and owns a second residence in the Hamp- Hunter’s “baby mama,” the former stripper
tons, both of which have significant equity. Lunden Roberts, who sued him for pater-
He and his wife [Krista, a doctor] own in- nity of their now 3-year-old daughter, who
vestment assets worth more than several he never has acknowledged.
million dollars . . . Zoe’s name appears in a Suspicious Ac-
“In short, while Archer may well be liv- tivity Report compiled by JPMorgan Chase
ing beyond his current means, he is none- bank and obtained by nonprofit research
theless living an indisputably privileged outfit Marco Polo.
lifestyle and nothing about his finances The bank was issued a subpoena in May
warrants a reduction in sentence.” 2019 by the US attorney in Delaware for
It will be up to Judge Abrams, an Obama transactions involving Hunter, his uncle
appointee married to Mueller special- Jim Biden and partners Archer and
counsel prosecutor Greg Andres, whether Schwerin involving the Bank of China.
to show mercy to Archer, 48, on Monday. Hunter and Zoe’s relationship was rocky,
She has been kind to him before, when messages on the laptop show.
she overturned his original conviction in “Zoe is livid,” he texted a female friend in
November 2019, before her decision was May 2018. “My father is livid. Everyone is
reversed on appeal. f*cking livid. [I] have been hanging out
She also granted him permission while with some seriously f*cked up homeless.
he was on bail to jet around the world to 24 ous year and found on his abandoned lap- SDNY pointed out in its sentencing sub- I’m a narcissistic altruist, according to
destinations, from Jamaica and Turks & top, Hunter was less sanguine about mission that Archer currently has a well-pay- Zoe.”
Caicos to China, Russia, Ukraine and Ka- Archer’s legal troubles. ing job, working for former asbestos attorney In another text exchange, with a bellhop
zakhstan, places where he and Hunter had “My best friend in business, Devon, has Jeff Cooper, a longtime Joe Biden donor. friend from the Chateau Marmont, Hunter
done business deals leveraging then VP Joe named me as a witness, without telling me, Cooper’s relationship with the Biden says that Zoe “really angered me” by re-
Biden’s name. in a criminal case,” he wails. “I’m talking family stretches back two decades to when cording a conversation between him and
But anything short of a custodial sentence about a f*cking criminal case in which he ran one of the largest asbestos-litigation the bellhop.
will be seen as a political scandal, consider- Devon has named me as a witness.” firms in the country, the Illinois-based “How the f*ck did she get a tape of the
ing Archer’s close ties to the Bidens. If Archer does end up facing prison time, SimmonsCooper. two of us talking . . . about why I need to
Hunter promised Archer in a 2019 text there is always the possibility that he might He began filing multimillion-dollar law- end it with her - the tape begins with me
message that he is “part of a great family — cooperate with authorities investigating suits in Delaware in 2005 in association saying I need her for her contacts . . . She is
not a side show, not deserted by them even Hunter’s business dealings in return for a with Joe’s late son Beau Biden’s firm Biffer- so connected I didn’t want to burn bridges.
in your darkest moments. That’s the way reduction in his sentence. ato, Gentilotti & Biden, when Joe was a US Because she really is connected.”
Bidens are different, and you are a Biden.” That prospect must be keeping Hunter senator for Delaware and leader of the Connections mean everything in Biden
But in a voice memo recorded the previ- awake at night. powerful Senate Judiciary Committee. world.

Charlie’s new entourage

CHARLIE Sheen is doing lines again, Page — and that he wanted to also get Martin phenomenally successful TV career in 2011
Six has learned. But don’t worry — this time Sheen in the show. when he launched a public assault on Chuck
it’s the kind you find in a script. Now we hear that they started shooting an Lorre, the creator and executive producer of
We’re told the star — who hasn’t appeared untitled pilot in Los Angeles yesterday and Sheen’s hit show “Two and a Half Men.” Sheen

on camera in anything since 2017 other than a they have indeed convinced Sheen Sr. to do a — who has long-running and well-docu-
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

cameo role — has started shooting a TV pilot cameo. We’re told “Entourage” alums Kevin mented substance abuse issues — was fired,
written and produced by “Entourage” creator Connolly and Kevin Dillon are also appear- and shortly afterward entered his “tiger blood”
Doug Ellin. ing in the new project. phase, giving a series of bizarre TV interviews
Ellin and Sheen apparently became friendly The “Major League” star recently hinted that in which he claimed to be a “warlock.”
when Ellin landed Sheen last year as a guest he was working with Ellin, Connolly and Dil- He returned to a regular gig on TV with FX’s
on his “Victory the Podcast,” and he then lon when he posted a picture of the four of “Anger Management,” which ran from 2012 to

Emily teased that he and Sheen were hatching a

project together.
Ellin said at the time that he gave Sheen
them with a group of other actors to Insta-
gram with the caption, “Epic first day with my
new ‘2nd’ family.”
2014. Meanwhile, Ellin’s blockbuster show
“Entourage” appeared on HBO from 2004 to
2011 and inspired a spinoff feature film that
some loose ideas for a TV show to mull over Of course, Sheen famously flamed out of his was released in 2010.

Ian Mohr Cashing in or out?
“MY Unorthodox Life” star Julia
Mara Siegler Haart is being sued for allegedly
Carlos Greer spending unauthorized millions of company cash by her estranged
Oli Coleman husband Silvio Scaglia. Haart, who was ousted as CEO of Elite World
Tashara Jones Group this month, is alleged to have spent $125,000 on “cosmetic proce-
dures” — including a boob job, as
Hold the pickle Page Six reported — according to
court papers. The filing, seen by
PADEL, which is outpacing pic- Page Six, also claims Haart used the
kleball as the trendy sport du company setup to run her clothing
jour, has hit Miami this week with line, E1972, as her “personal piggy
a high-profile tournament that’s bank.” It alleges she spent about
pulling in wealthy spectators $500,000 at Louis Vuitton, $180,000
with $30,000 VIP boxes and per- at Chanel, $140,000 at Dior and
formances by A-list entertainers. more than $500,000 on lavish trips,
The Miami Padel plus more than $160,000 on makeup
Open is organized by billionaire and hair. The suit alleges Haart
businessman Wayne Boich and Julia overspent on the budget allocated
has mostly sold out we’re told. Fox (left) and to her for personal expenses, claim-
Perks include VIP catering by Kim Kardashian ing: “In addition to exceeding
Major Food Group’s ZZ’s Club. seem to have formed E1972’s budget by millions of dollars
Vince Vaughn was in the stands their own biker gang due to her personal spending hab-
on Tuesday, along with execs after breaking it off its, Haart also freely used two EWG
from Related, SL Green and oth- with Kanye West: corporate credit cards to purchase
ers. Rick Ross, Ludacris and the Banana expensive clothing and handbags,
Wyclef Jean are even playing the Splits. luxury vacations and other personal
padel parties. and unnecessary purchases.” The
suit adds: “In total, Haart used her
position as chief executive officer to
spend at least $1 million of EWG’s

PEPA / BACKGRID; Fox: Getty Images

corporate funds on personal and
unnecessary expenses without au-
thorization to do so.” Haart has said
in court papers that she didn’t take a
salary and, therefore, used company
funds, as agreed with by EWG
chiefs. The papers add that “due
primarily to Haart’s mismanage-
ment of EWG and excessive spend-
ing, from 2018 to 2021, EWG’s EB-
ITDA [earnings before interest,
Bubbles backer taxes, depreciation and amortiza-
Follow us tion] declined from $6 million to
YET another celeb has partnered on Twitter negative $10.4 million.” Page Six has

with a booze brand. Naturally, Le- reached out to Haart’s reps.
onardo DiCaprio’s Champagne is
eco-friendly. The environmentally
Ye says nay to ‘Donda 2’ party
inclined movie star and interna- KANyE West was a no-show to an after-party for his new “Donda 2” album per- Sightings
tional party boy is backing organic formance at LoanDepot Park in Miami. The rapper was supposed to turn up at the
bubbly brand Telmont, which the bash and “his team spent money on the party,” said a source. “He was supposed to be CARA Delevingne dancing in
star says protects “biodiversity on there.” But while West was absent at the event at XXIII Club, plenty of his famous the DJ booth at Nebula nightclub
its land” and uses “100 percent re- friends attended. “All these people showed up and were wondering ‘Where is Kanye?’ ” said a source. “It was as Diplo spun tunes . . .
newable electricity.” The company a running joke, ‘Is he here yet?’ ” West’s earlier performance reportedly started two hours late and struggled AMANDA Lepore at singer Ju-
“upcycles” used bottles into soy with tech issues. The show included samples of his ex Kim Kardashian’s “SNL” monologue, and he trolled lian King’s pajama party event in
wax candles. DiCaprio (above) her new boyfriend Pete Davidson in his song “Eazy.” With West onstage at the show were Alicia Keys, Flatbush, hosted by Haus Party
didn’t disclose how much moola Pusha T, DaBaby, Marilyn Manson, Migos and more. A rep for West did not get back to us. Meanwhile, . . . LOUDON Wainwright III
he’s invested. Either way, he can West’s ex Julia Fox (above) was spotted sitting in the front row at fashion brand Diesel’s Milan fashion playing with Vince Giordano
feel better sipping on a superyacht. week show in a yellow jumpsuit similar to one Kardashian was also spotted wearing in the Italian city. and the Nighthawks at Bond 45.


New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Alpine, NJ
A rare opportunity to own this sophisticated
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features include steep slate roofs, high ceilings,
walls of glass, banquet sized reception rooms,
multiple staircases to all levels, commercial
grade elevator to all levels, indoor pool,
plunge pool, gym, theater, 8 bedroom suites,
and 14 bathrooms in total. 4 Plus garages.
Only 8 miles to NYC. This spectacular
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Saddle River, NJ
One of the most pristine, renovated,
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Dennis McCormack Prominent Properties Sotherby’s International Realty | Alpine
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All aboard

We eliminated fees.
for ‘Onassis’
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Not every bank can power, marriages, his is his character. Born 1906

say that.
whole life. Titled ‘Onas- in Asia Minor, how he got
sis,’ it runs an hour and a his first million, how he
half.” Yeah. But why? “On went forward. We opened
the set, working on ‘The in Greece and reviews
Offer’ miniseries which is said I shook the theatrical
about ‘The Godfather’ and waters of Athens.”
where I play [Carlo] Gam- What about playing

bino, someone said ‘You Jackie? “I invite her to my
Rewarding, no-fees Complete Checking. look like Onassis. If he yacht, the Christina. She

were here today he appears twice. I talk to
could’ve used you as his her. She and sister Lee
Yes, you read that correctly. Flushing Bank has eliminated overdraft, insufficient vessel.’ discuss the depression
funds, and transfer fees. Our Complete Checking account has always offered “I became curious and after Jackie loses her
great benefits such as mobile banking, mobile check deposit, and ATM fee A FEW weddings down started to read every- baby. We talk of Jackie’s
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Follow us on
® Flushing Bank is a registered trademark Costner’s bright film horizons
KeviN Costner’s finally making “Horizon,” the period Western that’s been
on his horizon forever.
Kevin: “You can never guarantee popular or critical success. You can only be-
lieve in the quality of scripts you’re doing. I’d never have predicted what hap-
pened with my movies like ‘Field of Dreams’ or ‘Bull Durham.’ I just knew the
scripts had gold dust on them.
“I’m tough about most of my life but a little baby about my art. There’s movies I’ve
mourned forever only nobody wants to listen to me whine. But they’re all important
to me. I won’t fall out of love with
things I know are good.
“ ‘Horizon’ shoots this summer al-
though fund-raising here didn’t work.
The euros came from abroad. My three
Westerns were funded with foreign
money. Very American movie ‘Dances
With Wolves’ no one believed in. I
raised it that same way, plus I put in my
own capital. Now it’s the same damn
story. And I’ll put my own money up.”

Meanwhile, Costner, in “Yellow-
stone” (at right), is shooting up big
ratings for Paramount TV.

Florida feels his own iPad, clicking into

Spotify or whatever, the
after is when he invaded.
Check back on my report-
BESIDES lurking alliga- other evening he played ing. Ask not how I knew. I
tors, hopping frogs and Elvis during a soup course. didn’t guess. I knew.
creaking wheelchairs, Also he’s heavy into
Florida’s up to its assets THIS week’s headlines classical music. Tchaikov-
in artistry, jewelry, paint- “Putin Invades” hit one sky. Seeing this invasion
ings, antiques, anything. day after the Olympics like a symphony, thinking
One night, Bilboquet’s ended. Pay attention. Me to be his nation’s most fa-
whole restaurant was an — I — moi — Madam Ad- mous conductor, Vlad’s
art show. Minus a 2nd Av- ams — her very own self unafraid to hit sour notes
enue Deli nearby and ev- — told you exactly this — except that gas prices
eryone’s late 5 p.m. dinner back aways. This very col- will rise. It’s Russian rou-
over, left is only a gallery. umn reported Putin held lette roadwise.
The Mar-a-Lago attitude off choking Ukraine until May Biden contact me
seems to be up. Donald’s after the Olympics so as — only in New York,
personally picking songs not to ruffle China’s feel- kids, only in New York
in the dining room. With ings. And exactly one day — for intel.

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022
mia m h
i b e ac
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

B E I C O N I C Milli Vanilli’s ‘True’

20 23 LYR I Q writer revealed
Milli Vanilli, the dancing duo who lit this girl said, ‘They’re playing your
up the music scene in the late ’80s and record.’ And I’m talking s - - t: ‘Of course
were later revealed to be lip-syncing faux they played my record. They played my
musicians, had a profound effect on record all the time.’ She said, ‘No, [the]
Kevin Liles and the trajectory of his ca- video’s about to come on.’ I’m like, ‘I
reer. Though one could argue the music never made a video.’ And damn if I didn’t
executive also had a significant impact see Milli Vanilli doing my song . . . So you
on Milli Vanilli. can imagine, I’m 17, 18 . . . I’m trying to
How? When Kevin was a Baltimore figure out. But that was the moment. I
teen rapping with his group Numarx, he didn’t want to be in the music business
wrote a little song called “Girl You Know anymore. I wanted to be in the business
It’s True” for his collective. It wasn’t in- of music.”
tended for German-French pop stars in At the time, he was opening for people
spandex and shoulder pads, but that’s such as LL Cool J, Salt-N-Pepa and Will
where the tune landed. Smith. Kevin was a “regional star” on the
“I wrote this record that sold like music scene, and was studying electrical
100,000 copies, but somebody stole it engineering at Morgan State University.
from me and sold 18 million copies,” he However, the Milli Vanilli
told me. affair redirected him to-
“I found out that somebody remade my ward the boardroom in-
record because I was home chilling and stead of the studio.

‘300’ feet high and rising

He worked his way up from intern to president of Def Jam,
where he nurtured the careers of hip-hop’s biggest stars, in-
cluding LL, Jay-Z, DMX and Kanye West, and helped push
hip-hop and rap into the mainstream.
In 2012, he co-founded 300 Entertainment, which signed art-
ists such as Fetty Wap, Young Thug, Mary J. Blige and Megan
Thee Stallion. It was acquired by Warner Music Group in De-
cember for $400 million. And last month, he said that they were
launching a film and content studio and their first project would

Leon Bennett/Getty Images

be “Race: Bubba Wallace,” a six-part Netflix series on the only
African American driver in the NASCAR Cup Series. It dropped
this week on the streaming giant.
“I wanted to tell one of the stories that I think if I didn’t push for
it to be told, it wouldn’t be told. And that’s the journey of Bubba
Wallace,” he said.
That powerful series is just an appetizer. They have over 20 pro-
jects now in production.
He’s doing it for the culture
Kevin has been in the industry for three music . . . I don’t have artists, I have human
decades. He’s a walking testament to the beings,” he said. “My job is to stay ahead of
evolution of the industry and art form, where the business is, but always go back
but he doesn’t use the word “reinvention.” to: Is it telling a story? Is it cultural?”
“I don’t really reinvent. The only Kevin is a legend. His impact is immeas-
thing’s been different urable. My next order
CADILLAC.COM/LYRIQ about me is when we of business is pitching
met, I was 320 Scan the a documentary to 300
pounds. That was a code to called “Gotta Blame It
P rep ro d uc tio n vehicle shown. Ac t ual product ion m od e l w i l l v a r y.
reinvention,” said a listen to the on Something: The
Init ial availabilit y first half of 2022.
now-svelte Kevin. Jalen Rose: Untold Story of How
“I wanted to serve Renaissance Milli Vanilli Inadvert-
the artist and serve Man podcast ently Shaped Modern
the culture . . . It’s cul- Rap.” I hope he green-
ture. This ain’t just lights it.
Eric’s bid 21

to quell

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

gay furor
Mayor Adams defended
his decision to hire three
ministers with past histo-
ries of homophobic re-
marks Wednesday, as anger
in the city’s politically
powerful LGBT commu-
nity continued to grow.
Hizzoner’s remarks came
as major gay-rights groups
promised demonstrations
outside of City Hall as
soon as Thursday over
former Bronx Councilman
Fernando Cabrera, Brook-
lyn-based Gilford Monrose
and Erick Salgado joining
the administration.
“This is a different
America when marriage
was first brought to the
floor. If we say ‘everyone
who did not get it then
should be banished perma-
nently,’ that’s the wrong
message,” Adams told re-
porters during a press con-
ference in Brooklyn. He
said the goal is to let peo-
ple evolve and “see the er-
ror of their ways.”
He added for his LGBTQ
“allies” that he’s “fought
with you side by side, even
at my political detriment.”
Monrose was hired to
head the Mayor’s Office of
Faith-Based and Commu-
nity Partnerships, where
Cabrera will be a senior
advisor. Salgado was hired lol: Tom Holland (l-r) Andrew Garfield
as a top official in the and Tobey Maguire recreate the popular
mayor’s Office of Immi- pointing-Spideys meme (inset) as a
grant Affairs. Nolan Hicks teaser for the home-video release of the
and Bernadette Hogan trio’s “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”

No court for shoot to promote the home re-

lease of box-office sensation
“Your new lock screen just
dropped,” the account quipped.


Three Spider-Mans walk onto

“Spider-Man: No Way Home.”
“Of course, we got THE
meme,” wrote the official Twit-
The widely circulated meme
depicts three animated Spider-
Mans pointing at each other — a
used on social media as a visual
metaphor for hypocrisy.
It was Garfield, 38, according

Tom Holland/Instagram
The upstate man charged a set . . . and re-create an iconic ter account for the film, the scene from the 1960s “Spider- to an interview with Holland, 25,
in the drive-by shooting Internet meme. highest-grossing release of the Man” cartoon, during an episode for IndieWire, who suggested
death of SUNY Potsdam Tom Holland, Andrew Gar- pandemic era and sixth-highest that features the real superhero the three live-action Spidey ac-
student Elizabeth Howell field and Tobey Maguire posed grossing film ever worldwide, and two imposters. tors pay homage to the gag while
won’t appear in court later for the ultimate comic photo with $1.8 billion and counting. The image has been widely filming “No Way Home.”
this week, prosecutors said
A public defender for
Michael J. Snow, 31, who re-
mains held without bond on
a second-degree murder
charge, waived the prelimi-
nary hearing set for Friday
B’klyn ‘evict’ landlords fork over $2M brownstone
in Massena’s town court, St. A prominent Brooklyn The city filed suit against Crown Heights brownstone. als of out of nine buildings. said in a joint press release.
Lawrence County District couple accused of illegally the landlords — so-called They were accused of try- The duo settled both cases “The matter was settled
Attorney Gary Pasqua con- trying to boot tenants dur- “eco-builder” Gennaro ing to boot their tenants de- in agreeing to turn over the without the need for pro-
firmed to The Post. ing the pandemic has agreed Brooks-Church and his ex- spite a pandemic-related building at 1214 Dean St. tracted and expensive litiga-
The case will be trans- to turn over their $2 million wife and former yoga-stu- state eviction moratorium. worth $2 million so that it tion and without any admis-
ferred to St. Lawrence property to the city so that dio guru, Loretta Gendville A month later, the city can be converted into af- sion of liability,” the land-
County Court for further it can be converted into af- — in November 2020 after filed another suit claiming fordable housing, New York lords’ lawyer, Kenneth Fisher,
proceedings, Pasqua said. fordable housing, according they were accused of har- the pair was running Attorney General Letitia said. “It was a good out-
Joshua Rhett Miller to a settlement Wednesday. assing the tenants of their shoddy, illegal Airbnb rent- James and Mayor Adams come.” Priscilla DeGregory
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

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‘Black nationalist’ targeted Jewish pol: cops

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

By DANA KENNEDY $100,000 bond. Fitted with a GPS
ankle monitor, he is confined to
The mom of Quintez Brown — his father’s home.
the Black Lives Matter rising star His release prompted a public
charged last week with firing a outcry, with US Sen. Mitch
gun at a mayoral candidate in McConnell (R-Ky.) calling it “jaw-
Louisville — said her son under- dropping.” David James, the Afri-
went a change after enrolling at can American president of the
the University of Kentucky three Louisville Metro Council, said the
years ago. Louisville Community Bail Fund
“It’s all been since he started should not have bailed out Brown,
college,” Cecilia Brown told The adding: “They are going to be re-
Post about her son, who was once sponsible for what he may or may
honored by President Barack Ob- not do to anybody.”
ama and appeared on MSNBC to “It is nearly impossible to be-
push gun control. “I haven’t really lieve that someone can attempt
heard from him. He’s always busy. murder on Monday and walk out
He’s been living with his dad. I changed: Quintez of jail on Wednesday,” Greenberg
don’t know what was on his mind. Brown, 21, an honored told The Courier-Journal. “If
Only God can judge that.” activist (right) , was someone is struggling with a
Despite Brown’s mysterious dis- charged (above) with mental illness and is in custody,
appearance from Louisville last shooting at Craig they should be evaluated and
June — that ended with his re- Greenberg treated in custody.”
portedly being found by his dad (below).
on a bench in Brooklyn nearly
two weeks later — and his in-
Bailed out
creasing social media interest in Helm, who founded the BLM
revolutionary communism and chapter that put up the bond
black nationalism, family and money, told The Post: “You have
friends from the local chapter of to look at where he’s coming
Black Lives Matter alluded to only from. He grew up in West Louis-
vague “emotional issues” he ville, where people are deprived
might have had. of resources for things like mental
Brown’s Twitter account has health. He’s a brilliant writer and
since been deleted, but he posted an excellent organizer. But we
support for the Lion of Judah have so many people suffering in
Armed Forces on the Instagram this city from fascism and racism.
account he created last December Helm continued: “Mental ill-
when announcing a run for the ness doesn’t come out of the blue.
Louisville metro council. Lion of We’re trying to figure out what
Judah is an armed, militant group happened to him while everyone
with similar beliefs to the Black else is vilifying him.”
Hebrew Israelites who espouse Brown mysteriously disap-
an ideology that African-Ameri- peared from Louisville last June,
cans, not Jews, are the true de- only to be found by his worried
scendants of the biblical He- dad, Jacob Daugherty, in Brooklyn
brews. 11 days later, according to the fa-
Lion of Judah has been identi- ther’s social media. At the time,
fied by the Southern Poverty Law Daugherty and Brown’s step-
Center as a hate group. mother told local press that their
son might be going through a
mental-health crisis and pleaded
Motive unclear with the public for help to find

Getty Images
Louisville Metro Police Chief him. They said he vanished after a
Erika Shields told reporters that fight at a local swimming pool.
police did not yet have a motive They were critical of the Louis-
to explain the shooting, but ville Metro Police Department at
pointed out that Craig Greenberg, the time, saying they were ill-
the victim, “is Jewish, so there’s of first-degree wanton endanger- campaign rhetoric against Green- we wanted to see in our young equipped” to help find him.
that. We don’t know if it’s tied to ment. berg in his social media posts, people.” Brown gained national recogni-
the candidates or is political or if His lawyer, Rob Eggert, ap- some of which have apparently “He needs to get mental-health tion as a social-justice activist in
we are dealing with someone peared in court Wednesday in been deleted. support,” Chanelle Helm, the co- 2018, speaking about gun reform
with mental issues or is venom- Louisville. Both the prosecutors Findley, who has been active in founder of Black Lives Matter in with Joy Reid on the host’s
ous,” Shields said. “We are look- and Eggert agreed to waive pre- protests in Louisville, said he be- Louisville who has known Brown MSNBC show.
ing at this from all angles.” liminary hearings and take lieves his rivalry with Green- since he joined the group at age The Obama Foundation called him
On Feb. 14, Brown allegedly the case straight to the berg had nothing to do 16, told The Post but declined to a “rising face,” and Brown broke
walked into the campaign head- grand jury on March with Brown allegedly be more specific about his issues. bread with the Rev. Al Sharpton and
quarters of Greenberg and fired 21.. Brown appeared by shooting at the candi- Brown, a 21-year-old college former Kentucky state lawmaker
multiple shots at him using a video conference. date. senior who wrote op-ed columns Charles Booker, who called him a
9mm handgun. No one was hurt, Brown is close to “Quintez is a son of for The Courier-Journal, the “brilliant scholar.”
but a bullet grazed Greenberg’s another mayoral can- the city,” Findley told state’s biggest newspaper, was One month ago, Brown pub-
sweater and shirt. didate, Pastor Tim The Post. “He’s bril- called a “high-achieving golden lished on “A Revo-
Police said Brown was found Findley, who is run- liant, but we know boy” by a college professor. lutionary Love Letter,” invoking
with a loaded 9mm magazine in ning against Green- there were emotional is- Prior to the shooting, Brown Huey Newton, co-founder of the
his pocket and a handgun, hand- berg. A source close to sues. It’s very sad because suffered a “mental breakdown” Black Panthers, and Kwame Ture,
gun case and additional maga- the mayoral campaign in what I saw was a bright and had not slept for “days or né Stokely Carmichael, also a
zines inside a bag. Louisville told The Post shining star. He weeks,” said his lawyer, Eggert. Black Panther and a leader of the
Brown pleaded not guilty to at- that Findley focused represented Brown was freed two days later, global Pan-African movement.
tempted murder and four counts much of his what after a local BLM chapter posted

Migrant Inside Courtney and

border slay
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Shot fleeing agent

By MArk LungArieLLo Border Patrol Station in
Arizona, the statement

A migrant from Mexico said.
was shot dead by a border The Mexican Consulate
patrol agent as he tried to was notified of the deadly
escape arrest in a remote clash and will be working
area of Arizona, authorities with authorities to identify
announced Wednesday. the man and notify his rel-
US Customs and Border atives, said the Cochise
Patrol agents confronted a County Sheriff ’s Office,
group of illegal immigrants one of the agencies investi-
at about 9 p.m. Saturday in gating the death.
Skeleton Canyon, 32 miles Sheriff ’s office personnel
northeast of Douglas, the had to recover the man’s By ChuCk ArnoLd later, on April 5, 1994. But despite all of
agency said. remains the day after the their troubles — from drug addiction
The agents on horseback shooting, to “allow for the When Nirvana’s “Nevermind” de- to allegations of domestic violence —
had to dismount because safety of detectives, addi- throned Michael Jackson’s “Danger- there was a lot of love along the way.
of the rocky terrain and tional law enforcement ous” from the top of the charts in Janu- “Kurt Cobain picked Courtney Love,
took three migrants into personnel, and air support ary 1992, Kurt Cobain was effectively and Courtney Love picked Kurt Co-
custody — but they spot- from the Arizona Depart- crowned the new king of rock. And by bain,” said Cross. “No matter how
ted a fourth man running ment of Public Safety Ran- the next month, he officially had a flawed they were at times as individu-
downhill into a canyon to ger to access the difficult queen upon marrying Courtney Love als, they were two people that loved
avoid capture, according to terrain to process the — now 30 years ago, on Feb. 24, 1992, each other.”
CBP. One agent followed scene” and transport the on Waikiki Beach in Honolulu. And when they took those vows,
and shot the man multiple man’s body to the medical But, in true punk-rock fashion, it they meant them — and made no apol-
times, officials said. examiner, the Cochise of- wasn’t exactly a royal wedding: The ogies to the doubters who predicted a
CBP said the agent “dis- fice said in a news release. bride — who became pregnant with rocky future for the couple.
charged his firearm” while An autopsy by the Pima daughter Frances Bean four months “I was going, ‘Yeah, I know what’s
taking the man into cus- County Medical Examiner after they began dating — wore a going to happen,’ ” Love told Rolling
tody but didn’t describe listed “multiple gunshot white satin and lace dress that was pre- Stone of their tumultuous life in a 1994
the circumstances further. wounds” as the man’s viously owned by tragic actress (and interview after Cobain’s death. “I don’t
Two other migrants who cause of death, according Cobain muse) Frances Farmer. The give a f - - k. I love this guy. My prince
were part of the same to the Cochise Sheriff’s Of- groom wore green and white flannel on a goddamn white horse.”
group were later found in fice. pajamas. The eight guests included
the surrounding area and The incident will also be Nirvana bandmate Dave Grohl.
were also taken into cus- reviewed by the CBP’s Na- “Well, they were both pretty un-
Alliance of outsiders
tody, with all five detain- tional Use of Force Review conventional people,” Charles R. Cobain and Love had their fateful the Madonna doc “Truth or Dare” on
ees taken to the Douglas Board. Cross, author of the 2001 book first meeting Jan. 12, 1990, at the Satyri- one platonic outing.
“Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography con nightclub in Portland, Ore., where But they took their flirty friendship
of Kurt Cobain,” told The Post. “I Nirvana was playing an early gig. They to the next level one night later in 1991,

