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1.1 Background to the Study

Cosmetic products have become a necessity in modern people’s life. In the meantime, the

advancement of information technology has caused the decline of traditional media because of

the way that modern people generally receive information from mobile phones. In addition,

people spend in browsing social media are more than half of the time using mobile phones

(Bergstrom & Backman, 2013). For young people, social media has become an indispensable

tool in many ways (Goodyear et al, 2019).

In the past decade, Facebook and Twitter were popular, followed by Instagram, a recent

developed social media using pictures as the major media sharing with other users.

Approximately 46470 photos posted on Instagram every minute in 2017 (Hutchinson, 2018).

Facebook is used by many family members, relatives, friends and teachers. It‟s full of

complicated information leading users to feel less privacy. However, Instagram has been favored

by young users for years because it can make the account undisclosed (Ting et al., 2016). Many

cosmetic brands (eg, Mac, Maybelline, L'Oréal) keep abreast of the developing trend and put

more advertisements on Instagram. They have created tens of thousands of online followers

(Statista, 2017) and amassed huge word of mouth (WOM). Although many studies have

examined the users‟ intention behavior of Instagram, research on advertising effectiveness is


It is truly high competition among the brands in terms of social media market. As a result, it is

very difficult to stand out from the competitors. Many brands invite movie or TV stars to
promote the products. A suitable star for the representative of a brand indeed may attract

potential buyers because the representative can enhance their trust toward the brands, and then

increate the possibility of the purchase (McCracken, 1989; Stafford et al., 2002). In addition to

traditional celebrities, there are more and more typical consumers to be the representatives. For

those who become popular through Instagram, people call them “Instafamous”. They try

achieving fame by posting their selfies to Instagram and are usually followed by over ten

thousands users (Djafarova & Rushworth, 2017). For small businesses, the benefits created based

on the Instafamous adverting may not be less than the TV star adverting. Generally, skin care

products can be classified into two kinds: hedonic attribute and utilitarian attribute (Moon et al.,


Make-up is the process of applying the product on the face while the complete made-up is called
makeover. Face make-up is as old as man, it varies from culture to culture. Make-up is an
integral part of most women's life in our society. The drive to decorate the body and face has its
inception in prehistoric days when initially men used it to camouflage his form from predatory
animals and to induce fear into threatening opponents (Corson 1972) with the passage of time,
body painting and tattooing became linked to identity, being used to mark clan membership, as
an artefact in ritual celebration and worship, and as a medium to adhere and attract the opposite
sex. According to Noth (1990), the role of make-up as a symbolic medium has ancient origins
and whilst the meaning and symbols painted on faces may have changed over the centuries, the
myth and mystery associated with facial adornment has not changed. Make-up is not a recent
invention. Women and men wore make-up in ancient cultures, such as Egypt. While the use of
cosmetics has changed over the years, today in societies the world over, women are the main
buyers and users of make-up.

According to Łopaciuk and Łoboda (2013), As cosmetic products are used to increase the
attractiveness of an individual by enhancing his or her appearance, the majority of the cosmetic
product brands are using celebrity endorsers that can well-represent on behalf of their brands, in
order to capture the attention of consumers and to increase their tendency of purchasing the
products. About 82% of women rely on the information or opinion provided by celebrity

Therefore, this research aims to explore the connection between using connection between using

celebrities instagram pages and its effectiveness in influencing fans preference for makeup

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Considering the massive amount of celebrity endorsement practices in cosmetics advertising,

Although there is not a direct way to test the relationship between the effectiveness of

advertisements and consumer behavior, nor the effectiveness of advertisement and consumers’

attitudes, this research applies to advertisement influence, behavioral loyalty attributes and

attitudinal loyalty attributes separately. By utilizing all previously gained knowledge, the results

shall be able to serve the research purpose. This study is an effort to examine the link between

celebrities Instagram pages and also to explore promotion of makeup and cosmetics products by

Instagram celebrities and its influence on consumers’ behavioral and attitudinal loyalty.and its

effectiveness in influencing consumers’ brand loyalty. It also seeks to determine the extent to

which Celebrity instagram pages and posts affect makeup artistry and make-up artists business

on the long run and also the level of patronage of makeup artistry.

