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The Duncan family has got only one TV.

Because they think it is enough, and it's better to be in fresh air. So in

the mornings they come to an arrangement who is going to watch a TV programme. You have to also find out
when that TV programme starts and what it is about. Look at the clues, fill in the charts, and then write full
sentences using the solution.

TV PROGRAMMEWHENABOUT WHATaction filmdocumentarylove storyseriestalk showat 2 pmat 3 pmat 4 pmat 6 pmat 8

pmbank robbersdetectivesjealousylife in a junglepainterNAMEGrannySarahSteve and Lilythe DuncansTomABOUT WHATbank
robbers* Everybody is interested in the action film which is about neither the detectives nor the jungle. This is the last programme
they want to watch today.
* The mother, Sarah has only time after lunch and in the evening. She likes talk shows.
* The TV programme about the detectives starts at four. Granny doesn't like this kind of programme. She prefers happy ends so she
is going to watch a programme about a painter before the action film.detectivesjealousylife in a junglepainterWHENat 2 pm* Steve
and Lily are fond of the jungle. They watch every programme about it. They are happy to have a whole set in this topic. Luckily,
mother's TV programme will finish till then.
* The TV programme at 2 pm isn't about bank 3 pmat 4 pmat 6 pmat 8 pmNow summarize your answers.
NAMETV PROGRAMMEWHENABOUT WHATGrannySarahSteve and Lilythe DuncansTomNow write
sentences. Look at the example.
e.g.: Grandpa is going to watch the news about latest sport results at 7 pm.
1) Granny _________________________________________________________________________
2) Sarah _________________________________________________________________________
3) Steve and Lily ___________________________________________________________________
4) The Duncans ____________________________________________________________________
5) Tom __________________________________________________________________________


Granny love story 6 pm painter
Sarah talk show 2 pm jealousy
Steve and Lily series 3 pm life in the jungle
The Duncans action film 8 pm bank robbers
Tom documentary 4 pm detectives

1) Granny is going to watch a love story about a painter at 6 pm.

2) Sarah is going to watch a talk show about jealousy at 2 pm.
3) Steve and Lily are going to watch series about life in the jungle at 3 pm.
4) The Duncans are going to watch an action film about bank robbers at 8 pm.
5) Tom is going to watch a documentary about detectives at 4 pm.

If you don’t know how to solve this kind of game, you can look at the Einstein
riddle on the net or have a look at my 33rd logic game, called Best friends where
I wrote down the solution step by step.

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