Key NY pol’s aide think the idea of the wedding in a

church . . . I couldn’t imagine that
happening in a billion years.”
Blessed by the grunge gods, it was a
would end up spending more time to-
gether when Nirvana went to Los An-
geles to record “Nevermind” in the
spring of 1991, since Love lived near
at a Nirvana show at the Metro in
Chicago. Love, who was dating Billy
Corgan at the time, had flown there to
be with the Smashing Pumpkins front-

on redraw panel
Democrats on the City Powers, who represents
union that would go down in music
history. Sadly, their romance would
end in tragedy when Cobain commit-
ted suicide slightly over two years
the Van Nuys studio where the band
was making their breakout album.
Love, who was friends with Grohl first,
even went with him and Cobain to see
man. “She found that Billy was with
another woman, and so she left and
she knew Nirvana was in town,” said
Lyndsey Parker, host of SiriusXM’s
Volume West.
Council appointed the cam- part of Manhattan’s East Sparks flew between Love and Co-
paign treasurer of one of its Side, is chairman of the bain after the Nirvana show, when they
most powerful members to Rules Committee, which finally hooked up and began their love
help oversee the sensitive oversees election matters. affair. “Within five minutes of her
task of redrawing the Big “A councilmember’s cam- walking in the dressing room, she was
Apple’s 51 council districts paign treasurer is not an sitting on Kurt’s lap,” said Parker.
— provoking concerns ideal choice for a commis- Cobain was attracted to Love as a
about a potential conflict sion that is supposed to woman who was his equal and peer
and favoritism, sources told draw district lines to reflect with her own group — Love’s band
The Post. the public interest first, Hole had debuted the album “Pretty
The Council’s Democratic without respect to the pref- on the Inside” a week before “Never-
Conference selected lawyer erences of incumbency,”
Gregory Kirschenbaum, said Susan Lerner of Com-
who is still listed in election mon Cause NY. alternative nation:
records as Councilman Election lawyer Arthur Fans mourned Cobain’s death by
Keith Powers’ campaign Schwartz chimed in, “Such suicide in April 1994 with vigils in
treasurer, as one of its five an appointment is not ille- his hometown of Seattle.
members to the redistrict- gal — but it should be.”
ing commission. Carl Campanile

Kurt’s beautiful, troubled marriage

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022
In GROOM: Kurt Cobain married
Courtney Love on Feb. 24, 1992,
while the “Hole” frontwoman was
pregnant with daughter Frances
Bean, now 29 (above right).

tends that you can hear Love’s in-

fluence on that album. “Courtney
made Kurt a better lyricist,” he
said. “And I think Kurt made Court-
ney a better riff writer. And in
some ways, it was a competition.”
While they pushed each other
musically, Love and Cobain were
not always able to provide each
other that same kind of positive in-
fluence when it came to getting —
and staying — sober.
“You’ve got two drug addicts, but
their addiction and their desires
weren’t always matching,” said
Cross. “It isn’t really fair to say who
was the worst addict. But Kurt’s ad-
dictions, sadly, were deeper.”
Terry McGinnis/WireImage; Shutterstock/Sky Cinema; Kevin Mazur Archive/WireImage; Getty Images
In March 1994, Cobain acciden-
tally overdosed on painkillers in his
Rome hotel room and fell into a
mind” came out in September 1991. But, drugs — in particular, heroin bain was arrested by police for al- coma. After he recovered from
“Kurt was very feminist . . . and I — were a destructive force in their legedly assaulting Love during a that, Love helped stage an inter-
think he was very attracted to a relationship. fight over having guns in the house. vention for him and he went to re-
strong woman,” said Parker. “She No charges were filed, though, and hab. But Cobain left rehab early,
had a very strong personality. She the case was dismissed. went back to Seattle and commit-
was already kind of, like, a polariz-
Dangerous behavior But while Cobain and Love were ted suicide with a self-inflicted
ing figure. I think he was attracted “Certainly Kurt was way into sometimes at war — with each shotgun wound April 5, 1994. His
to a tough, no-bulls - - t woman . . . drugs before he met Courtney,” other and with themselves — there last words to Love? “Whatever
He could have dated whoever the said Cross. “He’d already broken was also tremendous tenderness happens, you made a great album,”
hot supermodel was, and he went up with essentially two girlfriends between them. They would even he said of Hole’s “Live Through
for this scruffy punk-rock girl.” that didn’t want to hang out with leave each other all kinds of love This,” which came out April 12.
But Cobain and Love bonded him because of his drug use. And notes in all kinds of forms. There were those who faulted
over more than just music. “Court- for Courtney, the decision to be “It was stuff like written on the Love for Cobain’s tragic end.
ney once said something to me that with Kurt was in some ways a diffi- back of an envelope or a fax sent to “I get extremely pissed when
I think really surmised one of the cult decision for her because she take the GRunGe: a hotel or Post-It notes,” said Cross. anyone blames her in any way for
reasons that they bonded: She said was trying to avoid that life . . . You Nirvana was Cobain, “And many of those things were his death . . . whether it’s the more
that Kurt knew what the taste of know, Kurt suffered from a pretty Dave Grohl (left) and saved. These guys were not crazy general sentiment that they think
government cheese was,” said serious addiction. In addition to Krist Novoselic. housekeepers, and notes that Kurt she drove him to suicide because
Cross. “In a way, I think what she that, there were two other things wrote on the back of an envelope she made him miserable all the way
was saying . . . is that there was that can’t be underestimated. might still be there a year and a half to the weird conspiracy theories,”
trauma bonding. They both had There was the chronic pain issues heroin as soon as she found out that later. And you know, some of it got said Parker.
had pretty difficult upbringings. he had both with the stomach and she was pregnant, the couple tem- saved for posterity — they were Later in 1994, Love mused about
They both had been outsiders. And his back. And then the third issue porarily lost custody of their daugh- both very aware of the fact that losing her “prince on a goddamn
even though they both had creative was, he clearly had depression.” ter as a result. But in the 2015 docu- they were making history.” white horse” to Rolling Stone: “I
ambitions and they were both on In 1992, there was a controversial mentary “Kurt Cobain: Montage of used to feel like mourning him was
the way to fame . . . living in pov- Vanity Fair article that claimed that Heck,” Love admitted, “I used it really selfish because it would
erty and growing up with neglect, Love had used heroin during her once, then stopped. I knew she
Dual muses make him feel guilty. And the best
which both of them had [done], I pregnancy with Frances Bean. Al- would be fine.” Nirvana released its “Never- thing to do was to pray for him and
think can’t be overstated in how though she initially denied it, Then in 1993, there was a domes- mind” follow-up, “In Utero,” in show him joy, so he could feel the
they bonded.” claiming that she stopped using tic dispute that made headlines. Co- September 1993, and Cross con- vibration of the joy.”
NJ man Felony
raps vs. ‘Pay-to-play’ Pete

in ‘rub’ Buttigieg donors got city contracts ex-Jet
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Creeper alert, aisle three! Former New York Jets

A New Jersey man was running back Zac Stacy is
busted for rubbing his groin By Natalie O’Neill tracts between 2011 and nated more than $35,000 to Butti- facing five new domestic-
against the backside of a 2019, the Daily Mail re- gieg campaigns. violence charges related to
woman at a supermarket, Pete Buttigieg’s politi- ported. The construction firms Bradley a second alleged attack on
police said Wednesday. cal donors scored city In two cases, firms Co. and Abe Marcus/Ivy Tower his ex-girlfriend.
Ehab E. Nassif, 59, of contracts worth millions were reportedly scored contacts for multimillion- After an alleged assault
Howell Township, was after giving big bucks to awarded contracts by dollar development projects after last August, Kristin Evans
charged with fourth-degree his campaign for mayor South Bend’s Board of each donating thousands, according was allegedly attacked
criminal sexual contact of South Bend, Ind. — Public Works — on to the Daily Mail. again by Stacy in Novem-
after a shopper said he fol- raising concerns over which Buttigieg (inset) The architectural firm DLZ Indi- ber. Stacy was charged
lowed her around a Lidl su- “pay-to-play” deals as he had a seat — the same ana was also awarded more than with felony aggravated bat-
permarket on Route 9 South dishes out funds for the day they donated to his $885,000 in contracts after donating tery and third-degree fel-
in Howell on Feb. 12. national infrastructure campaign. $14,150, according to city public- ony criminal mischief in
An investigation found package, according to a report and works records and other documents. the second case.
Nassif pretended to look at public records. Critics and government watch- Stacy is scheduled to re-
products near the woman The transportation secretary’s
Gifts and perks dogs called the donations worrying turn to court to face the
as he approached her, How- mayoral political action committees Buttigieg, now 40, was also gifted as Buttigieg prepares to dole out new charges March 16.
ell police said. accepted money from at least 23 cigars, alcohol and golf trips valued $210 billion under President Biden’s Stacy’s attorney did not re-
“As the victim reached for companies that were later awarded at hundreds of dollars by other com- bipartisan infrastructure law. turn requests for
an item on the shelf, the more than $33 million in contracts panies that won contracts, accord- However, South Bend officials told comment.
subject then purposely for city projects, according to the ing to the report. the Daily Mail that Buttigieg “was Evans told The Post on
rubbed his groin on her but- Daily Mail. The story was confirmed The Indiana engineering consult- not involved in the awarding of en- Wednesday that “it’s very
tocks,” cops said. by a Post review of some docu- ing firm American Structurepoint gineering and construction con- disappointing” to learn that
Nassif fled, but a tip from ments. won nearly $800,000 in contracts, tracts.” ” prosecutors decided to
a “concerned citizen” who The companies, their executives including for a sewer project, ac- The Department of Transporta- charge Stacy with misde-
saw a social-media report and spouses donated $253,750 to cording to city records and docu- tion said it has “consistently made meanors only, rather than
led to his arrest in another Buttigieg’s campaigns and were ments provided by publicinteg- transparency and accountability to felonies, in the August
Howell store, police said. awarded at least $33,280,426 in con- The firm reportedly do- the American pe ople a top priority.” incident.
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true Press
Bye, secretary
bye ‘birdie’ mocks
BUT America

New York
Yuri Gripas/UPI/Shutterstock

York Post,
perts near-unanimously said yes,

MAUREEN Q & hey! White we can and we should, the Biden
Two aggressive wild tur- CALLAHAN House press administration announced that ev-

Post, Thursday,
A New are Hampshire
going postal judgein secretary Jen ery American household would get
has ruled Conn., terrorizing
a Londonderry Psaki replies to four tests mailed for free.

mail carriers
motorist notandguilty
of questions from
ing — from
residents despite the
getting EN PSAKI can’t resign fast the press corps
undisputed fact that he
The driving at 102 mph.
belligerent bird-
J enough.
Not that the mainstream
with flip, out-of-
touch snark that
Contempt is vitriol
Now, I’d hate for Psaki to find me

John whom
brains, Coughlin was
some neigh- media ever really holds her to diminishes the condescending. But may I remind

bors havehisdubbed
wife, who was
“Thelma account for her arrogance, conde- anxieties of her: Americans have been in a sus-

April 6,24,
in labor,
and to the
Louise,” hospital.
have been at- scension, sarcasm or out-of-touch current-day pended state of high anxiety for
Baby Kyle
tacking postalcame into the
workers in responses to the average Ameri- American two years now. It’s only getting
the town for weeks,minutes
world just six result- can’s pain. citizens. worse. Sarcasm doesn’t help.
afterin Mom
emptyand Dad made

ing mailboxes due Hey, at least she fully chan- Is COVID in the rearview? Looks
it to the hospital.

to “animal interference.” nels her boss. like it, but who knows? And even if
A few fumbles it is, we have record inflation that’s
would be understand- only worsening, gas prices nearing
Bong appetite.of the world’s able. White House $5 a gallon, Russia’s invasion of

Fish fans’ nuke fears
oldest profession
Customers say aare tak-
restau- press secretary is a no- Ukraine, fraying bonds with our al-
ing plastic.
rant in Las Vegas laced their toriously tough job with a lies, increasing crime and home-
food near
with Pittsburgh
weed after doz-In- high level of burnout. lessness at home, and an overall
ternational Airport said
ens of people fell
prostitutes are increas- mysteri- But Psaki, a former competitive sense that no one’s in control of
ously “ill.”
ingly accepting credit-card swimmer raised in Greenwich, anything, least of all our president.

Japan’s new
gift least as30payment.
people claim Conn., seems to never have en- By REBECCA ROSENBERG One in seven Americans, Forbes
they were cash
hit with is halluci- countered people living paycheck reports, now lives paycheck to pay-
While easily and JENNIFER FERMINO
spotted and blurryseizedvision and
by cops to paycheck or worried about how check. Last month, Bloomberg’s

safety level
during far-out
an arrest,symptomshookers they’ll feed, clothe or educate their With Japan facing a near-nu- Justin Sink asked about Biden’s
can dining
better atconceal
the Thaitheireat- kids — amid a global pandemic, no clear meltdown, nervous New cratering polls.
York City sushi restaurants are

Jen, you
ery Secret
profits if of Siam. comes
payment less. If anything, her statements “So,” he said, “the sense is that

the form ofDiaz said she
plastic. seem aimed at one cohort alone: desperate to reassure the jittery things are going well? There’s no
ate a curry dish before sud- High-earning, highly educated lib- public that their chow isn’t con- need for TOKYO
change — rightThe now?”Japanese
denly “melting” into her erals and progressives just like her, taminated — but some leery fish government
Psaki couldn’t help set herself.
its first radi-
lovers are still swearing off their ation-safety standards fora
A boozed-up woman ones who think anyone on the other “I think that, having worked in
favorite raw-food spots. fishHouse
yesterday after Japan’s
“I said, down
stripped ‘Honey? to herI think
bra side is too stupid to acknowledge. “No way would I eat sushi in a White before” — wow —
andhigh.’ ” and took off
panties million years,” said Ben Goldha- “youtsunami-ravaged
do hard things in thenuclear White
into the woods after a mo- plant reported
House. We could certainly propose radioactive
tor-vehicle crash in Port Gaslighting Americans gen, 52, a Manhattan real-estate contamination
legislation to see if people in support
broker. seawater measuring several
Lucie, Fla., cops
“Extra! Extra!” said. Last October, as the nation con- Never mind that he used to bunny rabbits andthe icelegal
cream, but
Angela Ferranti, 25, alle- million times limit.
A mother interrupted her fronted unprecedented supply- that wouldn’t be veryoperator
rewardingin- to

‘Psak’ at
love the Asian delicacy. The plant
gedly toldreporter
TV-news cops she son chain issues affecting not just the “My son did a project on Cher- the American people.”
wanted sisted that the radiation will
while he to
taping a seg- her holidays but food and medical sup- nobyl, and the shellfish around it It’srapidly
this kind of haughtiness
disperse and thatthat it
scent”to from a police
“Hi, dog. got Psaki
a him
plies, Psaki sarcastically minimized has tons of radiation. It’s just a posesphotographed
no immediatebydanger, Annie
and blow a kiss. it all as “the tragedy of the tread- matter of time before the same Leibovitz
but anfor Vogue
expert said andthatlovingly
cop — with the very cool profiled
MylesKiloHarris,— of Fox28 in mill that’s delayed.” thing happens in Japan. This is surebytoThe the Newhighly York Times
sniffed outOhio,
Ferranti, his Yes, to Psaki, and the Biden ad- LI’L ANGRY BIRD worse,” he said. Magazine,
near the she “has
she wasandcharged
grinnedwith when his
DUI. ministration, the supply-chain cri- SI kid’s The US Food and Drug Ad- tamped shimadown the vitriol
Daiichi plantthat col-
mother, Sandi, drove up to sis was down to a Peloton backlog, fickle ministration is inspecting all oredcause newsimmediate
briefings duringinjury and the
finger food imports from Japan for ra-
say hello. a minor inconvenience afflicting of ‘hate’ Trump thatadministration.”
the leaks could result in
He told his cameraman, the crabby 1%. By HANNAH RAPPLEYE, DOUG diation after a power plant there residual
Vitriol is justcontamination
another word for of

your job

Is that a chicken in your He’s No. 1, all right — Staten

— crippled by last month’s

“This is my mom. Hold on.” TIMID:
After WhiteOsman Daramy
House chief behaves
of staff the seaIt’s
contempt. in the
clear area.
Psaki — and AP
Island’s No. 1 problem child.
Pipsqueak punk Osman Da-
ramy was all obnoxious

pants, or are you just

smiles and obscene gestures
yesterday as he was hauled
into court on hate-crime

earthquake and tsunami — her boss, whose most common an-

Ronaldyesterday, unlike lastdown,
Klain doubled week. the
charges for allegedly assault-
ing and trying to rip off the
religious headdress of a fe-

happy to see me? male Muslim classmate.

The 11-year-old Osman —
whose own mother is a Mus-
began leaking extreme amounts,
Thankfully, and hilari- RNC’s Tommy Pigott tweeted, lim — had taunted the
13-year-old girl during one as-
swerbookto tough
“The questions
Story of is “C’mon,
Sushi,” said
‘Hate’ kid keeps
sault, saying, “Aren’t you the

massively contaminating the

Muslim girl we beat up? We’ll
beat you up again,” a prose-

A Florida
it’s theman’s hunting “Struggling to pay for fuel, food man” — lovers
are fullshouldn’t
of it.
cutor alleged yesterday.
“It was not one incident. It

ously, former — as sushi worry, but

was a continued course of be-
havior,” Assistant District Attor-

trip was brief.Ky., man was and housing because of rising pri-
ney Teresa Wilson told a Staten
Island Family Court judge a day
after Osman’s arrest. seawater around it. But US con- Americans frustrated witha the
a Louisville,
“The defendant is a public-
safety risk.”
Two months ago, Osman
and a 13-year-old female ac-
trols have done little to assuage added, “There is clearly per-
Darren forDurrant
allegedlytried to ces is not a ‘high class problem.’ administration’s lack of progress
complice punched and kicked

finger to himself
the Muslim girl and tried to COURT GESTURE: A cuffed Osman

busted trying rip off her hijab outside Drey-

fus Intermediate School in
Stapleton, prosecutors said.
The verbal harassment of
Family Court, where he faced hate-crime Daramy manages a defiant salute yesterday at Staten Island
was brought into court with
silver handcuffs around his
charges for an alleged assault on a Muslim
for being “African.” He said he
bought the boy an airline ticket
man on March 15 on school
Manhattan’s panicked public. ception problem.”
steal a crossbow by shoving Biden is making everyone worse should, Psaki after
recently thetoldMarch
the la- 11
the girl resumed over the past tiny wrists and later walked grounds — the same day she
to Sierra Leone for April 17 so

to steal four pounds of several weeks, most recently out in ankle shackles. returned from suspension for

he could move back. stealing $70 from a teacher’s
Sunday, they said. Davies said the boy, who

Sushi connoisseurs are grilling

The boy stood teary-eyed pocketbook
Judge Helene Sacco — say- was born in a Sierra Leonean staring at the floor in November,
as prose- sources said.
ing the evidence showed refugee camp and brought cutors rattled off his discipli-
to Osman was busted on Feb. 4

dies of “The View,”he says“Feel those

Osman could commit another the United States when

it down his bypants at a hard- off, but instead of stopping the

he nary record. for a robbery and has been sus-

chicken stuffing the

crime — ordered him held was 6 months old, has a Mus- Defense lawyer Chris Ro- pended

earthquake, he was inun-

without bail until his next lim mother. bles said, “My client vehe- diate three from Dreyfus Interme-

their waiters about where their

court appearance Tuesday. times since January.
“How could a Muslim have mently denies all allegations.” Dreyfus has the third high-
Meanwhile, sources said est suspension
rate in the bor-

downin Mims, Fla., ac-
his shorts. damage, their strategy is to try to rolls came from, claim workers emotions.
dated with Go toquestions
a kickboxing from class
cording — or is that
to police. few days in juvenile etly to court shielded by an
gaslightAAmericans.” at local restaurants. and plehave a margarita.”
asking him if sushi was safe.
Durrant, 46, tried — store em-
to hide lockup
Indeed, was all tiny
gaslighting is Psaki’s m.o. officer who draped a com-
trouble- “Maybe 25 percent of custom- This“I answer is “the tragedy
was surprised. It made of theme
the weapon noticed
in his that the
khakis Here maker
she is on Osman Daramy forting
our withdrawal were herarm on the
answers notskinny
dripping in Space Force
ers are pointsaid
asking,” of Dovina
I treadmill”
realize that redux. I couldn’t
people have no sayidea
man’s shorts
before hobbling wereout falling
of the from needed for adays
Afghanistan, fullafter a 17- boy’s
attitude disdainshoulder.
and superiority. don’t know
liam, who
who that is.”
works at Ging Sushi better than of
that most Stephanie
the fish isn’t Gallardo,
store his knees
a crutch, and
authori- adjustment,
year-old boy fell toashishe meekly
death from Osman was joined
Those reporters by
who challenge After The Post
and Asian spotted on
Restaurant threethe who from Japan,” he
is running for said.
Congress from
ties police.
allege. walked into
a departing US C-17 Island Krystal
Statentransport Callender,
her narrative often 13, whounder-
“don’t planes
Upperpacked with underage mi-
East Side. The cuisine
Washington state. has become so
huddled masses below is
court yesterday. accused
stand” of participating
how complicated any given grantsAtlanding in the dead of
Ooki restaurant onnight
Third popular all over
“Unfortunately,” the globe
Gallardo replied,that
clingingLast week,
to the aircraft as it took in
the 11-year-old theis.attack at the Dreyfus
issue hereAvenue,
and in management
Florida, to Fox’s even hung
Peter many of the
“kickboxing ingredients
classes average $150 are nowso
A a statue-tory
woman off: “Ilittle
would terror
not flipped
say thatthe has Intermediate School in Sta-
thisbird a letter
Doocy: “We in
are their
about earlyfrom aregrown
$149 domestically,
outside of myhebudget. said. As
At birth
gave leaston18 decorative
a “Twosday.” been before
anythinga butcourt proceeding pleton.
a success.” theirEarlier
flights. foodthan distributor, which
you might like.” an example,
Drinking a margaritahe pointed
at 11:37 onsuc-
The statues
mother’shave been
“miracle” “Hisonlegshate-crime
and arms charges
were gone,”for Every reporter a target
Krystal was allowed to go took
In pains NPR’s
December, to sayMarathe Liasson
Japanese cessful
a Friday sushi seem
doesn’t rice farms in Cali-
baby in was
girl San Diego
born at since
ex- allegedly
the boy’s beating
brother told Vice News home
up a Mus- And with her mother
no reporter after
is off-limits — tuna it imports,
questioned called Ten-Qoo
why the administration forniaannounced
Psaki and a popular she’llmiso
be leav- farm
NY Post: Chad Rachman

the fall.2:22 a.m. Tuesday,

actly lim classmate and trying to her weekend
after finding the remains. “I doesn’t matter how conservative arrest, but a or Maguro,
couldn’t was farm-raised
do what the UK had done off the in western Massachusetts.
ing her post sometime this year. If
But some sushi staples are still
But at in
2/22/2022 least a stolen
hospital room broughtrip them
off her myself.” head- judge
backreligious yesterday
liberal their outlet.remanded withcountry’s southern
COVID tests and “make coast,
themfar Biden
importedhopesfrom to Japan,
turn such thingsas
moose is no longer on the dress. her to a juvenile lockup to
No. 2.
loose. The $4,000 bronze Fun fact: During his presidency, To a Bloomberg reporter, last freefrom the them
and give site of out the quake-
and have around,
hamachi, he’dwhichdo well to find
is often a
During his probable-cause await a probable-cause crippled nuclear plant.
Proud parents
moose, which Aberli
had beenand Barack Obama passed over Psaki February, who asked if President them available everywhere?” spokesperson
yellowtail onwho feels our
American pain
hearing yesterday, a timid- hearing later this week. “We“Should
offer awewide variety
stolen Spear welcomed
in February, Ju-
was re- twicelooking
for this job.
Osman walked qui- Biden will Jessica maintain
Simeone Donald Psaki: just send one of — rather than one who
In addition, some mocks it.
seafood products from around
found into
in the world
a field a Wonder why. Trump’s Space Force: “Wow. The to every American?”
the world, a majority of which types of shellfish used in high-
mile 26 hours
away of labor.
from its own- Even if she remained this tone- Space Force. It’s the plane of today After the predictable
originate fallout, The
from countries other Cable
end placeswoos are/ often
P. 34imported
ers’ home. Natalie O’Neill deaf, Psaki might be more tolerable . . . I’m happy to check with our Intercept reporting that
than Japan,” the sign says. the ex- from Japan.
David K. Li, WireandServices
Wires Trevor Corson, author of the

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

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New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Rent Reality
It’s the regulations pushing prices sky-high
Neocon: Facing Down Putin Means Pain
The need “to muster a more comprehensive and long-term response to
Russian aggression,” Noah Rothman warns at Commentary, “surely terri-
fies Western leaders because it involves absorbing real and sustained
T’S tempting to blame greedy pain.” Notably, “to comprehensively sanction the Russian regime,” allies

I landlords for skyrocketing

rents in Manhattan. The me-
dian price of a one-bedroom
apartment is up 25% and a two-
bedroom 27% from last year,
“will need to target its most lucrative export — energy.” That will push up
oil prices, which “could in turn push U.S. inflation rates well above 10
percent.” And “Europe, which is far more reliant than the U.S. on Russian
energy, will be even more acutely affected.” Yet “this is the only serious
course left to the West.” Sanctions in train so far “won’t send a single Rus-
with some tenants telling The sian soldier back to permanent bases.” Putin’s out to kill “a geopolitical
Post of even higher hikes: One order that has well served both Americans and the world,” and “Resist-
West Village studio is going from ance won’t come without sacrifice, but it is a sacrifice we all must be
$2,696 to $3,950. asked to make if we are to preserve the world our parents and grandpar-
But those who see this as ents struggled to bequeath to us.”
price-gouging that should be il-
legal overlook a crucial fact:
Many such increases are already From the right: Hillary, the FBI & Mueller
illegal — and that’s actually the The “dots” that John Durham is connecting “strongly suggest the Clin-
heart of the problem. ton campaign ran a sophisticated, multi-prong coordinated intelligence
Rent regulation affects operation against Trump with either the active or tacit support of the
960,000 of the city’s 3 million FBI,” thunders Peter van Buren at Spectator World. The campaign indi-
housing units. Rents on these rectly hired ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele to feed “lies” to the FBI

Stefano Giovannini
apartments are not increasing and the press. Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann went to The New York
this year at all, thanks to the Times (as an anonymous source), FBI and likely CIA (allegedly “misrep-
city’s Rent Guidelines Board. A resenting himself as not working for the Clinton campaign”) to push the
good deal for the current occu- lie of secret Trump communications with Russia’s Alfa Bank. And Robert
pants, to be sure — but these Mueller may have declined to indict anyone because “the conspiracy
price controls distort the overall would have been disclosed.” Mueller “was protecting someone in his be-
market and lead to eye-popping Through the roof: Anne Kennedy’s West Village studio is going up to $3,950. loved FBI. This goes deep.”
rent increases on the few non-
regulated units that remain. have to be a housing shortage to New York City must always and
Here’s why. justify the price controls, as had forever be in a housing crisis. Conservative: Fla. Protects Parents v. ‘Aggressors’
The lucky occupants of rent- always been the case. Instead, But most cities don’t have rent President Biden has “called Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill
stabilized units, not surprisingly, rent regulation has no “sunset.” control — and don’t face a per- hateful,” notes Madeleine Kearns at National Review. But the bill simply
tend to stay put once they’ve ef- No other business has to ask ennial housing crisis. states that “classroom instruction . . . on sexual orientation or gender
fectively hit the housing lottery. permission to raise its prices State attorneys in the Rent Sta- identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3.” Critics cry “cen-
That helps explain why Gotham (see: inflation), but property bilization Association case bi- sorship” but “it is perfectly appropriate to censor adult themes and ideas
— once known for welcoming owners must do so in perpetu- zarrely argue that the 2019 law has around small children,” such as the notion of a “true gender.” Nor are
ambitious newcomers — has the ity. And here’s the kicker: made things better. They assert these “hypothetical concerns”: A Florida family filed suit on learning
lowest housing turn- There’s no requirement that only rent regulation stood be- “school staff had held private meetings” with their daughter on “which
over of America’s 10 landlords rent to low- tween the city and a wave of pronouns she would prefer,” “whether she would like to stay with the
largest cities. I call this Howard income tenants. homelessness. To say that with a boys on overnight trips” — and “whether they should keep her parents in
the “frozen city” phe- Husock If there’s any good straight face requires ignoring the the dark.” These lawmakers have “identified the real aggressors.”
nomenon: Regardless of news in all this, it’s the sad and sometimes dangerous fig-
their capacity to pay a possibility the 2019 leg- ures flooding the city’s street cor-
higher rent, households protect islation has gone so far as to be ners and subway cars. Foreign desk: Biden’s Tough Vlad Promises
their good, rent-regulated deals unconstitutional. That’s the con- As the Coalition for the Home- Noting then-candidate Joe Biden’s tweet of Feb.
even if they no longer need the tention of the Rent Stabilization less points out: The number of 21, 2020: “Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be
space. Think of the boomer cou- Association, which is challeng- homeless New Yorkers sleeping President. . . . I’m the only person in this field
ples on Central Park West with ing the law in court. each night in municipal shelters who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him,” Real Clear
empty bedrooms. In the case heard last week by is 16% higher than it was 10 years Politics’ Philip Wegmann observes: “But now, for
It’s not a real housing market the US Court of Appeals and ago; the number of homeless sin- better or worse, the president does find himself
— it’s a variation on musical likely headed to the Supreme gle adults is 91% higher. That’s toe-to-toe with Putin.” Biden also told supporters
chairs. Those left standing when Court, the RSA highlights the come at a time rent regulation that once he won, Putin’s “days of tyranny and
the rent-stabilized vacancies are fact the new law essentially re- was firmly in place, with the trying to intimidate the United States and those
filled must enter the scrum for quires that landlords renew an feckless de Blasio administration in Eastern Europe are over.” And, in the first
vacant, market-rate, non-regu- expiring lease even when a ten- drastically limiting rent in- 2020 debate, “I’ve gone head-to-head with Putin
lated units. It should surprise no ant has passed the apartment on creases. and made it clear to him we’re not going to take
one that as housing demand re- to someone else, such as a Here’s an idea for the “Rent is President Biden any of his stuff.” Oops.
bounds (a good thing), asking younger family member. This, it too damn high” advocates to
rents will rise for those units. It’s says, creates an unending “line consider: Rent controls actually Liberal: Where the Right Is Right
what housing scholar Peter Sa- of strangers” to whom an owner increase homelessness. That’s “Part of developing a genuine liberal nationalism requires examining
lins has rightly termed “scarcity must rent by law. And, of course, because artificially low rents and absorbing good ideas from around the political spectrum,” observes
by design.” it limits turnover, the heart of give wealthy tenants who no John Halpin at Liberal Patriot, noting the “best ideas” of conservatives: A
The situation has been made the city’s problem. longer need a big apartment rea- commitment to “localism,” i.e. asking “political and community leaders to
worse, not better, by 2019’s so- Property owners hope this will son to stay put. Gotham rents design policies . . . from the ground up rather than from the top down.”
called Housing Stability and prove a bridge too far for a con- were the nation’s highest in Jan- Tradition, “vital to maintaining softer norms that keep society together,”
Tenant Protection Act, a vastly servative Supreme Court more uary. Those skyrocketing rent and common sense, which “offers a good corrective” to “bureaucratic tra-
beefed-up set of rent regula- attuned to property rights than increases are an argument not ditions.” Plus a focus on the “potential and real spillover effects” from
tions. It foreclosed the possibil- its predecessors. for but against rent controls. regulation. “Conservative ideas . . . serve American interests by stressing
ity of “decontrol” even for high- It’s a tough moment to push Howard Husock is an American the importance of free enterprise and small business,” and “policy makers
er-end units. Nor does there back on the spurious idea that Enterprise Institute senior fellow. would be wise to incorporate suggestions coming from conservatives and
the private sector.” — Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