1.3 Objective of Study

1. To determine the relationship between celebrities lifestyle in influencing 8consumers’

behavioral and attitudinal change in relation to makeup artistry

2. To examine the role of celebrities in promoting cosmetics and makeup use among Nigerians.

3. To examine the influence of celebrities Instagram pages on makeup artistry among makeup

artists in Kosofe Local government area

1.4 Research Questions

In line with the research problem and the knowledge gap, the main research questions are


1. What is the relationship between celebrities lifestyle in influencing consumer behavioral and

attitudinal change?

2. What role do celebrities play in promoting cosmetics and makeup use among Nigerians?

3. What is the influence of celebrities Instagram pages on Makeup artistry among makeup

artists in Kosofe Local government area?

1.5 Significance of Study

This study will help provide information on the influence of Celebrities on the attitudinal and

behavioural changes in consumers. This would further help provide insights to how celebrities

and their Instagram pages can be used as an advertising and public relations tool to promote and

influence the use of products and adoption of new innovations. This study seeks to advise

companies and corporate organizations of effective ways to use Celebrities and their social

media pages to help influence the acceptance of new ideas, products or sectors of the economy.

In this study, the relationship between celebrities and their fans lifestyle will be established and

the effect it has on the cosmetic industry in particular.

1.6 Scope of The Study

The scope of the paper is to examine the Influence of celebrities instagram page on makeup

artistry among makeup artists in Kosofe local government area.

Operational definitions of variables used in this study are as follows:

 Celebrities : An individual who is well known and recognized by people as a result of significant

public exposure mostly through mass media. In this study they are Mercy Aigbe, Iyabo Ojo and

Funke Akindele who post makeup photos on their Instagram pages and influence their fans

behaviour and attitude towards makeup

 Instagram:Instagram is a social media platform. It is the media used by Mercy Aigbe, Iyabo

Ojo and Funke Akindele to post their makeup photos and influence their fans’ behaviour and

attitude towards makeup

 Makeup Artistry:Makeup artistry is the art and business of noninvasive care of the skin by

application of cosmetic preparations for cleansing . It is the profession practiced by Makeup

artists in Kosofe which has been affected by Celebrities instagram pages

 Makeup Artists: These are professionals engaged in makeup artistry that live in Kosofe

Local Goverment Area in Lagos who have been affected by celebrities who use their

instagram pages to influence makeup artistry.

 Kosofe Local Government Area:Kosofe is a Local Government Area in Lagos state where

makeup artists whose profession have been affected by Mercy Aigbe, Iyabo Ojo and Funke

Akindele live.



This literature review covers fundamental subjects of this research study on the influence of celebrity

instagram pages on makeup artistry among make up artistes in Kosofe. It reviews existing concepts,

theories and models. The first part explores celebrity influence as well as the different models used in

the literature to explain it. The second part covers celebrity endorsement and explain the models and

theories researchers have developed through the years. It enables the researcher to gather the

information needed in order to conduct this study and provide a basis for the research objectives and



A Proposed Research Model

This study proposes that one’s involvement with a celebrity influences his/her perceptions of lifesyle

that the celebrity presents. The makeup perceptions proposed in this study are familiarity, image

(composed of affective and cognitive dimensions), and likelihood to influence makeup perception. The
interrelationships of these constructs are shown in the model below.

A celebrity can influence perception of some fans towards makeup. Abercrombie and Longhurst (1998)

defined mass media fans as “those people who become particularly attached to certain programs or

stars within the context of relatively heavy mass media use” (p. 138). Although one may want to define a

person who sets time aside on a regular basis to watch a favored television series as a fan, media

fandom is more than just watching a TV series on a regular basis and setting a VCR everyday to tape a

favorite soap opera. It is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon that typically involves diverse forms

of participation and levels of engagement (Jenkins 1992). For the “avid fan” (Reeves, Rodgers and

Epstein 1996), a specific television show is not only a special event but also a major source of self-

definition. Fans often tape each episode to later review, archive shows, and join interpretive

communities (e.g., fan clubs and on-line discussion groups). They also may become active consumers by
purchasingsupplementary program related materials such as books, magazines, and various other


For avid fans, media celebrities may become an important leisure activity. The term celebrity influence is

used here to describe the tendency to develop a heightened affection and attachment to a celebrity.

