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Centro Universitario UAEM Texcoco

Licenciatura en Lenguas
Inglés VII
Writing exam

Nombre del alumno: Grupo:

Nombre del profesor: Calif:

I. Select the correct punctuation of the word. (3 points)

1. Loves to try new things

a) Adventurios d) Adventuros
b) Adventured e) Adventurare
c) Adventurous

2. Expecting the best from people and situations; positive outlook

a) Optimisthic d) Optimistik
b) Hoptimistic e) Optimistic
c) Opthimistic
3. Honest or truthful
a) Sincer d) Sincere
b) Sinsere e) Sincery
c) Sincer
4. Provides emotional support and encouragement to others
a) Supportiv d) Supporttive
b) Suportive e) Supportive
c) Sopportive
5. Tends to be antagonistic or aggressive in demeanor
a) Hostile d) Hostale
b) Hostil e) Hostale
c) Ostile
6. Not willing to put forth effort; does as little work as possible
a) Lazy d) Lazi
b) Lizy e) Laze
c) Lyza
7. Emotionally unpredictable, typically negative
a) Mody d) Mudy
b) Moody e) Moudy
c) Moodi
8. Assumes or insists that their needs come first at all times
a) Sellfish d) Sealfish
b) Selfihs e) Selfish
c) Salfish
9. Exhibits a lack of strength
a) Week d) Weeak
b) Weac e) Weack
c) Weak
10. A reflective person who tends to be quiet and reserved
a) Introverted d) Introvertid
b) Introvert e) Entroverted
c) Entruverted

II. Write the missing adjective of personality on the blanks (3 points)

I have a friend who has a characteristic personality, his name is Jordan, he is an 11) o_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ person because he makes even the cloudiest days seem full of promise and good
things. His 12) f_ _ _ _ attitude is 13) w_ _ d _ _ _ _ _ because he makes us laugh out loud.
Even though everyone think he is 14) e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d, he tended to be more 15) i _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ e_ and 16) h_ _ _ y to spend time at home. He tends to joke around a lot, but he has
his 17) s _ _ c _ _ _ moments once you get to know him. We all appreciate his 18) pr _ _ _ _
_ _ _ thinking, considering we all tended to overcomplicate problems. He is so 19) a _ _ l _ _
_ _ _ _, often researches carefully and considers options. I like the fact that he is so 20) m _ _
_ _ e, because he always behaves appropriately, never childish. I like him a lot and I could
consider him my best friend.

III. Write a text similar to the previous one where you describe your best friend’s personality.
(min 120 words) (4 points)

21) How is your best friend like?

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