America’s oldest continuously published daily newspaper

Cleaning Up the Subways:
Save the Pax Americana Hizzoner’s Safety Plan
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

lements of the left and right are united: can Dream is still alive. There is little doubt that

The Issue: Mayor Adams’ plan to make subways safer
The United States should not be the Progressives think some European states the issue of homelessness
by increasing social-service and police presence.
world’s policeman. Whether it be are superior for their social policies, but is an issue that needs to be
Ukraine, the Middle East or China, it’s their democracies flourished under an um- solved (“Subway home-
not our business to get involved. brella of American protection and support. less-aid teams off to slow derstand that the home-
For the progressive left, the refrain is the And what did we ask for in exchange? Not start,” Feb. 23). less are dying.
same as it’s been since at least the 1960s: the toll of empires past, not land, not tribute. Simply ignoring the is- Audrey Lummer, 63,
Who are we to judge? Slandering our coun- We wanted free trade and an end to war. sue, as Mayor Adams’ was found dead Feb. 9 on
try as a racist hellhole, they promote at best We are, of course, not nirvana. But the US predecessor did, is not a the subway platform at
a moral equivalency between the United struggles openly, in debate and at the voting solution. Locking people the 21st Street in Long Is-
States and Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping. Or booth, with political and social relations. We up doesn’t solve the land City. She was home-
they go further, and consider the govern- change. Do our critics even consider that problem either. less. That should not
ments of Venezuela, China and Cuba supe- the reason you don’t hear as much dissent in These people were have happened.
rior because they pursue socialism. other nations is that those voices are stifled? once productive mem- I understand what it is
A rising force on the right is the They But all that is threatened if we retreat into bers of society who, for like to be homeless. I was
Aren’t Worth It Doctrine, or, as former Pres- fortress America. China expects obedience, whatever reason, have homeless myself in 1975
ident Donald Trump would put it, we’re not allies. Russia wants power, not peace. descended into a life of after leaving the US Navy
suckers. Why defend Ukraine? It’s corrupt. There will be more war, more conquering, drug addiction and men- at the end of the Vietnam
Why back Germany? It’s ungrateful. Why more torture and suffering. tal illness. War.
have troops in South Korea? It can protect Adams’ multifaceted Mayor Adams Our government has a
itself. More darkly, autocrats are praised as e are in the most peaceful period of re- plan to include law en- responsibility to help the
strong, efficient and “genius.”
Part of this is a backlash to the spectacu-
larly failed promises that Iraq and Afghani-
W corded time, and it’s because of the
post-World War II alliances forged by
the West. How many regional conflicts were
forcement, medical care,
drug treatment and hous-
ing is needed if this
to put a blanket over her-
self to obscure what she
was doing underneath.
homeless or more will
surely die. Too much
time has gone by, and our
stan could be transformed into democracies. kept in check by NATO? How many dicta- homeless crisis is to fi- This women needed homeless would have
There’s also the naive fallacy, shared by tors discouraged? And in the global market- nally be resolved. It cer- treatment. We have al- been forgotten if it was
both sides, that America can withdraw from place this fostered, the quality of life rose for tainly is worth the effort. lowed activists to set the not for the homeless
the international stage, and “fix the prob- all. To take just one benchmark: 36% of hu- Robert DiNardo drumbeat on the treat- sleeping on subways and
lems at home” with all the money we’d save. manity lived in extreme poverty in 1990. To- Farmingdale ment of the homeless — people being pushed
day, it’s fallen to 9%, per the World Bank. all in the name of not be- unto the tracks. More
ut the United States should not slink Ukraine is not a “border dispute”; it’s Putin There
 is one sure-fire lieving they are sick and must be done now.

B away from its place as the world’s super-

power. It should not retire in shame, or
throw up its hands in frustration, and leave a
trying to expand Russian energy influence
over the West and restore the Czarist empire.
China conquering Taiwan would secure a
way to stop the mayhem
on the subway. That is to
change every turnstile to
in need of help.
Instead, society is
called sick and systemi-
Frederick Bedell

vacuum for the tyrannical. dominance in production and trade. Both aim the ones we find at un- cally racist. We need a While
 this week might
Pax Americana is worth saving. to break the world order. We can pump all the manned stations. new way of dealing with have seen the first day of
Contra the hashtags of The Squad, the oil we want domestically, we can support They are floor-to-ceil- this problem — not the the mayor’s new plan to
United States is the most pluralistic, diverse American industry, but do we really think ing barred turnstiles that Steven Banks way. He has clean up the subways, he
nation state in history. Its people enjoy free- we’ll enjoy the same prosperity if the rest of you can’t leap over. No done enough damage better hit the ground
dom of expression, freedom of existence, the world is dependent on their whims? more fare-beating and Mark Zafrin running.
more than those under China’s Orwellian We must have enough pride in this nation the crazies and homeless Manhattan With six outlandish and
state, Russia’s soft totalitarianism or the the- to understand that the non-interventionist who commit many of unforgivable stabbings
ocracies of the Middle East. Why is the right and the blame-America left are wrong. these violent crimes I
 applaud Mayor Ad- committed last weekend,
United States the No. 1 destination of immi- The world needs us. Let us be there for would be denied access ams’ new policy on tack- the mayor is already be-
grants and refugees worldwide? The Ameri- them. to the platforms because, ling crime in the subway. hind the eight ball.
believe me, few are pay- However, handing out As we all know by now,
ing to get on the trains. summonses for fare- the NYPD and MTA po-
Down With the Monitors! Those emergency
doors? They should be
beating will not be effec-
tive in combating this
lice want to do their jobs,
while the Manhattan dis-
espite spending almost $111 million on Whatever monitors do, the only thing that locked and only opened problem. Arresting them trict attorney and other

D court-appointed monitors and special

masters, city agencies under such over-
sight have failed to resolve a host of problems
truly seems to matter is cashing their checks.
They’re a substitute for genuine solutions.
Mayor Adams needs to direct the city’s
at the discretion of the
fare-booth clerks.
It may slow entrance to
and prosecuting them
would be a more effec-
tive deterrent.
woke prosecutors and
judges do all in their
power to undermine jus-
that prompted the scrutiny, The Post reports. lawyers to petition the various courts to the platforms, but it’s a Alan Fenster tice for the innocent vic-
These court-imposed schemes have cost start winding down these fruitless follies. small price to pay for the Flushing tims of the rails.
New Yorkers a small fortune. The city and Take the fight to the US Supreme Court if lives saved and stopping It’s past time for the
courts need to find a way to end them (and needed: It should reject the whole legal phi- crimes often committed The
 homeless are peo- governor, who seems to
actually fix what’s broken). losophy that underlies these decrees. on our subways. ple, too. There are many be oblivious to the may-
The Post reviewed 11 ongoing cases, from The NYPD-FDNY-DOE hiring cases are a Perry Greenberg homeless in New York, hem in New York City, to
the deplorable conditions in public housing good place to start: Those agencies have Brooklyn and our mayor under- wake up and confront
and Rikers jails to alleged racist hiring prac- clearly achieved the goals of fair hiring and stands that only too these issues head-on, in-
tices at the NYPD, FDNY and Department promotion. The police and fire departments This
 week, on the way well. That is why he stead of burying her head
of Education. Most had little to show for the are as racially and ethnically diverse as the home from work, I wit- seeks to rid our trans- in the political sands, and
years involved and public funds expended. city they serve, and headed by women to boot. nessed a disheveled portation systems of the support the mayor.
After 40 years under a special monitor, And don’t stop with the monitors: Other homeless women take up homeless. Doc Ludemann
horrific conditions persist at city jails. So consent decrees, like the Callahan deal that three seats and proceed But he must also un- Bridgeport, Conn.
the longest-running monitor, the Office of created the “right to shelter,” should go, too.
Compliance Consultants, has accomplished It’s spawned a multibillion industry with no
nothing meaningful since 1982. end to homelessness in sight. E-MAIL: or WRITE to The Editor, The New York Post, 1211 Avenue of the
Another monitor, over the Administration If the mayor’s serious about stopping Americas, New York, NY 10036. Include name, address and daytime phone number. No unverifiable
letters will be published. The Post reserves the right to edit all letters.
for Children’s Services, has had no better abuse of the taxpayers, he needs to declare
luck: ACS has made big improvements from war on these absurdities that pretend the The New York Post is published by N.Y.P. Holdings Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036.
time to time, but also slid backward. way to fix anything is to throw lawyers at it. Rupert Murdoch, Chairman; Sean M. Giancola, Publisher; Keith Poole, Editor-in-Chief;
Stephen Lynch, Print EIC; Mark Cunningham, Editorial Page Editor

Panning Presidents

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Isn’t Treason
T is deeply illiberal to accuse those who criticize the president of treason.

I It’s un-American. It is, in fact, the kind of rhetoric that exists in tyrannies.
Yet numerous liberals have accused those critical of Joe Biden’s impo-
tent handling of the Ukrainian crisis of sedition.
Harvard prof Laurence Tribe, a favorite of the “resistance” (back when dis-
sent was still patriotic) recently argued that Fox News host Tucker Carlson
and other Republicans he claims are praising Russian President Vladimir Pu-
tin have provided “aid and comfort” to an “enemy” and thus would meet the
definition of “treason” under Article III, Section 3 of the US Constitution.
Reacting to a House GOP tweet censuring Biden for “weakness,” one-
time Republican Michael Steele stated, “This is what disloyalty at home
looks like.” Jennifer Rubin, the White House’s favorite columnist, con-
tended that every Republican
needs to decide: “Are you on team
Trump/Putin or team US/democ-
racy. You cannot be both.” DAVID
Those, of course, aren’t the two HARSANYI
teams. Americans do not owe Joe
Biden — or Donald Trump, Barack
Obama or George W. Bush — loy- Are all the Democrats who oppose
alty. The right to political dissent is a aid to Israel, our staunchest ally,
hallmark of healthy liberalism. And guilty of treason as well?
disparaging elected officials is the Protecting the ability to dissent
God-given right of every American. is patriotic, even if the dissent it-
Though it may be difficult for self is not. Some conservatives, un-
partisans to comprehend the dif- fortunately, admire and repeat Pu-
ference, disparaging the presi- tin’s talking points. Some cham-

Talk to the Truckers

dent’s decisions is not tantamount pion the idea that Ukraine is noth-
to attacking the United States. ing more than part of greater Rus-
Most conservatives maintain that sia. These people might be igno-
Biden is incompetent, ineffectual rant of history, or they might be
and perpetually wrong on matters of embracing bad or destructive rea-
EVEN-foot fencing topped name it. Peacefully protest, clog — mostly wage workers — laid off foreign policy. Certainly, accusing soning, but they are guilty of nei-

S with razor wire will likely be

installed surrounding the US
Capitol next week, in advance
of President Biden’s March 1 State
of the Union message. Capitol Po-
things up, make people think
about the mandates.”
When thousands marched on
Washington to protest George
Floyd’s death, they weren’t met
or furloughed in a speculative at-
tempt to curb the spread of the vi-
rus. Unemployment hit 14.7%.
Of course, government bureau-
crats, journalists and professors
Biden, who has a long history of ob- ther treason nor patriotism.
sequious behavior towards the Putin Note, too, that while there are nu-
regime, of being weak is well within merous idealistic reasons to defend
the norms of political debate. dissension, there are also obvious

lice are reportedly planning the

wall to keep out truckers who are
with razor wire. This is America.
Up north, Prime Minister Justin
didn’t lose their jobs. Now the me-
dia are barely mentioning new
‘ Disparaging elected officials is the
heading to DC as part of the Peo-
ple’s Convoy protesting COVID
Instead of shutting the truckers
out, Biden should be inviting them
Trudeau made a whopper of a polit-
ical miscalculation by crushing the
truckers’ protest without ever giv-
ing them a hearing. But Trudeau is a
born-and-bred elite. Biden claims
findings that lockdowns didn’t ac-
tually save lives.
Nor are they speaking up, ques-
tioning the continuation of gov-
ernment emergency powers.
God-given right of every American.
When our Iraq nation-building
experiment went south, Demo-
crats condemned Bush as a failed
led us into quagmires and wars

practical ones. Presidents have long

based on false pretenses and flawed

in to sit in the gallery during his working-class credentials. When Biden notified Congress warmongering autocrat. As was policy. We need to challenge those
speech and have a chat afterward. Meanwhile, in unison the main- Friday that he is extending his their right. When Trump elimi- in power — especially in efforts that
He invited America’s enemy Rus- stream media are dismissing the emergency powers, which were nated Iranian terror leader Qassem may lead to war. It should not escape
sian President Vladimir Putin to scheduled to expire, the media Soleimani, virtually every liberal, the attention of liberals that some
talk. Why not truckers who love were mum. Likewise when Gov. including presidential candidate Republicans accused anti-war activ-
America and say they want to “re- Hochul extended her emergency Biden, criticized his action. Were ists during the buildup to the Iraq
store our nation’s Constitution”? BETSY powers last week. they “disloyal”? War of belonging to a fifth column
How Biden treats the truckers McCAUGHEY It’s the truckers who are saying Indeed, when the Trump admin- as a way of nullifying dissent.
could be pivotal for his presi- “Enough.” istration abandoned the Iran deal, These days, the American left
dency and the Democratic Party. New York Times columnist not only did the opposition party spends an inordinate amount of
The people who truck our goods, American truckers as “right- Thomas B. Edsall dismisses the widely condemn the president; time working to censor debate and
serve us in restaurants and work wing,” among other things. truckers and their allies as ignora- Democrats like former Secretary dictate what is and isn’t appropri-
with their hands are speaking out Anti-science? Hardly. Science is muses who lack the “advanced ed- of State John Kerry and Sen. Chris ate speech. The effort to smear dis-
for American freedom. proving the truckers right about ucation and top scores on apti- Murphy secretly met with officials senters is no different.
If Scranton Joe were still at the the damaging impact of govern- tude tests” to get ahead. When the from Iran, a nation actively fund- It’s the kind of thinking that, at
top of his game, he’d welcome the ment lockdowns and mandates. truck convoy arrives in DC, Edsall ing terror groups and targeting best, undermines open debate and,
truckers and regale them with sto- A Johns Hopkins analysis found argues, Biden must prove himself Americans (and Jews) worldwide, at worst, leads to things like Wood-
ries of his blue-collar past. Visit- “no evidence that lockdowns, by maintaining order. That would to undermine the administration. row Wilson’s Espionage and Sedi-
ing a Mack Truck plant last sum- school closures, border closures be a rerun of Trudeau’s mistake. But, as usual, we are expected to tion Acts of 1917-18, when our 28th
mer, Biden boasted, “I used to and limiting gatherings have had a Truth is, these truckers speak live by two standards. president threw anti-war activists
drive an 18-wheeler rig.” That isn’t noticeable effect on COVID-19 for a large swath of America that Of course, no matter where you such as Socialist presidential can-
true, though he once rode in a rig. mortality,” with the possible ex- is fed up with government closing stand on the situation in Eastern Eu- didate Eugene Debs into prison. It
The point is Biden understood, ception of locking down bars. businesses, mandating shots and rope, an American owes Ukraine no was Wilson who was disloyal to
even a year ago, the political pay- Lockdowns cost lives instead of forcing masks on their kids. loyalty either. Carlson isn’t engaged the Constitution, not Debs.
off from treating working people saving them: “Deaths of despair” Biden routinely calls his agenda in sedition or undermining “democ- And today, it is those who
with respect, instead of greeting are likely linked to unemploy- a “blue-collar blueprint to build racy” for disagreeing on what con- would quash dissent who harm
them with razor wire. ment, economic desperation and America.” If he wants the country stitutes national interests. Biden our freedom.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he social isolation, suggests Univer- to believe he’s a friend of working only recently argued that protecting David Harsanyi is a senior writer
hopes the truckers do come: sity of Chicago professor Casey people, he’ll listen to the truckers, Afghanistan was not in our “vital na- at National Review and author of
“Civil disobedience is a time-hon- Mulligan. not smack them down. tional interest.” Does that mean that “Eurotrash: Why America Must Re-
ored tradition in our country, The height of the pandemic saw Betsy McCaughey is a former he’s in league with the Taliban — a ject the Failed Ideas of a Dying
from slavery to civil-rights, you more than 30 million Americans lieutenant governor of New York. group that murdered Americans? Continent.”
The Post Puzzle Page

Very Easy #5,738 

To solve a Su Doku, 8 2 1 6 5
you must put a number
7 9 3
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

from 1 to 9, in each
empty box. 1 7 5 3 8
Each number must 5 4 3 2
appear once in each

horizontal row, as well 2 9 3 1 6
as in each vertical 5 7 6
column and in each of
the 3-by-3 grids. 3 6 4 2 9
Directions: Make a 2 to 7 Impossible? Not once 9
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Su Doku puzzles 3 8 9
From the word or phrase above, form AT LEAST 19
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see tomorrow’s 7 1 3
of the same word. For example, drink or drank (not
both). New York Post 3 5 4
Yesterday’s word: Solutions on Page 43 4 9 5 1
© Syndicated Puzzles 8 1 4
ethic leach tithe
latch lithe title

1 With 60-Across, disguise one’s
identity ... and what the an-
Wonderword swers to starred clues subtly
How to play: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle –– 6 Common commuter org.
horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them 9 Key with no sharps or flats:
and Circle their letters only. Do not circle the word. The Abbr.
13 Gender identity spectrum
leftover letters spell the Wonderword. 15 Origami bird
16 *“On the Waterfront” director
17 Lena of “The Wiz”
18 Switz. neighbor
19 XL x XL
If you asked Cy the Cynic to 20 Not so concentrated
describe himself in five words, his 21 MLB’s Cards, on scoreboards
22 *Open-water paddlers
reply would be “lazy.” As declarer, 24 “Yikes!”
Cy never looks deeply into the play; 26 Econ. measure
he seizes on the first line he sees. 27 Madre’s sister
28 Green-sounding Navy jacket
“Saves wear and tear on the 32 Sq., for one
brain,” Cy says. 33 *Pungent French beef dish
The Cynic was declarer at six 36 Cache
37 Vehement
spades, and West led the jack of 38 Inner __
diamonds. Cy won with the ace and 39 FGs often end them
took the A-K of trumps. When East 40 “Am not!” retort 9 Raven’s sound
44 *Historic Pearl Harbor event 10 Member of a pitching staff?
discarded, Cy continued with the K-A 11 “The Vampire Chronicles”
49 French possessive
of clubs and a club ruff. No queen 50 Puma rival author
fell; West threw a heart. Cy then took 51 Bobby on ice 12 Taunts
52 Siena sweetheart 14 Newborn’s acquisition
the queen and king of diamonds and 15 For a song
53 Bride of a title Orkan
tried a heart to his queen. Down one. 54 *“Godspeed” to the cast of 20 Jazz trumpeter Marsalis
“Lead the three of diamonds to “Godspell,” say 22 Kind of butter used in skin
56 __ Park, Colo. care
dummy’s nine,” North said. “You get 23 Showing surprise
57 Orange variety
an extra dummy entry to set up and 58 Slip end? 25 Gush
cash the fifth club.” 59 “__ La La”: Manfred Mann hit 29 Strong watchdogs
60 See 1-Across 30 Art able to
“No good,” Cy replied. “West can 31 Tagged, perhaps
put up the ten to block the suit.” 1 Perturbed 32 Camper with a camper
Cy was being his lazy self. After he 2 Many an “instant” product, 33 Plymouth Colony VIP PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
e.g. 34 Excoriated (C) 2022 Tribune Media Services
ruffs the third club, he can exit with 46 Ark document
3 Isolate, in a way 35 “Out of Africa” author Dinesen
a trump. Then if West leads a low 4 “Grab __”: “You’re pinch- 36 Bits on some buns 47 Play area
diamond (the ten is no better), Cy hitting” 39 Green-lights 48 Jagged little hill
5 Beat or neat suffix 41 Latin catchall 52 Sigmund contemporary
wins with the nine, ruffs a fourth 54 First Korean act to perform at
6 Miata maker 42 Legendary sister of Venus
club and returns to the king of 7 Place to race 43 Plains tribe the Grammys
diamonds for the good club. 8 “Atlas Shrugged” author Rand 45 Did sum math? 55 Hawaii’s Mauna __

Dow Down Nasdaq Down
Jones 464.85 Comp. 344.03

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Avg. 33,131.76 13,037.49

kinky sachs ’fess

Marts dive
Investors around the
world lost their appetite
for risk on Wednesday,
with stocks selling off
and the dollar gaining
Leissner: I caved to ex-lover’s $10M shackmail
ground as Ukraine de- By ThomAs BArrABI tro Malaysia Holdings did
clared a state of emer- Tryst fund not respond to Bloomberg’s
gency. The S&P 500 The ongoing embezzle- request for comment on
shed 79.26 points to ment trial of ex-Goldman Tim Leissner (right with wife Leissner’s testimony. Ro-
4,225.50, and the Dow Sachs banker Roger Ng took Kimora Lee Simmons) testified at zhan left Astro in 2019.
and Nasdaq headed another strange turn this 1MDB embezzle trial that he paid Goldman Sachs declined
south as well. week when the prosecu- $10 million in blackmail to ex- comment on Leissner’s remarks.
tion’s star witness, Tim lover Rohana Rozhan (below).
Epstein story Leissner, detailed his extra-
Barclays PLC said it marital affairs — including
“Double bigamist”
has frozen former Chief one with a woman who pur- Leissner’s personal life
Executive Jes Staley’s portedly blackmailed him has been under intense
deferred pay while reg- into buying her a $10 million scrutiny during Ng’s trial.
ulators complete a mansion. Earlier this month, Ng’s de-
probe into how he char- Leissner, 52, a former fense attorney Marc Agni-
acterized his relation- Goldman executive, is testi- filo referred to Leissner as a
ship with convicted sex fying against Ng, who faces “double bigamist” who has
offender Jeffrey Epstein. federal charges over his al- been “married to two differ-
leged role in Malaysia’s ent women at the same
Bad discount 1MDB corruption scandal. A time, twice.”
TJX, parent company judge on Wednesday, mean- The defense attorney ar-
of TJ Maxx and Home- while, said she’d pause the gued Leissner “uses women,
Goods, saw shares drop trial after federal prosecu- he uses false intimacy, and
4.2% after the off-price tors said they’d failed to turn now he’s trying to use my
retailer delivered a over a cache of documents client to get him to do his
fourth-quarter miss. to Ng’s defense lawyers. It’s jail time.”
not clear when the trial will Leissner previously
E-unity restart. pleaded guilty to charges of
Automative giant conspiracy to launder
Ford has no plans to money and conspiracy to vi-
spin off its electric vehi-
Open secret olate the Foreign Corrupt
cle or gasoline-powered While on the stand this Practices Act. He agreed to

Getty Images
vehicle businesses, week, Leissner admitted to forfeit $43.7 million and will
CEO Jim Farley said. prosecutors that he has had be sentenced later this year.
several affairs. Meanwhile, Ng, Gold-
Russia brake One was a decade-long re- man’s former head of invest-
Stellantis is prepared lationship with Rohana Ro- ment banking in Malaysia,
to shift or limit produc- zhan, a media executive and set that I was ending our re- ment in the 1MDB scandal. He admitted to continuing faces federal charges of con-
tion in Russia if West- former CEO of Astro Malay- lationship to be with my fu- She was threatening to ex- the relationship despite spiracy to launder money
ern sanctions disrupt sia Holdings. Leissner said ture wife, with Kimora,” pose me. At the time, 2013, I Gnodde’s warnings to “be and violate US anti-bribery
those operations, the he used money siphoned Leissner said on the stand, was very fearful of that,” careful” because Rozhan’s laws. He is accused of par-
automaker’s CEO said from the 1MDB fund to buy referencing his estranged Leissner added, according company was a client. ticipating in a scheme to
in a sign of how the car Rozhan a $10 million house wife, fashion model and re- to Bloomberg. Leissner said the relation- loot billions of dollars from
industry is navigating after she threatened to re- ality TV star Kimora Lee Leissner testified that he ship was an open secret Malaysia’s sovereign devel-
the fallout of Russian veal his involvement in ille- Simmons. informed Richard Gnodde, known by “pretty much ev- opment fund.
President Vladimir Pu- gal activity following their “If I didn’t buy her a the then-chief of Goldman erybody in our Southeast Ng has pleaded not guilty
tin’s decision to recog- breakup. house, she would tell the au- Sachs’ Asia business, of his Asia territory.” to the charges.
nize two breakaway re- “Ms. Rozhan was very up- thorities about my involve- relationship with Rozhan. Gnodde, Rozhan and As-
gions in eastern
Sources: AP, Dow
Jones and Reuters
Goldman mulls clawbacks for defectors
By ArIel ZIlBer uty to run a Walmart-backed not someone headed out the door. who headed Goldman divisions
Follow us on Goldman Sachs wants to claw
startup, Goldman CEO David Sol-
omon was so angry the bank con-
An attempt by Ismail and deputy,
David Stark, to cash out stock bo-
before leaving for other compa-
nies, had unvested stock options
back bonuses from executives sidered confiscating the pair’s nuses that had vested and were worth millions taken away after
who leave as it scrambles to stem vested stock options, according to subject to taxation dating back five their departures, said the report.
a tide of high-profile departures, Bloomberg. years was denied, according to the A Goldman spokesman said, “In
according to a new report. Taking away vested stock is nor- report. They were also banned each case mentioned by Bloom-

When one young star, 42-year- mally a last-resort step against from firm-run alumni events. berg, there were explicit terms” of
old Omer Ismail, left with a dep- someone accused of misconduct, Gregg Lemkau and Eric Lane, signed agreements “upheld.”