Hence, the concept of influence of celebrities on fans may be useful conceptual framework to

understand celebrity fandom, particularly in terms of fans' psychological states.

According to Havitz and Dimanche (1997: 256), the concept of influence refers to an “unobservable state

of motivation, arousal or interest toward a recreational activity or associated product.” They further

argued that it is evoked by particular stimulus or situation and has drive properties. In this study, a

celebrity is conceived as a product or leisure activity. That is, a celebrity can become an object of leisure

involvement for people. Often treated as a psychological antecedent of diverse leisure attitudes and

behaviors, involvement is known to influence the length and frequency of activity participation (Park

1996; Schuett 1995; Venkatraman 1988), expenditures associated with a chosen leisure activity (Bloch

1993; Siegenthaler and Lam 1992), and a future intention to participate in a chosen leisure activity

(McCarville, Crompton and Sell 1993; Norman 1991).

The level of involvement with the chosen celebrity can influence the perceptions of a product or service

the celebrity may present or post. That is, level of celebrity involvement may be positively associated

with one's image of the chosen celebrity. As shown in the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), positive

images that audiences have of celebrities may be transferred to the products that celebrities represent.

Within the context of movies and TV dramas, it may be the filmed locations that celebrities signify. For

example, Korean celebrities in diverse TV dramas and films that have been distributed in other East

Asian countries may act as an endorser or image-maker for the featured sites at both local and national

levels. It should be noted that the efficiency of “meaning transfer” from a celebrity to a filmed location

may depend on the characteristics of the audiences (recipients). A degree of receptiveness may be
higher when the program is made to appear to be personally relevant to audiences or the audiences

become an avid fan of the actors/actresses featured in the media (Aronson, Wilson and Akert 1999).

Hence, one can reasonably infer the close linkage between celebrity involvement and the destination

images that the selected celebrity may signify. The following section explains the two


Celebrity studies is a new and emerging area in Nigeria, hence, most studies conducted in this

area are carried out by scholars in the western world. Johansson (2015) carried out a research on

Celebrity culture and audiences: a Swedish case study. The study examined how media

consumers of different age, gender and socio-economic backgrounds in Stockholm relate to and

talk about celebrities and celebrity media. Based on 16 small focus groups with 17 year olds and

45–55 year olds, with male and female participants from working-class as well as academic

backgrounds, she investigated a range of responses to celebrity content in connection with

overall media developments in Sweden, in order to gain insights into what the contemporary

cultural emphasis on celebrity can mean on an audience level within a particular context. Some

of the pleasures gained from celebrity content but also elements of celebrity ‘hatred’ and

experiences of media manipulation are explored. Likewise, some of the articulations of

individual celebrities and celebrity media are discussed as interlinked with socially determined

identity positions such as age, gender and social class. Jerslev (2014) in the study

Celebrification, Authenticity, Gossip: The Celebrity Humanitarian discussed the celebrity

humanitarian as media construction. Departing from a discussion of celebrification, the article

argued that celebrities in public roles outside the field of entertainment are inevitably framed by

and structured in accordance with celebrity logic. The article discussed how celebrity

humanitarianism is a contested field, which, in order for a particular activity to support the

celebrity persona, relies heavily on strategies of authentification. Finally, the article showed how
information about a photograph of Angelina Jolie from her trip to the Democratic Republic of

Congo in March 2013 is transformed and translated into gossip about the star’s private life when

discussed by users on a celebrity site. Boon and Lomore (2001) explained in the research work

Admirer-celebrity relationships among young adults explaining perceptions of celebrity

influence on identity that investigated young adults’ judgments regarding the degree to which

relationshipswith celebrity idols influenced their sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.

