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There are many approaches to dealing with mental crises that college students confront.
As specified by the formal information on the website of the University of Michigan (year???),
there exist a few measures for the above problem, one of which is to surround yourself with good
people. Accordingly, Ppeople who have strong familial or social relationships are typically
healthier than those who have not. Makinge arrangements with supportive family and friends, or
looking for activities that will allow you to meet new people, such as a club, class, or support
group. This may solve the issue of anxiety in students. Additionally, a second feasible approach
is setting realistic goals. When pupils have goals, they may be more motivated to deal with other
problems that restrict them. To be specific, it is necessary to determine the academic, career, and
personal goals and write out the steps necessary to accomplish them. Aiming high but being
realistic is a good way to improve mental health because as people work toward your goal, they
will feel a fantastic feeling of success and self-worth.

According to Luke Hejl (year), practicing mindfulness is one of the best solutions for
mental crises in college students. College may be demanding and fast-paced, making it easy to
get alienated from one's own needs. Mindfulness meditation is an excellent approach to decrease
stress while also improving memory and attention. Meditation has also been demonstrated to
improve anxiety problems and mental health care. When pupils are anxious, these mindfulness or
meditation tips might be beneficial.

As the amelioration of digital marketing has made a huge impacts on consumers, the students’
purchasing habit is also strongly affected. There are so many sorts ofThe advertisements on
social media have been increasingly various. In the study of A (year), Studies have shown that
the 3 most popular sorts of advertisements include contents, images and, videos. Students’d find
the goods interesting if the they are  effectively advertised . According to Lazada (2022) on the
results of a research survey on online shopping behavior across Southeast Asia, released by
Lazada (2022), 73% of Southeast Asian consumers consider online shopping to be a part of their
daily lives, while compared to two years ago, this figure is was only close to 60%.

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