Heat over Crypto-ad boast ‘Forever’

ban for

The boss of crypto platform company’s Web site. this ad,” Armstrong boasted.
Coinbase was in hot water this
week after he gave his company
credit for coming up with its viral
In his tweets, Armstrong initially
suggested that Coinbase devel-
oped the TV ad in-house because
Armstrong’s tweets drew a
sharp response from Martin
Agency CEO Kristen Cavallo,
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Super Bowl commercial — only he “didn’t like” pitches provided who wrote back that her team A federal judge Wednes-
for an ad agency to reveal that it by an outside agency, whose con- had originally pitched the idea day permanently barred
pitched the idea months earlier. cepts were “standard Super Bowl for the commercial to Coinbase former pharmaceutical ex-
The backlash against Coinbase ad ideas.” The executive claimed in a meeting that dated back to ecutive Martin Shkreli from
CEO Brian Armstrong (right) Coinbase brainstormed ideas and August. serving as an officer or di-
stemmed from a lengthy Twitter eventually landed on the QR code “It was actually inspired by rector of publicly traded
thread in which he bragged about concept, which he said came to- presentations our agency companies, and ordered
the ad, which featured a floating gether at the “last minute.” showed your team,” she him to pay a $1.39 million
QR code that drove viewers to the “No ad agency would have done tweeted. Thomas Barrabi fine for violating securities
law from 2009 to 2014.
Judge Kiyo Matsumoto in
Brooklyn issued her ruling

Arch foes rip McD’s

in the Securities and Ex-
change Commission’s civil
case alleging Shkreli
cheated investors in his
hedge funds and raided his
biotechnology company,
Retrophin, for funds to set-
tle with investors.
Shkreli had proposed a

‘Lying’ about phasing out caged-pig abuse: activists

10-year officer and director
ban, arguing that his seven-
year prison sentence and
$7.8 million in forfeiture
By Ariel ZilBer cluding that an estimated and penalties in his related
Grim existence 30-35% of US pork produc- criminal case were suffi-
An animal-rights group tion has moved to group cient punishment.
says McDonald’s is lying housing systems.” A lawyer for Shkreli did
by claiming it is phasing McDonald’s has come not reply to a request for
out ties with hog farmers under pressure from the comment.
who keep pregnant pigs Humane Society and bil- Shkreli became notorious
confined to narrow cages lionaire activist investor and known as “Pharma
for weeks at a time. Carl Icahn, who have in- Bro” in 2015, when he raised
The Humane Society of sisted that the fast-food gi- the price of the anti-para-
the United States says ant cease all business with sitic drug Daraprim over-
McDonald’s still sources pork producers that use night to $750 per tablet
pork from clients who
The Humane
Humane Society
Society gestation crates. from $17.50 while serving as
lock pigs in gestation says
says McDonald’s
McDonald’s has has Icahn, who owns a small chief executive of Turing
crates for the first five reneged
reneged on
on its
its pledge
pledge to
to stake in McDonald’s, but Pharmaceuticals, later re-
weeks of their 16-week phase
phase out
out pork
pork from
from has nonetheless threat- named Vyera Pharmaceuti-
pregnancy. producers
producers who
who coop
coop up
up ened a proxy fight over cals.
the issue, recently nomi- Shkreli is serving his sen-
pregnant pigs
pigs in
in nated two board members. tence at a low-security fed-
Confined to crates ‘gestation
‘gestation crates’
crates’ so
so A decade ago, McDon- eral prison in Allenwood,
McDonald’s had previ- small,
small, the
the animals
animals ald’s pledged to “source all Pa., and will be eligible for
ously pledged to signifi- cannot
cannot turn
turn around.
around. pork for its US business release in November.
cantly reduce its reliance from producers that do Reuters
on farmers who keep preg- not house pregnant sows
nant sows confined to so- from hog farmers who around for five weeks at a A company spokesper- in gestation stalls by the
called “gestation crates”
for the entire duration of
the 16-week pregnancy.
keep the sows locked in
crates for the first five
weeks of the pregnancy.
time — each pregnancy
cycle — still amounts to
suffering the likes of
son told The Post: “We
disagree with this inaccu-
rate characterization of
end of 2022.”
McDonald’s has said the
demand for pork produc-
Bird flu now
But the Humane Society
now says McDonald’s is
“From an animal welfare
perspective, locking a pig
which is almost unparal-
leled in all of agriculture,”
our industry-leading
pledge and subsequent
ers to immediately abolish
the use of all gestation
in Delaware
skirting the issue through in solitary confinement so Josh Balk of the Humane progress we’ve seen the crates is not realistic. The Department of Agri-
semantics by buying pork tight she can’t even turn Society told The Post. industry make at scale, in- culture reported a highly le-
thal form of bird flu in a
commercial poultry flock in

Citi to staff: Come in! Cable nets woo Psaki

Citigroup has asked vaccinated staff last year returned to the office Sharp-elbowed Biden administra- superagent and co-president Jay
Delaware on Wednesday,
expanding an outbreak that
has limited the export of
poultry products.
The federal agency has
employees in all US locations to at its New York City headquarters tion White House press secretary Sures shopped the idea of Psaki as a recently reported infection
start returning to the office begin- and other offices in the tri-state Jen Psaki has emerged as a top can- cable-news prime-time host. cases of highly pathogenic
ning the week of March 21, accord- area, among others. didate for Rachel Maddow’s Star anchor Maddow has been on avian flu in commercial tur-
ing to an internal memo Wednesday The decision also highlights a MSNBC anchor chair, according to leave from her 9 p.m. weekday key and chicken operations
that was seen by Reuters. growing inclination among employ- a report. show while pursuing other projects. — in Indiana on Feb. 15 as
Staff will be working from the of- ers and politicians to treat COVID Psaki, who has plans to leave the And CNN also is on the hunt for well as Kentucky a day ear-
fice for at least two days a week, the as part of everyday life. White House this year, is being somebody to replace the fired Chris lier — triggering trade re-
memo said. Wall Street banks and investment courted by several news networks, Cuomo. strictions from foreign
The move builds on Citi’s previ- firms have been more proactive including CNN and MSNBC, ac- Sources told The Post that Psaki poultry buyers such as
ous return-to-office efforts, which than other sectors in making staff cording to newsletter Puck. is not close to signing with any China.
started last September. The bank’s return to offices. Reuters A source told The Post that UTA network. Alexandra Steigrad Reuters
A rare situation

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Andrew Wiederhorn,
boss of the Fatburger
and Johnny Rockets
chains, is under federal

investigation for an
array of financial
crimes. He is already a
convicted felon. The
home of his son,
buyk: Local service has Thayer, and his
ties to a Russian startup. daughter-in-law,

Brooke (below right,
‘Sanction’ with her mother, Kim
Richards) was raided

fear at NY by authorities.

deliver app Bookies seek a win
New York employees of a
Russian-funded grocery-de- By Josh Kosman pany has signed up about
livery app are nervous that 500,000 customers in New
new Biden administration If you thought the sports- York since launch. “The vol-
sanctions against Moscow betting ads plastered all over umes in New York were about
could threaten their jobs, New York meant the indus- two times what we were antic-
The Post has learned. try’s having a heyday, take a ipating,” the company’s CEO,
Buyk, a New York-based look at their profits: likely zero. Tom Reeg, told investors on a
startup co-founded by two In fact, a tally of online book- Tuesday earnings call.
Russian entrepreneurs and makers’ profits shows they’ve Caesars’ latest earnings pe-
recently unveiled a partner- very likely lost money, around riod ended in December, so its
ship with Grubhub, cur- $200 million, since launching results since the state legalized
rently offers 15-minute gro- in New York on Jan. 8, accord- online sports betting aren’t
cery deliveries in every ing to an analyst who’s run the available, but the industry ana-
borough except Staten Is- numbers for The Post. lyst said it’s a near certainty the
land. How can that be? Operators company lost money on its
Since much of Buyk’s like Caesars and New York operations.

Burger CEO faces

funding comes from Rus- DraftKings are having Caesars declined to
sian sources — including a to spend big to lure comment on profit
venture-capital fund backed gamblers onto their figures but said it has
by Russia’s largest state- apps: Those much-ad- scaled back its promo-
owned bank — some rank- vertised promotions tions. Its latest is $300
and-file employees say they cost money, or about in free gambling with
fear that US sanctions in re- $100 to $150 per new a new customer’s first
taliation for Russian aggres-
sion against Ukraine could
threaten the company’s US
While Buyk bills itself as
an American company, it
fat load of trouble
By Lisa FicKenscher on Tuesday and down nearly 6% on
customer, according On the
to the industry ana-
lyst, who didn’t want
to be named.
money $20 bet.
Still, the analyst who
compiled the num-
bers for The Post said the
And New York state levies a bookmakers won’t just fold in
massive 51% tax on the book- New York and that doing busi-
was founded as a spinoff of Wednesday. makers’ gross revenue, eating ness in the state is likely to be-
a St. Petersburg startup The boss of the Fatburger and Johnny Investigators raided the Beverly into their bottom lines. Much come less painful.
called Samokat that is par- Rockets chains is being investigated by Grove home of Wiederhorn’s son, to their chagrin, the sports-
tially controlled by Russian federal agencies for alleged financial Thayer, and his wife, Brooke Wieder- books also have had to pay the
state-owned bank Sber- crimes — again. horn, in December, according to court 51% tax on the promotion
‘Shift to profit focus’
bank. Theo Wayt Fat Brands CEO Andrew Wiederhorn, documents. money they fork over. “The initial marketing blitz
a convicted felon who served 15 months Brooke is the daughter of “The Real should tail off given that
in prison about 20 years ago for filing a Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Kim awareness has been set,” he
One lucky ‘loser’
Insta-slap at false tax return and paying an illegal
gratuity, is under investigation by the
Securities and Exchange Commission
Richards, and her 2014 wedding to
Thayer was featured on the show.
The search warrant called for agents
said. “There is a realization the
“I got lucky by not winning a entire market needs to shift to
New York license,” a sports- a profit focus.”
Estée exec and the US Attorney’s Office for the
Central District of California, the com-
to gather “clothing, digital devices,
backpacks, wallets, briefcases, purses
betting operator who tried and DraftKings on Friday re-
failed to secure a local license, leased earnings for the first
A top executive at cos- pany said in a regulatory filing. and bags,” according to the court docu- joked to The Post. time since its New York
metics giant Estée Lauder The agencies are seeking documents ment. So far, the bookmakers have launch. The bookie lost about
has been suspended by the related to Fat Brands’ merger with Fog The items are being used as part of an attracted more people than ex- $50 million through Feb. 13, the
company over a post on his Cutter Capital Group — the company investigation into alleged securities pected — but at a cost, with analyst said — basing the esti-
Instagram account that in- Wiederhorn led at the time of his con- fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, promotions that lure bettors in mate on piecing together
cluded mention of the viction — and “transactions between money laundering and tax evasion, ac- with a “free” $3,000 if a gam- numbers from the report.
N-word. these entities and Mr. Wiederhorn, and cording to the search warrant. bler ponied up $3,000 of his DraftKings didn’t respond to a
John Demsey, the execu- compensation, extensions of credit and The feds are looking for any financial own at Caesars, for instance. request for comment.
tive group president who is other benefits or payments received by transfers or “anything of value” be- Since online sports betting In New York, DraftKings
responsible for such brands Mr. Wiederhorn or his family,” accord- tween Fat Brands and Fog Cutter and came online in January, 1.5 mil- represents about 25% of the
as MAC and Clinique, was ing to the filing. transactions between “Wiederhorn, lion to 2 million accounts have sports-betting market, which
disciplined for the post, While Fat Brands said it does not be- Thayer or any of their current or former been opened, according to the is how the analyst extrapo-
which also included a joke lieve it’s a target of the investigations, of spouses, romantic partners, parents, industry analyst. State data lated that the industry likely
about COVID-19, according which it was notified in December, its children, siblings or current or former show $2.4 billion has been wa- lost $200 million. FanDuel has
to The Wall Street Journal. shares tanked on the news, down 23% in-laws,” according to the filing. gered through Feb. 13. about 36% of the market. It de-
Ariel Zilber At Caesars alone, the com- clined to comment.
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022



Scan now for the very latest in celebrity fashion and beauty.


InsIde Kerry Washington’s ‘scandalous’ home lists for $25M, p. 40

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Harry Macklowe
(below) gutted
and rebuilt One
Wall St. (left and
inset) as a
playground in
one of the most

projects in NYC
Inside NYC’s
office conversion

OR nearly a century, One Wall Street
has towered over the heart of the Fi-
nancial District.
The former home of the Irving Trust
commercial bank, and later the Bank of
New York Mellon Corporation, it was
one of the city’s tallest buildings when it de-
buted in 1931.
Now, the 1.2 million-square-foot, Art Deco
office tower masterpiece is once again mak-
ing an impact.
After nearly eight years of construction, the
tower has officially debuted as a residential
skyscraper. The 566-unit condo building,
transformed by developer Macklowe Proper-
ties, is the city’s largest-ever office-to-resi-
dential conversion.
Together a 50-story landmarked tower and ing, dining and kitchen areas accented with Mi-
a 30-story extension, the conversion ele appliances and waterfall counters.
is a feat of engineering on a scale The firm’s head, Harry Macklowe, designed
never before seen in Manhattan the kitchens himself — with other touches in-
that required a nearly full gut of cluding Lincoln Calacatta marble topping the
the gigantic tower, hundreds of counters and backsplashes, plus custom cabi-
new Landmarks-approved win- nets crafted by Aran Cucine. Ceilings more than
dows and shifting the whole of 10 feet high hover over wide-plank French oak
the building’s mechanics from hardwood floors.
its perimeter to its center. Sales at the tower launched quietly in Septem-
With closings to begin ber. There are now 34 residences for sale, priced
DBOX for Macklowe Properties; Tamara Beckwith/NY Post (inset)

mid-year and comple- between $990,000 for a studio and $12.75 million
tion expected by the for a four-bedroom. A triplex penthouse in the
end of 2022, the building’s crown with 35-foot ceilings may re-
developer has portedly list for $40 million, but Kirk Rundhaug
now unveiled of Compass, which leads sales and marketing at
photographs of One Wall Street, said that an asking price has yet
its model units, a to be set.
collection of Rundhaug declined to say how many units to-
seven apart- tal are spoken for, but he said the building has
ments not cur- some 170 different apartment layouts, which
rently for sale — alone has created demand. For instance, the
and The Post got property houses 11 loft-style units — six of
an exclusive first which have sold and two of which are under ne-
look inside. gotiation.
These dwell- The development — whose helping hands
ings include also include Robert A.M. Stern and SLCE Archi-
floor-to-ceiling tects — is helping to transform the business-
windows that hours neighborhood into a more residential
overlook Broad-
way, and open liv- See ONE WALL ST. on Page 38
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Getty Images
Demographics are shifting as Fidi adds resi towers.

Making change

DBOX for Macklowe Properties

ONCE teeming with young investment bankers and
seasoned hedge fund managers working 60-plus hour
weeks, the Financial District wasn’t exactly where New
Yorkers laid down roots.
Now, with the financial sector pairing down its office
footprint in favor of tech, working from home and less
Old building, new tricks: One Wall Street includes 170 distinct apartment layouts, luxury finishes and unique perspectives.
traditional neighborhoods, Fidi is developing a dis-
tinctly non-finance feel.
From ONE WALL ST. on ents. It will house a to-be-an- would probably be very “I used to think Fidi was going to be swarming with
Page 37 nounced retail tenant follow- much in favor of that.” the typical finance bros wearing collared shirts and
ing a $1 million-plus restora- Mechanical rooms, which vests,” admitted 32-year-old Carrie Booze, who moved
area. It will even include a tion, which included a refur- previously faced the New from a small apartment in Nolita to a sun-drenched
Whole Foods at its base. bishment of the glass mosaic, York Stock Exchange, were space on the 14th floor
“[Locals] have walked by it the triple-high windows and also moved — and that’s of 200 Water Street a
every day for years and the ornamental metal. made for some new views. little over a year ago.
they’ve seen it under con- “It’s the most significant “In a number of apart- Booze, who works in
struction … and now they piece that stayed behind,” ments, you can actually look public relations, says
can visit and take a tour and said Lilla Smith, Macklowe onto the old trading floor,” her new neighbor-
see if it’s right for them,” said Properties’ director of archi- said Smith. hood is much more
Richard Dubrow, Macklowe tecture. With the opening of the residential than she
Properties’ director of mar- However, Macklowe has property comes a host of expected.
keting. tried to reinject moments of other views that only office For New Yorkers
Other resi-friendly ameni- Walker’s vision back into the tenants previously saw. like Booze, Fidi has
Michael Young

ties include a coworking tower. For instance, they’ve East-facing residents will become a value prop-
space, a kids’ playroom, a reopened the original entry also get a peek of the Ge- osition, where both
lounge for teens, a private on Broadway, which now orge Washington statue in ample space and
residents’ restaurant next to leads to an Art Deco-style front of Federal Hall, while amenities are a frac-
a 4,000-square-foot land- lobby. The team also demol- those facing west will see a tion of the price of
scaped terrace, a private gym The Red Room survived the ished 30 elevators, then relo- sculpture of an eagle over neighboring areas like

Binyan Studios
— as well as access to the 1960s and is still tricked out cated and rebuilt nearly a the entry of 65 Broadway, Tribeca.
three-story Life Time fitness with luminous red and gold dozen lifts for residents in previously the American Developers are pav-
center in the commercial Art Deco tile and metal work. the center of the building to Express headquarters. A ing the way.
portion. optimize the homes’ layouts, block north of that, resi- Stan Ponte, of So-
But the building’s biggest protest. as well as exposure to light dents can look over the theby’s International
perk is its history. The bank commissioned and air. spire of Trinity Church to Realty, co-sales di- Jolie is one of the ritzy new
In 1929, Irving Trust tapped the 30-story extension in The south-facing façade of see the World Trade Center rector of the Wool- resi towers arriving in Fidi.
architect Ralph Walker — 1963 — and stripped the the landmark tower — which in the backdrop. worth Tower Resi-
whose other work includes build of much of its original had rows of three windows “That’s a couple hundred dences, says that Fidi is experiencing a major renais-
the Stella and Walker towers splendor in the process. — now boasts rows of five to years of history — it’s the sance with restaurants helmed by big names like
in Manhattan — to design The only original portion match the north façade. layers of history of the ar- Danny Meyer and Jean-Georges Vongerichten, a buzz-
the building and it’s said that remaining is the Red Room. “It wound up making the chitecture that make the ing South Street Seaport, pretty parks and charming
Cass Gilbert, the rival archi- That space, a dazzling mo- building symmetrical,” said views so appealing and cobblestone streets, good schools and excellent sub-
tect of the nearby Wool- saic-clad atrium, formerly Smith. “When we presented rich,” said Dubrow. “There way access.
worth Building, withdrew served as a banking hall for [the plan] to Landmarks, we are all these little nice mo- Ryan Serhant, head of sales and marketing at Jolie, a
his money from the bank in Irving Trust’s most loyal cli- asserted that Ralph Walker ments,” added Smith. 42-story luxury residential building located at 77
Greenwich St., noted that a new 450-seat public ele-
mentary school located will open at the building’s base
in September — a bonus for the building’s residents
and other locals with little ones.
Angelo and Sam Franco-DeWitt, a couple in their 30s
who moved from Inwood to a luxury rental located at
63 Wall St. in August, say they like their new neighbor-
hood’s diversity.
“I think the area is actually a lot more youthful than I
Donna Dotan (2)

imagined,” Angelo said. “It is way more common for us

to see millennials walking their dogs than a Gen X-er.”
“Contrary to the old view of the Financial District, the
area is not solely dominated by people who work in
that industry,” Sam added.
— Stacey Lastoe
One Wall now has 34 listed residences, which range in price from $990,000 for a studio and $12.75 million for a four-bedroom.

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022
Brooklyn, NY — 779 East 39th Street Head of Harbor, NY Manhasset, NY – Plandome
$1,500,000. MLS# 3319839. $2,950,000. MLS# 3358565. $3,195,000.
Steve Sallion, 718.638.6500, c.917.482.4863 Marianne Koke, 631.584.6600, c.631.335.7111 Kristen Denihan, 516.627.4440, c.516.312.4415
Ann Hance, 516.627.4440, c.516.660.1680
Eileen Krach, 516.627.4440, c.917.270.3737

Nissequogue, NY Nissequogue, NY Port Washington, NY – Rental

MLS# 3376726. $429,000. MLS# 3372867. $3,600,000. MLS# 3365104. $6,500/month.
Marianne Koke, 631.584.6600, c.631.335.7111 Marianne Koke, 631.584.6600, c.631.335.7111 Shohreh Hakimian, 516.627.4440, c.516.647.2676
Soleyman Hakimian, 516.627.4440, c.516.849.9666

Southold, NY Upper Brookville, NY – “Lions Gate” Whitestone, NY – Custom Split

MLS# 3370273. $2,697.85. MLS# 3368606. $5,650,000. MLS# 3376913. $1,449,000.
Cheryl Schneider, 631.298.4130, c.631.766.2598 Alexis McAndrew, 516.759.4800, c.917.750.8939 Ann Carlucci, 516.627.4440, c.516.672.2023
Regan Battuello, 631.298.4130, c.917.697.2092

Each office is independently owned and operated. We are pledged to provide equal opportunity for housing to any prospective customer or client, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.

Gimme Shelter

Yard sale

Eytan Stern Weber/Evan Joseph Images; Chevy Chase/Twitter

A secret gar-
den shared by
JENNIFER GOULD just 22 home-
owners in
the West Vil-
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

lage is getting
a new mem-
ber to its club.
A historic home at
188 Sullivan, next door to bil-
lionaire and bestselling author
Ray Dalio (inset) — founder
and co-chief investment offi- 145 Park Place

Serhant Studios; Getty Images (inset)

cer of the world’s largest
hedge fund, Bridgewater As-
sociates — is now in contract.
It was last asking $7.99 mil-
Thrill of the Chase
lion, down from its original EMiLy Evelyn Chase, the
ask of $8.95 million last April youngest daughter of actor/
— and neighbors in the Mac- comedian Chevy Chase
Dougal-Sullivan Gardens are (both inset right) has sold her
buzzing about the identity of Park Slope apartment at 145
the mystery buyer. The land- Park Place for its full asking
marked, 1850-built Greek Re- price of $989,000. Emily bought
50 Riverside Blvd. vival townhouse is 22½ feet the condo with her father in 2018 for
$912,000. They put it back on the market last Novem-

pope’S addreSS
ber. Chevy congratulated his daughter, her listing bro-
ker Steven Marvin of Serhant and his lawyer Jonat-
han Movtady on his Instagram account: “Congratu-

Yoo Jean Han/Sotheby’s International Realty

lations to my daughter, @em_chases on the sale of her
apartment! Special thanks to: @stevenmarvin and

CANDALOUS! Actress Kerry sunset views. There’s also open living @jonnymov @serhant.” Emily, who works as a senior
Washington’s (right) former and dining areas divided by a look- manager for the National Audubon Society, left Park
rental is back on the market for through fireplace. And yes, the corner Slope for her parents’ home in Westchester at the start
the queenly sum of $25 million living room sofa was a favorite of lockdown in March 2020. Now, she works remotely
— following a hefty $2.5 mil- go-to for Washington, just like her and no longer has to be at the Audubon office in the
lion price chop and broker iconic “Scandal” character, Olivia West Village. “Moving back in with my parents in my
swap. The stunning Bronx- Pope, savoring a glass of wine on 30s was quite an experiment,” Emily told Gimme. The
born star of “Scandal” and her coach at the end of a long day fourth-floor, one-bedroom, one-bathroom condo is
“Little Fires Everywhere” paid solving presidential problems. 1,060 square feet. It’s in a complex that includes a
close to $70,000 a month to “That Cloud couch is dangerous landmarked eight-story building facing Park Place and
live in the 6,168-square-foot — I never wanted to get up,” 188 Sullivan St. a new construction building facing Flatbush.
Upper West Side penthouse Washington told AD. The pent-
at 50 Riverside Blvd. when house also features an eat-in
she was on Broadway, starring chef’s kitchen, a media room wide and sports 5,075 square 219 Hudson St.
in “American Son” in 2019. with a wet bar and built-in feet. It has only had two buy-
(Common charges are an addi- wine fridge, a mud room and a ers in the last 100 years. Sour-
tional $6,914 a month.) “We laundry room, while the main ces told Gimme that Dalio ex-
spent a lot of time looking for a bedroom boasts custom pressed “serious interest” in
place that had enough space for walk-in closets and bathrooms purchasing the home and dou-
our whole crew, our posse,” Wash- with walk-in showers and one bling his investment on the
ington — who had previously been windowed soaking tub. Building block, but in the end never
living in LA with her husband, the amenities include a gym, spa, a pulled the trigger. Listing bro-
NFL cornerback turned actor pool, a 38-foot rock climbing wall, ker Jeremy V. Stein, of So-
Nnamdi Asomugha and their basketball and squash courts, theby’s, confirms only that the
three kids — told Architectural Di- bowling alley, golf simulator, resi- buyer is not someone who al-
gest at the time. The full-floor dents’ lounge, game room, screen- ready owns in the garden (ex- Douglas Elliman; Hippolyte Petit/WireImage (inset)
home comes with a private eleva- ing room and events room with a isting owners in the commu-
tor landing, six bedrooms and
7½ bathrooms.
catering kitchen. The current
seller paid $19.69 million for the
nity have the right of first re-
fusal). The 22 colorfully
Badge of honor
Floor-to-ceiling penthouse in 2016, according to painted row houses make up EMMY Award-winning actor Camryn Manheim
windows property records. The listing the landmarked MacDougal- (below) is starring on NBC’s “Law & Order” revival as
showcase the broker is Serhant’s Carolina Sullivan Gardens, which is Lt. Kate Dixon — and she’s also been spotted house
Hudson Bravo. Mansion Global first re- filled with mature maple and hunting recently on the streets of New York. Best
River and ported the listing. sycamore trees known for her roles on “The Practice” and “Ghost
Whisperer,” Manheim said she has come “full circle,”
THAT it took a mere five weeks, 42 showings and 11 bids for a Sunny Regalia building as her first acting job out of school was a guest ap-
We ... pearance on the first 13 episodes of “Law & Order”
Charles Josset from Photostetic; AP

Isles penthouse triplex to sell at auction for $20.55 million. That’s

hear more than $5 million over the minimum bid of $15 million. (The three decades ago, according to Deadline.
One residence Manheim recently toured
unit first listed for $25.5 million last year before selling via auc-
tion last December, and closing earlier this month.) The resi- was a $5.99 million penthouse in Hud-
dence is at 19575 Collins Ave. in the Regalia building — where son Square. The full-floor unit is at 219
soccer star Lionel Messi (left) bought the entire 9th floor for $7.3 Hudson St., known as the Riverview.
million last year. The six-bedroom unit was designed by architect At 2,011 square feet, it comes with
Charles Allem of CAD International. It comes with a 1,500-square- three bedrooms, 3½ baths and a
foot main bedroom and design details like onyx and lots of wood. 475-square-foot terrace.
The sellers were repped by Jeff Miller of ONE Sotheby’s Inter- There’s also an open chef’s
national Realty and Concierge Auctions. The buyer was repped kitchen. The brokers are
by Mark Pordes and Adam Kaufman of Pordes Residential. Douglas Elliman’s Tom Pos-
tilio and Mickey Conlon.

