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Distributing version controlling tool, source code

management(scm) - it provides access control and several
collabration features such as bug tracking, task management,
continous integration..
It is the central location in which data is stored or managed. A git
Central repository (origin) repository virtually stores a particular file and allows you to save
and access its version
repositories contain collection of files of various different version
Local repository
of project in local server.
Git init Git add Git commit Git log Git log--oneline
Commands Git show Git status Git checkout Git branch Git reset
Git push Git pull Git fetch Git clone Git merge
used to combined two branches or merge specified commit to the
Git merge
currently active branch
Rebase is an action in GIT that allows you to rewrite commits from
Git Rebase
one branch to another branch
which is used to send all the updated commits from local branch to
Git push
remote branch
which creates a clone/copy of an existing repository into a new
Git clone directory. It is also used to create remote-tracking branches for
each branch in the cloned repository
Only Changes in remote repository will bring to local repository.
Git pull Merge will be done automatically. Gitpull = Gitfetch+Git merge
where working copy may affect.
Download changes in to local repository but the changes create a
Git fetch
separate remote branch and doesn’t affect working copy

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