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The 7th July is a very special day

celebrated every year in Japan.

This is the date of

T_ _ _ _ _ _ _(七夕)or the ‘Star

The festival traces its origins to a legend
that the Cowherd Star (Altair) and
Weaver Star (Vega), separated by the
Milky Way, are allowed to meet just
once a year - on the s_____th day of
the s_____th month.
During Tanabata, Japanese people like to make たんざく(tanzaku) or paper
wishes. Try making your own ‘tanzaku’ by completing the sentences below.

I want a ______________________. _____________________ が ほしい です。

ga hoshii desu.

I want to be a _________________. _____________________ に なりたい です。

ni naritai desu.

I want to go to ________________. _____________________ に いきたい です。

ni ikitai desu.

I want to meet _______________. _____________________ に あいたい です。

ni aitai desu.

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