Participants (N = 75) were recruited from a larger sample (N = 213) of young adults whose

responses to a brief survey instrument indicated that they were moderately to strongly attracted

to media figures they identified as idols in their lives. The paper discussed the characteristics of

the sample of idols participants reported as well as descriptive data concerning the degree to

which participants perceived these idols as influential in shaping their sense of identity and

feelings of self-worth. Public Relations Journal Nnamdi Nzekwe, Ngonso, Blessed & Oyewole

Priscilla 9 In another study carried out by Omenugha, Uzuegbunam and Ndolo(2016) Celebrity

culture, media and the Nigerian youth: negotiating cultural identities in a globalised world, it was

examined in the context of Nigeria, whether celebrity culture is being appropriated by Nigerian

youth through their vicarious experiences of the media. A further aim was to establish whether

such appropriation has any influence on their social behaviours and attitudes. Drawing

respondents from undergraduate students at two universities in Nigeria, and employing

qualitative andquantitative methodologies, the study has found that indications are rife of

Western celebrity culture being perpetuated by both mainstream and alternative media, and that

this is fastcatching up with Nigerian youth’s cultural experiences. However, they concluded that

there appears to be an emerging and empowering hybridization of African and Western cultures,
as Nigerian youth negotiate their cultural identities.

2.1 Social Media

Social media is defined as “a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological

and technical foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user generated

content” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). “Social media is a broad term that describes software tools

that create user generated content that can be shared (Sinclaire, Jollean K. , & Vogus, 2011).”

There are certain fundamental features necessary for a website to meet the requirements as a

social network website: the site must contain user profiles, a content, and a method that permits

users to connect with each other and post comments on each other’s pages, and join virtual

groups based on common interests such as fashion or politics (Cox, 2010).Classification of

Social Media by social presence/media richness and self-presentation/self-disclosure are as

follows, blogs, social networking sites (e.g.: Facebook), virtual social worlds (e.g.Second life),

collaborative projects(e.g. Wikipedia), content communities (e.g.YouTube) and virtual game

worlds (eg:World of war craft ) (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Counter to traditional computer

aided communications, social media sees shift of activity from desktop to web content creation

from firm to consumer and overall control from firm to consumer (Berthon, Pitt, Plangger, &

Shapiro, 2012).

2.1.1 Instagram

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing platform with incorporated social networking features.

To be able to use the application one must create an account. Accounts can be public or private,

thus, the content posted is either available to the wide public or only for those accepted as

followers. A follower is a user that voluntarily subscribes to the account of another person with

the intent of seeing its content regularly in their feed- a separate page inside the application

where the posts of all the followed accounts can be seen. A person with a large following is

called an influencer, their influence being a coded concept, which is not only quantifiable but

also manageable. Posts are pictures or videos published by a user on their account. The esthetical

qualities can be edited in terms of brightness, contrast, saturation and other photography editing

technical values, while also adding color filters- a feature Instagram is highly known for. Each

post can be given a description that users personalize to their reasoning and taste. If one likes the

post of another person, he can simply give his satisfactory approval by “hearting” the post. A

heart is a numerical value that expresses a positive evaluation on a specific post, done by double

tapping the post (as in smartphone mode). As Dijck (2013, p.13) states in his book, the pieces of

content that are highly liked “have the potential of becoming trends”, which is also reason why

influencers are considered to have an impact.

2.2 The Nigerian Makeup Industry

The Nigerian Makeup industry has also evolved over the years to becoming a major force to be

reckoned with.In the early eighties, the industry comprised mainly of local cosmetic products

such as Kohl and a few global brands such as Revlon and Mary Kay, which were purchased

mostly by the upper class individuals. These products provided by the global brands were not

very suitable for the African (black) skin and the consumer had little or no knowledge of how to

properly apply them as there were only a few campaigns on the correct application of the

products. The limited knowledge on the correct application of make-up resulted in the emergence

of professionals, skilled in the art of makeup application. A renowned makeup artist, who

pioneered the bridal makeup profession in

Nigeria, established the first indigenous makeup brand – House of Tara in 1998. Starting out as a

bridal makeup artist with a makeup shopand a vision to empower other young women in the

makeup business, the House of Tara established the first makeup school in the country and also

initiated the beauty rep model, thereby creating a platform for aspiring makeup artistes. Many

more makeup artistes including prominent indigenous makeup brands emerged from the House

of Tara makeup school and beauty rep model. Driven by the growing economic power of the

average Nigerian woman, increased urbanization and preference for western looks, the demand

for makeup services and products has continued to rise significantly, transforming the industry

into a budding enterprise comprising of three main segments; makeup products, makeup schools

and makeup services.

