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1. A) What was the leaders of the Taino people called?


B) How was the Taino leader chosen?

The position was hereditary passing from father to son

2. Describe THREE functions of the Taino leader

a. He was in charge and required to rule over his provinces in the country he lived.
b. He was responsible to making choices about war and peace, whether they were to attack or
retaliate against the kalinagos or seek peace
c. Making decisions as to who should labour on the land; who should hunt, fish or farm.

3. Describe THREE features of the political system of the Taino

a. They were led by the cacique who governed over different provinces across Jamaica,
Hispaniola and Cuba and the districts were ruled by sub-chiefs/nobles called mitaynos.
b. The Tainos had few laws and crimes were rare but in the case of a crime like theft which was
the greatest, for which punishment was death by impalement that is, being pierced and left
to die on a pointed stick.
c. At his death, the cacique was either burnt in his hut or buried in a cave and two or more of
his favourite wives were also buried with him.

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