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1. What´s your name?

2. What´s your last name?
3. How do you spell that?
4. Where are you from?
5. How´s it going? / How are you?
6. Nice to meet you
7. Have a nice day.
8. Are you a teacher?
9. Are you a student?
10. What do you do?
11. How old are you?
12. Where do you live?
13. What´s your cellphone number?
14. What´s your address?
15. What´s your e-mail address?
16. Are you single or married?
17. Do you have children/brothers and sisters?
18. How many children do you have?
19. What´s your favourite gadget?
20. What´s this/that?
21. What are these/what are those?
22. Describe some people
23. What time is it?
24. Talk about your daily routine.
25. Mention some sports
26. Do you go swimming every day?
27. Do you like ceviche?
28. Do you and your friends play baseball every day?
29. Do you have a lot of spare time?
30. What do you do in your spare time?
31. Do you go to the movies?
32. How often do go to the movies? How often do you play soccer/volleyball etc?
33. When do you go to the movies?
34. What time do you go?
35. What do you do on the weekends?
36. Where do you go after work?
37. What kind of TV shows do you like?
38. What is your favourite TV show? Where do you watch it? Who do you watch it with?
39. Name activities you do outside the home/inside the home
40. Talk about your family
41. Do you do the housework? Wash the dishes, take out the trash, vacuum, do the
laundry, mow the lawn, go grosery shopping etc.
42. How often do you study English/read a book/watch TV/wash dishes?etc
43. What ítems of furniture do you have in your bedroom/kitchen/living room etc?
44. Where is your mirror/bed/lamp/picture etc? Use behind/in/on/in from of/next to
45. Where do you live? Do you live in a house or in an apartment? What floor do you live
46. Describe your house or apartment.

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