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Life is a never-ending journey of finding your purpose.

Recently, I was very lonely and hopeless because my

mother just passed away this May 2022. It seems like life
has thrown me a big problem I couldn't handle. I also
came to a point where I questioned my worth and
existence. "Do I deserve this pain? Do I deserve to be hurt
like this?" There was also a scenario in which I questioned
my purpose in life. Is my purpose seeing my mother dying
in my arms? Does my purpose end here? A lot of
questions and what-ifs were circling in my mind at that
time. I always asked myself, " why do I have to live if my
inspiration and source of happiness were gone already?"
After reading this story, it made me realize that life is a
rollercoaster of ups and down. No matter how happy or
bright your world is, there will always be a problem. I
guess I am like Yazid, who had traumatic experiences in
life. But unlike him, I chose to continue my life and find my
purpose. We only live once, and you have to slam it! Look
at me now, enjoying the life given by the Almighty God.
The problem is not just there to torment you. It was
created to give you valuable life lessons. Sometimes, you
have to experience the pain before you experience the
pleasure, and that what makes life meaningful.
Obnasca, John Jethro

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