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Analysis of the Artwork in the Great Gatsby

The protagonist is a young woman who is an art student. She is in the process of creating her
own artwork and she has been struggling with the idea of what to do. She has been looking at
the artwork in The Great Gatsby and she has been inspired by it.

She decides to create a series of paintings that are based on the artwork in The Great Gatsby.
She starts by painting a portrait of Daisy Buchanan, which she then hangs up in her studio.

She then starts to paint other portraits, including Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, and Jay
Gatsby. She also paints scenes from the book, such as Myrtle's death and Tom's murder of

The protagonist becomes obsessed with her work and spends all her time painting. Her
friends start to worry about her and they try to get her to stop working on the project but she
refuses. Eventually, she becomes so obsessed with her work that she starts to paint herself

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