The makeup product segment is currently dominated by multinational brands such as Mary Kay

and MAC while indigenous brandssuch as House of Tara, BM Pro and Sleek are still seeking to

gain significant market share. However in the makeup services segment, indigenous brands have

honed their skills, with several beauty/makeup studios situated in major cities around the
country. Some of the prominent makeup studios with presence in major cities are House of Tara,

BM Pro and Sleek studios. The emerging trend with women between the 18 and 55 age group is

going to a makeup studio to get their makeupdone before attending a social gathering or event.

The makeup school segment has also experienced significant growth. With the growing demand

for makeup services and the high rate of unemployment, a lot of young women have resorted to

the art of makeup. The number of young women applying to makeup schools has increased

significantly over the years. Though the Nigerian makeup industry is valued at over $1 billion

and projected to have year on year growth, a lot still has to be done for it to compete effectively

with its international counterparts and be recognized as a force to be reckoned with in the global


2.3 Celebrities As Opinion Leaders

Opinion Leaders are individuals who have the power to influence or move the opinions of others

about specific areas. According to Weber (1968), opinion leaders could be recognized as

someone who has some appealing qualities and charismatic in terms of their face, body or

talents. Charisma from a person has been identified as a source of power. They are able to have

influences over a specific group of people and are easier to be accepted by the public due to their

positive image, thus embodying the image of a role model (Frazer and Brown, 2002). Opinion

leaders becomes source of information for their followers, and according to Yilmaz, Iscioglu and

Bodur (2011), there are two attributes that adds to source effectiveness, likability and credibility.

A person who has a high social status (opinion leader) will always maintain the values and norms

of his group as a minimum requirement in maintaining their status (Homans, 1961

In the era where interactions can be carried out both online and offline, the role of opinion

leaders might be even more significant. Opinion leaders could either be people with an extensive
knowledge of a particular topic (experts) or who have many connections with others (social

connectors) (Turcotte et al., 2015). People who are considered as opinion leaders by their peers

probably indeed influence them (Iyengar, Van den Bulte, and Valente, 2011). As such, the use of

celebrities for marketing communication purposes is not a recent phenomenon and they have

been endorsing products since the late nineteenth century (Erdogan, 1999). On the other hand,

we might find opinion seekers, that is, people who are looking for information or advice from

others who are considered opinion leaders (Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard, 1990). Katz (1955)

states that it was the duty of opinion leaders to introduce the community to new ideas that were

in accordance with the nature of their environment, through whatever media they feel was right.

That could explain why the opinion from opinion leaders towards the community is very

influential in decision making.

Due to the popularity of the Internet, people share their views and feeling on social media.

Hence, it is no surprise that online consumer review is critically important to consumers and

marketers nowadays (Frichou, 2018). A study conducted by Chan, Cheng and Yeung (2017)

shows that consumers rely heavily on consumer recommendations before they decide whether to

buy that product or not. Almost one-fourth of internet users have sought product review before

they purchase. They take product reviews into account before their purchasing decisions. In

consumers' perception, such recommendations are regarded as convincing and authoritative.

They can assure or break one's purchasing decision. Hence, more and more companies are trying

to get into this market by sponsoring or pay opinion leaders to do product reviews, especially

companies in the beauty industry

With an anticipated annual growth rate of 4.3%, the global beauty market is projected to reach

$429.8 billion by 2022 (, 2017) marketers look to the words and selfies of
beauty influencers to garner these large audience, including in the social media ecosystem

(Mediakix, 2018). A few of these successful online influencers has even launched their own

beauty collections too (Harperbazaar, 2019). As social media marketing grew, consumers have

started to trust the so-called ―regular‖ people they see on social media instead of the

homogeneous models in magazines or celebrity ambassadors (Wischhover, 2018). YouTube and

Instagram are two social media platforms that have been intensively used by beauty sector where

influencers and bloggers often present the products they have tested providing their opinion or

promoting them online to other users (Sokolova and Kefi, 2019). To investigate the opinion

leaders' product reviews on Instagram, it is essential to understand the basic concept and

implication of social media site.

