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Learn with me again

We are here together in this journey to learn. Today, I am sharing with you a little bit about myself. I
hope you learn a few things about me. Such as, 1, my fears, 2, my background so that you can find
relatable topics to talk to me in club or outside the club and finally, who I am today?

Let me begin my fears, I made so much mistakes in life. Here are few examples, I gave up my tuition-free
scholarship going to Chicago University because my dad got into accident and I feared that I cannot
survive the struggle of studying and working part-time in USA.

I gave up on doing excellently in my high school days. What’s even more is I fear of myself sometimes;
especially, now I realized all of those manners especially giving up important humble tasks and feeling
proud that sometimes I feel I am the best.

Ladies and gentlemen, I found out that my pride comes from my fear, to hide my fear, I built delusional
comforting words to calm me and make myself happy. Here’s one good example, when I choose not to
go USA, I regretted but when I start to comparing myself with others, I have that pride like I am special.
Oh boy, now that I am 28, I realized what really matters are to be more tactful and kinder in life.Being
tact is crucial in moments of fear. This is because when we focus on worried about our fears, we take
away the moment of being calm to control. Dwayne Johnson or better known as the “Rock” shared this
line “When you focus on you, you grow; when you focus on ****, the **** grows”. Hence, ladies and
gentleman, I focus on looking after my fears more carefully now.

Moving on, I am 28 years old this year, I had worked as a driver like those people in grab, I had worked
as a truck driver like those drivers with big cars moving big woods around the highway, I had teach
young kids to avoid ending up like me and to appreciate their education especially in STEM programs
that make them more employable in future. It seems humble yet a bit sad at times, when I start to think
the numbers, for example, before covid days, it was the good rainbow days, 3000-5000 bnd, taking my
off days as I wish. After the covid days, I returned to university and restart my whole career, I don’t earn
as much as before. I deviated from transportation industry, I joined the academic industry, being a
research assistant and project officer in Centre for lifelong learning in Universiti Brunei Darussalam. I
learned to follow company rules and regulations. Less liberal calls, however; on the bright side, I learned
that rules and regulations are there to guide to keep things in harmony. From the fears and mistakes, I
created in life, it leads me here today. Today, I am a project officer for two firms. One, is an accounting
start-up firm in Brunei known as BizNess and second, would be a fin-tech company in Brunei known as
Jana Kapital.

Now that you know my background and my fear, so who am I today? I am Dalton, a better Dalton, the
same young energetic person, there will be times where I am impulsive or loud but I learned that to
keep my fear in check, I learn to tell myself it’s okay to fear, it’s okay to have obstacles, it’s not okay to
be not tactful and not kind towards others, this is because each and everyone of us have our sufferings,
we can make this world a little bit more peaceful; just to pay attention to ourselves a little bit more.
Paying attention gives us the ability to be calmer.
Members, acquaintance or friends, here is my conclusion. We are on a journey to learn together. Today,
you known a better Dalton that is still learning how to control his fears, you also know a little bit about
what I do in life and who am I today. I hope you get to know me because I am also willing to get to know
you so what are you waiting for? Let’s come to meeting more together!

Thank you.

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