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1. Why do people communicate.

Communication is a technique that allows us to exert influence on others, modify our own and
others' attitudes, motivate those around us, and develop and maintain relationships with them.
We communicate in order to persuade: to offer or convey information, to seek information, or to
express our emotions. Physical needs, identification needs, social needs, and practical aims are
just a few of the many reasons we communicate and why we need to communicate.
Communication is an important aspect of our busy lives and a social activity. This social activity
is carried out either vocally (through talking, reading, and writing) or nonverbally (through body

2. What might happen to the world if communication does not exist.

If communication in nonexistent the world be in chaos and everything would be done extremely
inefficiently, because of the lack of the sharing of thoughts. Unlike other animals, humans were not born
with instincts, we rely on others to see how to live. Without any guidance one would easily make
mistakes and survival would be very difficult. Without communication one would function solely as an
individual, because communication is needed in order for interaction between people. As a social
species, we humans rely on communication to receive reinforcements in times of danger and to convey
our ideas to others. But without communication, none of this is conceivable, and the entire human
species would perish, or would not even reach that point and expire much sooner.

3. Why do miscommunications and misunderstanding happens?

Miscommunications occur when there is a significant gap between the sender and the recipient. When
you transmit a message, it goes through a number of steps, and its original meaning is lost. Then there's
decoding, which is when someone understands what you wrote and distorts the original meaning even

When a communication attempt fails because what the speaker wishes to say varies from what the
hearer perceives to have been expressed, this is referred to as a misunderstanding.

Miscommunication and misconceptions occur as a result of several barriers that prevent both persons
from communicating. Barriers such as noise, one’s own sense of reality, person’ s limited knowledge or
vocabulary, unclear message, interfering factors, matter is simply heard wrong and language differences,
make it difficult for people to communicate with one another, resulting in misunderstanding.

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