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Class - Blue Print, Design - describe the states and behaviours

Object - is something which occupies real time memory. Object has states and

what goes inside a class

1) Represents blue print of your object
2) Class must go with a pair of curly braces
3) Class can have one or more methods
4) syntax of class
accessModifier class ClassName
accessModifier - Public, Private and Global

1) It has collection of statements
syntax of method:
accessModifier returnType MethodName(arg1,arg2,...){

if nothing is returned, specify return type as Void

Creating an apex class - dev console < file < New < Apex class < Name < Save

public class Dog {

public String Name;
public Integer Age;

public void disp(){

system.debug('Name of my dog : '+Name);
system.debug('Age of my dog : '+Age);
public String displayName(){
return Name;

Dog d1 = new Dog();

d1.Name = 'Scooby';
d1.Age = 4;
String dogName = d1.displayName();

Dog d2 = new Dog();

d2.Name = 'Tiger';
d2.Age = 6;

exercice: create a class called employee with variablse Name, Designation, Salary,
Age. Create multiple objects for this class

public class Dog {
public String Name;
public Integer Age;

public void disp(){

system.debug('Name of my dog : '+Name);
system.debug('Age of my dog : '+Age);
public static void method1(){
system.debug('In a static method');

Dog d1 = new Dog();

d1.Name = 'Dog1';

Dog d2 = new Dog();

d2.Name = 'Dog1';

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