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WA(writing assignment): Argumentative essay

Title: Social changes in Kazakhstan for the last 20 years

Student name: Bertaev Azat

School name: CBD NIS

Kyzylorda, 2021

The acquisition of independence is the largest event in the history of Kazakhstan in the late 19th
- early 20th centuries. This event greatly influenced the country's social economy. Over the past
20 years, the social economy of Kazakhstan has changed both positively and negatively.
On the one hand, since 2000, the republic has entered a new stage of socio-economic
development. The economic depression of the late 1990s gave way to a period of rapid growth.
The inflow of foreign investments into the country has revived, industrial production has
increased rapidly, the financial system has strengthened, and the possibilities of the republican
budget have significantly expanded(20 years of economic transition in Kazakhstan and the
prospects for industrial and innovative development of the country. (2011). ARTICLEKZ. The first years of Independence were a severe test for the
people of Kazakhstan and for the young state. During this time, there were many disputes about
the correctness of the path of development chosen by our country, often the ability of
Kazakhstan to independently cope with all the problems was questioned. However, in 2000,
Kazakhstan's GDP growth was 14.5 percent. A significant rise in the Kazakh economy occurred
due to the expansion of production capacities in the oil sector and the growth of world oil prices.
Economic growth was immediately reflected in the living standards of the population. Thus, the
expenses of a Kazakh family in 2000 increased by more than 22 percent(M Baygarin
.CHRONICLES OF INDEPENDENCE: 2000 - The rise of the economy of Kazakhstan
began. (2016). KAZINFORM.
pod-em-ekonomiki-kazahstana_a2965098). 2000-2010 - this is a period of returning to order, a
period of reconstruction and modernization of the economy. During these years, the budget crisis
was eliminated, the real sector began to work, which gave a multiplier effect in all spheres of the
state's socio-economic life.
On the other hand, the economy of Kazakhstan began to fall out strongly. The economy of
Kazakhstan in 2013 was characterized by a gradual decline in the country's GDP growth rates,
although they continued to remain significantly higher than the regional ones. The reason for the
decline in GDP growth rates was the generally negative state of the global macroeconomy.(
Financial crisis of 2007-2010 in Kazakhstan. (2016).Финансовый_кризис_2007—
2010_годов_в_Казахстане#Внешний_долг_2010). As of February 9, 2010 - External debt of
second-tier banks of Kazakhstan decreased to $ 28.5 billion. External debt of the state over the
past year increased and amounts to more than $ 100 billion. As of March 17, 2010 - External
debt of Kazakhstan is approximately equal to GDP. As of July 09, 2010, Kazakhstan's gross
external debt increased by 5.8%, reaching $ 110.7 billion. Kazakhstan's exports of goods peaked
in 2012, amounting to USD 86.4 billion. Later, in 2015, the value of Kazakhstani exports fell by
about two times compared to 2014. Such a sharp drop in exports was observed only in the crisis
of 2009. In 2016, exports continued to decline and their volume fell below the 2007 level. to
2013 the level of the export indicator remained almost unchanged.( Economy of Kazakhstan.
(2021).Экономика_Казахстана#2010-е). Nowadays, due to the
covid-19 pandemic, a crisis has begun in Kazakhstan. In 2020, the economy of Kazakhstan for
the first time since the late 90s may shrink by 3%. Poverty rate increased from 8.3% to 12.7%(
The negative impact of COVID-19 on the economy of Kazakhstan - the largest in scale in two
decades: World Bank report.(2020).
Over the past 20 years, the economy of Kazakhstan has improved greatly, but it was also in
crisis. Today it remains unstable.

M Baygarin.(2016). CHRONICLES OF INDEPENDENCE: 2000 - The rise of the economy of
Kazakhstan began. Retrieved from:
S.Karenov(2011). 20 years of economic transition in Kazakhstan and the prospects for industrial
and innovative development of the country. Retrieved from:
(2016). Financial crisis of 2007-2010 in Kazakhstan. Retrieved from:Финансовый_кризис_2007-
(2020). The negative impact of COVID-19 on the economy of Kazakhstan - the largest in scale in
two decades: World Bank report. Retrieved from:
(2021). Economy of Kazakhstan. Retrieved from:Экономика_Казахстана#2010-е

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