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Advantages Disadvantages
Making decisions is faster as there is no The leader bears all risks and pressure and he
discussion and arguments during the decision- makes all decisions without input from
making process. subordinates.
Employees work harder in leadership presence Workers must obey and comply even if they
disagree or see an issue.
Employees hold less pressure because they are It is very strict and could lead to the work
given detailed and specific tasks environment becoming unhealthy due to lack of


Advantages Disadvantages
Improved work relationships as there’s Decision making is slower due to the amount of
communication between management and input gathered.
Problems can be solved easier as different Negative emotions can arise as there is room to
opinions and input are added to the table and see workers true character and personality.
one person cannot correctly solve everything.
It could improve commitment and passion Leadership can be questioned because they are
towards work as there is more creativity and help asking for opinions as if they are unsure of what
can be acquired. to do.


Advantages Disadvantages
Workers are given more space to be initiative and Workers may slack due to the amount of room
innovative. and lack of supervision.
It creates an independent environment as Leadership may be unaware of issues within the
workers aren’t instructed every step of the way. workspace as they are absent and hand-off.
Workers can create their own teams and gain It downplays the role of leader as there is
experience as leaders themselves. basically no leader instructing and correcting

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