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Development of the Nervous System

1. signaling molecules “turn on” certain genes and “turn off” others
2. outermost layer formed during embryonic development
3. middle layer formed during embryonic development
4. inner-most layer formed during embryonic development
5. process in which signals from the mesoderm trigger some ectoderm cells to become nerve tissue
6. rapid and repeated production of new offspring
7. creation of neurons, limited to few regions in the brain in adulthood
8. neurons journey from the inner surface of the embryonic brain to their long-term locations in the brain
9. neurons migrate across these
10. after neurons reach their final locations, they begin making ________
11. once axons reach their targets, this forms
12. regularly spaced gaps of the myelin sheath
13. alternating pattern of insulation and nodes allow electrical signals to move down an axon faster, jumping from one
node to another
14. a process of programmed cell death initiated in the cells
15. life-sustaining chemical signals in the neuron
16. a neurotrophic factor and neuropeptide primarily involved in the regulation of growth, maintenance, proliferation, and
survival of certain target neurons
17. when excess connections are lost
18. process of forming the neural tube
19. The location of extension for a developing axon
20. the fatty wrapping of axons by extensions of glia, which increases the speed at which signals can travel along axons
Answer Key

1. Induction 6. Proliferation 11. Synapse 16. Nerve growth

2. Ectoderm 7. Neurogenesis 12. Nodes of Ranvier factor
3. Mesoderm 8. Migration 13. Saltatory 17. Pruning
4. Endoderm 9. Radial cortical conduction 18. Neurulation
5. Neural induction columns 14. Apoptosis 19. Growth Cone
10. Connections 15. Trophic factors 20. Myelination

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