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022


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Friday: Thursday 2:30PM RS , 51 R S B R he oreclosure sale will e re uired with a success ul id, 0 t 2in tall uildin (91 t color, religion, sex, handicapped,
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Saturday: Friday 2:30PM B R R RS 11th udicial istrict s o id-19 ash will not e acce ted, and the interested arty wishin to su mit intention to make such preference,
artment 5 located at 11 5 SS R B K R R olicies and oreclosure auction alance o the urchase rice shall comments re ardin the otential limitation or discrimination.” To
Sunday: Friday 2:30PM nderson enue, Bronx, ew K R M R R, rules he Re eree shall en orce e aya le within thirty ( 0) days e ects the ro osed acility may
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1000 own enter ay, Suite 210,
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em loyer o calls ia tele hone at ( 5) 0-59 ia tele hone at ( 1 )495-0 40
42 NBA NHL Lightning 5, Oilers 3

Stroman blasts Mets, EASTERN CONFERENCE

Atlantic W L Pct. GB
Atlantic W L OL* Pt GF GA
Tampa Bay
1 1 1— 3
2 2 1— 5
First Period: 1, Tampa Bay, Maroon 9

Philadelphia 35 23 .603 — Florida 35 11 5 75 212 151 (Cirelli), 11:57. 2, Edmonton, McDavid

27 (Barrie, Draisaitl), 18:10 (pp). 3,
Boston 34 26 .567 2 Tampa Bay 33 11 6 72 174 142

Eppler in Twitter rant

Tampa Bay, Stamkos 24 (Killorn,
Toronto 32 25 .561 2½ Toronto 32 14 4 68 179 141 Sergachev), 19:45. Penalties: Stamkos,
Boston 29 17 4 62 145 139 TB (Interference), 17:53.
NETS 31 28 .525 4½ Second Period: 4, Tampa Bay, Point 19
Detroit 23 23 6 52 149 181
KNICKS 25 34 .424 10½ (Kucherov, Palat), 10:48. 5, Tampa Bay,
Ottawa 19 26 5 43 134 159 Perry 14 (Sergachev, Maroon), 15:24
Southeast W L Pct. GB Buffalo 16 28 8 40 138 186 (pp). 6, Edmonton, Hyman 19
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

(Draisaitl), 17:12. Penalties: Nugent-

By JErEmy Layton fied his position, taking a shot at Eppler in Miami 38 21 .644 — Montreal 12 33 7 31 121 197 Hopkins, EDM (Holding), 11:20;
the process. Atlanta 28 30 .483 9½ Metropolitan W L OL* Pt GF GA Draisaitl, EDM (Tripping), 13:28.
Charlotte 29 31 .483 9½ Third Period: 7, Edmonton, McDavid 28
Marcus Stroman apparently has no re- “Just look at who the Mets hired as their Carolina 35 11 4 74 176 121 (Draisaitl, Hyman), 9:39. 8, Tampa Bay,
grets about leaving the Mets for GM…that tells you enough,” he Washington 27 31 .466 10½ Pittsburgh 31 13 8 70 173 140 Kucherov 8, 19:56 (en). Penalties:
Orlando 13 47 .217 25½ Rangers 32 13 5 69 151 127 Yamamoto, EDM (Delay of Game), 2:34;
the Cubs this offseason. wrote. “His lack of awareness in Hedman, TB (Holding), 3:39; Kane, EDM
Stroman, who spent three his previous position is being ex- Washington 28 15 9 65 171 145 (Tripping), 4:02.
Central W L Pct. GB
years with the Mets, from 2019-21 posed to the public now. I’m be- Columbus 26 23 1 53 167 183 Shots on Goal: Edmonton 9-11-10—30.
Chicago 38 21 .644 — Islanders 19 20 7 45 116 128 Tampa Bay 5-11-7—23.
(opting out of the 2020 season yond thankful I’m gone from that Cleveland 35 23 .603 2½ Power-play opportunities: Edmonton
Philadelphia 15 26 10 40 129 180
after suffering an injury), is one organization. God got me!” Milwaukee 36 24 .600 2½
1 of 1; Tampa Bay 1 of 4.
Devils 17 28 5 39 146 182 Goalies: Edmonton, Smith 5-6-1 (22
of the more active athletes on Most of the tweets appeared to
Indiana 20 40 .333 18½ WESTERN CONFERENCE
shots-18 saves). Tampa Bay,
Twitter. On Tuesday, he used his have been deleted as of Wednes- Vasilevskiy 27-8-4 (30-27).
Detroit 13 45 .224 24½
social media reach to attack his day. Central W L OL* Pt GF GA A: 19,092 (19,092). T: 2:23.
now-former team and their new Stroman also alleged he was the WESTERN CONFERENCE Colorado 37 10 4 78 204 145
general manager, Billy Eppler. recipient of racial slurs in a tweet Southwest W L Pct. GB St. Louis 30 14 6 66 179 138 Stars 3, Jets 2, OT
After a post praising his former MARCUS that remained up as of Wednes- Memphis 41 19 .683 — Minnesota 31 14 3 65 186 147
Winnipeg 1 0 1 0— 2
Mets teammate Michael Con- STROMAN day night. Dallas 35 24 .593 5½ Nashville 29 18 4 62 159 147 Dallas 0 1 1 1— 3
forto, calling him an “unbelieva- “Endless death threats, being Dallas 28 20 2 58 146 147
San Antonio 23 36 .390 17½ First Period: 1, Winnipeg, Wheeler 6
ble human being” and calling for the called a n----- often, hearing Black lives Winnipeg 22 20 9 53 147 153 (Pionk, Scheifele), 7:14. Penalties:
New Orleans 23 36 .390 17½
Chicago 18 26 8 44 126 176 Wheeler, WPG (Tripping), 15:30.
league to “pay that man what he de- don’t matter, and playing for a front office Houston 15 43 .259 25 Second Period: 2, Dallas, Benn 13
Arizona 13 34 4 30 116 189
serves,” a fan responded she’s “still hold- who didn’t care about any of that,” he (Hintz), 17:50 (sh). Penalties:
ing out hope” that Conforto returns to the tweeted. “I will speak on this topic on my Northwest W L Pct. GB Pacific W L OL* Pt GF GA Morrissey, WPG (High Sticking), 0:48;
Mets. time and on my podcast at some point. Utah 36 22 .621 — Calgary 30 13 6 66 169 114 Klingberg, DAL (Tripping), 11:23;
Denver 33 25 .569 3 Vegas 29 18 4 62 169 150 Wheeler, WPG (Holding), 12:44; Raffl,
Stroman didn’t agree. Still dealt on the mound through all of DAL (Hooking), 16:13; Lowry, WPG
“I’m hoping he’s well-paid elsewhere,” that!” Minnesota 31 28 .525 5½ Los Angeles 27 17 7 61 150 143 (Tripping), 20:00.
Stroman tweeted, with a shrug emoji. It’s unclear where Stroman’s disdain for Portland 25 34 .424 11½ Edmonton 28 20 3 59 171 166 Third Period: 3, Winnipeg, Scheifele 18
Anaheim 25 19 9 59 160 161 (Pionk, Connor), 4:27 (pp). 4, Dallas,
When pressed on the thought, he re- Eppler, whom the Mets hired in Novem- Oklahoma City 18 40 .310 18
Gurianov 7 (Benn, Seguin), 13:35.
Vancouver 24 22 6 54 140 148
sponded: “Very very thankful to be out of ber, came from. Eppler spent six seasons Pacific W L Pct. GB Penalties: Faksa, DAL (Hooking), 3:04.
San Jose 22 22 6 50 134 158
there for several reasons. God always got as the general manager of the Angels, and Phoenix 48 10 .828 —
Overtime: 5, Dallas, Seguin 17 (Benn),
Seattle 16 33 4 36 137 190 0:54. Penalties: None.
me. Beyond excited to perform for an in- while he did some good things there — Golden State 42 17 .712 6½ Shots on Goal: Winnipeg 10-6-5-1—22.
credible fanbase who appreciates their notably, signing two-way superstar Shohei OL*: Lost in OT (for 1 point)
L.A. Clippers 30 31 .492 19½ Dallas 15-11-12-1—39.
players! @Cubs.” Ohtani — the team never made the play- Wednesday Power-play opportunities: Winnipeg 1
L.A. Lakers 27 31 .466 21 Montreal 4, Buffalo 0
When asked if he could expand on the offs under his watch. of 3; Dallas 0 of 5.
issues that drove him away from the Mets, Stroman signed a three-year deal with Sacramento 22 38 .367 27 Colorado 5, Detroit 2 Goalies: Winnipeg, Hellebuyck 17-18-7
(39 shots-36 saves). Dallas, Oettinger
he wrote, “The world isn’t ready for those the Cubs in December, after the Mets Wednesday Dallas 3, Winnipeg 2, OT 15-6-0 (22-20).
answers to be honest.” hired Eppler — and before the lockout be- No games scheduled. Tampa Bay 5, Edmonton 3 A: 0 (18,532). T: 2:32.
In another tweet, Stroman further clari- gan. Los Angeles 3, Arizona 2
Boston at Nets, 7:30pm Thursday Kings 3, Coyotes 2

Ex-Ranger Avery, 41, returns Cleveland at Detroit, 7pm

Atlanta at Chicago, 8pm
Memphis at Minnesota, 8pm
Phoenix at Oklahoma City, 8pm
Devils at Pittsburgh, 7pm
Washington at Rangers, 7pm
Islanders at San Jose, 10:30pm
Columbus at Florida, 7pm
Los Angeles
0 2 1— 3
0 2 0— 2
First Period: None. Penalties: Lemieux,

to hockey with Orlando of ECHL

LA (Tripping), 16:02; O'Brien, ARI
Denver at Sacramento, 10pm Minnesota at Toronto, 7pm (Tripping), 18:50.
Golden State at Portland, 10pm Dallas at Nashville, 8:30pm Second Period: 1, Arizona, Keller 21
(Schmaltz, Moser), 6:25. 2, Los Angeles,
Friday Boston at Seattle, 10pm Lizotte 7 (Anderson, Lemieux), 6:43. 3,
Miami at Knicks, 7:30pm Calgary at Vancouver, 10pm Los Angeles, Arvidsson 14 (Moore,
By Ethan SEarS “If Avery signs in Or- Danault), 7:35. 4, Arizona, Hayton 3
lando, I will sign with any- Houston at Orlando, 7pm Friday (Kolyachonok), 13:03. Penalties: None.
Oklahoma City at Indiana, 7pm Devils at Chicago, 8:30pm
Sean Avery is back in one in that division...You San Antonio at Washington, 7pm
Third Period: 5, Los Angeles, Arvidsson
professional hockey. can play me as much as Columbus at Carolina, 7pm 15 (Moore, Roy), 16:21. Penalties: Boyd,
Toronto at Charlotte, 7pm Buffalo at St. Louis, 8pm ARI (Delay of Game), 1:30; O'Brien, ARI
The former Rangers for- [John Tortorella] did,” Philadelphia at Minnesota, 8pm (Misconduct), 6:53; Kempe, LA
ward, who last played pro Barnaby wrote. Winnipeg at Colorado, 9pm (Tripping), 17:03.
Dallas at Utah, 9pm
hockey in the AHL in 2012, The Jacksonville Ice- Vegas at Arizona, 9:30pm Shots on Goal: Los Angeles 14-13-8—
New Orleans at Phoenix, 9pm
Los Angeles at Anaheim, 10pm 35. Arizona 4-10-5—19.
signed a contract with the men, the Rangers’ ECHL Clippers at L.A. Lakers, 10pm Power-play opportunities: Los
East Coast Hockey affiliate, replied to the Angeles 0 of 2; Arizona 0 of 2.
League’s Orlando Solar tweet with a thinking Canadiens 4, Sabres 0 Goalies: Los Angeles, Petersen 13-7-1
Bears, Tampa Bay’s ECHL emoji.
Soccer (19 shots-17 saves). Arizona,
Buffalo 0 0 0— 0 Wedgewood 6-12-3 (35-32).
CONCACAF Champions League-2nd Leg
affiliate, the team an- Last summer, Barnaby NYCFC 4, Santos 0
Montreal 1 1 2— 4 A: 9,415 (17,125). T: 2:19.
nounced Wednesday. SeAN AveRy challenged Avery to a fight (NYCFC advance 6-0 on aggregate) First Period: 1, Montreal, Suzuki 10
Avery, who twice led the through amateur boxing CF Montreal 3, Santos 0 (Caufield), 6:52. Penalties: Cozens, BUF
(CF Montreal wins 3-1 on aggregate)
Avalanche 5, Red Wings 2
NHL in penalty minutes, meltdown during rehears- promotion Rough N’ (Tripping), 8:28.
Colorado 1, Communicaciones 0 FT Second Period: 2, Montreal, Suzuki 11, Colorado 2 1 2— 5
played six seasons with als for an off-Broadway Rowdy, leading Avery to (Tied 1-1 on aggregate;Comunicaciones
5:57 (ps). Penalties: Caufield, MTL Detroit 0 1 1— 2
advance 4-3 on penalties)
the Rangers, scoring 45 production and quit. call Barnaby a “desperate Pumas UNAM 4, Saprissa 1 (High Sticking), 4:43; Dahlin, BUF First Period: 1, Colorado, Landeskog 24
goals with 78 assists. He’s During his playing ca- ankle biter” on Twitter. (Pumas UNAM advandce 6-3 on (Roughing), 4:43; Cozens, BUF (Makar, Helm), 1:12. 2, Colorado, Jost 6
currently 41 years old. reer, Avery had a reputa- It’s unclear how soon aggregate) (Interference on breakaway (Penalty (O'Connor, Newhook), 11:47.
SheBelieves Cup Shot)), 5:57; Gallagher, MTL (Hooking), Second Period: 3, Detroit, Zadina 7
Since retiring in 2012, tion as controversial and a Avery will be on the ice for New Zealand 0, Czech Rep. 0 12:01; Fitzgerald, BUF (Fighting), 14:32; (Seider, Larkin), 11:35. 4, Colorado,
Avery has competed on bully. He was fined and the Solar Bears, but they United States 5, Iceland 0 Gallagher, MTL (Fighting), 14:32. Kadri 22 (Toews, Rantanen), 18:19.
“Dancing With the Stars,” suspended multiple times played Wednesday night UEFA Champions League-1st Leg Third Period: 3, Montreal, Caufield 7 Third Period: 5, Colorado, Nichushkin
Atletico Madrid 1, Manchester United 1 14 (Burakovsky, Newhook), 2:11. 6,
published a memoir and throughout his tenure in against the Florida Ever- (Suzuki), 1:18. 4, Montreal, Evans 7
Benfica 2, Ajax Amsterdam 2 Detroit, Fabbri 14 (Larkin, Seider), 9:38
English Premier League (Chiarot), 18:27 (en). Penalties:
was cast in Christopher the league. blades. Romanov, MTL (Tripping), 14:17. (pp). 7, Colorado, Landeskog 25
Burnley 1, Tottenham Hotspur 0
Nolan’s film “Tenet.” In Matt Barnaby, a rival en- Since it has been 10 Crystal Palace 4, Watford 1 Shots on Goal: Buffalo 4-14-14—32.
(Rantanen), 19:21 (en).
Shots on Goal: Colorado 11-10-10—31.
2016, he was served with a forcer in the league during years since his last pro Liverpool 6, Leeds United 0 Montreal 11-6-12—29.
Detroit 7-13-14—34.
restraining order for har- Avery’s playing days, who hockey game, however, English League Championship Power-play opportunities: Buffalo 0 of Power-play opportunities: Colorado 0
Millwall 2, Derby County 1 2; Montreal 0 of 1.
assing his mother-in-law, has sparred with him since Avery likely will need Fulham 2, Peterborough United 1 Goalies: Buffalo, Anderson 6-6-0 (28
of 3; Detroit 1 of 3.
Goalies: Colorado, Francouz 8-2-0 (34
and in late 2014, The Post retirement, took to Twit- some time to work up his Huddersfield Town 2, Cardiff City 1 shots-25 saves). Montreal, shots-32 saves). Detroit, Greiss 8-8-1
Queens Park Rangers 2, Blackpool 1
reported that Avery had a ter to give his take. conditioning. Sheffield United 1, Blackburn Rovers 0 Montembeault 5-10-4 (32-32). (30-26).
Luton Town 2, Stoke City 1 A: 0 (21,288). T: 2:22. A: 18,562 (20,000). T: 2:30.

College Hoops
Albany (NY) 72, Maine 68
Army 73, Bucknell 60

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Boston U. 76, Lafayette 60

Beyond Best (5th) Colgate 78, Holy Cross 71
Post Time: 12:50 p.m. Lock of Lock Record: 15 for 31 (48%) Creighton 81, St. John's 78
Analysis by Vic Cangialosi the Day Meet Record: 81/302 $427.80 Davidson 74, Duquesne 50
Fordham 60, La Salle 54
Lehigh 78, American 61

 
on the Flatter sired colt. RELATE Distant 2nd last pair, latest at 7/8. Using in Mass.-Lowell 67, Stony Brook 50
 
1 mile; $35,000; mdn clm($25,000); 4up 6 fur; $88,000; alw; 4up(f) Navy 52, Loyola (Md.) 50
deep exotics with THRILL OF IT who has made 3 starts. 3rd twice and a New Hampshire 83, NJIT 55
We're talkin' graduation for INOUAINTALKINTOME. Board hitter closer 5th. AUNT KAT argued the lead then settled for 3rd. Mott shaves a Providence 99, Xavier 92, 3OT
last 3, latest at this distance. Carmouche to seal the deal. LIVE IN FIVE was PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds furlong. PIECE OF MY HEART led late, settled for 2nd racing 7/8. Cuts back Seton Hall 66, Butler 60
4th, well back of Inouaintalkintome. In light (115) for rematch as Gomez as well but 0 for 4 at this distance. Franco picks up the Keeneland invader Towson 84, James Madison 65
1 Crawford County(M),120 M Franco x-x-x Rodriguez 10-1 UMBC 92, Hartford 85
rides for Baker. And BANANA FANNA FOE was 9th behind top pair at 38-1. for Gargan. EASY TO BLESS enters off an easy W. Now 6 for 9 racing 6/8.
2 Saratoga Sky(M),120 E Cancel 7-x-x Ferraro 12-1 Must be considered. ITS COLD IN DEHERE finished strong to be 2nd, a neck Vermont 66, Binghamton 49
Midpack racing a mile at Belmont.
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds
better than Aunt Kat. About 8 lengths shy last time she ran this distance. South
3 Royal Time(M),120 J Correa x-x-x Ferraro 15-1 GLORY DIA moves higher after scoring at Parx. Auburn 77, Ole Miss. 64
1 Elegant Laoban,122 J Davis 3-5-4 K O'Brien 15-1 4 Colloquy(M),120 D Davis x-x-x Clement 5-2 PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds Boston College 69, NC State 61
Cent. Arkansas 81, North Alabama 72
2 Emerald Banker,122 G Richards 6-7-8 S Jerkens 30-1 5 Juggler(L),120 J Davis 4-3-2 Vazquez 6-1 1 Hey Mamaluke(L),113 A Hernandez 9-2-5 Sciacca 20-1 Chattanooga 83, ETSU 77
Clemson 80, Wake Forest 69
3 Bonana Fanna Foe(L),122 T McCarthy 9-4-4 Englehart 6-1 6 Relate(L),120 J Lezcano 2-2-4 Asmussen 3-1 2 Glory Dia(L),123 G Milan 1-6-1 Dominguez 8-1 Duke 65, Virginia 61
4 Causeway of Dreams(L),122 A Worrie 8-3-7 Quick 12-1 East Carolina 64, South Florida 60
7 Thrill of It(M),113 J Gomez 3-5-3 Terranova II 5-1 3 Piece of My Heart(L),118 M Franco 2-5-3 Gargan 3-1 Florida Gulf Coast 82, Liberty 72, OT
5 Live in Five(L),115 J Gomez 4-7-9 Baker 6-5 8 Clash A. J.(L),120 O Gomez 2-6-2 Jones 8-1 4 Aunt Kat(L),118 D Davis 3-7-2 Mott 2-1 Gardner-Webb 60, UNC-Asheville 59
Georgia St. 82, Louisiana-Monroe 70
6 Inouaintalkintome(L),122 K Carmouche 2-3-2 Falcone 1-1 9 Joshua(M),120 K Carmouche x-x-x Falcone 10-1 5 Its Cold in Dehere(L),123 J Lezcano 2-5-1 Rice 4-1 Houston 81, Tulane 67

 
Kentucky 71, LSU 66
 6 1/2 fur; $37,000; clm($25,000); 4up
Both BASTET and R WORKING GIRL move lower after coming up  1 1/8 miles; $80,000; mdn; 3YO
Todd Pletcher has BEYOND BEST stretch longer and the Curlin colt
6 Easy to Bless(L),123
7 Sweet Willemina(L),123
J Correa
S Gonzalez
Longwood 71, Radford 66
Louisiana 82, Georgia So. 69
South Carolina 66, Mississippi St. 56

well short. Bastet missed by a neck racing at this level here in November. R should relish the real estate. Finished well for 4th at Gulfstream in latest. Texas St. 55, South Alabama 52
Working Girl scored easily at this longer distance 2 back. A RING THING Edge over SOUTH STREET who ran evenly, 3rd of 5 before leaving Santa
 6 fur; $55,000; alw; 3YO The Citadel 71, Mercer 67
was 3rd, about 4 lengths back of Bastet. Anita. Mott gives him another 1/16 to get there; gets Lezcano to ride. FROSTED WILD RIDE may be on the lead at a price. Fast filly has Troy 59, Texas-Arlington 53
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds STJAMES Some changes after finishing up the track here. Cancel UNC-Greensboro 73, W. Carolina 64
won 2 in a row here, latest with similar at 17-1. BEVERLYS CHARGE VCU 72, George Mason 66
on..blinkers on..1st time lasix. Extreme value. RED LINE OVERDRIVE Kentucky shipper placed 2nd with comparable. No history at Aqueduct.
1 Left Leaning Lucy(L),120 J Vargas, Jr 4-6-3 Donk 7-2 Another Pletcher colt who can benefit extending longer. 2nd racing 7/8. Virginia Tech 62, Georgia Tech 58
ROOSKI and LADY MILAGRO ran 2-3 behind top pick. Rooski won previous Wofford 83, VMI 72
2 Mia Bea Star(L),120 S Camacho, Jr 9-5-2 Persaud 12-1 PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds pair. Lady Milagro was 3rd again next out. OFALLTHEGINJOINTS smashed Midwest
3 Investment Grade(L),120 O Gomez 4-7-6 Jones 20-1 1 Stjames(M),120 E Cancel 6-4-x Gyarmati 30-1 her debut by 4+. Competitively spotted. Dayton 82, UMass 61
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds Drake 71, Valparaiso 65
4 Charlotte Webley(L),123 S Fret 6-1-5 Simmonds 8-1 2 Awesome Aaron(L),120 M Franco 5-x-x C Brown 9-2 Iowa St. 84, West Virginia 81
1 Lady Milagro(L),120 E Cancel 3-3-2 C Martin 9-2 Loyola Chicago 82, Evansville 31
5 A Ring Thing(L),123 J Lezcano 8-3-1 Vazquez 6-1 3 Beyond Best(L),120 T McCarthy 4-5-x Pletcher 8-5
2 Sweet Surprise(L),120 D Davis 1-8-9 Hills 15-1
Michigan 71, Rutgers 62
6 R Working Girl(L),123 H Harkie 4-1-4 Kantarmaci 5-2 4 South Street(L),120 J Lezcano 3-4-5 Mott 3-1 Missouri St. 83, Bradley 67
3 Frosted Wild Ride(L),115 J Gomez 1-1-9 Vazquez 8-1 N. Iowa 88, Indiana St. 82
7 Bastet(L),113 J Gomez 6-2-4 Barker 8-5 5 Writeitontheice(L),120 L Rod Castro 3-4-x Rodriguez 15-1 Notre Dame 79, Syracuse 69

4 Beverly's Charge(L),122 M Franco 2-6-8 Maker 5-2 S. Illinois 90, Illinois St. 69
6 Cheeky Tico(L),113 J Gomez 3-9-x Noda 15-1
 1 mile; $22,000; clm($8,000); 4up Wisconsin 68, Minnesota 67
5 Ofalltheginjoints(M),120 K Carmouche 1-x-x Levine 6-1 Southwest
7 Nobodyridesforfree(L),120 D Davis 3-x-x Englehart 12-1
Playing PLAYWRIGHT again but he left us 7th of 9 last time. Closer Appalachian St. 78, UALR 66
got up in time 2 races back, nipping the desperate MAGNETRON in a photo 8 Red Line Overdrive(M),120 K Carmouche 2-4-x Pletcher 7-2 6 Lanfrankophile(L),122 L Rod Castro 6-3-5 Lynch 12-1
SMU 75, Tulsa 61

finish. He was claimed by Atras who makes a rider change to Carmouche. 7 Bistrita(L),120 T McCarthy 1-2-x Englehart 6-1 Texas 75, TCU 66
POTANTICO Still skidding. Hasn't won in a couple of years. 4th racing a
mile here weeks ago. Speed on the rail; Gomez takes him as far as he goes.
 1 mile; $72,000; alw; 4up
The BREADMAN is 0 for 2 on dirt after running home a wide 3rd off
8 Kingdom Queen(L),120 J Davis 2-4-10 Mc Allen 12-1
Far West
Colorado St. 61, Wyoming 55
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds the layoff. Turf victory was earned racing a mile. DR ARDITO stretched to a 9 Rooski(L),122 J Vargas, Jr 2-1-1 Englehart 4-1
2 Potantico(L),113 J Gomez 4-4-3 Morley 5-2
mile and won at 2nd asking last April. Chad Browns colt may need a race. Tennis
FENWAY graduated on his 6th attempt then retreated sprinting with
3 Playwright(L),123 T McCarthy 7-1-3 Schettino 4-1 similar. Not sure he wants a mile yet. FORTY TWO ACE has won 2 straight, ATP World Tour Dubai Duty Free
4 Invest(L),120 L Rod Castro 6-6-2 Shivmangal 15-1
this oval, this distance. Threepeat in cards. SON OF AN EX broke maiden Tennis Championships
moving a mile, then a non-threatening 2nd racing 1 1/8. Closer needs it At Dubai Tennis Stadium; Dubai,
1 a-Threethehardway(L),120 M Luzzi 6-3-2 Barrera 8-1 fast up front to rebound. One of our President’s Day picks, Gentle United Arab Emirates; Purse:
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds Annie, scratched. The other, Caragate, got a $2,794,840; Surface: Hardcourt
5 Trappeze Artist(L),110 E Fuentes 9-7-6 Mc Allen 30-1 outdoor; Wednesday (seedings in
1A a-Blood Moon(L),116 O Hrndz Mreno 8-5-8 Barrera 8-1
1 Run for Boston(L),123 K Carmouche 6-2-3 Ryerson 12-1 piece of the pie, finishing third at 26-1 in the parentheses):
Men's Singles - Round of 16
6 Flowers for Lisa(L),115 A Hernandez 8-2-7 Englehart 6-1
2 Son of an Ex(L),123 H Harkie 2-1-8 Persaud 8-1 Maddie May Stakes. Unfortunately, that was Hubert Hurkacz (5), Poland, def. Alex
7 Magnetron(L),120 K Carmouche 2-6-2 Atras 9-5
3 Kodiak Brown(L),120 E Cancel 3-4-2 Englehart 20-1 one of the highlights last week. Down Molcan, Slovakia, 6-3, 6-2.
Jannik Sinner (4), Italy, def. Andy
4 Fenway(L),120 T McCarthy 7-1-5 Terranova II 5-1 -$159.80 for the meet. Murray, Britain, 7-5, 6-2.
8 Nutzforboltz(L),120 J Samuel 5-6-5 Noda 10-1
Race 5: Beyond Best, $30 to win. Andrey Rublev (2), Russia, def. Kwon

5 Breadman(L),123 J Lezcano 3-4-6 Terranova II 9-2 Soon Woo, South Korea, 4-6, 6-0, 6-3.
 7 fur; $70,000; mdn; 3YO
More ground for JUGGLER. Raced evenly, midpack last out.
6 Dr Ardito(L),123 M Franco 1-2-x C Brown 9-5
Race 8: Frosted Wild Ride, $4 across the
board. — Vic Cangialosi
Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Karen
Khachanov, Russia, 6-3, 7-6 (2).
7 Forty Two Ace(L),120 M Luzzi 1-1-2 Baker 2-1 Jiri Vesely, Czech Republic, def. Roberto
Runnerup lone try at this distance. COLLOQUY debuts for Clement. Davis Bautista Agut (8), Spain, 6-2, 6-4.
Denis Shapovalov (6), Canada, def.
Taro Daniel, Japan, 6-4, 6-3.
Yonkers results WTA Qatar Open
At Khalifa International Tennis and
FIRST: mile trot; nw7500l5; purse $13,000 TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 7:43 TIME- 28.3; 58.3; 1:27.0; 1:57.0 28.1; 58.1; 1:27.1; 1:56.4 1 VoletsRnbow(JBrtltt) 3.80 2.50 2.20 Squash Complex; Doha, Qatar; Purse:
TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 6:55 TIME- 28.0; 58.1; 1:27.3; 1:58.3 1 VoygToPrs(JBongorn) 11.40 4.80 2.60 4 Hunting As (T Buter) 5.90 3.70 2.10 7 Heavenssofarwy(GBrennn) 17.80 8.40 $2,632,448; Surface: Hardcourt
7 OkwoodCrlIr(JBngrn) 2.40 2.10 2.10 6 WldAndCrazyGuy(JBrtlett) 4.40 2.70 5 It AintTheWhisky(JMarohn) 5.80 3.40 2 Tenthousand Angels (JBongiorno) 3.20 outdoor; Wednesday (seedings in
28.3; 59.0; 1:28.1; 1:57.4 parentheses):
2 Bump In The Road (TButer) 7.30 3.30 3 Lucky Matter (M Kakaley) 2.20 1 All Champy (J Bartlett) 2.30 • Exacta (1-7) $80.50 • Triple (1-7-2) $296.00
4 Drazzmatzz(JStrtton) 6.20 3.40 2.50 Women's Singles - Round of 16
5 Im The Muscle (M Miller) 3.60 2.90 5 Ideal Chip (J Stratton) 2.10 • Exacta (1-6) $29.60 • Triple (1-6-3) $153.50 • Exacta (4-5) $26.00 • Triple (4-5-1) $71.00 • Superfecta (1-7-2-4) $44.40 • Pick 5 (1-5-4-7- Coco Gauff (14), United States, def.
1 Zooming (T Buter) 6.60 • Exacta (7-2) $18.20 • Triple (7-2-5) $36.80 SIXTH: mile pace; fmnw4pm; purse $18,000 EIGHTH: mile trot; 50000clm; purse $28,000 1) $2,549.00
Paula Badosa (3), Spain, 6-2, 6-3.
• Exacta (4-5) $23.60 • Triple (4-5-1) $240.00 FOURTH: mile trot; nw7500l5; purse $13,000 TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 8:44 TIME- TENTH: mile trot; nw5000l5; purse $11,500 Jelena Ostapenko (15), Latvia, def.
SECOND: mile trot; 50000clm; purse $28,000 TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 8:03 TIME- 28.0; 58.0; 1:27.3; 1:57.0 28.3; 58.4; 1:27.1; 1:57.4 TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 10:12 TIME Barbora Krejcikova (2), Czech
5 AltaMaderaN(TButer) 2.40 2.10 2.10 7 StckWthMKd(MKkly) 23.80 7.20 3.10 Outa Jail 5 6 5 5 5-5 1/4 6-4 1:59.0 22.10 Republic, 6-3, 6-2.
TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 7:21 TIME- 29.1; 59.0; 1:28.1; 1:59.0 Anett Kontaveit (4), Estonia, def. Elise
1 Stay Safe (A Siegelman) 6.70 4.30 TIME-28.2; 57.3; 1:27.1; 1:58.1
27.4; 56.0; 1:25.4; 1:57.4 1 MyByChrstn(PLchnc) 10.00 4.00 2.60 4 Plumb (J Bongiorno) 3.60 2.50 1 FshonForever(SSmth) 4.10 2.20 2.10 Mertens (16), Belgium, 6-3, 0-6, 6-2.
5 MufasaAs(ASegelmn) 57.50 22.80 10.20 2 Serrano Volo (G Brennan) 2.10 2.10 6 Who's Smokin N (J Marohn) 7.40 5 Smalltownthrowdown (J Bartlett) 2.30 4 Bazillionaire (J Bongiorno) 2.30 2.20 Ons Jabeur (8), Tunisia, def. Tereza
4 Eva Dairpet Fr (T Buter) 21.40 16.60 5 Miss You Kelly (J Marohn) 4.70 • Exacta (5-1) $13.80 • Triple (5-1-6) $100.50 • Exacta (7-4) $50.50 • Triple (7-4-5) $178.00 2 Teddy Brosevelt (A Siegelman) 2.70 Martincova, Czech Republic, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3.
7 Henderson Seelster (M Miller) 13.40 • Exacta (1-2) $15.80 • Triple (1-2-5) $121.00 • Superfecta (5-1-6-3) $18.55 • Pick 3 (1-1-5) • Superfecta (7-4-5-6) $50.45 • Pick 3 (5-4-7) • Exacta (1-4) $8.20 • Triple (1-4-2) $29.60 • Maria Sakkari (6), Greece, def. Jessica
• Exacta (5-4) $534.00 • Triple (5-4-7) • Superfecta (1-2-5-7) $38.35 • Pick 3 (5-7-1) $159.50 $66.50 • $1 Pick 6 (7-1-1-5-4-7) $83.00 Superfecta (1-4-2-6) $4.97 • Late double (1-1) Pegula (9), United States, 6-4, 7-5.
$786.00 • Pick 4 (4-5-7-1) $2,265.00 $11.40 • Pick 3 (7-1-1) $120.00 • Pick 4 (4-7-1- Iga Swiatek (7), Poland, def. Daria
$6,531.00 • Superfecta (5-4-7-3) $215.25 • SEVENTH: mile trot; nw10075l5; purse NINTH: mile pace; fmnw7pm; purse $20,000 Kasatkina, Russia, 6-3, 6-0.
Daily double (4-5) $118.00 FIFTH: mile trot; 75000clm; purse $30,000 $17,500 1) $452.00
TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 9:48 TIME- Garbine Muguruza (5), Spain, def.
THIRD: mile pace; fmnw2pm; purse $16,500 TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 8:24 TIME- TRACK: CONDITION-FT OFF: 9:04 TIME- 28.4; 58.2; 1:27.1; 1:55.2 Total Handle-$755,972. Madison Brengle, United States, 6-0, 6-2.