Opinion leaders can easily be found on Instagram, from traditional celebrities who are already

recognized as public figures by mass media (Baila and Nicolau, 2018) , to those who build their

fame through personal branding in Instagram, namely ―celebgrams‖ (Totoatmojo, 2015).

Celebgram is a term mostly used by Indonesian Instagram users, referring to new celebrities

emerging from endorsing products on Instagram (Magfiroh and Hapsari, 2015).

2.3.1 Factors Determining Celebrities Ability To Influence On Behavioral And Attitudinal


These factors can be arranged according to the four elements of the communication

process as it is outlined in this section.

1. Celebrity Characteristics

a) Perceived Personal Qualities: The role play of likeness, physical attractiveness,

trustworthiness, expertise and credibility has been discussed widely in the use of celebrity

endorsement. To McCraken (1989), “likeability indicates affection towards a celebrity as a result

of his or her physical appearance and behaviour”.

According to Chaiken (1979) in institute of marketing and media marketing journal (2011: 9),

social psychology research shows that physically attractive persons are more successful in

changing beliefs than unattractive persons. Khale and Homer (1985) find that a highly attractive

celebrity generates a significantly more positive brand image than those of a less attractive


b) Trustworthiness and expertise are the sub-dimensions of credibility constructs which refers

to the perceived willingness to make valid assertions. Expertise interacts with attractiveness so that

the favourable impact of high expertise increases with higher levels of attractiveness.

c) External Information: Information constitutes types of external information that affect the

perception of the celebrity. Negative information which may disrupt the advertising campaign that

includes harmful news about a celebrity which may now become public during or after the

advertising campaign.

d) Multiple Endorsements: This happens when one celebrity endorses multiple brands at a

time or one brand endorsed by multiple celebrities at a time.

2. Message Characteristics

a. Number of Exposures to the celebrity: The more exposure effect suggests that repeated

contact with a stimulus leads to greater effect towards that stimulus Carsten Erfgen (2011: 13).

Enhanced effect toward a celebrity endorser due to repeated exposure may transfer to the

advertised brand and may lead to brand loyalty in the long run.

b. Advertising Channel Characteristics: The advertising channel as a variable must be carefully

looked at because the channel of advertising may also influence the impact of the celebrity on

the brand loyalty

2.4 Celebrities And Their Influence On Beauty And Cosmetics

In the conventional market, consumers buy beauty cosmetic products in physical stores, allowing

them to inspect the products directly and consult the shopkeeper or seller to obtain more

information and recommendation. In cosmetic and beauty industry, consumers have been

continuously exposed to imagery of highly attractive figures who advertise cosmetic brands; For

consumers, this may lead to significant behavioural implications (Apaolaza-Ibáñez, et al., 2011).

Meanwhile, consumers' intention to purchase is influenced by several factors, such as a

recommendation from peers or expected performance and knowledge, enhanced by digital

marketing strategies used by companies to increase sales (Gesenhues, 2013).

Before the development of digital marketing around 1990 and 2000, consumers still relied on

physical stores in shopping as online shopping had not yet become a trend until around 2010, and

with the advent of the mobile commerce era, company's online sales increased dramatically

(Lucy, 2016). With the rising of social media adoption by businesses as integral part of their

marketing strategy, one important marketing action conducted by companies is to engage with

the online influencers as a means of promotional tool (Ananda, Hernández-García and Lamberti,

2016). Recently, beauty brands have adopted influencer marketing that help them to create link

between social media and ecommerce with the most important reason enlisting the support of

digital influencers is to build brand awareness (Gilliland, 2018). Besides that, the number of

tutorial videos in using beauty cosmetics also plays roles in increasing consumer buying interest.

As such, vlogging (i.e. video blogging) is commonplace within the beauty industry nowadays,

with opinion leaders share their insight into products/services through make-up tutorials and

product reviews (Ding et al., 2019).

The rise of the cosmetic industry has led many celebrities to jump on the opportunity to create a

makeup line or brand of their own. Celebrities such as Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (for
Autograph), Mariah Carey (MAC Cosmetics) and Gigi Hadid (Maybelline) are examples of

personalities collaborating with brands to launch their makeup line. These lines are usually

released for a limited time as the parent companies prioritize looking for new celebrities to work

with (Kaur, 2018).

