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Control Anger before It Controls Life

Pashupati, Mahat et al. (2012, December 28). Anger and It’s Management. Journal of Nobel Medical
College. Retrieved from:’s_management

The article entitled “Anger and It’s Management” written by Mahat Pashupati and Sharma Vidya Dev
was first hand overed on December 2012 in the online edition of the Journal of Nobel Medical College. The
article talks about how to manage anger through different techniques and how to fix different anger issues.

Anger, as an emotional response, requires changes in the people’s health, both physical and
psychological. Despite typical emotional responses, several physical and psychological reactions can be
produced. Also, disturbances and diseases. Therefore, data about its management is very valuable to learn
some of the simple abilities to control it. In the article, the authors examined how anger can be a serious
burden to anyone and how it affects the psychological and physical wellbeing of a person. The author also
stated that all people can experience anger since it is an emotion and one should have the ability to regulate
it. Different behavioral techniques and cognitive restructuring techniques are found to be effective methods in
controlling anger reaction if practiced properly and systematically. It cannot be done just by reading an article
in the books. Though, those said techniques are proven to be effective, people should still identify the trigger
and signs of their anger, and not ignore the feeling of rage. People should constructively vent their anger and
seek professional help.

The main emphasis of the article is on how to handle or manage anger, how various factors lead and
contribute to anger, and how successful and effective those behavioral techniques and cognitive intervention
for controlling anger. The article starts by introducing anger as an undesirable state of affairs in that anger and
behaviors associated with it constitutes a problem for individuals and society as a whole. They also define
anger as an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. Here, the
description of anger is very evident and the authors narrate how anger begins and leads to problems in
different areas of life such as problems at work, in the personal relationships, and in the overall quality of our
life. They also stated that anger contributes to serious violence and aggression. After the introduction, the
authors discussed and deepen understanding about anger. They include nature of anger reaction which states
that anger is always accompanied by both biological and psychological changes. They also involve assessment
and formulation of anger problems. Here, they stated the different factors that contributes and lead to anger
such as, personality dispositions, buffer factors, environmental triggers, and many more. After this, the
authors now centered in anger management. The goal of anger management is to reduce both emotional
feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. Anger management includes techniques such as
behavioral strategies and cognitive interventions. They share numerous behavioral strategies to control anger
which includes relaxation, better communication, using humor, and several others. They formulate them to
ease and regulate anger. Other than behavioral strategies, there is also cognitive intervention. Cognitive
intervention means changing the way people think. It is replacing these thoughts with more rational ones.
Those strategies for restructuring include improving client's understanding of the nature and components of
the problem, prevention of escalating social behavior, strengthening commitment to change, and a lot more.
Research found that hose strategies are truly helpful and provides a lot of contribution on anger management.
In conclusion, anger totally has an impact to peoples’ physical and psychological changes in health. People
must know how management is very helpful and people must also learn some of the simple skills to control

The authors discussed an important topic and brilliantly examined the true essence of anger
management. All information presented in the article are all accurate, precise, and relevant. Those
information are easy to understand and clear. There is sufficient accuracy and information are provided in a
timely manner. Those information are also trustworthy and reliable. They are concise and really
communicated directly to where they should be delivered. However, one cannot say that the information is
complete. Other articles provide illustrations, diagrams, or charts for better allocation of information. Others
provide many studies and in-depth learnings for the readers to equip more knowledge and understanding
about the topic. The authors provide plenty of facts that supported all of their claims and arguments. They
used other findings and rely on different statements of other people such as Deffenbacher (1999) who states
that “some people really are hotheaded than the others”, (Wyer, et al. 1993) who state that “communication
skills are one of the key factors provoking anger to others”, and others. Those facts and researches are all
essential and contributed a lot to the article.
When it comes to key terms, all significant terms or key terms are clearly defined for the purpose of
research and to share all the required information to the people. The authors are very good observant for all
the details and they make sure that they provide descriptions. Defining such strategies like relaxation, problem
solving, improving control of physiological arousal, and many more helps to specify the meaning of those
strategies and how it is connected with anger management.

The authors are also good at exposing several ideas. They show all relevant studies and there are no
hidden assumptions. All the beliefs of the authors are all presented and explained. They show wat they know
is relevant and reliable for the audience. They gave what they know is important and needs to be identified by
the audience.

For its clarity of language, the article doesn’t contain any deep words or highfalutin words for the
readers to easily absorb the meaning. All words are understandable and light. There are no large vocabularies
and there is clarity of language. English language is used in this article since it is the universal language. All
people experience anger and everyone must understand this.

Glancing at the article, clear assertion of claims and arguments exhibits a complete fairness. There is no
unfair preference for all of the topics and doesn’t give a one-sided argument. The authors do not rely on
unsupported or unsubstantiated claims. They didn’t present any highly selected facts that lean to a certain
outcome. The authors chose words carefully when making comparisons. They are specific when writing about
the ideas of people. All facts are suited for every kind of person and is sensitive to people's psychological,
physical condition and many other categories. They don’t discriminate and therefore includes all readers in a
fair and friendly manner. The thought of anger management is for all people experiencing excessive anger and
every people must execute it to lessen ill effects of anger and create a worldwide peace.

