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BSIT - 1101

Group 3 – (Task Performance _ Video Script) Understanding the Self

Ang Taong Nagmamalasakit Script…

Note! – The background sound had other noises and subtitles are added to have a clear line.

Mwen Pelostratos: (Discussed some topic about the subject they’re studying) Are you all prepared for
the exam?

Kyme Relano: (Doubt expression) Not really…

Scenario – {The group is studying a particular subject for their exam, they chatted for a while… Suddenly,
one of their classmate’s came to join in their group study}

Imeeraizel Caseres: (Approached her classmates) Can I join with you guys?

Kyme Relano: (Noticed his classmate and offered a sit) Yes of course! You can sit with us.

{The group offered a genuine expression to help their classmate about the topic that they discussed ---:
They chatted about some concerns about a topic that they have difficulty in understanding it}

Powerr Montenegro: (Showed his notes about what concerns they chatted) Here’s my idea about that.

Ang Taong Masayahin Script…

Scenario – {The couple had a fight and the guy ended their relationship….; a joyful friend of the girl
coincidentally came and approach his sad friend and chatted and laughed despite the problem that the
girl just had}

Sheila Dotimas: (Sorrowful Expression) What did I do? Please don’t leave me!

Powerr Montenegro: (Decided) I just don’t feel the connection between us, I need to let you go… I’m

{Moments later, a friend of the girl came}

John Paylado: (Sincere expression) Hey girl… what happened?

Sheila Dotimas: (Sad) My boyfriend just broke up with me and no justified reason.

John Paylado: (Funny/jolly vibes) Girl… it will be okay, he’s not that all, pluuus you can get a man 10x
better than him.

Sheila Dotimas: (Started Laughing) My gossh, you’re soo funny… HAHAHAHA.

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