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Daniel White

Professor Blazina
TA: Chris Kurata
20 May, 2010

Daniel White May 20th, 2010

Second Formal Writing assignment: Comparative Essay

“Dulce et Decorum est” by Wilfred Owen is a poem about war, as is the poem “Facing it”
by Yusef Komunyakaa. These poems each seek to portray war as a horror and as a nightmare
that haunts the soldiers long after the wars themselves have ended. There is however a major
difference between the delivery of this message; “Dulce et Decorum est” uses very strong
imagery, diction and tone so as to leave little doubt that war is an atrocity that should never be
undertaken, whereas “Facing it” uses very subtle imagery, diction and tone to suggest rather than
state the same message.

Works Cited

“Dulce et Decorum est”

Kirszner, Laurie G., and Mandell, Stephen R. Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting,

Writing, Seventh Edition. 2010. 106 – 108.

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