Another aspect for evaluative criteria is the Logic and Organization of the article. Here, the article
impressively presents the arrangement of ideas and the chronological pattern of the structure. The article
begins with the introduction by defining anger. The idea of defining first what is the topic about shows a
welcome to the audience. The authors critically introduce the article by stating their main point and what the
article is all about. Their introduction is followed by the subtopics such as the nature of anger reaction, which
states why both biological and psychological changes is accompanied by anger, and the assessment and
formulation of anger problems, which states various variables needed to be considered in the functional
analysis of anger. These subtopics are very considerate and create an important role before stating the focus
of the article which is the anger management. Those subtopics serves as the bridge to the core topic. After
this, the author starts talking about anger management. They first define what is anger management and how
important that is to reduce both emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. They said
that management is essential to deal with the anger and aggression problems. The way how they present it
creates a powerful impact and truly delivers the core idea to the audience. The definition of anger
management leads now to the different behavioral strategies to control anger and various cognitive
intervention. They are the heart of the article and it is an awesome job for the authors that they expound
them and include every simple detail just to explain it to the audience. Those strategies made the article a
lively appearance and signaled future researchers to replicate it. Lastly, they end up with a clear and concise
conclusion that totally sums up the article and answered all the questions to the mind of the readers.

There is no perfect article and indeed there are common fallacies that the author made and needs to
be removed and improved. The common fallacies that the author made are over simplification, exaggeration,
and hasty generalization. In the statement “The people’s aggression and violence by their own anger” we can
find over simplification here since not only anger contributes to people’s aggression and violence. Once again,
there is a wide variety of different factors which can influence aggression and violence, they can be sadness,
happiness also, lack of moral knowledge and many more. While, the statement “Angry people tend to curse,
swear or speak in highly colorful terms when they are angry” exhibits hasty generalization. People knows that
not all angry people swears and saying worst things, sometimes they shut their mouth, wait before they are
calm, and calmly utter their inner thoughts. Though, their thinking can get very exaggerated and overly
dramatic, they can be quiet to avoid broaden serious problems.

Overall, the authors do their very best to come up with a certain kind of article that speaks clearly,
communicate with knowledge, and can be a reliable source for other research purposes. All claims and
arguments are supported by facts and truly contributed a lot to the article. The authors gave what people
deserve and team up to deliver positive results. All information is essential and totally helps people to manage
their anger. The behavioral and cognitive strategies are all effective and attainable. The authors perfectly
showed anger management concepts and taught how anger should be managed. All learnings are beneficial
and can create a lasting impact to people. People can simply know the true meaning of anger management
and make their lives less anger as possible.
There are many things to agree and disagree to the article and some points of the authors. One may
agree that anger is a completely normal, usually a healthy, human emotion. Anger is can affect the people’s
health, both physical and psychological and anger management is one way to reduce them. All points that are
very helpful and truly educating are things to be agree with. All facts that are reliable and ideas that can
support improvement. Those salient points are the ones that should be consider and be serve as basis. Clearly,
those points that one may disagree with are the points that contain hasty generalizations or other common
fallacies. Those fallacies create a negative impact and can interpret the article with less true and credibility.

Just like things that one may agree, those points that are considered as reliable, knowledgeable, and
helps the people are the thing that the authors get right. They are right on explaining and expounding all the
points they have given. They are right on many sayings like “The goal of anger management is to reduce both
emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes” and “Using certain statement that has
potential of creating humor in one's emotional life is found very effective in reducing anger”. It is very true
that anger management reduces anger and one effective way of reducing anger is creating humor. Also,
something that the authors get wrong are those points that are not credible. Those are also the common
fallacies and wrong ideas.

All people can merit or benefit on this article since anger is an emotion and all people should have the
knowledge to manage them. One of the ultimate merit or use of the article is its contribution to the awareness
of people that anger can be manage and reduce. This article serves as a key for the people’s clean mind and
happiness. With this, people can also have a good heart and be good always. Without anger the world will be
at peace and all people are joined by love. This article may not totally remove anger in people’s lives but this
can teach people a knowledge that there is hope and there is a way that can fix their anger issues and improve
the quality of life.

This article truly requires recommendation. People should recommend this article and share the
knowledge to manage anger. One should be aware that anger can have both biological and psychological
changes. People should think that anyone has the capacity to become less angry and attain a lot of patience.
Sharing is a kind of help and this article can educate a lot of people.

Excessive anger has been a serious problem to everyone. It can affect one’s mind and it can affect
people’s body. Information regarding its management is helpful to learn some of the simple skills to control it.
Behavioral techniques and cognitive restructuring techniques are found to be effective methods in controlling
anger reaction if practiced properly and systematically. Anger management helps people to identify and
overcome frustrations early and in a manner that encourages them to communicate their needs and keeps
them relaxed and in charge. Some signs that they need to better handle their frustration include avoiding
circumstances due to anxiety or sadness over outbursts of anger.

Out of 10, the rating of this article is 8 because no article is perfect. It is up for the people if they will
rely on this article or find a way on fixing their own problems and anger issues. The article is educating and one
may learn that there is always a solution to every problem. Anger issues or excessive anger can truly control
through anger management and with some techniques, this can be very effective and can be a source of
improvement. Anger can vanish from people’s heart and this article is one of the instruments to accomplish it.

Success can be found on every beautiful thing that is created. The ultimate success of the work is its
message. Its message delivers people that there’s hope and their problem is solvable. People can now
interpret that anger can be control and one can ease anger by attaining all the learnings that this article
provides. People can now have a tool that can make their heart less angry and less depressive. Those authors
are equipped with brilliant minds and this article is a masterpiece. A person with less anger is a person with a
great heart.

This critique examined the article “Anger and Its Management” by Mahat Pashupati and Sharma Vidya
Dev. The overall thought of this critique is to impart how to manage anger through different techniques and
how to fix different anger issues. It is very true that anger can create negative effects in life but with the
knowledge of managing anger people has the ability to improve their feeling and overcome it. Always
remember that no life should be live with anger and control anger before it controls life.

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