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1. The first Reading is about the new experience of Professor Duneier teaching
his classes at MOOC. At first, he was worried about the communication between the
students and him, but then He realized that wasn’t a problem because there was a
forum where the students can ask questions to the teacher and He could see all of
them and answer those that generated the most discussion.
After that experience of Professor Duneier at MOOC, He wanted to do their classes on
the Campus of Princeton University as well as in MOOC classes


a) Do you think it is possible to teach all subjects as MOOCs, or are there some
subjects that must be taught face to face in classroom or with a smaller enrollment?

- I don’t think it’s possible to teach all subjects as MOOCs because in some careers
there are courses that needs to be taught face to face in a classroom, as for
example Medicine, Art and Gastronomy.

b) Would you enjoy and be successful in a MOOC? Why or why not?

- I would enjoy it, because there are some useful courses at MOOC, and you can learn
a lot of things and even for free.

c) Do you think distance learning is the future of education? Do you think we will still
have classrooms as we know them in 50 or 100 years?

- I don't think we will stay taking distance learning in the future, we should start with
the face to face classes, and in 50 or 100 years, education might have changed but not
a virtually as now, I think It would change in the way of the teaching.


4. From a MOOC student to Professor Duneier: I get distracted easily at MOOC

courses, sometimes I just left the course because I lose motivation. But your course
was totally different, I really liked it, It was so interesting to know different opinions
and also you were so considerate with us and knew to respect our opinions. Thanks for
all Professor Duneier.


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