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Writing objectively can be a difficult skill to master, especially when you are writing

about something that you have a strong opinion about. Please write two to three

sentences in an objective and research-based manner about the topic of ‘vegetarianism.’

You may look up information if need be.

Vegetarianism is the practice of limiting the consumption of meat. Vegetarians tend to have

lower cancer rates as well as chronic diseases.

2. Answering the opposition is an important component in persuasive nonfiction. Why is it

important to do this? Please give an example of how you might answer the opposition in

a persuasive paper about ‘why you should homeschool your kids.’

Homeschooling is a great opportunity for kids to take the time to explore, wonder and create, as

they spend less time in the same four walls every day.

3. Descriptive nonfiction focuses on the truth but leaves plenty of room for the imagination

as well. Through vivid and thoughtful language, this kind of writing can help the reader

visualize the situation more clearly. Come up with a short, two to three sentence

paragraph that offers a nonfiction description of something. This can be a person, a

place, or an event, but it must appeal to the five senses while sticking to facts.

“She was wearing a sparkling white,long groom, messy hair tied up with a scent of vanilla.
4. Imagine that you are tutoring a foreign exchange student who has no understanding

about what creative nonfiction is. What are some of the main points that you would

express to this student from the unit to help give them an overall picture about creative

nonfiction writing?

● Factually accurate

● Based on experiences

● Room for fantasy

5. The time effect is a strategy that writers use when trying to navigate accuracy and ethics

in creative nonfiction writing. Can you think of an example of when this type of strategy

might be necessary, either an example of something that you would like to write or an

example of something that you have read that utilized the time effect. How was it/could

it be used? How was it/could it be helpful?

The time effect is a very useful strategy to convey information, since if we use all the details in

between events, it could lead to a very dull narrative. If we take as an example Disney cartoons,

they all have a main event, however not every second leading to that event is written or shown,

just like in almost every writing.

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