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We use the past perfect simple to talk about actions that were completed before another action or

situation in the past. We use it to focus on the result of the action.

• Anna had left(1) when we arrived(2).
• Had the meeting started (1) by the time you got (2) there?
• Had not / hadn’t + pp
Subject + Had + verb pp + complement
Had + subject + verb pp
Subject + hadn’t + verb pp
We usually use the past perfect simple and not the past perfect continuous when we are talking about
states rather than actions, with verbs like be, have, know.
• We’d known each other for about five years before we became friends.
Note that we usually use the past simple to refer to the more recent action.
• By the time we arrived (2) at the station, the train had already left (1).

2-EMMANUEL : because they had asked her all the questions./ she had answered all the
questions correctly.
3. because the teacher had assigned a lot of homework.
4. RAUL: because the bus had already left. / she had missed the bus.
5.TANIA: he had wanted an ice cream. / I hadn’t bought any ice cream for him.
6. SAMUEL: some people had been bitten by a shark. / had seen a shark /
A shark had eaten someone.
7. HANNA: had eaten a lot of pizza.
8. ROGELIO: they hadn’t had an umbrella. / they had forgotten their umbrella.

Past perfect continuous

We use the past perfect continuous to talk about actions that continued for a period of time before
another action or situation in the past. We use it to focus on the duration of the action. The action may or
may not have continued up to the moment we are talking about it.

• I’d been living (1) in Italy for three years when we first met. (2)
• When I woke up (2), I saw )(3)that it had been raining. (1)(still raining) (result)
• It had rained (not raining anymore)
The past perfect tense emphasizes the result of an activity in the past; In contrast, the past
perfect continuous tense emphasizes the duration of an activity in the past.
Subject + had + been + ing + complement
Subject + hadn’t + been + ing
Had + subj + been + ing + ?

A. Complete the short dialogues with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.
M: Fernanda , what _are__ you _doing__ next Friday? (to do)
F. Nothing really. I __have_-classes every Friday so I need to study hard! (to have)
B. Complete the text with the correct form of do or make. (page 9 exercise 3)
C. Complete a text with GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES (p 13, 5a)
D. Vocabulary (page 18) multiple choice
E. Email with past habits (page 20)
F. Word transformation (page 18)
G. Complete the text with the correct present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs given.(page 25
exercise 5)
H. Mixed past (multiple choice)

WB page 11, 19 30-40 minutes ---- 12PM here!!!

We have to be here at 8-8:05 (send you the link, instructions)
I. Listening (2 times) (30 minutes )

A, B, C and D

II. Use of Eng.

III. Reading
IV. Writing (opinion essay ) (4 hours) 12PM (SEND the exam)
V. Speaking

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