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Mercado, Mark Angelo M.


Group 6


1. Guest Satisfaction towards Service Performance in the Restaurant Industry

Thesis Statement

This focuses on how restaurants are highly focused to reach their key goals in case of customer
happiness as well as about their standing in the eyes of their valued customers. It is based on how the
customer satisfaction is increased in restaurant service.

2. Social Media Platforms on Travellers Decision Choices and Selection

Thesis Statement

Social media have been developed in to one of the most important sources of information about
everything in this world. Also, social media can influence anyone in different aspects and it helps the
tourist travel choices and decision. It is important to study this because it ia relevant most especially in
this time of pandemic, all tourist destination has bookings that must followed and through social media
these contents and information may provide a solid and true knowledge to travellers about destination,
price, and tourism products.

3. Issues faced by the Staff in Restaurant Establishment based on Age Discrimination

Thesis Statement

Discrimination claims of all the types remain common in the hospitality industry. In 1967, the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was created to protect people from discrimination and
harassment in the workplace. While this was a very positive step towards protecting workers' right, age
discrimination and harassment still occurs in every industry and sector today. The aim of this study is to
identify the most important factor that helps restaurant establishment to create an age-friendly working

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