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Hello its me Alfero, a person who love to spend half of his day in the kitchen,

Half of my day are in the kitchen, u know why?, I have business with my parents in a culinary
section that’s why half of my day are in the kitchen. My parents grow this business for a long
time, since im not born yet, I love to cook a lot, cooking is helped me to spend my annoying

I am the older child of two siblings, so I have to be responsible to this business, but my
parents don’t force me to take that, they understand me, they let me get my freedom and
support all thing .

Even thought im good enough at cooking, I have difficulty at selling the food, but from that
weakness I have to learn about how to deal in with someone, I tried and tried everyday then
finally I can deal in with someone with a good expression, from that thing I can buy what I
needed in my life.

I guess u guys already known what is my strength. Yep, my strength is cooking, I can cook so
many type of food, but I can only cook Indonesian food and Chinese food. The Chinese food
is easier cause they don’t need much of seasoning, and Indonesian food a bit harder than
Chinese food cause they need much of seasoning and spices

Spending half of a day in the kitchen is not easy, sometimes my body feel uncomfortable
cause standing too lame. That’s my weakness, I cant stand for a long time. Luckily on this
point I can cook faster, so if I cook faster im not standing for a long time.

One of my goals in my life is having a restaurant in abroad, that’s my family goals too.
This goals is relates to my hobby. if my goals are reached I want to have a western
restaurant cause I in here I only cook Indonesian food and Chinese food, so I want to be
different in there.

My role model is my mom, cause since I was I kid, I watch my mom cook is very cool,
She can cook and get appreciate from who ate her food because that’s delicious.
She remind me don’t forget the seasoning and the spices because that’s the important one.
That’s word have planted in my mind.

I write this essay, I have no message to u guys cause this essay only crossed in my mind.

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