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Low productivity
Evaluating is very important, we can find out where the fault in our product.
Monitoring also important cause we can know what our worker do to our
Knowing the production capacity
We have to know how much our production targer is,if we don’t know we can
get low productivity or overproductivity
2. High production cost
Efficiency of the use of raw materials used
We must be efficient in product processing, if we can save the materials just
keep it so we can handle the production cost
Looking for materials that are more affordable but quality
We can look for more affordable materials without compromising on the
quality, besides that we have to do some research about the materials, so we
don’t just choose the materials but we do some research first
More consistent in increasing productivity
Start from the small things, we must be a bit strict to the employees so they
are not arbitrary and must be more disciplined on managing the employees
We must adjust what the costumer need,like we have to follow the current we don’t lag behind in the development of trends

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