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Mwen Fergus S.

BSIT 1101
Understanding The Self

Improving self Confidence

1. What actions and activities make you feel purposeful?

-First one I feel confident about is my singing skills, I only feel confident about it when I
sing alone but it can be improved by participating in voice lessons and proper couching. I
feel like someday I can make my dream come true by being a music producer and
singer, also I am most confident with my basketball skills because this is the one that I
most spend time improving, I feel confident that I can reach bigger leagues with my

2. What does feeling self-assured mean to you?

-For me, self assured is the skill to show your talent to other people without a doubt,
positivity is the key to do that because you can make other people admire you for what
you can do.

3. What can you do to improve the situations that make you feel nervous?
-For me I always keep on improving my skills so that when I use it in real time I am
confident that I can surpass others with what I have. There is one habit if you feel doubt
you can use it to heighten your confidence in order to perform well, which is self-talk.
You can talk to yourself with positivity so that you will realize that there is no time to
waste being nervous.

4. What songs can you listen to in order to boost your mood?

I usually listen to Hip-hop genre because the way the beat can hype my mood when I
need it.

5. What can you say to a close friend or family member that struggles with their self-
To help a friend that is struggling with self esteem all I can do is gice him/her an advice
that if you are struggling remember that there is so much you can improve on by giving
time everyday to improve yourself (example: Exercise and grooming).

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