While some celebrities starting a makeup line with the help of a cosmetic company, others favor

creating their own beauty brand from scratch. Reality TV star Kylie Jenner began her creative

venture into the industry when she released the Kylie Cosmetics Lip Kit line in 2015 which sold

out within minutes of its release online (Shi, 2018). Since then, Kylie has released plenty of other

makeup products through her brand. As of 2017, the brand is reportedly valued at $800 million

(Robehmed, 2018). The digital shift in customer engagement is incredibly profound and has

changed the cosmetic industry for good. According to Suzy Ross, senior advisor at Accenture,

brand owners these days prioritize building a direct relationship with their customers and usually

place their customers at the heart of the product experience (Simpson & Craig, 2018).

Beauty brands engage their followers through bite-size makeup tutorials that shows off their

beauty products and encourages UGC which creates organic ads to capture new customers

(Barnhart, 2018). Social media influencers are hired by beauty brands as they influence the

buying behaviour of big groups of people by voicing their opinions on a brand’s product (Forbes,

2016). Premium cosmetic brands struggle when consumers prefer to purchase improved mass-

market products due to the transparencies enabled by social media. This affects the sales of

premium cosmetic brands and force them to partner with tech companies to meet the digital

needs of the younger generation (Coady, 2018).

A wide spectrum of factors influences followers to interact and engage with the brands they are

interested in. Six factors were identified that played a part in encouraging followers’ interaction;
vividness and variety of online content, brand interactivity, description of a product, information

enriched with entertaining features and novelty of content posted.

The IPA Model was introduced by an American social psychologist by the name of Robert Freed

Bales who pioneered the systematic technique of group observations as well as a way of gaging

the interaction process (Smith, 2008). The purpose of the IPA model is to enable the author to

recognize and record the nature of each act, in accordance to the model (Savolainen, 2015). The

model has been utilized and tested in online communication environments. A study used the IPA

as a basis to content-analyse tweets made by media organizations and the results show that the

media organizations posted tweets that were more task-oriented than socioemotional (Zhang,

Tao, & Kim, 2018; Lin & Peña, 2011). However, the model has been criticised for being unable

to mediate input and output states of group interactions due to appropriateness of existing

methodologies for measuring group process in task-oriented groups and general issues of

research strategy (Hackman & Morris, 1975).

The purpose of the research method is to attain the outcome of an analysis based on concepts

describing the phenomenon and it is carried out to build upon an existing model (Elo & Kyngäs,

2008). The research process requires the researcher to carry out the analysis based on the rules

formulated and the researcher typically analyses the data with no selective insights and biased

preconceived notions on the matter discussed (Kassarjian, 1977).

2.5 Theoretical Review

There are different theories that explain the effect celebrities have on the lifestyle of their

followers. The following are some of these theories.

2.5.1 The Social Cognitive Theory

Over the years, the Para-Social Integration (PSI) thesis and the Theory of Identification evolved

into a broader understanding. There are constantly new researches done to firmly support past

beliefs, or even to contradict old ones and derive newer theories from them. Hence, Albert

Bandura thoroughly studied the human nature to understand the change in behaviors affected

from the outside world. This psychological development is determined from three correlated

aspects: behavioral, personal and external properties (Wood & Bandura, 1989). The outside

world is what causes people to change their behaviors and attitudes. Through these three

mechanisms, the human attitude alters in a way to conform and adapt to the new environment.

Usually, when people associate themselves to a certain figure, they would have realized some

sort of similar characteristics between each other. This is what causes them to become a fan of

that specific celebrity, and thus follow their footsteps and imitate their actions. As a result,

Bandura generated The Social

Cognitive Theory portrays that people follow a role model's behavior once they have established

similar identification levels (Bandura, 1988). With time, the fan will start adopting some of the

personality traits of their idealized figure, and integrate those behaviors as part of their lifestyles

without even realizing the change. This psychological effect is what causes the fan to build

stronger identification traits with that of the celebrity, and thus increase the similar behaviors

between each other. As a relation, the Social Cognitive Theory strongly supports advertisements

with an endorsed celebrity. Once a certain figure is presented in a desirable image, viewers will

be impressed and will try to act in a way to appear similar to that celebrity. They will start using

that product, especially if it is a cosmetic product, to achieve comparable gratitude and

satisfaction from others. As a consequence, people will get used to this new change and it will

become part of their own lifestyle.

