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Social networks are one of the strongest tools in this

digital age to publicize a product, a service or add

value from a personal position, it is also a great tool
at a professional level since it allows us to obtain
information and reach a large number. of people
spending little time.

In my experience, it has seemed like a tool that has

allowed me to obtain a lot of valuable information.

In addition, for me, as a person who uses these

media a lot, I consider that at some point I would
like to create a personal brand where I can make
known what I like, what I have learned in my work
and personal life and add a lot of value to people.

That is why I consider that for the most part it has

many representative advantages such as:
First. Connect with people all over the world
Second. Meet different opinions
Third. Acquire many job opportunities and exposure
Fourth. Meet people with common interests
Fifth. It is a resource that allows entertainment
To conclude, I would like to say that despite the fact
that they are not always used for good purposes, it is
a tool that greatly facilitates communication and
therefore allows a great reach at a global level.

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