Yonkers entries for Thursday

FIRST: Mile pace; $13,000; cond 4 Duke Of Lindy (JStratton) 5-2-4 4-1 8 Gottalovemyshadow (Strttn) 5-4-8 20-1 3 Rockn Philly (SZeron) 1-2-1 9-1
Puzzles on Page 32
1 Bye Bye Michelle (JMarohn) 4-5-3 9-2 5 Joe Exotic (JBartlett) 5-1-3 5-1 SIXTH: Mile pace; $25,000; cond 4 La Bella Vita N (MMiller) 5-1-2 6-1
2 Paige's Girl (SZeron) 7-4-8 7-1 6 Keeper Of Secrets (SZeron) 2-6-3 4-1 1 VelocityMcsweets (Kakley) 5-6-1 9-2 5 Lit De Rose (PLachance) 4-1-4 5-1
3 E R Hilary (ASiegelman) 5-4-6 5-1 7 Mnemonic (MMiller) 4-7-2 20-1 2 McmarkleSparkle (GBrennn) 1-3-6 3-1 6 Racine Bell (JBartlett) 1-1-3 5-2 7 3 1 6 2 8 9 4 5 8 6 4 9 2 3 1 7 5
4 Ponder The Odds (MMiller) 2-3-7 9-2 8 Yucatan Party Man (TButer) 2-5-5 7-1 3 Andra Day (SZeron) 3-2-2 12-1 NINTH: Mile trot; $20,000; cond
5 Diamondtoothgerte(JBrtlett) 2-4-4 4-1 FOURTH: Mile pace; $21,500; cond 4 Imprincessgemma A (Dube) 2-1-5 9-5 1 StrikingGenson (Siegelman) 6-2-1 8-1 8 2 9 7 5 4 3 1 6 1 3 2 8 5 7 4 9 6
6 Classy Chapel N (MKakaley) 7-4-5 5-1 1 Fighting Evil (TButer) 2-2-8 4-1 5 Lucky Artist A (MMiller) 2-3-6 4-1 2 Awesome Trix (JMarohn) 8-1-3 3-1
7 WoodmereHarriet (Stratton) 1-7-5 6-1 2 Ladybeluckytonite (Brennn) 7-3-7 2-1 6 Cowgirl Lilly (TButer) 7-6-2 20-1 3 Perron (JStratton) 7-1-7 4-1 5 4 6 9 3 1 8 7 2 5 7 9 6 1 4 2 3 8
8 A Crafty Lady (DDube) 6-7-4 20-1 3 WoodmereSkyroller (Zeron) 3-2-1 8-1 7 The Fun Marshall (JBartlett) 4-4-6 12-1 4 HeartofgoldDevie (MKakley) 8-2-3 8-1
SECOND: Mile pace; $17,500; cond 4 Chuppah On (MKakaley) 4-2-1 7-1 8 Laurie Lee (JStratton) 2-1-2 20-1 5 LadyAnnNo (TSmedshmmer) 1-1-3 7-2 4 1 7 2 6 9 5 3 8 6 2 7 3 4 9 5 8 1
1 Dance Club (DDube) 8-4-6 2-1 5 Tobago Time (JMarohn) 3-3-6 12-1 SEVENTH: Mile pace; $21,500; cond 6 Blank Space As (JBartlett) 4-4-2 7-2
2 PrayTheRosary (Siegelman) 6-4-3 5-2 6 Major Battle (MMiller) 4-2-2 3-1 1 Greenhill Hanover (TButer) 7-5-5 12-1 7 Grafenberg (GBrennan) 1-3-5 20-1 6 8 5 4 1 3 2 9 7 4 1 3 5 8 2 9 6 7
3 Acefourtyfour Alex (MMiller) 4-4-5 20-1 7 Campus Queen (JStratton) 4-7-1 8-1 2 Iron Mistress (VGinsburg) 5-6-5 8-1 8 Titans Hope (SZeron) 4-5-1 20-1
4 Checkered Past (TButer) 1-3-8 6-1 8 Malnificent (JBartlett) 5-8-5 20-1 3 Magical Mistress(GBrennan) 2-4-4 5-1 TENTH: Mile pace; $30,000; cond 2 9 3 5 8 7 1 6 4 9 5 8 7 6 1 3 2 4
5 Ys Tallia (SZeron) 3-1-3 5-1 FIFTH: Mile pace; $11,500; cond 4 Easy To Please (JStratton) 4-1-2 5-2 1 Mystical Carrie (MMiller) 6-6-2 7-2
6 Babs Jansen (MKakaley) 7-4-4 6-1 1 Tell Me A Joke (JBartlett) 7-5-7 9-2 5 ManDontforgetMe(JBartlett) 3-3-1 4-1 2 Neverforgetwhour (JStrattn) 1-5-2 7-2 9 5 2 3 7 6 4 8 1 3 9 5 1 7 8 6 4 2
7 Cousin Mary (JBartlett) 7-3-3 15-1 2 Cabowabocuttie (TButer) 3-7-2 7-2 6 Thebeachiscalling(MKakley) 1-3-4 7-2 3 Coral Bella (JBartlett) 6-7-7 15-1
8 Milady Denver A (JStratton) 8-5-2 20-1 3 Crystal Sparkles N (SZeron) X-3-5 20-1 7 Betterb Chevron N (SZeron) 3-7-4 20-1 4 AnnabelleHanover (YGingrs) 7-2-6 9-2 3 6 8 1 4 5 7 2 9 7 4 6 2 9 5 8 1 3
THIRD: Mile trot; $18,000; cond 4 Ideal Hannah (MKakaley) 4-8-1 4-1 8 Demeter N (JMarohn) 1-3-2 9-1 5 HeavensShowgrlA(GBrennn) 6-5-3 5-1
1 Sv Royal Flush (DDube) 5-6-3 15-1 5 Scandalicious (GBrennan) 6-3-6 3-1 EIGHTH: Mile pace; $39,000; Open 6 Machnhope (SZeron) 3-2-3 3-1 1 7 4 8 9 2 6 5 3 2 8 1 4 3 6 7 5 9
6 Fear My Shadow (JMarohn) 3-1-6 5-1 7 Sports Flix (JMarohn) 5-2-6 20-1
2 P L Oscar (JMarohn) 1-1-3 9-2
7 Sweet SallySue (Siegelman) 6-5-7 6-1
1 Karma Seelster (JStratton) 2-1-1 2-1
8 Jive Dancing A (DDube) 3-5-1 20-1 Solution to Very Easy #5,738 Solution to Difficult #5,528
3 Infinite Zette (MKakaley) 4-5-2 3-1 2 Alexa Skye (YGingras) 4-4-2 9-2


The Line Spread value gone, so take
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

College Basketball
Powered by
PTS Underdog Over on Celtics’ team total
Updated lines at TENNESSEE ST. 8.5 Marshall
By Joe Dellera They are 27th in net rating over
OAKLAND 6.5 Ipfw their past 10 games.
NHL WRIGHT STATE 7.5 Youngstown Now, they come out of the
State Both the Celtics and the Nets are break against a Celtics team
Thursday QUINNIPIAC 2.5 Siena looking to finish the season strong that was scorching hot and
Favorite Money Line Underdog MEMPHIS 12.5 Temple and climb up the Eastern Confer- plays lock-down defense. I
Bryant 4.5 ST. FRANCIS NY ence standings. Will the Celtics cool fully anticipate the Nets to
RANGERS $105-130 Capitals Mount St. Mary’s 2.5 SACRED HEART off a bit following an extended struggle in this matchup. Even
Islanders $105-125 SHARKS St. Francis PA 1.5 CENTRAL break? Can the Nets compete though Boston has had difficul-
without any of their biggest ties on offense, a date with a
PENGUINS $260-350 Devils LONG ISLAND 6 Merrimack
stars at home? Let’s break porous Nets defense may
WINTHROP 10.5 Usc Upstate
PANTHERS $300-400 Blue Jackets down the prime-time be just what it needs to
STEPHEN F. 6.5 Sam Houston matchup Thursday out kick start a run after the
MAPLE LEAFS $135-160 Wild AUSTIN State
Wis. Milwaukee 7 IUPUI of the All-Star break. break.
PREDATORS $125-150 Stars RICE 4.5 Louisiana Tech The Nets are ex- This line is on the
NORTH TEXAS 22.5 Southern Miss tremely dependent on move. The Celtics already
Bruins $185-225 KRAKEN Kevin Durant, which have been hammered to
N. COLORADO 5.5 E. Washington
Flames $125-155 CANUCKS N. ARIZONA 3.5 Idaho State makes sense consid- -6.5 from an open at -2. As a
ering he was the result, the best way to back
Home team in CAPS MVP front-runner the Celtics is their team to-
Uab 15.5 UTSA
prior to his injury. tal, as I expect them to put
NBA ILLINOIS 8.5 Wis. Green Bay
CHICAGO He remains out. up points against this Nets
Thursday Louisiana Tech 4.5 RICE The issue is they team that truly lacks wing
SE MISSOURI Tennessee are now without option No. 2 defenders.
Favorite PTS (O/U) Underdog 6.5 THE PLAY: Celtics
STATE Martin (Kyrie Irving) and No. 3 (Ben
Celtics 6.5 (213.5) NETS UTAH VALLEY 2.5 Seattle Simmons). And the Nets’ of- team total, Over 110.5
Cavaliers 8.5 (210.5) PISTONS UMKC 2 South Dakota fense just cannot outpace (-110).
South Dakota the points their defense Joe Dellera handicaps the
BULLS 3.5 (234.5) Hawks State 3.5 ORAL ROBERTS
was inevitably giving up. NBA for Action Network.
Suns 10.5 (214.5) THUNDER ST. THOMAS 2.5 Denver
Buffalo 12.5 NORTHERN
Grizzlies 2.5 (239.5) T’WOLVES ILLINOIS
Warriors 8.5 (223.5) TRAIL BLAZERS ABILENE 16.5 Lamar
SportS ShortS
Nuggets 4.5 (231.5) KINGS TARLETON Ut Rio Grande SOCCER: NYCFC advances Azzi Fudd added 13 as No. 7 Connecticut
STATE 7.5 Valley won the Big East women’s conference title
Friday Alfredo Morales and Maxime Chanot with a 69-38 victory over Marquette. The
HOUSTON 5.5 Incarnate Word
Heat 5.5 (213.5) KNICKS BAPTIST each scored in the first half and forward Tal- Huskies also clinched the top seed in the Big
MAGIC 4.5 (228.5) Rockets TENNESSEE TECH 5 Tennessee State les Magno added two goals in the second East Tournament.
SIU 2 Austin Peay half to help NYCFC advance in the Concacaf  In Charlottesville, Va., A.J. Griffin hit
PACERS 7.5 (216.5) Thunder EDWARDSVILLE Champions League with a 4-0 victory back-to-back 3-pointers and scored on a drive
Spurs 1.5 (225.5) WIZARDS Morehead State 16.5 EASTERN Wednesday over Santos de Guapiles at Banc after making just one basket in the first 36
ILLINOIS of California Stadium in Los Angeles. minutes and No. 7 Duke beat Virginia 65-61.
Raptors 1.5 (225.5) HORNETS Texas A&M
Corpus Christ 1 MCNEESE STATE NYCFC earned a 6-0 win on aggregate in  In the Bronx, Chuba Ohams tied his
76ers 1.5 (229.5) TIMBERWOLVES NORTHWESTERN the Round of 16 and await a quarterfinal op- career high with 20 points plus 13 rebounds
Nicholls State 6 STATE ponent to be determined in early March. as Fordham topped La Salle 60-54.
JAZZ 6.5 (216.5) Mavericks
SUNS 7.5 (226.5) Pelicans
Gonzaga 9 SAN FRANCISCO  In Frisco, Texas, Catarina Macario and NHL: Perry gets 400th goal in TB win
MURRAY STATE 3.5 Belmont Mallory Pugh each scored two goals and
LAKERS 1.5 (224.5) Clippers SOUTHERN UTAH 5 Montana Kristie Mewis added a tally in the 88th Corey Perry became the 103rd NHL
ILLINOIS 6 Ohio State minute to help the U.S. women’s national player to reach 400 goals with his tally in the
Home team in CAPS team win the SheBelieves Cup title with a 5-0 second period and the Lightning beat the
California Baptist 1 DIXIE STATE victory over Iceland. Oilers 5-3 in Tampa, Fla.
College Basketball COLORADO 6 Arizona State NCAA: Michigan beats Rutgers  In Dallas, Tyler Seguin scored 54 sec-
Thursday SE LOUISIANA 2 New Orleans onds into overtime on a play that required a
Favorite PTS Underdog Ucla 3.5 OREGON Caleb Houstan scored 13 of his career-high review, and the Stars beat the Jets 3-2.
Wagner 12.5 FAIRLEIGH Saint Mary’s CA 12 SAN DIEGO 21 points in the second half when Michigan  In Detroit, Gabriel Landeskog opened
DICKINSON Santa Clara 10.5 PEPPERDINE pulled away to beat Rutgers 71-62 in Ann Ar- the scoring 1:12 in and capped it with an emp-
NORTHEASTERN 8.5 William & Mary Portland 1 PACIFIC bor, Mich. without head coach Juwan How- ty-netter for his 25th goal of the season, help-
MIAMI OHIO 10.5 Central Michigan Loyola ard, who was serving the first of a five-game ing the NHL-leading Avalanche beat the Red
WESTERN ILLINOIS 12.5 Nebraska Omaha BYU 12.5 Marymount suspension. Former longtime Saint Joseph’s Wings 5-2.
CHARLOTTE 8.5 Florida Int’l SACRAMENTO coach and current Michigan associate head EtC.: Z. Johnson named captain
STATE 1.5 Idaho
Cleveland State 2.5 DETROIT coach Phil Martelli was filling in for Howard,
INDIANA 6.5 Maryland Weber State 3 PORTLAND ST. suspended and fined by the Big Ten after hit- Two-time major champion Zach John-
Florida Atlantic 1.5 OLD DOMINION Cal Irvine 1 CS FULLERTON ting a Wisconsin assistant coach in the head son is taking over as Ryder Cup captain,
WINTHROP 10.5 Usc Upstate
CAL RIVERSIDE 12 Cs Northridge during the handshake line after a loss Sunday. according to sources, leading an American
LONG BEACH 8 Uc San Diego Ron Harper Jr. scored 19 points for Rutgers. side trying to end 30 years without a vic-
DELAWARE 4.5 Charleston
N. KENTUCKY 10.5 Robert Morris
STATE  In Providence, R.I., Jared Bynum had tory on European soil.
DREXEL 5.5 Nc Wilimington
Usc 10 OREGON STATE 27 points, including a key 3-pointer to help  Spanish figure skater Laura Barquero
Arizona 11.5 UTAH 11th-ranked Providence hold off Xavier 99-92 became the fourth athlete to fail a doping
HOFSTRA 14.5 Elon HAWAII 11.5 Cal Poly Slo in triple overtime. test from the Beijing Olympics after testing
LONG ISLAND 8.5 Merrimack Home team in CAPS  In Hartford, Conn., Evina Westbrook positive for the banned steroid clostebol, the
came off the bench to score 17 points and International Testing Agency said.


New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Home Team Lineups HOME
Feb. 24
Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Mar. 1
Mar. 2
Odds & Ends BET SMART
Phila. NHL
7:30 7:30 Odds to win 2021-22
NO NO 1:00 NO NO
MSG MSG Presidents Trophy
Boston Avalanche +130
7:30 Milw. Tor. Tor. Panthers 3/2
TNT NO 8:30 NO 7:30 7:30 NO
660 AM/ WFAN WFAN WFAN Hurricanes 11/1
101.9 FM Maple Leafs 16/1
Pitts. Van. St. L. Flames 66/1
NO 3:00 7:30 NO NO 7:30 Wild 66/1
ESPN Penguins 80/1
98.7 FM
Rangers 100/1
San Jose Ducks 500/1
L.A. Ana. Col.
NO 10:30 8:30 NO 9:00 NO Bruins 500/1
ESPN ESPN ESPN Stars 500/1
98.7 FM
Red Wings 500/1
Oilers 500/1
Pittsburgh Chic. Van. CBJ
NO NO NO Kings 500/1
7:00 8:30 7:30 7:00
MSG+ MSG+ MSG+ ESPN+ Predators 500/1
Islanders 500/1
Sharks 500/1
DeP. Xav.
NO NO NO NO NO Blues 500/1
5:00 6:30
FS1 FS1 Canucks 500/1
Golden Knights 500/1
San Capitals 500/1
NO NO Jose NO NO NO NO Jets 500/1
GAME GAME 6:00 GAME GAME GAME GAME RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME: Ryan Blaney has steadily improved his finish in re-
MSG Odds to win
division cent years at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. Action Network’s Nick Giffen ad-
Metropolitan vises bettors to jump on his 12/1 mid-week odds for the Wise Power 400 on Sunday.
5:00 By Nick GiffeN In other words, Blaney is consistently
ESPN better at Auto Club than he is at an aver-
Penguins 4/1
age track. Additionally, he’s improved
Rangers 7/1 The Daytona 500 came down to an ex- every year the series has run at Auto
Capitals 80/1 citing overtime finish, with rookie Aus- Club. Blaney is also driving a Ford,
Today's Sports on the Air Devils 500/1 tin Cindric taking home his first career which won the Busch Light Clash, both
Celtics at Nets TNT, Islanders 500/1 NASCAR Cup Series victory. Duels at Daytona and the Daytona 500.
NBA 7:30 p.m.
WFAN (660 AM/101.9 FM) Blue Jackets 500/1 Unfortunately, the 40/1 prop bet I rec- My statistical model gives Blaney a 9.0
10 p.m. Warriors at Trail Blazers TNT Flyers 500/1 ommended barely missed cashing as percent chance to win on Sunday. The
NHL 7 p.m. Capitals at Rangers ESPN, ESPN (98.7 FM) Chase Elliott beat Ty Dillon to the line 12/1 line translates to a 7.7 percent im-
7 p.m. Devils at Penguins MSG+ Atlantic Sunday for top Chevy by a foot. plied win probability.
10:30 p.m. Islanders at Sharks MSG+, ESPN (98.7 FM) TEAM ODDS Nevertheless, we press on. DraftKings has the most generous line
College 11 a.m. Women: Quinnipiac at Marist ESPNU Panthers -200 With the pomp and circumstance of right now with this 12/1 offering, but I
Basketball 6 p.m. Wagner at Fairleigh Dickinson CBSSN
6 p.m. Women: Michigan State at Michigan BTN Lightning 3/1 Daytona now in the rearview mirror, the don’t mind grabbing this at 11/1 on Fan-
7 p.m. Temple at Memphis ESPN2 Maple Leafs 9/2 season-long grind begins this weekend Duel as well.
7 p.m. South Carolina Upstate at Winthrop ESPNU Bruins 150/1 at Auto Club Speedway. The Fontana, Christopher Bell (5/1) for a top-5
7 p.m. Elon at Hofstra SNY Red Wings 500/1
Calif., track is a 2-mile stretch known finish
7 p.m. Maryland at Indiana FS1 for high tire wear. Drivers who can best Bell didn’t exactly shine at the high-
Senators 500/1
8 p.m. DePaul at Georgetown CBSSN manage their tires often do well. wear tracks last year, but there are some
8 p.m. Women: Boston College at Duke YES Sabres 750/1 The most comparable track to Auto good signs for him.
8 p.m. Women: Iowa at Rutgers BTN Canadiens 750/1 Club is Atlanta before it was repaved First, his best finish last year at the
8 p.m. Women: Clemson at Notre Dame ACCN Pacific this past offseason. Others might like to high tire wear tracks came at the second
8:30 p.m. Women: South Carolina at Texas A&M SECN include Homestead and Darlington, as Atlanta race. He also won at Atlanta in
9 p.m. Gonzaga at San Francisco ESPN2 TEAM ODDS
9 p.m. Belmont at Murray State ESPNU Flames -250
well. While they are useful compari- both the Truck and Xfinity Series. Bell
9 p.m. Ohio State at Illinois FS1 sons, they can be a bit misleading be- also grabbed a third-place result at Auto
Golden Knights 5/2
9 p.m. Arizona State at Colorado Pac-12 cause certain drivers perform quite dif- Club in his final Xfinity season.
Oilers 14/1 ferently at Homestead and Darlington Perhaps most impressively, he scored
9:30 p.m. UCLA at Oregon ESPN
10 p.m. Loyola Marymount at BYU CBSSN Kings 35/1 than they do at Atlanta and Auto Club. two top-11 finishes, one each at Home-
11 p.m. Arizona at Utah FS1 Ducks 100/1 Books will often lump these high-tire- stead and Darlington in his rookie sea-
11 p.m. USC at Oregon State ESPN2 Sharks 300/1 wear tracks all together, leaving value son with the underfunded and now-de-
Golf 2 p.m. PGA Tour: The Honda Classic, 1st Round GOLF Canucks 300/1 on the table to bet certain drivers. funct Leavine Family Racing.
ATP Dubai, ATP Santiago, ATP Acapulco, That’s exactly where I’m looking for That said, my model gives Bell a 27.8
Kraken 500/1
Tennis 6 a.m. WTA Doha, WTA Guadalajara: my best outright bet of the week. percent chance of hitting a top five.
Early Rounds TENNIS Central Ryan Blaney (12/1) to win While that might be a bit too generous,
ATP Santiago, ATP Acapulco, WTA TEAM ODDS
6 p.m.
Guadalajara: Early Rounds TENNIS
Blaney opened at 14/1 odds to win he needs to achieve a top five only 16.7
CONCACAF Champions League Round of Avalanche -1600 Sunday, but there’s still value in this line. percent of the time to be profitable.
Soccer 8:30 p.m. Wild 9/1 Just looking at average green flag So, even if my model is overestimating
16: Forge FC at Cruz Azul, 2nd Leg FS2
CONCACAF Champions League Round of Blues 66/1 speed, here are Blaney’s ranks at Auto his chances, it would have to be doing
10:30 p.m. Club compared to his full-year rank: so by quite a wide margin to be wrong.
16: F.C. Motagua at Seattle, 2nd Leg FS2 Predators 80/1
High School: Vertical Academy (N.C.) 2017: 10 vs. 13 I would bet Bell to finish in the top
Basketball 5:30 p.m. Stars 500/1
at Oak Hill Academy (Va.) ESPN2 2018: 8 vs. 11 five as low as 4/1 odds.
G-League: Westchester Knicks Jets 500/1
8 p.m. 2019: 4 vs. 10 Nick Giffen handicaps NASCAR for
at Wisconsin Herd MSG Coyotes 1,000/1 2020: 2 vs. 5 Action Network.
Horse Racing Noon Trackside Live MSG+ Blackhawks 1,000/1

Chara poised to break

games-played record
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

By Ethan SEarS
Chris Chelios and Zdeno Chara is tied with
Chara are both supersti- Chris Chelios for the
tious, so neither reached most games played by
out to each other until a defenseman in NHL
Wednesday, after the Is- history. Getty Images
landers’ Chara had tied
Chelios’ NHL record for
the most career games
played as a defenseman.
The two didn’t cross
paths much when they
were both in the NHL.
Chelios, who played in the
league from 1984-2010, re-
called the one time he tried
to hit the 6-foot-9 Chara
“was like running into a
brick wall.” They spoke for
15-20 minutes Wednesday,
with Chelios conveying his Thursday it was always clear he’d
respect. have longevity.
Chara, in turn, offered to ISlanderS “He signed those long-
fly Chelios and his wife to at SharkS term extensions, the first
San Jose, Calif., for the Is- 10:30 p.m. one he signed was until he
landers-Sharks game MSG+ was 40, and he had all the
Thursday, in which Chara ESPN Radio intention in the world to
will play his 1,652nd game play until the end of that
and become the all-time
(98.7 FM) contract,” Bergeron said.
leader among defensemen. “And I could tell by that last
Chelios had to decline and you’re watching that, year he still had more in
since he’ll be working in you’ve gotta take notice,” the tank and he wanted to
the studio for ESPN, but Trotz said recently. “He’s a accomplish more. So I was
may try to make it to Long total professional.” not surprised to see him
Island for a game if the Is- That won’t show up in carry on and keep playing.”
landers hold a ceremony Chara’s numbers or even Chelios played until he
for Chara at some point on the ice. But Trotz and was 48, finishing out his ca-
this season. the rest of the Islanders reer with a short stint in
“He’s just a class act,” agree how much of a differ- Atlanta. By that measure,
Chelios told The Post of ence it makes in their Chara, who will turn 45 on
Chara. “He has been his room. March 18, still has a few

whole career. It’s a good It took all of a week be- years left. He has managed
thing he wasn’t a real mean fore Mathew Barzal no- to play 18:31 a game for the
guy — he could do a lot of ticed Chara’s work ethic Islanders this season, get-

Steve Phelps
damage out there.” this season. When he went ting penalty-kill minutes as
That encapsulates much into the gym on off days, well as even strength. He
of why, at 44, Chara is still a he’d see Chara already hav- could be a target at the
respected figure on the Is- ing started a workout. trade deadline should he
landers and throughout the When he left, Chara would want to move to a playoff
league. Though he’s not the still be going. team.
player he was a decade ago, “I was like, ‘Oh my god, “I think he provides that
Chara has achieved an al- this guy has a crazy engine,’ leadership,” Chelios said.
most unparalleled longev- ” Barzal said. That assertion would be
ity in a career that has “He doesn’t cut any cor- backed up by the rest of the
spanned 24 seasons, thanks ners,” Trotz said. “I mean, Islanders.
to a willingness to keep his there is no corners cut. After tying the record,
head down and work, al- Doesn’t take a day off un- Trotz gave Chara the floor.
ways putting the team first. less I force him to take a He chose to talk about the
Ahead of the milestone, day off.” team.
Chara declined to talk to Earlier in his career, Pa- “To play as long as long
the media. According to trice Bergeron noticed the as he has and he’s so quiet
teammates, he didn’t say same. about it, it is remarkable,”
anything about the record “The way he takes care of Trotz said. “I don’t know if
internally, either. It’s the his body on and off the ice, we’re gonna see athletes
same quality that leads him he just wants to work on like that playing as long as
to always refer to Barry his weaknesses and make it they have and contributing
Trotz as “coach,” even a strength,” Bergeron said. as long as these two guys
when the Islanders’ boss “To me it’s again, his will. have.
has told him he can go with His will to be at his best “He’s one game away
Barry, or to carry other and push his limits.” from standing there all by
players’ bags when they’re Bergeron said Chara himself. That’s pretty re-
left out for a trainer. never made it explicit how markable.”
“If you’re a young player long he wanted to play, but

