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(Noise) Barriers to Communication

Obstacle, disturbance, impediment

When a sender of the communicative fails to meet ones goal because an obstacle

1. Process Barriers: Sender, Message, channel, Receiver & Feedback

2. Physical Barriers: Noisy surrounding, room temperature
3. Physiological Barriers: Hearing impaired, senses impairment, Memory (How memory functions)
4. Psychological Barriers: mental state or emotional state
I. Lack of interest/Attention, pseudo listening
II. Lack of Trust.. Mistrust/distrust
III. Perception/Attitude/Mindset
IV. Pre-mature Judgment/ Narrow-mindedness
V. Filtering
VI. Stereotype
5. Semantic Barriers: Meanings …..Maasi (mother’s sister)
Denotative Meaning: Father, Rose, Snake, Donkey, Fox, Lion, Bitch …
Connotative Meanings: Care, Love Poison, Stubbornness
Homophones: Right, Rite/write/wright …weather/whether/wether,
Homograph: Bow, live, wind
Homonyms: Bank, eye, neck /

6. Cultural/ Language:

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