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Egg Structure, Physical and chemical composition, storage and maintenance of egg quality

A. Egg Structure:
Egg is made up of many complex parts. Only left ovary and oviduct are functional. Full-formed ovary
contains about 3500- 4000 minute ova.
SHELL: - It is hard covering of egg amounting 12% of total egg weight. Made up mainly of CaCO 3. It
provide protective covering to the liquid protein beside it help in gaseous exchange of developing embryo
through 6000-8000 small pores present through out the shell.
SHELL MEMBRANES: - There are two layers inner and outer membranes. Outer is thicker than inner
one. Both together are 0.01 to 0.02 mm thick. They act as major line of defence against microbial invasion
of egg.
ALBUMEN: - Egg white in not a homogenous mass. There are four layer of albumen and total egg white is
56% of egg weight. There is a layer of thin albumen (21% of egg white) followed by thick layer (55% of
egg white). It envelops or surrounds the yolk. There is another thin layer below the thick layer known as
inner thin layer (17.5% of egg white) followed by chalaziferous layer of thick albumen (3.0%) that
surrounds yolk. The chalazae are cord like structures, which hold the yolk in position. Slightly greenish tint
of thick white is due to riboflavin in it.
YOLK: - It is yellowish ball like structure enveloped in egg white. Colour varies from light pale to reddish
yellow depending mainly on diet. Yolk constitutes a colourless vitelline membrane, which hold the fluid
yolk mass together. Yolk is about 32 % of egg wt. Under the vitelline membrane there are 7-9 concentric
rings of light and dark yolk material, which are formed due to diurnal behavior of hens. There is a neck like
structure latebra, which hold the germinal disk.


(a) External examination
1. Size and shape- Av. size of egg in chicken = 58g, Turkey = 85g and Duck = 72g. Factors
affecting size are breeds, feeding, feed restrictions, lack of water, protein level in feed and
laying house temp. Generally shape of chicken egg is oval.
2. Shell colour- colour should be uniform. Breed differences are there for shell colour.
3. Shell porosity – Pores permit exchange of water vapour and gases between egg contents
and outer atmosphere. For table purpose less number of pores in egg are preferred but low
porosity is becomes problem in hatching eggs.
4. Shell strength- should be sound for better transit of eggs from hen to consumers.
(b) Candling
To examine size of air cell, fertility, meat/blood spot in yolk or albumin. It is done by light.

© Broken out examination

1. Odour – should not have foul smell.
2. Albumen condition – Firmness of egg white is associated with albumen quality. It is
measured by height of albumen; albumen index – height of albumen divided by width;
viscosity of egg white or by Haugh unit (most commonly used method). Higher Haugh unit
better the egg.
HAUGH UNIT:- Albumen height is adjusted for egg wt. and measured by the Hough unit. It is most
common method for determining condition of egg albumen.
(30 W37 – 100)
HU = 100 log [ H - ------------------------------------ + 1.9 ]

Where, H = albumen height in mm, G = 32.2 ( gravitational constant), W = Wt. of egg in gm


3. Yolk quality – Its colour, spherical condition and strength of vitelline membrane affects its
quality. Yolk index is measured by spherometer (height) and vernier caliper (diameter).
4. Chemical analysis: It is not done in routine but for research purpose. Moisture, crude
protein, fat and mineral contents are examined.
Abnormality in egg :
 Double yolk egg; Meat spot and blood spot in egg; Soaked shell; Small yolk less egg; An egg
with an egg; Foreign matter in egg; Pale yolk; Rotten, new laid egg.


An egg consists of 8-11% shell, 56-62% albumen, and 27-32% yolk. Liquid whole egg is made up of
about 64% albumen 36%yolk. The proportion of yolk tends to be higher in small eggs than that in large
Egg shell consists of 94% calcium carbonate, 1% each magnesium carbonate, 4% organic matter,
chiefly proteins. It is rich source of animal protein of higher quality and is often used as a standard for
measuring the quality of other food proteins. High nutrient content, low calorific value and easy
digestibility make an egg a valuable protective food diet.

Nutritive value of chicken egg weighing 58 gm.

Protein 7.0 g Carbohydrate 6.2 g Calcium 2.0 g
Other minerals 0.5 g Non-metalic elements 3.0 g Water 39.0 g

Egg composition of various species (without shell per 100g basis)

Species Energy Moisture (g) Protein (g) Lipids (g) Carbohy- Ash (g)
(K cal) drates (g)
Chicken 163 73.7 12.9 11.5 0.9 1.0
Duck 191 70.4 13.3 14.5 0.7 1.1
Turkey 170 72.6 13.1 11.8 1.7 0.8

Grading of eggs (ISI standards)

Grade Weight per Conditions of egg
egg (g)
A – Extra large > 60 Shell clean and unbroken, shape normal, albumen
A – Large 53 – 59 clear and remarkably firm, yolk fairly well
A – Medium 45 – 52 centered and free from defects. Air cell depth =
A – Small 38 - 44 4mm or 1/8 inch.
B – Extra large > 60 Shell clean to moderately stained, shape slightly
B – Large 53 – 59 abnormal, albumen clear and may be slightly
B – Medium 45 – 52 weak; yolk may be slightly off centered. Air cell
B – Small 38 - 44 depth = 8mm or 3/8 inch.

D. Maintenance of egg quality

Fresh egg has the highest quality after laying and it starts decreasing if not cared properly. Important
points for maintaining egg quality are:
1. Frequent collection of eggs from farm, 3-4 times daily
2. Proper cleaning – dry cleaning and wet cleaning
3. Quick cooling – store at 50-55 oF and RH of 75%.
4. Proper packing – in baskets or in egg box. Each egg box can hold 360 eggs i.e. 12 filler
flats can be put having 30 eggs each.

5. Frequent marketing – either direct from farm or indirect through country buyer or
cooperative market shop.
Preservation of Eggs
Preservation of eggs can be divided into two parts: preservation of quality of shelled eggs &
preservation of liquid or processed eggs after they are broken out. Eggs shell is the first point to be
evaluated by consumer. Proper packaging & good quality clean sound shell influence the acceptability to a
very great extent.
Cleaning of eggs:
While cleaning of eggs it must be kept in mind that dirty eggs are covered with bacteria that will
cause spoilage if they enter the egg. Wet washing of eggs is most effective & a simplest way to provide egg
shell the appearance preferred by consumer.
1. Wash eggs with water at least 58 oC warmer then eggs at a minimum of 35 oC.
2. Detergent should be selected which is compatible with wash water.
Preservation of Interior Quality:
There are several methods of preservation. Some of which can be used at farm level in the absence of
much equipments whereas the others are commercially useful. Limewater is prepared by mixing 4 parts of
finely slaked lime with 20 parts of cold water and stirred for several days to make the saturated limewater
solution. Smearing of eggs with some kind of oil can also be utilized for preserving quality of eggs during
Commercial methods of preserving eggs:
These may include storing of eggs in cold storage, sealing of eggs with oil, wax or plastic, thermo
stabilization with oil, super cooling the eggs, storing eggs under CO 2 atmosphere, etc. Thermostabilization
of eggs with oil & storing eggs in cold storage are most common methods of preserving shell eggs. Eggs are
dipped in mineral oils of food quality at 55 – 98 oC for 16 minutes and dried before packing and storage.
Conditions of storage room are –
1. Atmosphere of the storage room should be free from any kind of odour or smell.
2. Cold storage temperature should be as close as possible to the freezing point of eggs,
which is –2 oC.
3. The relative humidity of the egg store room should be between 80 to 85 %.

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