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

By Larry Brooks “I feel like I’ve played with one or ond-place Pittsburgh, the Penguins
two guys on every single team now. holding two games in hand, and five
You probably saw it. You’re still friends before the game, still points behind first-place Carolina.
And if you did, if you were watching friends after the game but you’re fight- The Capitals, meanwhile, winners of
All-Star weekend through the lens of ing tooth and nail during the game. I three of their last four after enduring a
a Rangers fan, the chumminess on mean, I grew up with Garnet Hatha- 5-8-2 stretch, hold the first wild-card
the Metropolitan Division way, he’s on Washington, he’s one of spot, four points behind the Rangers
bench between Chris Krei- my best buddies, and that’s a guy who while having played two more games.
der and Tom Wilson, Public does a really good job of putting things The clubs will not meet again until the
Enemy No. 1 around these to the side and doing his job. April 29 season finale at the Garden.
parts for the last nine- “The minute the puck’s dropped, Other than home ice, finishing in
plus months, almost your only friends out there are the the Metro’s top three eliminates the
surely took you aback. guys out there wearing the same jer- possibility of the wild card and draw-
Now, with Wilson sey as you. I think that’s what being a ing either Florida or Tampa Bay in the
and the Capitals pro is all about, it’s being able to re- first round. But all that is still a long
a-back at the spect one another and converse with way away for a Rangers team that
Garden on one another away from the ice but ob- hasn’t qualified for the playoffs since
Thursday for viously doing your job and battling 2017. Hypothetical matchups seem to
the first incredibly hard and being competi- have about as much of the Rangers’
time since tive when you’re playing that game.” immediate attention as does Wilson.
the conflagra- There has been none of the hype “I want to win games to get points.
tion, which en- surrounding Wilson that dominated I’m not really concerned with who
snared Artemi the lead-up to the Oct. 13 opener in you’re going to play in the playoffs, if
Panarin and a cast Washington, which fizzled into a 5-1 you make the playoffs,” Gallant said.
of thousands, erupted on disorderly defeat. It doesn’t seem that “I want to win games, I want to win
the ice last May 3 before this has reached even the level of an the division. It’s a battle to do that.
planting itself in the psy- afterthought on the eve of the clubs’ “If we’re fortunate enough to the
che of citizens of Rangers- first meeting since the first night. playoffs, we’re going to play a good
town right beside Dave “We haven’t talked about it once,” team. I wouldn’t know which to pick
MOST Schultz-Dale Rolfe, Kreider head coach Gerard Gallant said. “I [as an opponent] right now. Can I
WANTED: explained his interactions with think there’s nothing. I really think look at you and say, ‘This is a better
The Garden No. 43 at the Vegas extravaganza. there’s nothing. matchup?’ I can’t say that.
hosts the
Thursday “There’s a respect and professional- “It’s another game against a team “If you look at the eight teams that
Capitals for Capitals ism away from the game and I think that’s a rival, a division opponent
that’s a few points behind us and that’s
are in today, if that’s how it finishes,
what team would you want to play?
everyone understands that,” said
the first time at RangeRs Kreider, who has slipped to third in what’s important. I don’t think there’s Seriously.”
since Tom 7 p.m.
Wilson rag- the Art Ross race with 33 goals, two anything there [regarding Wilson].” Thursday, it’s the Capitals for the
dolled Artemi ESPN behind leader Leon Draisaitl and one The Blueshirts are nestled in third first time since Game 1. They are
Panarin last ESPN Radio behind Auston Matthews. “When the place in the division, four points up bringing Mr. Wilson with them.
season. (98.7 FM) pucks drop, obviously things change with two games in hand on Washing- Shhh.
Getty Images
dramatically. ton. They are one point behind sec-

Miller’s emergence makes second pairing formidable

By Larry Brooks “They’re interchangeable, against the top lines. ID-19 infection, has re- tice,” Gallant said of Nemeth. asked whether the same
that’s a perfect word,” head “It’s coming. It’s obviously claimed his spot on the third “We were happy with his concept about not sitting
K’Andre Miller’s ascension coach Gerard Gallant said. not there, but there are steps pair across from Schneider game. applies to Morgan Bar-
has created a scenario under “You can play either against going in the right direction. after returning to the lineup “And again, Jonesy is a ron, who has been a
which Rangers coach Gerard the first or second line and it That’s the goal, on Sunday at Ot- young player we really liked scratch the past three
Gallant is equally comforta-
ble with using either the
doesn’t matter.
“It depends on the night,
and it’s a goal for
every team, but it
RANGERS tawa. Zac Jones
has returned to
in all the games he played
but we really don’t want
games, the coach said, “We
always want to get those
Ryan Lindgren-Adam Fox who’s playing well, and would be a huge NOTES the AHL Wolf somebody sitting in the kids games, but I think
duo or the Miller-Jacob maybe a little bit on size and thing for us.” Pack after getting stands. We want him to play you’re going to see Barron
Trouba tandem as his physicality. But for the most Patrik Nemeth, who had into five matches this time some games down there and sooner than later.”
matchup defense pair against part, they’re interchangeable missed seven straight games around. if we have to bring him back Barron, who has played in
the opposition’s top guns. … and that’s what we want while it was believed he was “He played hard, he was up, we’ll bring him back up nine NHL games thus far this
That means against the our third pair to be, too, with dealing with aftereffects good, he looked quick and with no issues.” season, has been skating the
unit on which Alex Ovech- [Braden] Schneider coming, from a late December COV- has been really good in prac- last two days on a four-man
kin skates when the Capitals
come to the Garden on
a young kid, but that’s what
you’d love to see, not worry-
➤ Gallant may
dropped a hint about
have unit with Greg McKegg, Fi-
lip Chytil and Julien Gau-
Thursday. ing about who’s on the ice
Avery returns to hockey / Page 42 Thursday’s lineup. When thier.
Thibs not

Wes ‘rift’
By GreG Joyce
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Tom Thibodeau was placed fur-

ther into the crosshairs during the
NBA All-Star break, but the Knicks
coach says he isn’t paying it much
Last Thursday, a day after the
Knicks last played a game, SNY re-
ported that executive vice presi-
dent William Wesley, in conversa-
tions with owner James Dolan, at
least partially blamed Thibodeau
for the team’s struggles. The Knicks
currently are 12th in the Eastern
In his first comments since then,
though, Thibodeau insisted he was
not worried about it.
“I talk to Wes all the time,” Thibo-
deau said Wednesday. “I don’t re-
spond to rumors or any of that stuff.
I know the drill here. I’ve been here
before so I don’t worry about any of
that stuff.”

When the Knicks hired Thibo-
deau, they preached that he and the
front office — led by his former
agent, team president Leon Rose —
were in lockstep.
“I talk to Leon every day, talk to
Wes every day,” said Thibodeau,
who is in the second year of a five-
year contract. “So that doesn’t
Coming out of the All-Star break,
Thibodeau will be tasked with try-
ing to revive a Knicks team that has
lost 13 of its last 16 games. He hinted
at lineup changes before the break, T IS that time of year again. For Wisconsin game Sunday, the
but did not reveal any on Wednes-
day, aside from Kemba Walker be-
ing shut down for the season.
I the 42nd straight winter, we
can bask in the eternal after-
glow of the Miracle on Ice, which Mike
subject has gone fairly quickly
from hand-shaking to hand-
wringing, as in: Maybe we

took place this week in 1980. It should just get rid of the post-
➤ Mitchell Robinson practiced
with the Knicks on Wednesday, two
was Feb. 24 when the U.S. beat
Finland for the Olympic gold, 4-2,
game handshake line alto-
days after revealing that his father when coach Herb Brooks deliv- Which is, in a word, absurd.
is missing in Florida. ered the single-greatest locker- Michigan State coach Tom Izzo to do is shake the
“Just support him as much as we room speech in sports history. Eruzione recalled a few years ago became something of a spokes- other guy’s hand. Then, at 7, you
can,” Thibodeau said. Trailing 2-1 after two periods, at another Olympics. “And we man for sportsmanship Tuesday probably don’t want to do your
The Escambia County Sheriff’s Brooks kept it simple. shook theirs. And, I swear, a few when he opted for a common- homework or take a bath, either.
Office in Pensacola, Fla., said in a “You lose this game,” he told his of the Soviet players even had sense take on all of this: “That, to Except there’s usually a
Feb. 13 Facebook post that a man hickey team, “you’ll take it to smiles on their faces.” me, would be the biggest farce, grown-up somewhere telling you:
identified as 39-year-old Mitchell your f---in’ grave.” They heeded And there you have it: joke, ridiculous nature of any- It’s the right thing to do.
Robinson Jr. has been reported as the warning. If the U.S. and USSR, in the thing I’ve ever heard of,” Izzo Honestly, now more than ever,
missing since Feb. 11. Two days earlier, of course, the very middle of a frigid Cold War, said. it’s important to honor the post-
U.S. beat the USSR in what was could find it in themselves to ac- He added: “Not shaking hands, game handshake line, not make it
➤ Nerlens Noel, who missed the
final five games before the break
understood even in real time as
being something of a genuine
tually go through a postgame
handshake line, then the basket-
that’s typical of our country right
now. Instead of solving the prob-
disappear. It’s part of who we are,
after all. It’s part of our culture.
with a foot injury, practiced fully on marvel. The U.S. team was made ball coach at the University of lem, let’s make an excuse and let’s After they were done pulverizing
Wednesday, Thibodeau said. up of college players from Minne- Michigan — or any other school, see if, instead of confronting and each other for 15 rounds, Apollo
sota and Massachusetts, the Rus- for that matter — ought to be able demanding that it changes, let’s Creed hugged Rocky Balboa, said,
➤ RJ Barrett said the Knicks cel-
ebrated Obi Toppin after he won
sians were comprised of profes-
sionals, the Red Army Team. And
to make it through a postgame
handshake line and not turn into
eliminate it so that we don’t have
those problems.”
“Ain’t gonna be no rematch,” and
Rocky said, “Don’t want one.”
the NBA Slam Dunk Contest on when the deed was done, after Bruce Banner, with one cross He’s right, of course. From the After the Mean Machine beat the
Saturday night. Lake Placid Field House exploded look turning him into The Incred- first time we play competitive guards in “The Longest Yard,”
“First of all, those dunks were ri- in a roar for the ages and the So- ible Hulk. sports as young kids, the first one of the hacks actually told
diculous,” Barrett said. “Some of viets watched with curiosity from In the wake of Juwan Howard thing we learn is that after the Burt Reynolds’ Paul Crewe: “You
those dunks, I’ve never seen before. their blue line as the Americans getting suspended the rest of the game’s over, you shake hands. know, you guys ain’t half bad.”
So man, he can fly for real. Just celebrated raucously, an interest- regular season for throwing a When you’re 7 and you’ve just “You’re right,” Crewe said,
happy that he was able to win that ing thing happened. punch during the postgame hand- lost a basketball game 33-5, the laughing.
for himself and win something for “They shook our hands,” Mike shake line after the Michigan- last thing in the world you want (Of course, at the end of “The
the team.”
St. John’s lets big

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

chance slip away
By Zach BraZiller the heels of a Posh Alex-
TOSS UP: ander steal to get the
So many chances. So Posh Alexander Johnnies the lead back
many close games. So few goes up for a with 3:16 to go. Creighton
victories. shot in St. answered with four
St. John’s again couldn’t John’s 81-78 straight points, however,
close out a tight game loss to to go ahead for good, as
against a quality oppo- Creighton on the Johnnies went score-
nent. The game Wednes- Wednesday. less over the next 2:42.
day night was at Carnes- Corey Sipkin
They had three empty
ecca Arena, but the loca- trips in that span, and
tion really doesn’t matter. their two stars — Cham-
History just keeps repeat- pagnie and Alexander —
ing itself. This time, the didn’t get a shot on those
Red Storm wasted a nine- possessions.
point lead. Even an injury With 12:25 left in regula-
to Creighton point guard tion, Creighton lost
Ryan Nembhard couldn’t Nembhard. Going for a
help them. steal at midcourt, the
freshman collided with
CreigHton 81 Alexander and immedi-
ately grabbed his right
St. JoHn’S 78 arm near his wrist. A re-
play seemed to capture
So, a disappointing sea- him saying to the
son that began with such Creighton bench, “it’s
high hopes continued on broken.” He stayed down
its dismal path with an for a few minutes and
81-78 loss to the Bluejays came out, receiving ap-
after yet another poorly plause from the crowd.
executed finish was the He did not return.
Red Storm’s undoing. At the time, it felt like
Montez Mathis’ runner back luck for Creighton.
in traffic didn’t draw iron The Bluejays were able to
with five seconds left, St. 12-for-14 shooting, but is not a scorer, huh? He overcome it, though, with
John’s threw the ball away spent almost the entirety made shots tonight. I late-game execution —
with a chance to pull even of the final eight minutes thought he turned down a something St. John’s is
in the final seconds and on the bench. shot and took a tougher still trying to master.
Aaron Wheeler’s despera- Mathis, a 22 percent shot, that’s what he did.” “I don’t think it’s one
tion 3-pointer at the 3-point shooter, had a A 13-5 Creighton run particular thing. It could
buzzer was off as the Red wide-open look on the gave the Bluejays (19-8, be a big offensive rebound
Storm (15-12, 7-9 Big East) corner on that fateful pos- 11-5) a four-point lead with the team gets or it could
fell to 3-5 this season in session with St. John’s 4:51 left, and St. John’s ap- be a turnover,” Smith said.
games decided by five down a point, but wanted peared tight. Its shots “The positive is that we
points or less. to get something going to- weren’t falling and its de- know we can play with
“If you look at the last wards the rim. fense was lagging. But these teams.”
BaTTle lineS: five possessions, I don’t When asked if he re- then, Esahia Nyiwe hit a That also makes it more
Even Cold War enemies were able to shake hands think we executed what gretted not having an- left-wing transition frustrating.
without incident after the U.S.’s Miracle on Ice win over the Soviets we wanted to do,” St. other shooter in that spot 3-pointer following a Dy- “This one stings a lot,”
in the 1980 Olympics (inset). But that was something the basketball John’s coach Mike Ander- rather than Mathis, An- lan Addae-Wusu steal and Mathis said.
teams of Michigan and Wisconsin couldn’t do recently. son said. “I thought defen- derson said: “I guess ’Tez Mathis scored inside on
sively we were good, but
Bad News Bears,” after the Yan- ever been born, once told me, you got to be able to make
kees told the Bears they were
sorry and offered up a cheer for
their rivals, suing for peace, Tan-
“The handshake is a bond. It
says, ‘I respect you,’ even if I
can’t stand you.”
plays. That’s what big-
time teams do, big-time
players do.”
Hall uses bench to beat Butler
ner Boyle screamed, “Hey Yan- Football, too. One of the great Julian Champagnie, the Jared Rhoden scored 17 points and Yetna also had 10 rebounds for Seton
kees, you can take your apology pictures of this recent postseason reigning Big East Player of had three steals as Seton Hall pulled Hall (17-9, 8-8 Big East), which earned
and your trophy and shove it up was the Rams’ Odell Beckham Jr. the Week, shot 3-for-16 ahead down the stretch to beat But- its fourth consecutive home victory.
…” It would appear Juwan How- consoling the 49ers’ disconsolate from the field and passed ler 66-60 at Prudential Center on Samuel added 15 points, while Harris
ard has seen “Bad News Bears” a Deebo Samuel a few minutes after off a chance in the post on Wednesday night. had 10 points.
time or two.) the end of the NFC Championship the Mathis shot. Wheeler, The Pirates were led by The bench trio helped
Yes, it would be madness to game. You see that all across so good in Big East play, their bench, as Tyrese
Seton Hall 66 overcome a season-high
eliminate the postgame hand- sports, at every level. It’s actually was 1-for-10. Samuel, Alexis Yetna and Butler 60 25 points and seven re-
shake. Hockey players (save, no- one of the truly pure things left in “That’s hard to over- Jamir Harris combined for bounds by Bo Hodges for
tably, Billy Smith) can spend those games. come,” Anderson said. 35 points to make up for a lackluster per- Butler (13-16, 6-12). Bryce Nze added 12
seven games trying to obliterate Even in 2022, there ought to be St. John’s two best offen- formance from the starters — including points and 10 rebounds. The Pirates im-
each other, yet always shake room for sportsmanship. If there sive players on this night Rhoden, who went just 6-for-17 from the prove to 2-0 against the Bulldogs this
hands at the end. Scott Stevens, isn’t … honestly, what’s the point? were reserves Stef Smith field, but was 3-for-4 from 3-point range season. Seton Hall defeated Butler 71-56
as fierce a competitor as who’s and O’Mar Stanley, who and made both his free throws. on Jan. 4. — Post staff and wire report
combined for 27 points on

Give him a hand:

Ambidextrous Met
waits for his shot
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

By Mike PuMa

PORT ST. LUCIE — Carlos Cor-

tes still sometimes breaks out his
right-handed glove during pre-
game drills to take grounders at
second base.
The ambidextrous Mets pros-
pect wants to be ready, just in case.
Cortes, a third-round pick by the
Mets in the 2018 draft, stopped
playing the infield (throwing right-
handed) last season, leaving him
for now as a lefty thrower in the
outfield. It’s his natural throwing
hand, and the one he trusts the
“I grew up lefty-lefty, but my
motor skills are righty,” the 24- CARLOS CORTES
year-old Cortes said this week at Righty in infield, lefty in outfield.
Mets minor league camp. “I am
kind of all mixed up.” He arrived from the University
Cortes eats right-handed but of South Carolina in the same draft
brushes his teeth left-handed. He class that brought Jarred Kelenic
picks up objects with his right and Simeon Woods-Richardson to
hand. the Mets ahead of him. Kelenic
He started throwing with his and Woods-Richardson were later
right hand around age 8 and gave it traded (to the Mariners and Blue
a shot as an ambidextrous pitcher Jays, respectively), leaving Cortes
early in high school, but soon as the highest remaining draft pick
scrapped the idea because of troub- from the Mets’ 2018 class.
les with right-handed precision. Though Cortes is ambidextrous,
“I could never throw a curveball, he said he never gave switch-hit-
I just had no feel for it,” Cortes ting serious consideration.
said. “I kind of have one now, but it “My dad was not a big believer
was like fastball-slider and I
drilled a lot of people. I tried it as a
freshman or sophomore in high
school and I kept drilling people
in that,” Cortes said. “There’s not
too many Chipper Joneses, Pete
Roses and Jose Reyeses out there.”
This season, he is expected to
MLB: Monday deadline for deal
with fastballs and, yeah, ‘I am not continue playing the outfield al- UPITER, Fla. — National games. Salary will not be paid flurry of injuries that followed.
doing this anymore.’ ”
Cortes, the Mets’ No. 11 prospect
according to MLB Pipeline, played
most exclusively. It is possible he
will begin the season at Triple-A
J Renewal Day came early
for Major League Baseball
in 2022. Those frisky owners
for those games.”
The MLBPA, according to a
source, responded with a re-
Of course, if the owners con-
sistently prioritized the players’
health, they wouldn’t view the
the outfield full-time for Double-A “I am definitely focusing on the and players just couldn’t wait peated counter-vow of sorts: If implementation of the universal
Binghamton last season and outfield a lot more, I think I am until May 4, the actual holiday the players don’t get paid for a designated hitter as a financial
owned a .257/.332/.487 slash line better out there,” Cortes said. “But (thanks, Google), to renew their full season in 2022, they will not concession. They’d see it as the
with 14 homers and 57 RBIs in 79 I am never going to close that op- threats against one another. sign off on an expanded post- smartest way to keep their
games. It wasn’t enough to earn tion to be right-handed … I am go- On Wednesday, at the unsub- season in the Basic Agreement. pitchers (by and large their
Cortes a spot on the Mets’ 40-man ing to try to keep my arm ready so tly named Roger Dean Chevro- This exchange sequel oc- most prized assets) healthy by
roster, leaving him unprotected for I just don’t throw one day and let Stadium, curred as a re- keeping them away from hitting
the Rule 5 draft, which will occur blow it out, but it’s never going to the owners re- sult of union and baserunning.
after the MLB lockout concludes. be like I have to relearn it. It’s sponded to scuttlebutt The players’ parry concerning
“There are probably four or five there, it’s always going to be there, the players’ that next the expanded postseason feels
guys we have that concern about,” but obviously the velocity I am go- latest lame Monday need like a proposition to shoot one’s
Mets director of player develop- ing to have to keep training to counteroffer not be the own foot. Even within the play-
ment Kevin Howard said. “At the
end of the day there’s only so
keep up with that.”
Cortes’ goals for the season ex-
with a lame
Ken Davidoff deadline, that
alternate ave-
ers’ camp, there is debate over
the merits and drawbacks of al-
many spots, and every team is put tend beyond just reaching Citi of their own. nues exist, be lowing more clubs into the
in the position where they have to Field. Sometime amid the chatter, that via holding spring training playoff party. What’s indisputa-
leave guys they really like unpro- “My personal biggest goal is I though, the owners reiterated a for less than four weeks or ble is the increased revenue
tected, and that, I think, is kind of want to put myself in a situation statement they first made at shoehorning some doublehead- that would generate, and for all
the situation we’re in with Carlos.” where I am a candidate to help the their Feb. 12 bargaining session ers into the schedule, to pull off of the concerns about watering
In 2019, Cortes played mostly major league team,” Cortes said. in Manhattan: If they don’t get 162 contests. The owners natu- down October, a look at the
second base for Single-A St. Lucie “Not just make it to the big lea- this deal done by Monday, then rally dislike twin-bills for reve- other major sports shows cus-
and had a slash line of .255/.336/ gues, but be valuable to the team there won’t be a 162-game sea- nue reasons, and they contend tomers love it when their club,
.397 with 11 homers and 68 RBIs in and help them win if I can.” son. that the three-week “summer no matter how mediocre, puts
127 games. “A deadline is a deadline,” an camp” held in 2020, after the itself in the tournament mix.
MLB spokesman emphasized. COVID-19 shutdown, proved In any case, five days of bar-
“Missed games are missed too short, as exemplified by the gaining remain before that
Ex-Met Stroman rips former club, Eppler / P. 42
ALL of Famer Troy Aikman is 51
H expected to leave Fox Sports to
become the main analyst for
ESPN’s “Monday Night Football,”

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Post has learned.
Aikman’s ESPN deal will be for
five years, according to sources, and
his yearly salary is expected to ap-
proach or exceed the neighborhood
of Tony Romo’s $17.5 million per
year contract with CBS. The deal is
not yet signed, but it is near comple-

(above) is set to join his
fellow former Cowboys
ESPN declined comment. quarterback Tony
Aikman’s seismic move will Romo atop the NFL
shake-up NFL TV free agency. Al- broadcasting food
ready this offseason, the contract of chain, with his new
Al Michaels, arguably the greatest ESPN “Monday Night
NFL play-by-player of all time, ran Football” deal expected
out with NBC. to approach or surpass
Michaels, 77, has been on the Romo’s $180 million
1-yard line in his negotiations to be deal with CBS. AP (2)
the lead play-by-play voice when

FOX’s Aikman
THE CLOCK’S Amazon Prime Video begins its ex-
TICKING: Mets clusive coverage of “Thursday
pitcher Max Scherzer Night Football.” Michaels had
arrives for contract hoped Aikman would join him on
negotiations between Thursday nights.
Major League Though Rams head coach Sean

set to make
Baseball and the McVay has said he will continue on
union at Roger Dean the sidelines this year, Amazon
Stadium in Jupiter, could make a serious run at him, ac-
Fla., on Wednesday. cording to sources. Tom Brady can’t
be fully counted out as a candidate,
but it should be stressed he has

Romo $$$ in
shown no indication he wants to
work in a booth.

or forget about 162 ESPN currently has Steve Levy,

Louis Riddick Jr. and Brian Griese as
its lead “Monday Night Football”
team. Over the next few years,
deadline passes, and an expec-
tation exists that the two sides
will meet here every day until
then. If the talks continue at
their current languid pace,
then we won’t see anything re-
said to be civil, if vigorous.
While a move in the right di-
rection, MLBs minimum-sal-
ary uptick didn’t dramatically
alter the vibe of inertia sur-
rounding these talks. Nothing
ESPN will have an expansion in
NFL games from 18 to 25. They will
need multiple crews to call them.
Though ESPN has considered
making a run at Michaels — it hasn’t
done so yet — there is another wild
jump to ‘MNF’
sembling a deal. will, really, until we see some- possibility.
With the players welcoming one blink on the competitive- With Joe Buck’s contact up next in Brady, but, if the network wasn’t which he could say he would not do
three reinforcements — Yan- balance tax, over which the year, sources said ESPN could try to going to match ESPN for Aikman, it “Thursday Night Football” this sea-
kees Zack Britton and Gerrit owners have drawn a hard line, pry Buck from Fox. Buck also calls seems impossible to believe it would son. With that leverage, Fox agreed
Cole and free agent Andrew implementing harsher penal- the World Series for the network. go into the stratosphere it would to give Aikman a four-year exten-
Miller — to their group as the ties for surpassing the thresh- Fox would have to grant Buck per- take to possibly even entice Brady. sion at $13.2 million per year, ac-
Reds’ Sonny Gray left, the two old (which barely increase in mission if he wanted to leave early. Like Peyton Manning, Brady will cording to sources.
sides met in full for about an their package), while the play- Meanwhile, Fox suddenly has a be able to choose when and if he There was one final stipulation to
hour and 40 minutes, during ers are aiming sky-high, with a hole atop its No. 1 broadcast team wants to be in a booth. Manning and the contract — Aikman could opt
which the owners raised their $31 differential, $245 million with two Super Bowls in the next his brother, Eli, are scheduled to do out after this season if he were to se-
minimum-salary offer from versus $214 million, just for three years. Fox, however, has added 10 telecasts basically over Zoom the cure a bigger and better contract,
$630,000 to $640,000 for 2022, 2022, which grows larger from depth to its NFL analyst group in re- next three years. Their rookie year according to sources.
with an increase of $10,000 there. cent years. edition of the “Manningcast” on For the past year, Aikman has
each season through 2026. Those who want the season It will consider its No. 2 analyst ESPN2 for Monday night games was flirted with leaving. He spoke openly
After each side caucused for to start on time, therefore, Greg Olsen, McVay, Sean Payton very well received. about possibly going to Amazon.
more than two hours, one should root against renewals, and, in a twist, could try to trade for It was almost exactly two years ago In the end, ESPN, which has been
more smaller breakout session replays and rewinds, and hope NBC’s Drew Brees, according to in February 2020 that Romo’s deal trying to figure out its top booth for
occurred — with Miller, new for some strikingly new mate- sources. Brees, who is in NBC’s stu- with CBS for 10 years and $180 mil- years, came in with the strongest of-
Met Max Scherzer and the PA’s rial. If that doesn’t emerge dio, is also a candidate for Amazon lion changed the NFL analyst indus- fer yet.
senior director, Bruce Meyer, soon, then another holiday, on Thursday nights. try, as it was the richest in history. Aikman’s new deal will run
joining MLB’s deputy commis- Opening Day, will come later, Fox will also wait if a mystery can- Aikman has been in the booth far through Super Bowl LXI in 2027.
sioner, Dan Halem, and Rock- not earlier, than it reads on the didate, someone not apparent right longer than Romo. Before this past That is no coincidence, as that game
ies CEO Dick Monfort for calendar. now, arises. 49ers GM and ex-TV season, according to sources, Aik- will be televised by ABC/ESPN.
about a half-hour. Talks were game analyst John Lynch could fall man used the leverage he had to The next question is: Who will Aik-
into this category for either Amazon make this new deal possible. man’s booth partner be?
or Fox. Fox would also have interest He had an out in his contract in
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

21-done salute: Paul O’Neill will be the 23rd Yan-

kee to have his number retired. Nury Hernandez

By Zach BraZiller game’s luminaries who

were once Yankees. He
Paul O’Neill dropped his never thought he would be
phone. His wife, Nevalee, part of it one day.
teared up. They were both He became a fan favorite
stunned at the news that after coming over from the
the Yankees had decided to Reds in a trade, known for
retire his No. 21 jersey. his intense demeanor,
“Just a day I won’t ever grinding at-bats and tem-
forget,” O’Neill said per tantrums that exhib-
Wednesday. ited his fire. He only knew
O’Neill, now a game ana- one way to play, earning
lyst for YES Network who him the nickname “The
spent nine seasons in pin- Warrior” from late owner
stripes, will become the George Steinbrenner. In
23rd Yankee to receive the nine seasons with the Yan-
honor, on Aug. 21 in The kees, he notched a .303/
Bronx. That group in- .377/.492 slash line with 185
cludes former teammates homers and 858 RBIs in
he won four champion- 1,254 regular-season
ships with: Derek Jeter, games.
Andy Pettitte, Mariano Since he retired follow-
Rivera, Bernie Williams ing the 2001 season,
and Jorge Posada. O’Neill’s No. 21 has been
“It’s the highest honor mostly out of sight. It was
that I’ve ever been given in given to pitcher LaTroy
baseball,” O’Neill, who was Hawkins in 2008 after the
given his own plaque in right-hander asked for it to
Monument Park in 2014, pay homage to Roberto
said on a Zoom call. “I Clemente. It will never be
don’t really know how to worn again by a Yankee.
explain it. It’s on my mind “These are things that
all day, and it keeps replay- you never dream about.
ing over and over again, When you’re playing the
just how cool this is. game you don’t think about
“To know that there’s a these things,” he said. “You
generation of people who think about getting a hit or
associate my name with hitting a home run. Those
that number to me is very kinds of things go away.
special.” This, to me, now that I Jasson his dream: Jasson
A five-time All-Star and think about it, every single Dominguez struggled in Low-A
the 1994 AL batting cham- time I go into Yankee Sta- Tampa last season, but the
pion, the 58-year-old dium and that number is 19-year-old has big talent and big
O’Neill recalled what it up, it won’t go away. aspirations. First-year manager
was like when he first “To look up and see a No. Rachel Balkovec, who worked with
joined the Yankees in 1993 21 that means so much to Dominguez last season, says he
and visited Monument me, I can’t thank the Yan- has a “super-high aptitude.”
Park. He was in awe of the kees enough.” N.Y. Post: Charles Wenzelberg (2)
franchise’s history and the


