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When did it start?
For thousand of years the culture of
Ukraine has grown and developed. A
huge number of folk tales, songs,
fables have passed through the
centuries and reached our days.

In the old days they were passed from

mouth to mouth, people inherited
traditions from their parents, who, in
turn, got it from their own parents.
Now I want to tell you more about it.
On Christmas Eve many kids go carolling.
They sing folk Christmas songs and read
poems, making people happy and get
some treats or even money in exchange.

In the original version of this tradition, a

group of kids making a religion play:
learn texts by role, dress up as an angel,
a shepherd, a goat, a death, a cossak, a
demon, etc., and make a big star, which
symbolises the harvest, prosperity,
wealth, a talisman of family.
Families begin their Easter with Paska
and the dyed krashanky eggs. In the
morning we go to a church to
consecrate cakes and eggs before
Every kid’s favorite part is the game
called “egg-battles” – two people rap
their eggs together and if someone’s
eggshell breaks, that person is out of
the game. Everyone tries to find the
strongest egg ever haha.
Ivan Kupala Night
This holiday falls on the night of July 6-7.
We celebrate the summer and the sun,
and there are a lot of funny, mysterious,
interesting traditions.
Girls weave large green wreaths and let
them on the water, believe that the
wreath will come to their future husband.
People also do special rituals, and
jumping over the fire. This holiday is
really atmosphere and magical.
Thank you for watching

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