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My favourite entertainment is visiting new places in Uruguay an in other countries.

I like to travel because i meet new people, gets to now new cultures and see landscapes.
In 2019, in September we went to the United States, it was the best trip and it was very
I went to Disney and Miami. In Orlando i stayed in a hotel and in miami we rented an
apartament on the beach.
To go to Miami for example you need to wear comfortable clothes, a hat and mainly
On this trip i bought a lot of clothes, a cell phone wich cost me $500 less than in Urugua
and many other things.
In the United States going shopping is much cheaper than in Uruguay’s, for example
you can buy a shirt for five dollars.
I love Miami and Orlando but if i had to choose one, i would choose Miami because i
love shopping and going to the beach. It’s more I hope in the Future to go live there, in
an apartament in front of the beach and next to a mall and mc donalds’s.
My favourite wey for travelling is the plane because it allows me to go to other
countries faster, and it isn’t  an every day experience, i do it once a year. 
What i hate about travelling by plane is that y get dizzy but it is only at the beginning
then i have a good time. This year i won’t travel due to the covid pandemic, i hope next
year i can.
Next year i will return to the United States and i hope to see new places. 
I recommend travelling if you have the time and money, it is an unforgettable

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