New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

ready for
By Dan Martin

TAMPA — The Low-A Tampa

Tarpons are scheduled to open the
regular season on April 8 in Lake-
land, Fla., against the Tigers’ affili-
It will be the managerial debut of
Rachel Balkovec, who is the first
woman to manage an affiliated mi-
nor league team.
But Balkovec, named to the posi-
tion last month, isn’t focused on
that date. There’s too much work
to be done first.
By Dan Martin ten to what we have to say. He’s a really in- pound Rams defensive tackle — but is “I’m grateful for this time to
telligent kid who wants the information noted for his impressive strength. practice with the guys that are
TAMPA — If it were up to Jas- and wants to know why. He asks ques- And Volpe wasn’t the only one to refer- here,’’ the 34-year-old said
son Dominguez, he’d be playing tions. He’s a critical thinker.” ence the gridiron when it came to Domin- Wednesday during the Yankees’
for the Yankees by the time he’s The next step will be refining the raw guez. minicamp at their player develop-
“20 or 21” years old. skills that helped convince the Yankees to “I always tell him he should play foot- ment complex. “We’re here study-
The Yankees’ much-hyped pros- sign Dominguez to a $5.1 million bonus in ball,’’ said Matt Talarico, the team’s base- ing every day,
pect, who turned 19 earlier this month, July 2019. running coordinator. “No one could tackle watching video.
will have to move up quickly for that to Those skills have impressed Anthony that guy. No shot.” I go through my
happen. Volpe, the Yankees’ top overall prospect, None of that, though, means Dominguez day learning as-
He has played just 56 professional who has been working with Dominguez at will emerge as a star in the sport he’s actu- pects of de-
games, all of them last season, which the team’s minicamp this week. ally playing. fense, learning
he split between the Florida Complex “Watching his BP is awesome,’’ Volpe It doesn’t help that his 2020 was wiped our philoso-
League and Low-A Tampa. said. “He’s a specimen. … We call him out when COVID-19 forced the shutdown phies inside and
Dominguez seems set to begin the ‘Mini Aaron Donald.’ ” of the minor league season before he fi- out on defense
upcoming minor league season at Dominguez is listed at 5-foot-10 and 190 nally made his pro debut last year. that I haven’t
Tampa again, where plenty of atten- pounds — a far cry from the 6-1, 280- The Yankees knew they were asking a been really
tion will be paid to the center fielder lot of Dominguez when they sent him to close to as a hit-
and new manager Rachel Balkovec. Low-A Tampa, but that was part of his de- ting coach. I’m Rachel
Not all of the attention has been velopment. not worried Balkovec
positive for Dominguez, whose stock “We’ve seen guys time and time again about the begin- First game is
in prospect rankings took a bit of a hit make it to the big leagues and that’s their ning of the sea- April 8
following his struggles at Tampa last first taste of any challenge or failure,’’ said son right now.”
season, when he had a .744 OPS and 67 Kevin Reese, VP of Player Development. After working her way up pro-
strikeouts in 214 plate appearances. “He hasn’t played a ton of baseball, espe- fessional baseball on the strength
Some scouts began to wonder what his cially against this type of and conditioning side, as well as
ceiling might be. competition. We the hitting side, Balkovec said
But he showed off some power wanted to push him she’s embracing the broader role
Wednesday at the Yankees’ Player De- and will continue to as a manager.
velopment Complex, and after team- do that.’’ “I’ve gotten so much support
mates and coaches praised his attitude There will be even from players,’’ Balkovec said.
and leadership abilities, Dominguez more eyes on him as Dom- “They’re calling me ‘Skip.’ It feels
spoke with confidence about his future. inguez moves through the really natural, to be honest with
“My goal this year is to stay healthy,’’ minor league system, but he you.”
Dominguez said. “I know if I stay healthy, seemed to enjoy the spotlight on She already has garnered plenty
the other things I can control.” Wednesday. He was comfortable, of attention since getting the new
Interestingly, Dominguez conducted confident and at times, self-deprecat- role, and that will continue — and
nearly the entire interview in English, ing, while making a strong effort to com- perhaps intensify — once the sea-
which not many young players from the municate in English alongside Hector son starts in April (the minor
Dominican Republic are comfortable do- Gonazalez, the team’s cultural develop- league season is not impacted by
ing. ment coordinator. the MLB lockout).
That is part of his development as a Balkovec noted Dominguez took it upon “It’s just a part of the job,’’ Balk-
leader, according to Balkovec, who himself to use Rosetta Stone to help him ovec said of the added spotlight.
worked closely with Dominguez last sea- learn the new language. “Definitely, with where I’m going
son, as well. What really matters, though, is what he and want to go in my career, I
“He has super-high aptitude,’’ Balkovec can do on the field. don’t really have a choice. Is it ex-
said. “He wants to learn anything he can to “What’s good about Jasson is he’s ma- tra time? Is it possibly a distrac-
help himself, including English. He’s ture beyond his age,” said new hitting tion? Sure. But if I don’t know how
nervous [giving interviews in a second coach Dillon Lawson, previously the mi- to manage that, then I’m never
language], but he still pushes himself nor league hitting coordinator. “That gonna be where I want to be. … I
to do it. That’s pretty much all around helps us with expectations and being real just view it as another part of my
how he approaches baseball, too. If with him about the hardships he might job. I have to hone those skills my-
we want to try something new or face.” self and be good at those things. …
make an adjustment, he’s gonna lis- As soon as I signed on the dotted
line, that’s the responsibility you

Booster shot
By Mark W. Sanchez

The Nets and Kyrie Irving have

maintained hope for some time

that the unvaccinated point
guard would be able to play
home games this season. On
Wednesday, they received the
surest sign yet that hope has
been justified. Philadelphia, Seattle and Minne-
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

Mayor Eric Adams announced sota’s Twin Cities of Minneapolis

he has a plan to end New York and St. Paul — have either lifted
City’s vaccine mandate for indoor their vaccine requirements or an-
spaces, including arenas such as nounced imminent end dates.
Barclays Center and Madison According to NYC Health, New
Square Garden. Adams said he York City has averaged 796 total
“can’t wait” to phase out the man- confirmed and reported corona-
date, and that changes could hap- virus cases in the past week. The
pen “in the next few weeks.” daily average over the past 28
days has been 1,921.
Thursday Barring an unforeseen turn in
CELTICS AT NETS the pandemic, it seems Nets fans
will be able to witness Irving play
7:30 p.m. in person this season. The Nets
TNT did not make Irving available for
WFAN (660 AM, comment, but Nash said he has
101.9 FM) been “extremely locked in.”
“Kyrie’s been great on the prac-
tice floor, he’s been great in film
The comments were Adams’ sessions, he’s been creating dia-
most definitive yet, though with- logue over aspects of our play, so
out a firm timeline and with ca- I sense a real focus and urgency
veats that future COVID-19 cases from him,” Nash said of Irving —
and advice from health experts who is averaging 24.1 points, 4.8
will be the deciding factors. Nev- rebounds and 5.4 assists in 14
ertheless, Adams provided a path games this season. “So if that’s
via which the Nets could have any indication, I would say he’s
their unvaccinated star on the getting excited at the prospect of
court full time for the first time playing in all our games, hope-
this season. Thus far, Irving has fully in the short term.”
only played in road games. If the unforeseen happens, the
“I look forward in the next few Nets have a better fall-back op-
weeks of going to a real transfor- tion to sub for Irving at home fol-
mation that I don’t have to won- lowing the addition of Goran
der what you look like, I would lifting spirits: New York City mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday he is eager to lift the vaccine Dragic as extra insurance at
know what you look like again,” mandate in the next few weeks. That would clear the way for Nets star Kyrie Irving to play in home point guard. And if the unfore-
Adams said, referencing masked games. Getty Images; ZumaPress seen happens, it seems clear the
reporters, during a news confer- Nets do not envision any other
ence at Brooklyn Navy Yard. Irving isn’t the only player the they are, Irving would only be el- Forward James Johnson, in path toward Irving playing full
“And so we are moving in the Nets have been missing. Kevin igible for eight of the Nets’ re- echoing NBA commissioner time.
right direction, we’re going to do Durant, who sprained his left maining games. Adam Silver’s recent sentiments Irving has been adamant he
it in a safe way.” MCL last month, practiced As desperately as the Nets about unvaccinated opponents will not take the COVID-19 vac-
The Nets are fighting for a Wednesday but is not expected need reinforcements, Nash said being allowed to play in New cine and has said there are things
playoff spot with 23 games re- back imminently. he only had heard about Adams’ York while Irving cannot, said more important than the Nets’ ti-
maining, 13 of which will be at Ben Simmons, acquired from comments from a public rela- the rule “doesn’t make sense.” tle chances.
Barclays Center. They officially the 76ers in the James Harden tions staffer just before address- Though he is glad the mayor is Irving has waited out the city,
will return from the All-Star trade, is with the team. Because ing media. moving toward ending the man- the Nets and the pandemic. It
break Thursday, when they will he hasn’t played since last sea- “It’d be great for us to have date, Johnson said,“I don’t really suddenly seems possible for him
host the Celtics, as the Eastern son, however, he still is ramping Kyrie available for all our games,” get too encouraged with what to win the waiting game — un-
Conference’s No. 8 seed and just up and is not as close to return- Nash said. “Having said that, who people say.” less the eighth-place Nets al-
3 ¹/₂ games removed from falling ing to the court as Durant, coach knows? It’s not really in our con- As cases have dropped in the ready have lost.
entirely out of the play-in tourna- Steve Nash said. trol, so we leave it up to the past few weeks, several cities — — With Bernadette Hogan
ment. And if the city’s rules remain as mayor and wait patiently.” including Boston, Washington,

Dragic chose Brooklyn for chance to win a crown

By Mark W. Sanchez
nets notes seasons, he has reached the
NBA Finals just once, in
was made easier by Nash,
who has “been a great
mented routine the same
way every day.
➤ Nash said there is “no
clarity” on Joe Harris,
Goran Dragic credits 2020 with the Heat, but has friend to me, great mentor.” The 35-year-old could who might need a second
Nets coach Steve Nash for used his past to shore up not won a ring. The Nets could offer the have walked away from the surgery on his left ankle.
the start of his NBA career. the Nets’ present as they “I chose Brooklyn be- continuation of a friend- NBA for good following a “He is still working
Now, he may be able to landed Dragic, the best cause I think they have a ship that began in 2008, failed stint with the Raptors through things,” Nash said.
thank his mentor for his point guard available. really good chance to win a when Dragic was a sec- this past fall. Dragic played
career’s final chapters, too.
For a second straight sea-
Nash, who was the Suns’
starting point guard when
championship,” Dragic said
after practice Wednesday,
ond-round pick by the
Spurs who was quickly
in just five games this sea-
son after being acquired by
➤ Ben Simmons took
part in individual drills at
son, the Nets were big win- Dragic broke into the league his first time addressing traded to the Suns, a team Toronto in the trade that practice. Though the media
ners on the buyout market. with Phoenix, sold the point media since agreeing to the led by the veteran point sent Kyle Lowry to Miami. was allowed to watch the
Last year, it was Kevin Du- guard on their background pact Monday. guard Nash. They would Dragic left the Raptors in practice, the infamously
rant leading the recruiting and the Nets’ immediate fu- Dragic said he was pur- sit next to each other on November and has sat out shot-resistant star was
efforts for LaMarcus Al- ture, with a roster contain- sued by six other contend- plane trips, and Dragic since. He was dealt to the working with Kyle Korver,
dridge and Blake Griffin. ing enough talent to win a ers and that the decision would watch the aging su- Spurs at the trade deadline a player-development coach
This time, their head coach title. Through Dragic’s 14 was a difficult one — but perstar go about his regi- then promptly bought out. and 3-point specialist.

Koepka: All but Lefty

By Ethan SEarS KPMG and Amstel Light,
and has given other spon-
As the golf world sorts sors the opportunity to

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

through the wreckage pause relationships with
caused by Phil Mickelson’s him.
comments on the proposed “They’re scary motherf--

happy with PGA Tour

Saudi Arabian golf league, kers to get involved with,”
Brooks Koepka doesn’t he told Shipnuck of the re-
think the PGA Tour is out gime. “We know they
of the woods just yet. killed [Washington Post
“I think it’s going to still reporter and U.S. resident
keep going,” Koepka told Jamal] Khashoggi and have
reporters at the Honda interview. out here have the a horrible record on hu-
Classic of the potential He also emphasized same opinion.” man rights. They execute
league, which is backed fi- anew that any player who Bryson DeChambeau people over there for being
nancially by the Saudi re- signs up for a Saudi golf and Dustin Johnson gay.
gime. “I think there will league would lose their Brooks both announced earlier “Knowing all of this, why
still be talk. I think … ev- PGA Tour membership this week they would re- would I even consider it?
eryone talks about money. and should not expect to Koepka main on the PGA Tour, Because this is a once-in-a-
They’ve got enough of it. I get it back. leading Rory McIlroy lifetime opportunity to re-
don’t see it backing down. Still, Koepka be- to declare the Saudi shape how the PGA Tour
They can just double up lieves Mickelson is proposal “dead in the operates. They’ve been
and they’ll figure it out. on an island when it water.” McIlroy also able to get by with manipu-
They’ll get their guys. comes to his issues called Mickelson’s lative, coercive, strong-arm
Somebody will sell out and with the tour. comments to biogra- tactics because we, as play-
go to it.” “I’m happy with pher Alan Shipnuck ers, had no recourse.”
PGA Tour Commissioner the PGA Tour,” “naive, selfish, egotis- In a long-winded state-
Jay Monahan says he has Koepka said, ac- tical, ignorant.” ment on Tuesday, Mickel-
“zero complacency” when cording to Sports Mickelson has come son apologized for the
it comes to the threat of Illustrated. “I think under fire for saying comments, but claimed
the Saudi-funded league, everybody out he got involved with they were off the record
and he has a clear message here is happy. the proposed golf and praised LIV Golf In-
for any player still tempted [Mickelson] can league despite the Sa- vestments, the Saudi-
to leave. think whatever he udi government’s backed fund behind the
“I told the players we’re wants to think, man. atrocious human league. Shipnuck said on
moving on and anyone on He can do whatever rights record as a Twitter that it’s “com-
the fence needs to make a he wants to do. I way of putting pres- pletely false” that their
decision,” Monahan told think everybody out sure on the PGA conversation was off the
the Associated Press on here is happy. I Tour. He since has record. — With AP
Wednesday in a telephone think a lot of people AP lost two sponsors,
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

By GreG Joyce
Damaged goods Friday
The clock has struck midnight on Kemba Heat at KnicKs
The version 7:30 p.m.
Walker’s homecoming — for this season and
perhaps altogether. of Kemba MSG, ESPN
The Knicks and the veteran point guard, Walker the ESPN Radio
just six months removed from a ballyhooed Knicks saw
(98.7 FM)
press conference to celebrate his signing, this season
have agreed that he will sit out the rest of this wasn’t the
season to start preparing for next season. former four- for his return on Dec. 18. After a solid stretch
Where the 31-year-old with a balky knee will time All-Star of play, Walker then sat out another string of
play his next game is very much up in the air, they had games to tend to his nagging knee.
but it’s hard to figure it will be in New York hoped for Overall, he averaged 11.6 points, 3.5 assists
after the decision, which was announced when he signed in August (above). and three rebounds in 25.6 minutes per game
Wednesday. Here’s a look at his career averages while shooting 40.3 percent from the field
“We knew there was risk involved [signing compared to the 2021-22 campaign: and 36.7 percent from deep.
Walker],” coach Tom Thibodeau said after Career Category 2021-22 Walker arrived in New York fresh off being
practice. “We thought it was worth it. There bought out by the Thunder, after the Celtics
19.5 Points 11.6
were some good moments. If he’s healthy, had shipped him out of town following an in-
he’s good. So, that’s about it.” 5.3 Assists 3.5 jury-plagued tenure in Boston. But his home-
Walker, the Bronx native who signed a 3.8 Rebounds 3.0 coming, which was initially met with good
two-year, $18 million contract last summer, 41.8 Field-goal percentage 40.3 feelings all around, has since turned into a
was a candidate to be traded before the nightmare for Walker and the Knicks, who
36.0 3-point percentage 36.7
deadline, but the Knicks did not find a deal are coming out of the All-Star break with a
to their liking. A buyout also appeared possi- 33.3 Minutes 25.6 25-34 record.
ble following the deadline, but with this ar- Thibodeau said he did not know whether
rangement, Walker is expected to be back on Walker would be around the team the rest of
the trade market this summer. Thibodeau, who deferred many of the the season, but he was not at practice
“We fully support Kemba’s decision to shut questions about the decision to conversa- Wednesday.
SEE YA: Bronx native Kemba Walker, it down for the remainder of the season and tions between Rose and Walker’s agent, had “I think that just because something didn’t
who only saw action in 37 games this sea- to use this time to prepare for next season,” benched Walker earlier this season. He took go as planned doesn’t mean that it’s not a
son, may have already played his final Knicks president Leon Rose said in a state- the four-time All-Star out of the starting good idea,” RJ Barrett said. “We play hard no
game as a Knick. ment. “His long-term success on the court lineup and rotation altogether for nine matter what, no matter who’s out there on
N.Y. Post: Charles Wenzelberg; Getty Images remains our priority.” straight games until injuries opened the door the court, no matter who suits up for us. As

Fairy-tale ending to storybook career has gone up

OMETIMES, it’s not enough to simply greeting he got from the Garden, opening season, a healthy scratch for nine straight in ending sure did wind up in flames.

S crave the fairy-tale ending. Sometimes,

reality gets in the way, takes a Zippo
lighter to the final few chapters, turns them
night against the Celtics, was a welcome-
home roar he’d waited his whole life to hear.
And if only the closing credits could’ve
There he may have stayed, permanently, if
the Knicks hadn’t gotten ransacked by COV-
“We fully support Kemba’s decision to
shut it down for the remainder of the season
and to use this time to prepare for next sea-
to ash. Sometimes, it turns out Thomas rolled then, maybe everyone would’ve ID-19, if Derrick Rose hadn’t gone down with son,” Knicks president Leon Rose said in a
Wolfe was right. Sometimes, you can’t go walked away satisfied. an ankle injury. Walker came back. He had a statement. “His long-term success on the
home again. But there was very little satisfaction from few throwback nights, including a 44-point court remains our priority.”
That isn’t the way this there. explosion against the Wizards on Dec. 23, That amounts to a concession speech from
leg of Kemba Walker’s “We knew there was and a triple-double against the Hawks on the Knicks’ boss, for whom Walker was
basketball journey was risk involved,” coach Tom Christmas Day. (along with Evan Fournier) a prize pickup of
supposed to go. Back in Thibodeau said Wednes- But that was a mirage. He got hurt again, and the summer, in the hope the Knicks could
August, when the Knicks day, after Walker decided when he returned he truly was a shell of what build on last year’s 41-31 success story.
first imported him via to shut himself down for he’d been. Across his final 13 games as a Instead, Walker (and Fournier, to a lesser
Oklahoma City, there the rest of the season, ef- Knicks he averaged only 8.1 points, shot only extent) becomes emblematic of what sure
were immediate recollec-
tions of Walker the hoops
Mike Vaccaro fectively ending his ten-
ure as a Knick. “And we
37 percent. What happened Wednesday has
felt inevitable for weeks; the question was re-
feels like a troubling strand of dysfunction
percolating between the two most important
phenom out of Rice High, thought it was worth it.” ally if it would happen this way or with a buy- members of the Knicks’ hierarchy. Neither
the latest in a long lineage of New York As it turns out, the warning flares had all out. Now, Walker gets to try and get well player fits snugly into Thibodeau’s favored
point-guard royalty that dates to Dick been fair. Walker was a step slower than be- enough to play again. It will almost certainly system, and while the coach said the right
McGuire. fore. He shot barely 40 percent from the be elsewhere; with an expiring contract next things when they were acquired — and has
There were red flags, sure: his age, his re- field. He couldn’t guard anyone. Thibodeau summer, he is officially an asset for the Knicks. continued to start Fournier — Walker’s
cent injury history, the 25,000 NBA minutes’ was the first to do something about this, glu- More valuable as a line item than a benching was clearly a cudgel the coach
worth of tread already on his tires. The ing Walker to the bench 20 games into the basketball player. Yes. The Hollywood used to prove his displeasure.

RJ, Rose

New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

back at
By GreG Joyce

The Knicks emerged from the

All-Star break as a healthier
team, with two key players re-
turning to the practice court.
RJ Barrett (sprained ankle)
and Derrick Rose (ankle sur-
long as you’re a Knick, it’s a part of our gery) both practiced fully on
brotherhood and we’re trying to win with Wednesday for the first time
whatever we got.” since sustaining their respec-
With Walker out of the picture, the Knicks tive injuries. Still, it remained
could turn to a few options for their starting to be seen whether either will
point guard. Derrick Rose practiced fully be ready to play Friday against
Wednesday for the first time since undergo- the Heat. Coach Tom Thibo-
ing ankle surgery in December, but when deau said the team would base
asked whether the veteran would slide right that on how the two feel on
into the starting lineup when he is ready, Thursday.
Thibodeau was noncommittal. Barrett missed the final four
“We’ll see,” Thibodeau said. “I think just games before the All-Star break
looking, digging into the numbers and stuff, after getting injured during gar-
Alec [Burks] has been our best option so far.” bage time during a Feb. 8 loss to
Burks, a natural wing, started at point the Nuggets. Thibodeau took
guard for most of the games Walker missed. criticism for still having Barrett
Thibodeau also mentioned Immanuel on the court at that point in the
Quickley, who went through a rough shoot- game, but Barrett said he had
ing slump before the All-Star break, while no issue with it.
noting rookie shooting guard Quentin “I think I was just frustrated
Grimes can play and guard multiple posi- just with the injury itself,” Bar-
tions. The Knicks could also give more min- rett said Wednesday. “You
utes to rookie Miles McBride, though he has never want to get hurt. It was a
played in just 21 games this season. sprained ankle. I always want to
“We see Julius [Randle] as a point forward be out on the court. It doesn’t
and RJ is handling the ball a lot more,” Thi- matter when. So I feel like es-
bodeau said. “So whatever the strengths of pecially spraining my ankle like
the team are, you want to play to those that, that could have happened
strengths. Derrick was always a power point in the first 10 seconds of the
guard and he played with the ball and off game, so it doesn’t matter.”
the ball. I think we see that with Alec. Alec Just over two weeks later,
can play three positions. So you like ver- Barrett said he still feels pain,
satility.” but wanted to get through it mentally and thought he was
“pretty close” to being back.

in flames
“It’s gonna be sore,” Barrett
said. “But trying to just be men-
tally tough to get through that. I
can move. I can move a little
bit, so like I said, being able to
Walker was probably going to be fur- go out there and practice and
ther minimized anyway. Rose is ex- scrimmage and really do that, it
pected back, and though Alec Burks will was a good sign. I have another
probably start at point for now, Rose will one [Thursday], so just gonna
immediately gobble up Walker’s minutes. continue to see how it feels.”
Thibodeau has said he is committed to turn- Rose, meanwhile, last played
ing the Knicks into a meritocracy over the on Dec. 16, and has missed 30
rest of the season, and while Walker straight games since then. The
wouldn’t have been alone, there’s little ques- Knicks, who will now be with-
tion he would’ve fallen prey to that the way out Kemba Walker for the rest
his game has decayed. of the season, could sorely use
Either way, the narrative had already been Rose’s veteran presence at
broken. What began in The Bronx, at the point guard to run the offense,
Sack Wern Houses in Soundview and moved especially late in games, when
on to the Gauchos and to Rice and to one un- they have faltered lately
forgettable week at the Garden while he was “He’s been doing a lot but he
at UConn was supposed to culminate in this has not taken contact before
grand final act, a No. 8 on his back and “New [Wednesday],” Thibodeau said.
York” on his chest. “So he took contact today, went
Except someone got their hands on that through all that. So that’s good.”
version of the story. And someone took a
Zippo lighter to them.
More Knicks / P. 48
“Love Island,” which failed to spark interest hAt’s off to him
Red Reddington (James Spader) will return for
for three seasons on CBS, is moving to NBC’s another go-round on “The Blacklist,” now

streaming service Peacock for Seasons 4 that NBC has renewed the veteran drama
for a 10th season. Former co-star Megan
and 5 — and a total of 80 episodes. Boone left the series after Season 8.

TV Thursday
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

“One Course with
J.B. Smoove”
premieres Friday
on MSG Network
following the
Knicks game. The
new series airs two
episodes a week
after Knicks and
Rangers games,
with Smoove
(“Curb Your
Crossing swords in feisty spinoff sitting down with
his celeb friends
series ‘Vikings: Valhalla’ on Netflix Sam
over a meal. Guests
include Eli Manning
Corlett (left) (this Sunday), Tracy
By LAuREN SARNER and Leo Suter in Morgan, Tina Fey,
“Vikings: Valhalla.” Kenan Thompson
Below: Frida

ikingS: Valhalla,” a and his “Curb” co-
spinoff of the History Gustavsson and star Susie Essman.
Channel hit “Vikings,” Corlett.
is an epic and sprawling
affair — and it’s smart
enough to start small, with two

MSG Network.
connected tales of good old-fash- some of them are Pagans while ing too much at the viewer at once. which Ragnar crackled, or the odd-
ioned revenge. some are Christian, and both Every would-be epic wants to be ball Floki (Gustaf Skarsgard). But as
Premiering Friday, Feb. 25 on Net- groups chafe at the prospect of the next “Game of Thrones,” but a tradeoff, the story of “Valhalla” is
flix and set in the 11th century — working together, even as Harald they mistakenly jump straight to more coherent (the “Vikings” nar-
roughly 100 years after the events seeks to unite them. Meanwhile, that show’s bombastic action set- rative often got lost). This is likely
of “Vikings” (which ran from 2013- Freydis and Leif reveal that their pieces – and they forget that “Game due to a regime-change: original
2020) — “Valhalla” is a historical vengeance has a more personal na- of Thrones” began by making the series creator Michael Hirst is still
drama following three main charac- ture: years ago, Freydis was at- audience care about one family, the onboard as an executive producer,
ters. There’s legendary explorer tacked and raped, and she and her Starks. but “Valhalla” gets an infusion of
Leif Eriksson (Sam Corlett) before brother are hunting for the culprit “Vikings: Valhalla” follows the ef- new creative blood from Jeb
he became famous famous; his at this large gathering of their peo- fective “start small” rule, and as- Stuart (“The Fugitive”).
fierce sister, Freydis Eriksdotter ple. tutely realizes that the best way to The show’s main morAls CodE
(Frida Gustavsson); and Harald Si- It’s an impressively small-scale tell this story is to anchor it in a tale drawback, funny
gurdsson (Leo Suter, “Sanditon”), way to begin a show with lots of of personal vengeance and family enough, is the two Michael Chiklis will star in
an ambitious rising leader and fu- moving pieces and battles. Too of- love between Leif and his sister. male leads’ appear- the first episode of the Fox
ture king of Norway. ten, shows in this genre give in to (It’s also refreshing that in the rape ances. While Suter anthology series “Accused” as a
The series opens with the St. the temptation to start large, throw- revenge subplot, the rape is not and Corlett are respected surgeon whose uncon-
Brice’s Day massacre, a real shown onscreen — but the both fine actors, ditional love for his teenage son is
historical event in which revenge is). Harald and Leif severely tested. It’s
Vikings living in England in It isn’t necessary for a look almost indis- from the creators of
1002 were murdered by or- viewer to have seen “Vi- tinguishable at
der of the king. After that kings” to understand first, especially “Homeland,” “24”

Getty Images
bloody night, the show what’s going on in “Val- when spattered and “The Good
moves on to follow Vikings halla,” though knowing the with dirt and blood. Doctor.”
from all over as they as- backstory enriches it; in It’s difficult to keep
semble in the familiar loca- addition to the location of track of who is who,
tion of Kattegat (Ragnar’s Kattegat, Ragnar (original and that extra layer of
stomping grounds in the series star Travis Fimmel) confusion isn’t necessary.
original show) to plot re- and Bjorn (Alexander Lud- At least on “Vikings,” Ragnar
venge against the English wig) are both name- and Rollo (Clive Standen) had dif-
— which is how Leif and dropped. ferent hair colors and physiques.
Freydis, who sail in from This show’s characters If you’re hungry for a swords-
Greenland, cross paths are also more straightfor- and-shields period piece with bat-
with Harald. ward than “Vikings,” and tles, high stakes and revenge — an-
As the avengers assem- less charmingly eccentric. chored in some relatable humanity
ble, Viking-style, drama None of them have the un- — you could do a lot worse than
brews among their ranks: predictable energy with “Vikings: Valhalla.”
Best Bets Thursday February 24, 2022 SP = Spectrum, C = Cablevision, F = FiOS Movies Sports New 59
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New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

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e Bestt Sports In Tow

The wn
New York Post, Thursday, February 24, 2022

N.Y. Post: Charles Wenzelberg


n Tow
The Best Sports In wn

N.Y. Post photo illustration; Getty Images,

Knicks get the point
& bring Bronx icon

Fairy tale now nightmare

back to big stage

AP (insets)
as PG done with Knicks HOME
Kemba Walker, who got his start at famed
title at the Garden, will now call MSG
Rice High School in Harlem and became
home as the four-time All-Star agreed
a true star when he led UConn to the
to a stunning deal to join his hometown
2011 Big East Tournament
Knicks. PAGES 65-62

Bronx native Kemba Walker made a celebratory homecoming in August, joining the Knicks as a free agent. But the honeymoon is over — and in all
likelihood so is his time on Broadway — as the veteran point guard with balky knees and the Knicks agreed he will shut it down for the season. P. 56-57


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