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Skripsi, September 2022

Nama : Mhd. Azland Fikry

Judul Skripsi : Pengaruh Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus Polyrhuzi) Terhadap
Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus di
Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Matur Tahun 2022
Jumlah Halaman : xiii + 71 halaman + 10 tabel + 12 lampiran


Diabetes mellitus adalah ancaman serius bagi kesehatan global, sehingga pasien
diabetes mellitus dianjurkan untuk disiplin dalam menjalani pengobatan dan pengontrolan
kadar gula darah untuk mencegah, menunda dan memperlambat komplikasi diabetes mellitus.
Salah satu teknik non farmakologis dalam pengontrolan kadar gula darah pada penderita
diabetes mellitus adalah mengkonsumsi buah naga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
pengaruh buah naga merah (hylocereus polyrhus) terhadap kadar gula darah pada penderita
diabetes mellitus yang telah dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Matur pada bulan Agustus
2022. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasy eksperimen dengan pendekatan non equivalent control
group design. Populasi adalah seluruh penderita diabetes mellitus di Puskesmas Matur.
Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dengan besaran sampel sebanyak 36
orang. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah digital blood glucose meter. Analisis meliputi analisis
univariat dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji t-independent test. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa rerata kadar gula darah kelompok eksperimen pre dan post test adalah
244,38 mg/ dl dan 183,05 mg/dl dan rata-rata kadar gula darah pre dan post test kelompok
kontrol 246 mg/ dl dan 196,61 mg/dl. Terdapat perbedaan penurunan kadar gula darah antara
kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok eksperimen dengan beda rata-rata 11,94 mg/ dl dan nilai
p = 0,037, penurunan kadar gula darah lebih besar pada kelompok eksperimen. Dapat
disimpulkan pemberian buah naga merah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan kadar
gula darah pada penderita diabetes mellitus. Diharapkan kepada Puskesmas Matur untuk
lebih mengembangkan teknik keperawatan komplementer dalam penatalaksanaan diabetes
mellitus, salah satunya adalah dengan memanfaatkan buah naga merah yang efektif dalam
menurunkan kadar gula darah.

Kata Kunci : diabetes mellitus, gula darah, naga merah

Daftar Bacaan : 30 (2008 – 2021)

Thesis, September 2022

Name : Mhd. Azland Fikry

Title of thesis : The Effect of Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhuz) on Reducing
Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in the Working Area
of Matur Health Center in 2022
Number of Pages : xiii + 71 pages + 10 tables + 12 Attachments


Diabetes mellitus is a serious threat to global health, so diabetes mellitus patients are
recommended to be disciplined in undergoing treatment and controlling blood sugar levels to
prevent, delay and slow down complications of diabetes mellitus. One of the non-
pharmacological techniques in controlling blood sugar levels in people with diabetes mellitus
is consuming dragon fruit. This study aims to determine the effect of red dragon fruit
(Hylocereus polyrhus) on blood sugar levels in people with diabetes mellitus which was
carried out in the working area of the Matur Health Center in August 2022. This type of
research was a quasi-experimental approach with a non-equivalent control group design
approach. The population is all people with diabetes mellitus at the Matur Health Center.
The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample size of 36 people. The
research instrument is a digital blood glucose meter. The analysis includes univariate
analysis and bivariate analysis using t-independent test. The results showed that the average
blood sugar levels of the pre- and post-test experimental groups were 244.38 mg/dl and
183.05 mg/dl and the average pre- and post-test blood sugar levels in the control group were
246 mg/dl and 196.61 mg. /dl. There was a difference in the decrease in blood sugar levels
between the control group and the experimental group with an average difference of 11.94
mg/dl and p value = 0.037, the decrease in blood sugar levels was greater in the
experimental group. It can be concluded that giving red dragon fruit has a significant effect
on reducing blood sugar levels in people with diabetes mellitus. It is hoped that the Matur
Health Center will further develop complementary nursing techniques in the management of
diabetes mellitus, one of which is by utilizing red dragon fruit which is effective in lowering
blood sugar levels.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, blood sugar, red dragon

Reading List : 30 (2008 – 2021)

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