2.5.2 Technological Determinism Theory

This theory was propounded by a renowned Canadian communication researcher, McLuhan

(1962), who Baran and Davies (2012, p.273) cited as stating that “changes in communication

technology inevitably produce profound changes in both culture and social order.” According to

Adler (2006), Technological determinism theory is the idea that technology has effects on our

lives. The bearing of this theory to this work stems from the fact that internet as technological

inventions are making dramatic influences on the users’ communication today. In a nutshell, the

new media are transforming the manner Nigerians’ interact and exchange feelings, experiences

and ideas. So, apparently, they go a long way to determine how and what the users communicate.

McLuhan as cited by Agba (2002, p.255) asserts;

Technological Determinism is, quite simply, the idea that technology shapes and alters basic

things about behavior and society like the way we think and act, the way we conduct our

interpersonal relationships, our values, and the way we learn. “Technology” includes such things

as basic tools, codes and structures for interpersonal behaviors and social institutions, and

modern computer and Internet technologies. In essence, it “includes the whole of our material

culture” (Chandler, 2000).

Neil Postman is a prominent technological determinist, urging much caution in the adoption of

new technologies, and arguing that we make a “Faustian bargain” (Neil Postman, 1995) with

every new technology we introduce and use in our society. Essentially, though we may be

gaining something (some new ability or convenience), we are inevitably giving something up too

(often in the form of healthy relationships or cognitive abilities).



The importance of research methodology in any empirical study is to know the type of method to

be used in the validity of the research findings. Therefore, this chapter will examine the research

method, research instrument research population, sampling technique, sample size, source of

data collection and the method of data analysis.

3.1 Research Method

The survey research method will be adopted for this research study. The survey method will

provide the techniques needed in the process of conducting this research. The phenomenon will

study the influence of celebrity Instagram pages on makeup artistry among makeup artistes in

Kosofe local government area.

3.2 Population Of Study

The population of the study are followers of celebrities who use their instagram pages to post

pictures and videos of them on makeup. For this study, a total of three celebrities were selected.

The celebrities are; Mercy Aigbe(11million followers), Iyabo Ojo(5.8 million followers), and

Funke Akindele(15.5million followers). The three are Nollywood actresses who also have a huge
number of followers. Therefore the population of the study are the followers of these celebrities.

a total of 31.8million followers(Instagram 2022)

3.3 Sampling Technique

For the purpose of this study, the systematic sampling technique will be used to select sample

from the total population. A systematic sampling is a type of probability sampling method in

which sample members from a larger population are selected according to a random starting

point but with a fixed, periodic interval. This technique ensured that the selection of respondents

was equal and unbiased.

3.4 Sample Size

The sample size is a smaller set of the larger population. Determining sample size is a very

important issue for collecting an accurate result within a quantitative survey design. Therefore

this study will adopt the Taro Yamane sampling technique to get the sample size for this study.

1+ N (e)2


Total Public Relations practitioners in Lagos (N) is given as 10,001; Confidence level = 95%;

and. Margin of error (Significant Level) (e) = 0.05%.



= 31,800,000
= 31,800,000

= 31,800,000


= 400

=400(Yamen, 1967)

Therefore the sample size for this study would be 400 instagram followers of the above

Celebrities instagram pages

3.5 Research Instrument

In the course of this study, the researcher will consider the questionnaire as the most veritable

instrument for the study. The questionnaire produced by the researcher with useful information

will help in data generation for the study.

3.6 Method of Data Collection

The source of data collection in this study was through primary and secondary sources. In

primary source the questionnaire was considered as the most useful instrument for gathering

information while the secondary source includes text books, journals and the internet.

3.7 Method of Data Presentation

The method of data analysis adopted by the researcher for this work as frequency distribution

tables and simple percentages for easy interpretation and analysis. Data collected from

questionnaire were analyzed, summarized using table, frequency.

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